In accordance with
the Act, the tax base on aforesaid operations should be
determined as difference between sale price with taking into
account of the tax and motor-car acquisition price.
The Act shall putt into effect from January 1, 2009, but
not earlier than upon expiration of one month from the day of
its official publication and not earlier than 1 day of following
taxable period on the value-added tax.
The Act is published in the "Russian News paper"
(N 251) of December 9, 2008.
There has been ratified the international document
The Federal Act N 231-FZ of December 3, 2008 (document is
in Russian) has ratified the Convention between the Government
of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's
Democratic Republic of Algeria about avoiding of double taxation
in respect of taxes on incomes and property assigned in Algiers
city as on March 10, 2006.