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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

The Russian Federation has joined to the Framework convention of the World Health Organization against tobacco
2008-04-28 08:00


The Russian Federation has joined to the Framework convention of the World Health Organization against tobacco

The suggestion of the RF Government about joining of the Russian Federation to the Framework convention of the World Health Organization against tobacco (document is in Russian) expressed in the Decree N 113 of February 22, 2008 (document is in Russian) has been secured in adoption of the Federal Act N 51-FZ of April 24, 2008 (document is in Russian), where the Russian Federation has joined to the Framework convention of the World Health Organization against tobacco of May 21, 2003.

The amendments are made to the procedure for licensing of activity on development, production, realization and acquisition in purposes of sale of special technical means intended for secret receiving of information
2008-04-28 08:00


The amendments are made to the procedure for licensing of activity on development, production, realization and acquisition in purposes of sale of special technical means intended for secret receiving of information

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 295 of April 23, 2008 (document is in Russian) makes amendments to the Statute on licensing of activity on development, production, realization and acquisition in purposes of sale of special technical means intended for secret receiving of information, by sole traders and legal entities making entrepreneurial activity approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 526 of July 15, 2002 (document is in Russian).
In accordance with the amendments, the period for making decision on issue of the license is shortened from 60 to 45 days, that is brought into accordance with the Federal Act "On licensing of certain kinds of activity" . There is excluded the provision according to which in the case of necessity licensing body has the right to make examination of conformance of applicant for the license to licensing requirements and terms, directly or with attraction of specialized bodies and institutions.

Besides, there is determined what is referred to gross violation of licensing requirements and terms, as well as there is established the duty of the RF Federal Security Service to place open and free information referring to licensing of activity on development, production, realization and acquisition in purposes of sale of special means on its official Internet site.

There are approved the forms of documents using during licensing procedure of auditors activity
2008-04-28 08:00


There are approved the forms of documents using during licensing procedure of auditors activity

The Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 38n of April 7, 2008 (document is in Russian) approves the forms of documents using during licensing procedure of auditors activity:
application on submission of the license for making auditors activity (for legal entity) (the form N 1-LA);

application on submission of the license for making auditors activity (for sole trader) (the form N 2-LA);

list of documents submitted by applicant for the license for making auditors activity (the form N 3-LA);

information on qualification certificates of auditors to the state registry of certified auditors of auditors institution, which are in the staff of applicant of the license - commercial institution, or belonging to applicant of the license - sole trader (the form N 4-LA);

reference on cadres of applicant of the license for making auditors activity (the form N 5-LA);

application on re-drawing up of documents conforming availability of the license for making auditors activity (for legal entity) (the form N 6-LA);
application on re-drawing up of documents conforming availability of the license for making auditors activity (for sole trader) (the form N 7-LA);

  application on prolongation of validity period of the license for making auditors activity (for legal entity) (the form N 8-LA);

application on prolongation of validity period of the license for making auditors activity (for sole trader) (the form N 9-LA);

application on issue of copy of document conforming availability of the license for making auditors activity (for legal entity) (the form N 10-LA);

application on issue of copy of document conforming availability of the license for making auditors activity (for sole trader) (the form N 11-LA);

application on submission of information included to the registry of licenses for making auditors activity (the form N 12-LA);

  notification on granting of the license for making auditors activity (the form N 13-LA);

notification on refusal in granting of the license for making auditors activity (the form N 14-LA);

notification on refusal in redrawing up (prolongation of validity period) of the license for making auditors activity (the form N 15-LA);
notification on necessity of elimination of infringements in documents submitted for receiving of the license for making auditors activity (the form N 16-LA);
extract from the registry of licenses for making auditors activity (the form N 17-LA).

The amendments are made to the Direction of the Bank of Russia "On the Procedure for Setting by the Bank of Russia of Accounting Prices for Affined Precious Metals"
2008-04-28 08:00


The amendments are made to the Direction of the Bank of Russia "On the Procedure for Setting by the Bank of Russia of Accounting Prices for Affined Precious Metals"

  The Direction of the Bank of Russia N 1993-U of April 9, 2008 (document is in Russian) makes amendments to clause 2 of the Direction of the Bank of Russia N 1283-U " On the Procedure for Setting by the Bank of Russia of Accounting Prices for Affined Precious Metals" of May 28, 2003 (document is in Russian), and in accordance with them accounting prices for affined precious metals shall be calculated by the Bank of Russia from July 1, 2008 on the basis of sizes of prices on gold, silver, platinum and palladium effecting on the moment of calculation, fixed on the London market of spot metal during standard procedures for fixation of market prices, and shall be calculated in rubles on official course of USA dollar to Russian ruble effecting at the day following after the day of fixation of accounting prices.

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