These kinds of licensing
shall be provided by the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological
and Nuclear Supervision, the license shall be granted for 5
To explosive materials there are referred explosives
and articles on their base, means of initiation applied at making
blasting operations or used on production of other explosive
There are approved the Rules of payment of remuneration to author at public resale of works of visual art, author's manuscripts (autographs) of literary works and music
the Rules establish the size of aforesaid remuneration in
percent of price of resale of original of work of fine art,
author's manuscripts (autographs) of literary works and
music, or in lump sum and percent.
Payers of remuneration
are sellers of originals of works. Receivers of remuneration
are authors of originals of works and their heirs (owners of
the right of inheritance).
The Decree shall come into effect from the day of its official
publication and shall be applied to legal relations arisen from
January 1, 2008.