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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English #61

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Выпуск #61
--- ПРОДВИНУТЫЙ ENGLISH --- 24.03.03
Электронный журнал для тех, кто любит English и хочет знать о нем больше






WHAT'S NEW...         up to contents
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Уважаемые подписчики! Стараясь помочь вам в нелегком деле изучения / познания языка, я удваиваю периодичность выхода рассылки. Теперь вы будете получать ее 2 раза в неделю, но один из выпусков будет содержать в себе только теоретическую информацию, а также ваши ответы и вопросы. Итак, ждите выпусков рассылки по понедельникам и четвергам и резервируйте немного времени на изучение языка в это время.

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WHAT THEORY SAYS...         up to contents
How to use it

before, in front of
Before редко употребляется как предлог места, обычно для этого используется in front of. Применительно к месту before используется в основном тогда, когда важен порядок, в котором расположены предметы.
Your name comes before mine
ваше имя идет до моего
She was before me in the queue
в очереди она была передо мной

to behave
Если имеется дополнение, то требуется предлог towards.
The magazine teaches parents how to behave towards their children
журнал учит, как родители должны вести себя с детьми

Keep it in mind

Proverbs and sayings

похожи как две капли воды - as like as two peas
много воды утекло - much water has flowed under the bridges
молчит, словно воды в рот набрал - he does not say a word, he keeps mum

Mind it changes meaning

Phrasal verbs

to do up

1) приводить в порядок, прибирать
But who is to do up your room every day?

2) застегивать, завязывать
You've done your buttons up the wrong way.
Please help me to do up this knot.
These old-fashioned trousers do up with buttons.

3) одеваться, быть одетым
Here and there in the street you come across a black man done up in a tweed suit.
Mary came to the party all done up in her best dress.
Do up your coat or you'll catch cold.

4) избить
Some of the boys did me up last night.

5) разорять
The thing to do is to do up your competitors

Advanced Grammar

Many styles of academic writing avoid first and second person pronouns, apparently in order to sound more "objective":

It will be argued that... ('We will argue that...")
This paper demonstrates... ("We will show you...")
Two strategies that can help with pronoun avoidance are "nominalization" and "agentless passive".


Nominalization means turning a verb, adjective or other word into a noun. Nominalization in English is highly irregular; there are many different suffixes (most borrowed from Latin) and other kinds of changes associated with nominalization.

good (adj.) > goodness (noun)
easy (adj.) > ease (noun)
apply (verb) > application (noun)
insist (verb) > insistence (noun)
fly (verb) > flight (noun)
affect (verb) > effect (noun)
intend (verb) > intent (noun)
use (verb) > use (noun)

Sometimes there is no change at all:

walk (verb) > walk (noun)
Nouns can also be used as verbs ("verbalization"), generally with no change in form:

dust (noun) > dust (verb)
battle (noun) > battle (verb)

Nominalization (especially of verbs) is useful in "jargony" registers for a variety of reasons:

It lets you omit mention of the participants in an event, for instance to conceal their identity.
The enemy destroyed the city (sentence)
The enemy's destruction of the city (nominalization)
The destruction of the city
The destruction (who destroyed what?)

It lets you foreground relationships between events as opposed to the events themselves
The destruction of the city led to an extended conflict
Allow compact mention of an event that is already known to the reader ("presupposed information")
The enemy bombed the city for weeks. The destruction was devastating.
Express a large amount of information compactly
"The destruction was devastating" vs. "When the enemy destroyed the city, that was devastating".

WHAT PRACTICE ADDS...       up to contents
This might attract your attention at reading

- somehow a rather unlikely weapon

they would be arriving before very long

he was trying to appear his normal self

it put him into a heavy slumber which lasted beyond his usual hour of waking.

To make up one's mind on that point one would have to see┘

He realized that she, after bringing him his letters to sign, had gone home┘

How can I serve you?

Don't say you can't manage it.

Good writing

Apostrophe (')

To form the possessive case of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and an s.
Examples: Bob's car; One's home.
If the addition of an "s" produces an awkward sound, add only the apostrophe. Usually, this is when there is already a double "s" sound.
Examples: Moses'; for old times' sake; for goodness' sake.

To form the possessive case of a plural noun, add an apostrophe after the s.
Example: girls' teams.
If the plural form of the word does not end in s, add an apostrophe and an s.
Example: women's team.

Use an apostrophe to show where letters have been omitted in a contraction.
Examples: can't = cannot; it's = it is.

Quote of the week

His weariness is that of the gladiator after the combat; his work was the whitewashing of corner in a state official's office. KAFKA, 'Aphorisms 1917-19', The Great Wall of China

Of interest...


"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" Stephen Wright
"I refuse to be intimidated by reality anymore. Reality is just a collective hunch." Lilly Tomlin

"I want to thank everybody who made this day necessary." Yogi Berra

"My ancestors wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask directions." Elayne Boosler

"When you come to the fork in the road, take it." Yogi Berra

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." Ashleigh Brilliant

"If you aren't having fun in your work, fix the problem before it becomes serious; ask for help if you need it. If you can't fix it and won't ask for help, please go away before you spoil the fun for the rest of us." Russ Walden, President of Ridgecrest Properties

"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." Henry Kissinger

"Sometimes you just need to look reality in the eye, and deny it." Garrison Keillor

"When at the Constitutional convention they proposed limiting the US standing army to 5,000 men, George Washington responded requesting a clause that would limit the size of the invading army to 3,000 troops. Laughter followed and the proposal was dropped." The Laugh Connection

"Mostly, I just get older, without ever actually reaching maturity. That is my current plan." Dave Barry

"You don't drown by falling in the water, but by staying in the water"-Cavett Robert

"What's your mission? It's in my desk. Now that's compelling" Charles Garfield

"The possibilities are mind-boggling..and if you've ever had your mind boggled, you know how painful that can be." Steve Allen

"Your reasoning is silly, illogical, irrational, and it's beginning to make sense." Anonymous

WHAT'S THE QUESTION THEN...        up to contents
Previous Enigma

Завершен пятый тур конкурса. Правильный ответ: Slim chance = Fat chance = not very likely
Победителями этого тура стали:

Alexis S. Zaharov, Anna Bronnikova, Denis Petrov, Sergei Umanski, inna_chalykh, Наталья (fols1706@...), Jedi@perm, Alexander Sortov

Каждый из них заработал по 2 балла. Лидеры после четвертого тура:

Maria Gryzlova
Наталья (fols1706@...)
Alexander Sortov

New Puzzle

В 6 туре вам предстоит вспомнить или обнаружить самое длинное английское слово, буквы которого идут строго в алфавитном порядке.


Слово известно даже начинающим. Цена вопроса - 1 балл. Спасибо Денису Петрову за вопрос. Oтвет присылать сюда

WHAT IS STILL UNCLEAR...      up to contents

61-1 Может, кто поможет понять, откуда в произношении носителей языка появился звук s после глухих в таких, например, случаях (из Depeche Mode, for instance): It's time to starts playing your parts, Do what you wants, Whats you doin' (это уже не из Депешей, но все равно интересно). Как следует понимать этот феномен, так действительно можно говорить? Примеров этого непонятного явления можно найти множество. Буду очень признателен за разъяснение. Примечание: во всех примерах указан произносительный вариант, а не письменный, что само собой разумеется. Александр Oтветить на вопрос

61-2 1) Как по английски будут слова "там-там" и "банджо" (музыкальные инструменты)? 2) He asked him whether it was a hard life, в то время как учитель в школе говорит так: He asked him if it was a hard life. Может, какой-то из вариантов неправилен, или можно говорить и так, и так? Кунин Антон Oтветить на вопрос

59-2 Sprosila tut u odnogo druga - anglichanina, on skazal, chto organisation - anglizizm, organization - amerikanizm mashat78

60-2 Я бы перевела так эту фразу "В душе этого парня (мальчика) беспокоило что-то, что сбивало его с толку, то ли не до конца продуманные мысли, то ли неясно ощущаемые эмоции". Oksana

60-2 "There was in the soul of that boy some confused striving , whether of half-thought-out ideas or of dimly felt emotions..." - В душе этого мальчика происходила какая-то хаотичная борьба - то ли неосновательно обдуманных / незаконченных мыслей, то ли смутных переживаний... Игорь З.

60-2 Маша, а можно узнать какое это произведение Моэма? Это мой любимый писатель и я его много читаю. Владимир.

60-2 Я бы перевел так: "В душе того мальчика имелось некое смущенное стремление, обусловленное наполовину продуманными идеями, а наполовину - смутными эмоциями ... " Важно согласовать с контекстом. chamanaev

60-1 Вот что дает словарь Longman по этому поводу: WORD CHOICE: relationship, relations Relations between people, groups, countries etc are often about working together or communicating. Relations is more official word. A relationship between people and other people or things may be either close and full of emotion, or simply a matter of fact. A relationship with someone or something is usually close, and may involve strong feelings. Yulia Yukina

60-1 Relationship указывает на тесные (родственные, любовные) отношения. Relation подразумевает более широкое понятие отношений, связей (причино-следственные, в процессе работы, отношения к каким-либо фактам, в том числе повествования, сообщения, отчеты).chamanaev

60-3 In the tree - в дереве (дупло), в дереве целей, в дереве файлов и т.п. On the tree - на дереве (птица сидела на дереве) - физическое нахождение на дереве. chamanaev


Even at the end there's more we can learn. More than we can learn from your experience of this ezine, and more ways to add to your learning experience. So tell us what you think of this ezine.

Special thanks to Lyubov Abramova for proofreading
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