[TC] скайп: странное сообщение

Привет! когда открываю скайп раздаётся писк, затем появляется сообщение: "Problem:
JAWS and/or Skype Restart Required
Skype is unaware that a screen reader is running and is not providing accessibility
and all attempts to fix this without reloading JAWS or Skype have failed.
JAWS and/or Skype must be restarted to fix this problem.
Until the below directions are followed, many things will not work correctly
in Skype with JAWS.
Please close all screen readers, then restart JAWS and see if this corrects the
If you have already done this but the problem remains, close and restart Skype.
This should not usually be necessary.
We are sorry for this inconvenience. Details of the cause of this problem can
be found
Press Esc to close this message and return to Skype.". разъяснитепожалуйста что
это такое и как заставить скайп 5,3 работать нормально? благодарю за помощь.