1. Имеется сервер Лотус 6.5.3 2. Созданы группы: global1, global2, global3, .... group1, group2, group3, ...... 3. group(1-3,.....) распределены между global(1-3,......) 4. Все пользователи раскиданы по Group(1-3,.....) 5. В таблицу прав доступа базы прописаны global(1-3,....) с правами от читателя до управляющего
Суть проблемы: при попытке подключения под пользователем выводится сообщение от том, что пользователь не авторизирован для подключения. При калькуляции его совокупных прав выводит, что пользователь принадлежит к одной из групп group, но не принадлежит ни к одной из групп global. При добавлении в аксес лист базы соответствующей группы group пользователь работает должным образом.
Вопрос: наследуются ли права по иерархии вложенности групп, если да, то где это включается?
Я бы посмотрел на системной уровне. Такое впечатление, что что-то с каналом не в порядке. Отдельные пакеты могут ведь ходить и в неисправном канале.. это не оч чем не говорит. ...
Я бы посмотрел на системной уровне. Такое впечатление, что что-то с каналом не в порядке. Отдельные пакеты могут ведь ходить и в неисправном канале.. это не оч чем не говорит. ...
1. Канал не рвется точно, т.к. там кроме Лотуса работают критичные приложения, для которых разрыв не остался бы незамеченным. К тому же я сам мониторю сеть сидя удаленно на маршрутизаторе в удаленном офисе. Меня бы тоже выкинуло. Но предположение...
One of my favorite new features in Notes 8.5 is the ability to add internet calendars to my Notes calendar. You can add any internet calendar that uses the iCal standard (any calendar that, has an ICS
A recent survey by Microsoft confirms what mail administrators everywhere know, more than 97% of all e-mail is unwanted spam, often laden with malware.
PISTOLSTAR: LOTUS NOTES AUTHENTICATION THAT BREAKS THE STATUS QUO Password Power's complete integration with the Microsoft Active Directory password enables Notes client access, ends time-consuming Notes ID password recovery and addresses known issues with Notes 8.5:
Passwords are encrypted in volatile memory - not stored on user's hard drive
Notes roaming capabilities are fully functional - not limited
Password checking is honored - no decreased security or failed compliance
All Notes ID file copies are synched automatically with Active Directory password - no remembering old passwords or restoring ID files
Tuesday, April 14, Lotusphere Comes to You will be held at the Embassy Suites - LAX South. Or, if you're in Florida, Lotus911 will be sponsoring: Tallahassee April 14 and Jacksonville April 15.
Carl Tyler upgraded to Notes 8.5 and a new machine at the same time. After the move it looked like the fonts in Notes had all put on a few pixels. He found a simple fix for the problem.
Kevin S Pettitt wants you to tell Mary Beth Raven what you think about those old 16-color icons. If you're tired of the old icons, please let the design team know.
Sorry about the unexplained silence last week. We decided to take a four day trip to Whitby with the kids and their gran.
While it sounds like most people went away for the long Easter weekend (did you hear the travel news last Thursday? Sounded like hell on the roads!), we opted to spend the majority of it in or around the house. On the Tuesday that things died down we set off and got there in no time at all.
It always amazes me that people opt to travel anywhere for the long bank holiday weekends. Assuming everybody gets 28 days a year to take as holidays then why not pick any other weekend and make it in to a long one by booking the Friday and Monday off of work!?
Talking of holiday allowance - that's how our break came about. Karen pointed out - quite rightly - that I hardly take any time off and our only holiday is one week a year, whereas most "normal" people get up to 4 weeks a year.
Being self employed means it's all too easy not to take the odd short break from work. There's never the right time to. Although I'm always glad when I do, even if I come back to a mountain (well, a mound, at least) of work. Spending time with the family is always worth it!
Whitby is a great place for a short break by the sea. If you've never been you should make a point of it. There's plenty to do for at least 3 days. If you like places with a bit of history then Whitby is full of it, as all my Australian readers will no doubt know. Or any Dracula fans among you?
I'd share pictures but the came broke while we were away (girls can't catch!). I did get a couple of cute ones of the kiddies down on the beach though.
They grow so fast!
Anyway, back to work. Just thought I'd check back in.
A possible solution to overcoing the problems associated with embedded views and not being able to sort the columns etc could be to set the selection criteria for the view at runtime - e.g. as a property of the embedded View object and not at the View level itself. This would take precedence over any selection criteria already set at the view level
This way, 'Show single Category' does not need to be used, and you are left with a standard view which can be sorted via column headers etc.
I appreciate that this causes an indexing issue at runtime, but I'm sure it is achievable.
It would mean that you could set a selection criteria such as ...
View Selection = {SELECT Form="Contacts" & ParentCompanyID = "} + CompanyID + {"} where CompanyID is s field at document level
Other linked idea: http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/865DF2C0952B6EC7862573C6006DD35E?OpenDocument
I have a very upset Communication Manager who has just spent a fortune on a new branding identity and she cannot have the correct text colour displayed in systems!
This works OK for backgrounds and other elements, just not text
I do not know if this is only in the Norwegian version of Notes, but in the Windows File menu, the Save as new version is placed between the Open and Close actions. Often I see that users do not find it.
A more natural location would be below the Save action.
As an alternative to Views/folders, provide the ability to execute a query at run time that returns a subset of documents in the database and allow me to display these documents in a control similar to a view/folder. This is not unlike how datagrids work with SQL based languages. I execute a specific SQL query and then display the nominated columns from the resuiltset in a grid control. To allow performance tuning, the query should be able to be run against either the entire database or an existing view index. This would be an ideal control to then add to an XPage design element (Web or Notes client versions).
As an alternative to Views/folders, provide the ability to execute a query at run time that returns a subset of documents in the database and allow me to display these documents in a control similar to a view/folder. This is not unlike how datagrids work with SQL based languages. I execute a specific SQL query and then display the nominated columns from the resuiltset in a grid control. To allow performance tuning, the query should be able to be run against either the entire database or an existing view index. This would be an ideal control to then add to an XPage design element (Web or Notes client versions).
In 8.5 client you can subscribe to published calendars, including protected Google Calendars. You can subscribe to an OfficeLive calendar if it is public, but you cannot subscribe to it if it is protected. Provide choice to subscribe to OfficeLive calendar just like you can to a Google calendar.
The Symphony Icons will be created by default on the users desktop (all users profile). There is no way to remove these icons with the installshield tuner.
The problem is now... if the user has only user rights, he isn´t allowed to delete the symphony icons (because they are in the all users profile).
The idea is now to allow us to choose via installshield tuner if we wish to create these icons or not.
SPR# DPOS4KEK4E- This SPR partially fixes a problem with container leaks in IMAP. The problem is a internal issue with storage containers in NSF where under certain transaction logging scenarios the containers are left open causing subsequent access failures and the server panics with the message "NSFBufOpenStorage: Attempt to reopen an open container" causing server outage. The issue is fixed in 7.0.2FP3, 7.0.3FP1 and 7.0.4 by setting the following parameters to the server's notes.inis to enable the fix DEBUG_DEFER_CLOSE_CONT=1 and DEBUG_TRAP_REOPEN_CONTAINER=3. In 8.0.1, the fix is enabled by default and it is not necessary to enable the notes.ini parameters.
While running Compact -C on some databases, files named with a .TMP extension are created and are not being renamed to their original extension. Additionally, the following error message displays: "File does not exist - You must rename it yourself".
When the secondary server specified in the Location document is a clustermate of the home/mail server, that entry will not be used to find the secondary server.
The Lotus Domino server console or log reports a database as corrupt. Or on a Lotus Notes client, you notice that new mail does not appear in the Inbox. This issue is specific to cases where the Hotfix for SPR# KHAN79MU5N has been implemented.
SPR# RHAN6HXLVF - This SPR addresses two different problems/crashes. The first problem was with some old preventive code that has been removed. The second problem/crash was fixed by adding a little extra clean up in our ClearRunRAB routine. The fix cleaned up some RABS that shouldn't have parent RABS. We ran into this when we had a hotspot that did not get terminated and was followed by another hotspot. This hotspot thought the first hotspot RAB was its parent.