Всем привет. Появилась проблема. Не отрабатывает @DbLookup у одного пользователя. Раньше работал, сейчас нет. Проверили ID на другом ПК, та же картина. Видимо дело в ID. Что предшествовало: 1) на сервер 6.5.4 был накатан fp какой то версии (не скажу сейчас) 2) у пользователя обновляли ОС Пользователь зарегистрирован в ДД на русском языке как и все остальные. На агл. никто не будет переводить их. Пробовали (правда без моего участия) поставить второй домино сервер 7-й версии и проверить, проблема осталась.
Нужен скриптик, котороый мог бы показать немрдальный попап около систрея. Что-то вроде того, что показывает миранда, firefox, тот же скайп. Можно и WinApi, и другие решения. Главное, что бы было возможно шмальнуть из LotusScript с передачей параметра "текст попапа".
Если у кого есть, или хотя бы знает, где искать, поделитесь плиз! Спасибо!
Трабл в чём - я сейчас устроился на работу... отработал стажировку... тока выходить на ставку - тут на ... последнее задание и мы тебя берём... Lotus Notes нужно отстроить в банке гдето установить, где то донастраивать(Короче ппц, я то ни бум-бум в нём)!!! Сейчас я по ссылкам бегаю, что в этом разделе врубится не могу.. IBM.ком как родной сайт стал, я вконтакте так не бегаю от пользователя к пользователю или нажатием Фпять!!!
Люди что прошу,
Как выучить его... что нибудь легкое набросайте.. мне кажется таких как я много кому срочно нужно его знать - так что гУру ЛОтуСА))) может дадите ссылки - книжки - что полегче и поудобнее... или сами что подскажите... я его до сих пор в глаза не видел!!!
Говорят установка тоже создает трубности - принцип работы какой, вообще больше по сути... Буду благодарен... пост мне кажется нужный!
If a user's rights to a replicated database change, some documents may not replicate down to a local database because of date stamps. Jens Polster provides sample code to clear the replication history on a database.
Remember my previous name that bird competition? Well, here's another one for you. Although this time it's non-sexist and we're talking about the winged variety of bird.
Can any of you name this bird:
I saw it in the garden last week and took this poor photo to see if dad knew what it was. He says not and suggests I ask you lot.
Patrick Kwinten is working on a Notes application that allows users to upload images from Notes then view them with a web browser. On this page he includes some screen shots and code to show how it all works.
We're continuing our three-part series about Notes on the Mac. In this article, we're looking at some of the exciting new features of Notes 8.5 on the Macintosh. Come back next week to learn about some important troubleshooting tips.
Let's look at some of the new features in Notes 8.5. This article is chock-full of screenshots. All figures were captured on the Mac OS 10.5.6.
Notes 8.5 is the first release of Notes on the Mac that uses the Eclipse framework in the standard client release. Eclipse is an award-winning, open source platform for the construction of powerful software development tools and rich desktop applications. Some of the advantages of Eclipse are the ability to create plugins and composite applications.
One of the things that really helped me get to grips with Flex was an AIR application called Tour de Flex. It contained demos of each of the bundled Flex components, along with help and source code for usage. It's a nice way to get to know the tools you have at hand when using Flex.
I never linked to it on here though, as it's an AIR "desktop" application, which requires you install it on your PC, so goes against the web-bias of what we're doing.
AIR is a bit like Java. Just like you need a JVM installed to run a Java .jar file, with AIR you need the AIR runtime installed before you can download and install a .air file. AIR apps are based on Flex code, by the way.
Hold on though. Yesterday I read that they've ported it to a web-based version. You can now browse and be inspired by all of the out-the-box goodness that makes Flex the brilliant tool it is. See the navigator pane on the left hand side for a list of components to view.
The site itself is a Flex application and inspiring in itself. Have a play with the search filters and other bits to see other things you can do when you combine the components shown.
As a Notes/Domino developer, you've probably grown accustomed to using hidden fields on forms. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to view the values of these fields. This tip offers a workaround to using the document property field viewer to easily view hidden fields.
It would be nice to be able to sort values writing with a dot notation as an index
if you write an index as text with a dot notation and try this to sort in a column number .10 is placed above .2 if you sort it ascending. (see example)
When IBM releases a new version, they should document what the deployment version text is that should be used in the SmartUpgrade DB. I always wind up playing with it for a few hours or searching on LDD for someone else who has already done this to get the right text.
I use todos a lot and want to plan my next day(s). I want to drag and drop my todos into my next workday (or days) and thus plan my day.
This needs a view, where I can see the next day(s) and my todos and the possibility to drop todo items into the calender at specific times. Also todos need a "Needs x hours" field, so that they have a duration.
Personnaly I do not use it that often but I see users using in their mails trying to put certain information into visible separate blocks.
The default Horizontal Rule is just plain ugly and does not fit with the Eclipse based client. The variation options are also quiet limited.
When inserting a horizontal rule it would be nice to have the properties box come up where you could select different kinds of HR (like with sections), since you always want to change the ugly default look of a HR.
The idea is simple, but it is overlooked when releasing Notes 8 I assume.
I would like to see search that expands the view/folder I have open.
Sometimes I am looking for related documents that can be in my inbox, draft, folders or sent. I do not want go through all the views / folders separate to see if a related document is in there (the number of folders is quiet a lot)
I would like to be able to capture an ID activity even that ID file doesn't have a mailfile associated with it. I would like to run a report that will show the specific ID activity in the past 5-10-50-90 days, when it was logged in, what databases it accessed etc. Or make it a live capture by sending an alerts when a specific ID logged in to the server or accessed a database.
You click Send in a Lotus Notes e-mail to a specific user but receive an error message. Also, new mail for this user was not showing up in the mail file.
Accessing an encrypted DAOS object fails when Domino reads one encrypted object and writes another in such a way that the read and write actions overlap in the same user call (for example, Read A, Write B, Read A , Write B).
You receive an alarm popup for a scheduled event. However, the text of the alarm is incorrect. It displays an earlier version of the event title which has since been changed.
Lotus Support has just published a great Tech Note entitled "Differences between Notes/Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs, and Cumulative Client Hotfixes" that describes exactly that. For all who
It has been determined that these features, which are enabled by default with Service Pack 2 of Windows Server 2003, can have a negative impact on software performance, particularly for those software packages with a high transactional volume.
This article introduces the best practices in globalization that you can use to develop a good IBM®Lotus Notes® application. Following these recommendations, you can easily create good multilanguage-friendly Lotus Notes applications, which in turn can save you both resources and effort.
Improving input/output (I/O) performance is one of the major goals for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5. The developerWorks article "IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 performance for IBM Lotus Notes users" showed the impressive I/O reductions of Lotus Domino 8.5 with the Lotus Notes client. This article shows the I/O performance improvements of Lotus Domino 8.5 performance with iNotes users. Lotus iNotes had been called Lotus Domino Web Access in the past; its name is iNotes in Lotus Domino 8.5.
The Recent Contacts feature is a view in the personal address book in the Lotus Notes 8 client containing a local cache of people that you frequently collaborate with. Names are automatically populated in this view when you read mail from or send mail to a particular person. Can you disable the Recent Contact feature using a policy?