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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 167 от 2009-04-15

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 167 от 2009-04-15
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

Simple code, but I end up using it often - this will save me retyping and might help someone else too dt := @Now; day := @Right("0"+@Text(@Day(dt));2); month := @Select(@Month(dt);"Jan":"Feb":"Mar":"Apr":"May":"Jun";"Jul":"Aug":"Sep":"Oct":"Nov":"Dec"); day + " " + month + " " + @Text(@Year(dt))
This formula computes a link using a standard format; it assumes one attachment per document. attName:="MS Word document":"MS PowerPoint presentation":"Acrobat (pdf) document":"MS Excel spreadsheet"; attType:=".doc":".ppt":".pdf":".xls"; "<a class=\"download-link\" href=\""+cpAttURL+"\">"+cpAttachmentLabel+"</a> <span class=\"gray-dark\"><small>("+@Text(@Round(@AttachmentLengths/1000))+"KB, "+
@If(@Member(@Right(@AttachmentNames;4);attType)=0;"document"; attName[@Member(@Right(@AttachmentNames;4);attType)])+
", "+@Do(
dt := @AttachmentModifiedTimes; day := @Right("0"+@Text(@Day(dt));2); month := @Select(@Month(dt);"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"); day + " " + month + " " + @Text(@Year(dt))
If you want to redirect users depending on where they come from, country where they are connected, you can use the free tools at http://iplocationtools.com I will use a modified version of this Java-agent as the default page for every user not specifying which country-site they want. The user's IP address is normally found in the variable REMOTE_ADDR, in our case it is in X_HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR as the Domino server is behind a proxy/load balancer. This agent perform a 301 redirect (good for SEO) to the URL you choose. Please also explore the other info you can get from the http://iplocationtools.com service. I'm just using country but you will also get city, state and position in lat/long. /Mats
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Статус - познающий ДАО :)
Статус - познающий ДАО :)
Ситуация следующая. Есть несколько удаленных пользователей со слабыми каналами связи. Лотусу выделено от 16 до 32 Кбит/с. Почта храниться локально, реплицируется с сервера. Репликация очень часто завершается неудачей с сообщением "Сервер не является...
Ситуация следующая. Есть несколько удаленных пользователей со слабыми каналами связи. Лотусу выделено от 16 до 32 Кбит/с. Почта храниться локально, реплицируется с сервера. Репликация очень часто завершается неудачей с сообщением "Сервер не является...
Нужно менять дизайн в почтовом шаблоне (*.ntf), а на сервере должна быть запущена задача Designer.
Здраствуйте! стоит задача по внедрению Lotus Sametime.
Сервер Lotus Domino 7 и Lotus Sametime Server 8.0.1
Дистрибутива Lotus Sametime Connection пока нету, но возможнно ли в клиентской Lotus Notes 7установить и настроить это хозяйство. Знаю что в Lotus 8, sametime уже имеется.

Прошу Вас помочь с этим вопросом!
контакты hc1@mail.ru
Нужно менять дизайн в почтовом шаблоне (*.ntf), а на сервере должна быть запущена задача Designer.
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Tips. Советы

With titles like this, one doesn't really need further explanation of what the article is about. It's available on the Domino Wiki pages.

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The new IntelliPRINT Dashboard Reporting lets you quickly create real-time dashboards from inside your Lotus Notes applications! Easily create analyzable reports that users can drill-down and customize, reducing the time you spend on endless report iterations.
  • Simple report creation
  • Reduced iterations
  • Drill-down analysis
  • Powerful visualization

Download your FREE trial here.

IBM has launched its own YouTube channel, Collaboration4You. Right now there are 16 short (most are less than a minute) videos on different aspects of collaboration.

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Mikkel Heisterberg offers some tips on configuring Eclipse on Ubuntu 8.0.4 for Notes plug-in development. Since configuration is almost identical to that for Windows, he's updated an older post.

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Using the workspace.OpenFileDialog method lets you filter file types before attaching them to a Notes field form. You can modify this method further by limiting the size of attachments. Get the steps and LotusScript you need here.

Stuart McIntyre has posted a list of the new fixpacks and hotfixes for Quickr. He provides the Fix Central URL to help you get what you need.

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Jerry Carter posted this 3 and a half minute video with The Poetic Prophet - SEO Rapper rapping his way through design considerations for web sites.

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Chris Toohey has posted a 5-minute video demoing some of the potential problems when using Permalinks with NotesDocument UNIDs.

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Chris Miller has posted a screen-shot of the error and that isn't quite what it says. He also posted a link to Ray Davies' post on how to fix the problem.

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By Mick Moignard

Here's one about Rich Text that I've come across more than a few times over the years with Lotus Notes.

You have a need for a Rich Text field on a form, but qualified such that it only appears in certain circumstances. Our natural response is to add a hide-when to the section of the form that the field is in.

This could well be quite a complex hide-when that tests not only @UserRoles values to see what the users access levels to the database is, but also looks at a status field that evaluates part of the application workflow -- just the sort of thing that happens in many Lotus Notes applications.

"You'll definitely do some swearing hen you then realise that you can't fix it programmatically."

You test the form, and initially it works just fine. Then you start to see some strange effects: text appears when it shouldn't, or doesn't appear when it should.

I just hope you see weirdnesses in your development testing, and don't find out about it instead from your end users via the helpdesk.

Want to know whats happening and what to do? Tap here and read on.

Meet your colleagues in St. Louis, Missouri August 3-4, 2009 for A Lotus User Group conference. Chris Miller has posted the details.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Srini Tarinikanti
Tags: Rating
WCM should allow users to insert content rating. We have a site that users WCM on the back and Portal on the front and has evolved like a wiki. All of the members of the team, upto 250 of them can author content. Since the site evolved as a wiki, the need, for rating of the content, has become all the more important.
WCM should have something built in. We have designed a custom solution for this using Adobe Flash, AJAX and wcm api. However, this comes at an overhead.
A component, which allows one to choose, rating type, stars or numbers(1 through 5) implemented as a component is not difficult to build and make it available out-of-box.

Author: Jeff Gilfelt
Tags: webservice lotusscript soa integration
When using the native web service consumer in Notes/Domino 8, there seems to be no way to manipulate the SOAP header sent with each request.
Most web service APIs for cloud based services like Force.com and S3 assign a session ID and service endpoint *after* authentication, and then require client code to set this information in the SOAP header for subsequent requests. This is not possible using the Notes/Domino web service consumer.
I realise that there are many alternatives for web service consumption (Axis/Java, Stubby, Expeditor), but what then is the point of the "native" consumer if it cannot participate in real world SOA integration?

Author: Brett van Gelder
Tags: calendar cancel invitee decline
When I have a one-on-one meeting which I schedule, and the person accepts yet later declines, by design it remains in my calendar (I believe). A few times this has happened and I've forgotten to go back and cancel so I think there is still a meeting as it remains in my calendar.
It would be nice if when the (last) person declined that I am given the choice to remove the calendar entry from the calendar (would only be appropriate when there is only one other person in the meeting). Seems like a little extra logic involved, however not impossible.

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Статьи и Документация

This article reports on IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler 8.5 performance for both 32-bit and 64-bit environments. It also compares the performance of the Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5 (32-bit) server and the Lotus Notes Traveler 8.0.1 (32-bit) server.
SPR# YXIG7FZR2K - Fixed a problem where compression buffer usage expands up memory usage and causes system crashes. This fix caps the memory usage per note to 256K.
SPR# YPHG73H392 - Fixed a server crash which occurred due to a stack overflow generated by an infinite loop recursion during view update.
SPR# TBAE6VJTFC - Fixed a problem that caused multiple room owner notifications to be sent when cluster failover for R&R was done and a database was already under local RnRMgr control.
SPR# TKIE5LQ8G2 - With this fix, a flag is set to "prohibit the design refresh or replace to modify" on a newly created image resource, so that the upgrade will not remove the image. This regression was introduced in 6.0.1.
The document count for a database in a cluster is different from the document count for its replica on a cluster member.
When a quota is applied to a Lotus Notes mail file, the owner cannot send a new calendar invite with an attachment of more than 35KB using Lotus iNotes.
In Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino 8, it is possible to use a desktop settings policy to enable "Replicate when Notes starts" and "Replicate when Notes ends"? If users have this setting enabled, is it possible to disable it using this type of policy?
C/C++ Code Variable Notes,ini string UI Functional Area UI Control INI_STACK_VAR "StackedIcons" Workspace Properties menu - right click on workspace Stack Rep
Bundle ID Exclude Prefs Exclude Bundle Data Comments com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.alertmanager Sametime, alert settings com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.community com.ibm.collaboration.
The Domino server Replica task crashes on AIX platform during allocation of superblock.
A Lotus® Domino® server is hanging with the following error: "0x03CE Monitor manager: Overall control semaphore"
In Lotus Domino 6.5.6, 7.0.1 fix pack 1 ( and 7.0.2 releases, an "@ERROR" is returned to a dialog list in a field over the web when dealing with more than 64K worth of data. In prior versions of Domino, the list was correctly returned even if the data exceeded 64K.
Your Domino server has crashed and is not starting. You receive the error "Unable to invoke program" when clicking the desktop icon to start the server.
Abstract This white paper provides a high-level overview of Alloy architecture, benefits, requirements for deployment, deployment and customization options, and an example of an Alloy deployment plan.
One of the new security features provided with micro broker v3, which is shipped with IBM® Lotus® Expeditor 6.2, is the ability to encrypt network data transmitted to and from the broker using the industry-standard Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL) protocols. This article describes several ways to secure your micro broker communication using this new feature.
Your Notes 7 client does not pull ID recovery information down from a Domino 8 server.
The Lotus Notes client crashes when you select a memo in your mail file and create a Reply with History.
You are installing a non-English version of the Notes client. After the installation completes, the English templates are installed instead of the templates specific to the language of the installation.
If you forward a contact or distribution list from Outlook to a Notes, the contact or distribution list is not usable.
Trying to authenticate with a Domino server through POP3 with SSL options enabled using Thunderbird, you receive the error "Sending of username did not succeed. Mail server xxxxxxxxx responded: Unknown command: "User".
Lotus,协作领域的常青树 1. Lotus协作思想介绍 1.1 协作思想 人员对业务成果起到决定性的作用。IBM Lotus 软件将眼光放在业务中的人为因素方面,提供灵活且高度安全的可靠解决方案,让人们能够在组织边界内和跨组织边界进行协作,学习并利用他们的集体知识。Lotus 软件产品和服务允许社区通过利用其判断力、专业知识和经验对业务问题和机会做出快速的响应。 1.
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