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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 165 от 2009-04-10

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 165 от 2009-04-10
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Сам не пробовал.
Да, проблема возникает у всех 6 пользователей настроенных на этот конкретный ящик. Они подключаются через Microsoft Outlook. Однако у других пользователей, которые подключаются через MS Outlook к другим ящикам, все нормально.
Отредактировал учетную запись адресной книги Internet, выдает вот такое: "LDAP server connection failed in SSL initialization attempt"
Здравстуйте все, есть домен на windows 2003, на нем же стоит exchange 2003
Так, давайте определимся, есть Outlook Exspress и MS Outlook - это разные вещи.
Да, проблема возникает у всех 6 пользователей настроенных на этот конкретный ящик. Они подключаются через Microsoft Outlook. Однако у других пользователей, которые подключаются через MS Outlook к другим ящикам, все нормально.
Здравстуйте все, есть домен на windows 2003, на нем же стоит exchange 2003
Коллеги, добрый день!

Возникла следующая проблема: на сервере Lotus Domino 7.0.3FP1 (Windows 2003 Server) поднял LDAP. Все работает, все ищется, но через какое-то время после обращений к LDAP (2-3 минуты где-то) сервер просто тупо падает. Вот выдержка из логов:
### FATAL THREAD 7/8 [ nLDAP: 1480: 16e8]
### FP=0x0d23f37c, PC=0x60002a48, SP=0x0d23f374
### stkbase=0d240000, total stksize=262144, used stksize=3212
### EAX=0x0d23f39c, EBX=0x00000025, ECX=0x38eb2c1e, EDX=0x0d23f39c
### ESI=0x38eb2c1e, EDI=0x000000ff, CS=0x0000001b, SS=0x00000023
### DS=0x00000023, ES=0x00000023, FS=0x0000003b, GS=0x00000000 Flags=0x00010206
Exception code: c0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
@[ 1] 0x60002a48 nnotes.Cstrncpy@12+24 (d23f39c,38eb2c1e,ff)
@[ 2] 0x6056bb56 nnotes.CLDAPSearch::GetIDTableCategorized+1590 (38eb2c1e,2b56,0)
@[ 3] 0x6056d357 nnotes.CLDAPSearch::GetIDTable+743 (38821014,d230002,91fea20)
@[ 4] 0x6059ba11 nnotes.CLDAPSearch::ViewFilterSearch+657 (38821014,91fea38,d23f8b0)
@[ 5] 0x6059bb7f nnotes.CLDAPSearch::ViewFilterSearchList+111 (38821014,0,a1)
@[ 6] 0x6059bace nnotes.CLDAPSearch::ViewFilterSearch+846 (38821014,91fe9b8,388212c0)
@[ 7] 0x6057009a nnotes.CLDAPSearch::LDAPViewSearch+74 (38821014,38820f8b,38820814)
@[ 8] 0x60570a74 nnotes.CLDAPSearch::PerformSearch+740 (38821014,38820f8b,38820814)
@[ 9] 0x0041cdf5 nLDAP.CLDAPProtocol::StateSearch+5253 (10a0000,b337e0,b337d8)
@[10] 0x00406728 nLDAP.CLDAPProtocol::Run+1480 (0,0,448e40)
@[11] 0x0042ba4e nLDAP.CBaseTask::StateMachine+398 (b337d8,5129e14,448e40)
@[12] 0x00404432 nLDAP.CLDAPSrv::OnConnect+194 (448e40,5129e30,8680001)
@[13] 0x00421996 nLDAP.CIServ::ServerTaskProtocolMachine+262 (448e40,5129e14,3)
@[14] 0x004261c7 nLDAP.CIServ::ServerTaskIOCP+1127 (448e40,0,601031b0)
@[15] 0x00426afd nLDAP.ServerThread@4+29 (0)
[16] 0x7c824829 kernel32.GetModuleHandleA+223

Может кто подскажет как с этим можно бороться...
Сам не пробовал.
Так, давайте определимся, есть Outlook Exspress и MS Outlook - это разные вещи.
Отредактировал учетную запись адресной книги Internet, выдает вот такое: "LDAP server connection failed in SSL initialization attempt"
Можно и у шаблона скрыть дизайн, правда после этого у него нельзя будет установить свойство master template и следовательно по нему не будут рефрешиться базы, но зареплейсить у базы дизайн по этому шаблону можно будет.
Скрытие дизайна шаблона предполагает отказ от его дальнейшего редактирования?
Ну и смысл?
Смысл таков. Есть открытый шаблон - для разработки и шаблон со скрытым дизайном (данный шаблон обновляется открытым) - для заказчика, если не хочется заказчику отдавать свой код.
И как происходит обновление дизайна рабочей базы?
Обновляешь у себя шаблон со скрытым дизайном, приносишь его к клиенту, обновляешь с него рабочую базу?
К чему такие сложности...
Это на тот случай, когда нет возможности обновлять у базы заказчика самому, приходится ему отправлять шаблон.
Тогда нормальный вариант. :)
Угу, именно так:)
Угу, именно так:)
Да, именно так, только группа А подключаясь через MS Outlook к MailBox1 испытывает проблемы не всегда, но достаточно часто, чтобы это порядком поднадоело. Попробовали подключить группу А к MailBox1 через Outlook Exspress – возникли те же проблемы.
Да, именно так, только группа А подключаясь через MS Outlook к MailBox1 испытывает проблемы не всегда, но достаточно часто, чтобы это порядком поднадоело. Попробовали подключить группу А к MailBox1 через Outlook Exspress – возникли те же проблемы.
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Tips. Советы

Gareth Howell had recently upgraded to Foundations 1.1 when a user called to say he was no longer getting e-mail. A quick check revealed Gareth was the only one getting mail since the upgrade. In this posting Gareth explains the bug he found and a workaround.

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Auto-configuration is great, when it works as it should. Graham Dodge found the Lotus Foundations auto-config to be rather stubborn, not to mention confused, after a new firewall was put in.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

IBM has released the new eXtension Toolkit. This version is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, and Windows XP Professional.

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Some issues that frequently trouble Lotus Notes/ Domino administrators include resource consumption, time-consuming tasks, missed replication schedules and error conditions. Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM) features preconfigured probes to help administrators monitor their Lotus Notes/Domino environments.

If you want to do RSS-style feeds to your users from Domino databases, Michel Van der Meiren provides the necessary code on this page.

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Bruce Currier is getting ready to move to Domino 8.5 and has a couple of questions. The first has to do with transaction logging, the second has to do with creating a Domino server to be used for replicating files so they can be backed up with BackupExec. He'd appreciate hearing your ideas.

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LotusUserGroup.org has posted the March edition of SysAdmin Tips. In this edition: "Error with DAOS and Writing to a File", "My Domino Service Disappeared When Upgrading", and more.

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If you live in the Tri-state area, mark Tuesday, April 21 on your calendar. The Tri-State Lotus User Group will be meeting in Manhattan.

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PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.

  • Full support available for NTLM authentication protocol in non-Active Directory environments
  • Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication protocol
  • Leverage Active Directory password policies to unify Lotus applications

Download white paper to learn more: "Leverage Active Directory with Kerberos to Eliminate HTTP Password"

There's been a thorn in my side recently in that Domino has been leaving temporary files on the server and causing my code to break. The code emailed out PDF invoices, which are supposed to have my customer's logo on, but, because the code break, they didn't. It's all a bit embarrassing really for both parties involved.

The PDF file is generated by a Java Agent. To embed their logo in it it looks for a "setting" document which has the image file attached to it. It then get an InputStream so it can read the file in to "memory", like so:

EmbeddedObject eo = document.getAttachment(filesname);
InputStream is = eo.getInputStream();

You can see the same approach in use here (note the image in the resulting PDF -- it's from a document in the DB).

Now, at the point we call getInputStream() Domino creates a temporary file in the server's temp folder. It's name is something like eo12345678tm. This is where the problems start, as the names of these files don't appear to be random enough to ensure there isn't a conflict of names in those that don't get cleared up.

The problem is that, if Domino tries to create a temp file and one of the name it's trying to create already exists it just fails. Worse still it seems to remember this file's name ready for the next time you try to call getInputStream(). Again it will fail. It will keep failing until you go in there and clear out the temp files.

Having cleared out the folder once only for it to happen again I went looking for the solution. Luckily Julian had documented the issue. The solution is simple -- add a call to the recycle() method of the EmbeddedObject. Doh!! Turns out it was my fault all along.

So I added the fix to my code and breathed a sigh of relief. Things seemed to be working again. One less thing to worry about.

Not so quick! It soon happened again. What I'd neglected to do was clear up the existing temp files from the server after adding the fix. It was only a matter of time before server tried to write a temp file with the name of one those left behind and got itself stuck in a rut again.

To solve this I wrote a quick agent to remove all the temp files (I don't have shell access). Here it is:

Sub RemoveTempFiles Dim pathName As String, fileName As String, tmpFolder As String tmpFolder = "C:\Windows\Temp\" pathName = tmpFolder + "eo*tm" 'E.g: eo1989832343tm fileName = Dir(pathName, 0) On Error Goto failed Do While fileName <> "" Kill tmpFolder + fileName
nextFile: fileName = Dir() Loop  Exit Sub
failed: Call LogEvent("Can't delete temp file - " + fileName, 2, Nothing) Resume nextFile
End Sub

Hopefully this will help somebody out at some point.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Craig Boudreaux
Tags: lotus notes clients documents userinterface zoom
Similar to Word, Excel and even Symphony, the document container window should be allowed to be resized.  Many people like to use higher resolutions which cause the menus and toolsbars to shrink, but also make the document container shrink as well.  In MS Word the solution is to use the view menu to "zoom" in on the document to say 125%, 150% or 200% to make the document readable.
Since you already know what the menus and toolsbars say, it's not as important if they shrink, but the data you're working with needs to be at an appropriate size.
Now that the Notes client is in Ecplise, and this functionality is already present in Symphony, which also uses Eclipse, it would seem a simple matter to allow this functionality (in "view" or "zoom" button on the toolbar).
Also, this would help accessibility issues, since the text could be resized for comfortable reading.

Author: Andrea Garbagnoli
Tags: sameime ecf im
Extend ECF to use Sametime IM as a transport, as a base for integrating RT Shared Editing into Notes Client and Symphony

Author: Andrea Garbagnoli
Tags: shared collaborative editor ecf rt editing
Enable cooperative editing of documents by integrating the RT Shared Editing plugin for Eclipse

Author: Tim Paque
Tags: Replication corruption duplicates configuration
Once in a while we will have an old replica push in records that were long ago deleted, and it creates havoc.   There are just too many of them in the field to know for sure who has one that hasn't replicated all year.
I would like an option on the server replicas that tells them to only Push not Pull from Local Replicas for certain databses.

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Статьи и Документация

This article explains, step by step, how to build a customized Mozilla Firefox connector for IBM Lotus Quickr, using Lotus Quickr Representational State Transfer (REST) services. All the source code for the example is provided.
See below for a list of detailed system requirements for the supported releases of Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino, Lotus Domino Administrator, and Lotus Domino Designer.
Lotus software announced the availability of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino version 7.0.4 in April 2009. This scheduled maintenance release contains defect fixes. Upgrade Central provides key resources for planning and deploying the next release of your Lotus software. For the latest information about all Lotus software, visit the Upgrade Central Web page at: http://www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/upgradecentral
This document contains the address to the FTP site where the plug-in files are located. They are contained in a self extracting executable, dolsplugin.zip.
A comprehensive list of maintenance releases, fix packs and additional fixes for IBM® Lotus® Domino and Notes sorted by version.
An issue has been found with the Lotus Domino 8.5 ID Vault feature which requires customers to apply a patch to the Lotus Domino server. See below for additional details.
Occasionally you may want to create a new collection holder from scratch to which you can periodically add documents. The NotesDatabase.CreateDocumentCollection class is an efficient way to do this and can be created using LotusScript in Lotus Domino to be used in your Lotus Notes mail file..
This document explains why you are prompted that the plugin signature is not trusted when trying to install DOLS on a Linux platform.
The following key content resources, such as system requirements, product documentation, best practices wikis, discussion forums, support and education resources, are available for Lotus Notes and Domino.
This document contains the address to the FTP site where the plugin files are located. They are contained in a self extracting executable, dolsplugin.zip.
You set a quota on a database and check back in the morning to find that the quota has been removed. You verify with NotesPeek that no quota is enabled on the database.
You attempt to open a database locally using a Lotus Notes Client, but this error appears: "Database has grown too large; use File New Replica to recreate your file with larger capacity."
Users on Blackberry devices cannot always open the NSD fault report forms that are collected in a Mail-in database. Can the information be included in the Subject line of the email for these users?
The DSKTOOL.EXE Utility remediates the desktop icons in a recertification exercise.
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