Речь идет только о репликациях, запускаемых по расписанию. Руками не трогаем. Ну а раз они не накладываются, то собственно вопрос такой. Канал связи слабый. Лотусу выделено около 24-32 Кбит/с. При репликации она очень часто завершается неидачей именно с...
Вопрос наверное нубовкий, так что здорово не бейте.
Имеется в наличии N клиентов Lotus Notes 7.0.2, все на WinXP SP3.
Вопрос: можно ли каким либо образом автоматизировать настройку этих клиентов, к примеру на всех клиентах добавить промежуточное подключение к Server2 через Server1, изменять параметры настройки, параметры подключения, параметры архивации локальных реплик и т.д.
Где все эти настройки хранятся, можно ли их распространять скриптами, стороними продуктами?
Всё усложняется тем, что сервер Lotus находится, ну, скажем, на Марсе
Понимаю, что ответ скорее всего будет "нет", но вдруг...
Может быть встречались с такой проблемой? The Lotus Domino Server Service Terminated With Service-specific Error 2351
At some point the D: drive, where Domino is installed, became unavailable and the Domino Server stopped running. After troubleshooting for a period of time, the suggestion was made to run nfixup at the command prompt. Upon running the command the following error was produced- ‘log.nsf is not a database’. It turns out that the log.nsf was corrupt, therefore the server will not run. RESOLUTION- rename/remove the log.nsf, Start the Domino Server.
Здраствуйте! Прошу Вас ответить на такой вопрос: Конфигурация: VMWare, Windows Server 2003, Domino 7, Notes 7, Sametime Server 8.0.1. Инсталировал Sametime по умолчанию без настроек LDAP Directory, так как не знаю для чего они предназначены и как используются. Далее через браузер захожу на страницу, после чего там необходимо авторизоватся ввожу Admin A A и пароль, но войти в систему не могу. Хотя в Access Control List клиента Lotus вижу что на эту БД права даны. Скажите пжл как быть, и как авторизоватся там?
Вот сам делал что-то (по ТЗ), давно; осталось в наследство: 7-ка - клиент, разработчик, администратор. Никогда не занимался администрированием и установкой. Вопрос(ы) такой(ие): достаточно ли этого наследства в рамках локальной сети? Как и где (адресная...
Вот сам делал что-то (по ТЗ), давно; осталось в наследство: 7-ка - клиент, разработчик, администратор. Никогда не занимался администрированием и установкой. Вопрос(ы) такой(ие): достаточно ли этого наследства в рамках локальной сети? ...
1. Ну, сервера(Lotus)-то нет. Смысл в том чтобы создать базу для использования в сети, но с ограничением к ней прав доступа/пользования. Ну допустим, справочник по клиентам. База, на сервере домена (не Lotus)- как local , у клиентов домена - клиент...
1. Ну, сервера(Lotus)-то нет. Смысл в том чтобы создать базу для использования в сети, но с ограничением к ней прав доступа/пользования. Ну допустим, справочник по клиентам. База, на сервере домена (не Lotus)- как local , у клиентов домена - клиент...
John Coolidge has posted a number of links to policy guides created by Teamstudio to help you with Notes/Domino Requirements, Design, Test, and Production.
Curt Carlson was lucky. Two of his users were experiencing problems after updating their clients to Notes 8.0.2 . The problems were different but the solution was the same for both.
Michael Smelser was working on a client's Domino 7.x server when he realized it was taking over a half hour to reboot the Windows server. After searching through Technotes for ideas, they discovered why the server took so long to come on line.
Daniel Nashed reports on SPR #JCHS7NWPT6 for a namelookup issue in Domino 8.5. As the problem may cause a large Domino server to crash, he offers a work-around until the patch is released.
While many administrators are hesitant to virtualize Domino servers, the servers can still benefit from virtualization. In this tutorial from contributor Eric Seibert, learn about some main points to consider when virtualizing your Domino servers, benefits you can expect and some best practices.
Admins are often cast in the role of deploying and managing agents. In fact it's the best practice, ask Paul and Bill. The Designer client has gotten very fat, and Eclipse takes quite a while to load it. For an admin to enable/disable/schedule an agent, she needs to launch the Designer client on a workstation that is already straining to run the admin client, possibly monitoring many servers.
I feel that many admins would have 80% less need to launch the Designer client if this one interface were added to the Admin files panel for a selected database. As a developer I think the less Designer clients running the better, and as an Admin, I think my Admin workstation would need reboots less often if this feature was added.
A lot of projects have no detail/description on what the project actually is. Please can project owners update the Details field on the about tab to make it easier for users to find and locate your project (and for me too). Thanks! ...
Traveler currently syncs the contacts on your phone with Names.nsf. There should be an option to get it to sync with a different address book instead of Names (although using the same standard template).
I use a different address book for my phone contacts as I do for my address lookup in Notes. This is largely because I do not want to include internal staff in my Names.nsf as these are on Dircat and therefore changes are more automated. That's one of the key advantages of Dircat.
You notice that users receive inconsistent error messages when they attempt to access database elements in a database for which their access is "No Access" with the "Read public documents" and "Write public documents" privileges.
In Lotus Domino, if you use LotusScript in Java front-end classes (generally, in the NotesUIDocument LotusScript class) to assign the value of a field that is not editable, you receive an error message. Since the field cannot be manually edited, the UI-based method will also refuse to change it. How can this be corrected?
Many of you remember former IBM'er Alan Lepofsky's popular blog, "Notes Tips and Tricks." It's a tough act to follow, but Notes product manager Dwight Morse and information developer Julie Brown have
The following key content resources, such as system requirements, product documentation, best practices wikis, discussion forums, support and education resources, are available for Lotus Notes Traveler.
You receive the error "Unable to locate the viewer configuration file" when trying to view an attachment after upgrade to Notes 8.0.2 Standard Configuration.
After performing a new install of a Notes client and trying to perform the setup, the following error displays: "The signer of this note must have Editor access and the PolicyCreator or the PolicyModifier role to the domino directory." This only seems to happen on a new install and not during an upgrade of the Notes client.
When a customer opens the Calendar view of the Resource Reservations database and switches to either the One Day or Two Day view, no reservation documents appear.