Проблемы с Rosegarden
Запускаю программу Rosegarden. Первое же сообщение: "Разрешение системного таймера
слишком низкое". Вторая неприятность: не играет звук. Т.е.- в KMidi звук играет,
в Rosegarden- нет. Настройки секвенсора "успокоили" меня таким сообщением: MIDI
доступен, звук недоступен. Подробности при старте Цитата:
Rosegarden 1.4.0 - AlsaDriver - alsa-lib version 1.0.10
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running
ALSA Client information:
14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap
16,0 - (SBLive! Value [CT4832], EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype
589826, cap 127]
17,0 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 0) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,1 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 1) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,2 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 2) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,3 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 3) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
Creating device 0 in Play mode for connection 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART) (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device
Creating device 1 in Record mode for connection 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART) (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device
Creating device 2 in Play mode for connection 17:0 Emu10k1 Port 0 (write)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device 2
Creating device 3 in Play mode for connection 17:1 Emu10k1 Port 1 (write)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device 3
Creating device 4 in Play mode for connection 17:2 Emu10k1 Port 2 (write)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device 4
Creating device 5 in Play mode for connection 17:3 Emu10k1 Port 3 (write)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device 5
Creating device 6 in Play mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex)
(not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device 6
Creating device 7 in Record mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex)
(not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device 2
System timer is only 250Hz, sending a warning
Current timer set to "system timer"
WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi - initialised MIDI subsystem
System timer is only 250Hz, sending a warning
Current timer set to "system timer"
WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
ALSA Client information:
14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap
16,0 - (SBLive! Value [CT4832], EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype
589826, cap 127]
17,0 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 0) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,1 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 1) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,2 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 2) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
17,3 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 3) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 2, ptype 327710,
cap 66]
Подскажите, кто чем сможет: Что ему не хватает для работы )
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Первую проблему решил: пересобрал ядро, теперь разрешение таймера его
Вторая- не играет midi при проверке в "Центр управления" все еще не
ASPLinux 11, kernel 2.6.18, KDE 3.5.4
-*Название листа "Linux: разрешение вопросов, перспективы и общение";
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