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<<Тите заработал больше Неймара>>. Бразильская пресса о сборной

«Тите заработал больше Неймара». Бразильская пресса о сборной
2018-06-29 23:16
Как дела у травмированного Марселу, сколько получат Тите и Неймар по рекламным контрактам во время чемпионата мира по футболу-2018, и в каких показателях нападающий сборной Бразилии лучший на турнире - в обзоре СМИ.

Почему обсуждают секс с иностранцами в российских СМИ и социальных сетях
2018-06-30 00:08
Журналист, культуролог, руководитель проекта «Полка» Юрий Сапрыкин уверен, что тема надумана, и историю с девушками, гуляющими с иностранцами, запомнят в лучшем случае сами девушки. Совсем неважно, кто и что думает об этом. «Степень свободы в отношениях меняется во всем мире, и это неизбежно».

Призерами Первенства ЦФО по конному спорту стали калужские всадники
2018-06-30 02:07
Соревнования первенства прошли в подмосковных Химках. Всадницы калужской конной школы стали лучшими в выездке и конкуре. Каждый день утро Виктории Сашиной начинается с очистки и седлания коня по кличке Кольваро. Рысью и галопом — на тренировки спортсменки и лошади уходит около двух часов. 15-летняя всадница и ее ровесник — четвероногий Кольваро работают вместе всего около полугода. Выступают в конкуре. На первых выездных для Виктории соревнованиях на первенстве ЦФО напарники заняли третье место. Говорит, могли бы и лучше, при этом уверена, что со временем не единожды удастся покорить пьедестал.

Мексиканские болельщики устроили в столице карнавал в честь Дня мертвых
2018-06-30 06:15
Всех угощали национальными блюдами, везде были яркие красочные черепа и украшения.

Iran's Kish Island looks to host teams at Qatar World Cup 2022
2018-06-30 07:27
Footage filmed on Friday shows the small resort island of Kish, in the Persian Gulf, which is vying for the honour of hosting teams and fans at the next World Cup. Qatar has agreed to open its doors to help from neighbours when it comes to hosting teams and fans for the next tournament, and so now Iranian and Qatari authorities are discussing the possibility of using the facilities on Kish Island for the 2022 World Cup. According to Head of investments of Kish island Free-Trade Zone, Mohammad Reza Saeedi, investors from Qatar and other countries are visiting and evaluating the conditions on the island. “I think after visiting they have to make their decision how they want to contribute to prepare and also to build infrastructures for football that they need,» he said. With the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Bahrain having ceased all diplomatic relations with Qatar due to the country’s support and alleged ties to Islamists, Iran is the only Gulf country that has been helping Qatar deal with the Saudi-led blockade.

Ученые почти научили шмелей играть в футбол
2018-06-30 10:17
Шмели могут научиться подавать мяч, закатывать его в ворота и выполнять другие задания за лакомство в награду. А еще шмели очень успешно обучают друг друга. Очевидно, что у них есть представления о причинно-следственных связях, и они умеют ими пользоваться.

«Агитпроп»: Политика как зеркало футбола
2018-06-30 10:33
Политические страсти на фоне футбольных побед и поражений. После краха национальной сборной в Германии играют траурный марш по Меркель. Мексика, которая благодаря этому поражению чудом вышла из группы, наоборот, полна оптимизма. На гребне позитива к власти в стране уверено шагает Анти-трамп. Кто это и какие у него шансы на победу?

Вести. Эфир от 30.06.2018 (11:00)
2018-06-30 11:00
Крупнейший туроператор России «Натали Турс» отменяет чартеры в Испанию, Италию Турцию и Грецию. Что делать туристам с билетами на руках? Кому повезет в Казани — Месси или Гризманну? Стартует 1/8 финала чемпионата мира по футболу. Кустурица прилетел на уральскую Ночь музыки, а в Ярославле открывают красавец-мост через Которосль.

«Специальный репортаж»: Футбольная улица
2018-06-30 13:04
Никольская улица стала главным местом сбора болельщиков всех стран-участников чемпионата мира.

Российская сборная встретится в матче плей-офф с командой Испании
2018-06-30 13:15
В субботу игроки проводят открытую тренировку на спортивной базе в Новогорске.

В субботу стартует 1/8 финала чемпионата мира по футболу
2018-06-30 13:17
Теперь у 16 лучших команд планеты будет только один шанс, потому что играют они на вылет.

МВД присоединились к флешмобу в поддержку сборной России по футболу
2018-06-30 13:34
В воскресенье состоится важнейший матч для сборной России по футболу.

Russia: Three lions train ahead of Columbia decider
2018-06-30 13:38
The England national football team held yet another training session in Repino, St. Petersburg Region on Saturday ahead of upcoming match against Columbia. Tottenham Hotspur star and national team captain Harry Cane was also among players training. England will face Colombia during the 2018 World Cup's first round of knock stage on July 3 at the Moscow's Spartak stadium.

Российская сборная по футболу готовится к решающему матчу с командой Испании
2018-06-30 14:41
В случае проигрыша россияне не смогут продолжить участие в первенстве.

Аргентинские болельщики смотрят матч против Франции. Прямая трансляция из Буэнос-Айреса
2018-06-30 16:00
Тысячи фанатов собираются в аргентинской столице, чтобы посмотреть на игру национальной команды против сборной Франции. Если Аргентина отобралась в плей-офф практически чудом, обыграв в последнем туре команду Нигерии, то французы, напротив, прошли свою группу очень легко. Но теперь групповые встречи не значат ничего — по сути, для каждой из команд сегодня чемпионат начинается заново. А для одной из них он сегодня же и закончится.

«Церковь и мир»: Дети мундиаля: церковный взгляд
2018-06-30 16:00
Как относится Церковь к знакомствам во время чемпионата мира по футболу? Митрополит Иларион дает наставления болельщикам в семейной жизни.

«Фанимани»: Ждать ли москвичам дефицита продуктов и роста цен на еду
2018-06-30 16:44
Ждать ли москвичам дефицита продуктов и роста цен на еду? Как изменятся правила продажи жилья? Какие есть варианты экономии на жилищно-коммунальных услугах? И как страна может заработать на популярности иностранных болельщиков среди россиянок? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани».

Russia:¡Vamos! Allez! Argentina and France fans gear up for Kazan clash
2018-06-30 16:47
Argentina and France fans were in a jubilant mood in Kazan on Saturday, just a few hours ahead of their Round of 16 clash. Clutching beverages in one hand and smartphones in the other, both sets of fans sung their lungs out, trying to out chant their rivals. Argentinean fans also unfurled a banner depicting Lionel Messi as a saint. Argentina and France will face each other in the Kazan Arena, starting at 16:00 local time, the first knockout match of the 2018 World Cup.

«Диванная аналитика»: Мир постправды и конец социального государства
2018-06-30 16:48
Диванная аналитика за Июнь. Почему правительство продавливает пенсионную реформу, которая не обусловлена объективными факторами и погружает людей в нищету. Как заявления Путина о недопустимости повышения пенсионного возраста согласуются с действиями Медведева и Матвиенко. Почему даже британская пресса высоко оценила уровень проведения Чемпионата мира по футболу в России. К чему привела приватизация водных ресурсов в Калифорнии и Южной Америке. Как закончилась очередная встреча Бильдербергского клуба. Какой % американцев доверяет масс-медиа. Важнейшие события месяца анализируют Дмитрий Перетолчин, Анна Скок, Илья Титов и Андрей Фефелов.

Russia: Dep. PM Mutko rallies Russian players ahead of key Spain clash
2018-06-30 17:32
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Vitaly Mutko attended a Russian national team open training session in Novogorsk on Saturday, one day ahead of their Round of 16 match against Spain. Mutko and coach Stanislav Cherchesov supervised the training session and gave words of encouragement to the Russian players. The clash between Russia and Spain will take place at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium on Sunday. The winner will advance to the quarter finals.

Argentina: Fans celebrate equaliser in France game
2018-06-30 18:18
Fans wildly celebrated Angel Di Maria's long-range equaliser at a public screening event in Buenos Aires on Saturday. France are playing Argentina in Kazan for a place in the quarter-finals of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

France: Fans lose it for all four Les Bleus goals
2018-06-30 18:30
French fans were in ecstasy for each of their side's four goals against Argentina, at a public viewing event in Paris on Saturday. Argentina are playing France in Kazan for a place in the quarter-finals of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Форвард «Спартака» Квинси Промес избил жену
2018-06-30 18:38
Один из самых результативных футболистов московского «Спартака» — Квинси Промес — попал под следствие. Голландца обвинили в избиении собственной супруги. Говорят, под горячую руку форварда попали и несколько очевидцев, пытавшихся успокоить спортсмена.

Танцы и песни: как ведут себя иностранные болельщики, приехавшие на праздник футбола
2018-06-30 18:39
Накал страстей на чемпионате мира по футболу: как ведут себя иностранные болельщики, приехавшие на мундиаль? Как обеспечивать порядок во время чемпионата помогают полицейские из-за границы?

Russia: Mertens wants goals against Japan to get free TVs for his mates
2018-06-30 18:43
Belgium winger Dries Mertens said that he plans to score as many goals as possible to help his friends get free TVs from a Belgian retailer, while speaking at a press conference following a training session in Moscow Region's Dedovsk on Saturday. «If you score 15 times, they give [a] television to every person who bought a television so, my friends bought the television,» Mertens said, adding that he wants 'to score a lot of goals' so he can furnish his friends with more goodies. He added that Japan is a 'good team' that he has 'a lot of respect' for. The Red Devils, who finished above England in their group, will play against Japan in Rostov on Monday in hope of progressing to the quarter finals.

Russia: Cheryshev and Cherchesov ready to put plan into action against Spain
2018-06-30 19:02
Russia ace Denis Cheryshev and coach Stanislav Cherchesov said they were ready to face Spain in the Round of 16 while speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Saturday. For Cherchesov, it is obvious that Spanish players have altered their playing style and 'changed their functions', however, he believes that their 'plan will work' tomorrow. Denis Cheryshev said that tomorrow will be a 'celebration' for the Russian team but most importantly for 'the people who will enjoy the match and their national team.' Russia will face Spain in Moscow on Sunday July 1.

Вести в субботу. Аргентину не спас даже Месси
2018-06-30 19:02
Аргентина — целых три, но Франция-то — целых четыре! Это, наверное, самый красивый матч на чемпионате мира.

За себя, за близких, за страну: российские футболисты попробуют сделать чудо
2018-06-30 19:07
1 июля в 1/8 сойдутся Россия и Испания. Останется ли первенство после этого по-русски чемпионатом или по-испански мундиалем? Главный тренер нашей команды Станислав Черчесов сказал, что против команды такого уровня, как Испания, нужно просто найти противоядие. А игроки сборной России обратились к болельщикам.

Argentina: Tears as Argentina tumble out of World Cup
2018-06-30 19:38
Argentine fans were left distraught by their side's early exit from the World Cup at a public viewing event in Buenos Aires on Saturday, following a 3-4 defeat against France. Tears streamed down the faces of glum-looking fans, heartbroken by La Seleccion's exit from the competition. A Kylain Mbappe brace, plus a penalty from Antoine Griezmann and a spectacular long-range effort from Benjamin Pavard, were enough to send Argentina home. Angel Di Maria's curler, a Gabriel Mercado deflection and late header from Sergio Aguero kept the match alive for Argentina. A thrilling tie means that France will play either Uruguay or Portugal in Sochi on Saturday.

Russia: Russia doing a 'wonderful' job — French Football Federation Pres. on WC2018
2018-06-30 19:48
SOT, Noel Le Graet, President of the French football federation (French): «Impossible.» SOT, RT reporter (French): «What will be your forecast?» SOT, Noel Le Graet, President of the French football federation (French): «Of course, I would like my country to be in the finals. But who with?» SOT, RT reporter (French): «With Spain or Russia, for example?» SOT, Noel Le Graet, President of the French football federation (French): «Russia is an excellent option. Why not?» President of the French Football Federation (FFF) Noel Le Graet said he is hoping for a France-Russia final, during an exclusive interview with RT France in Moscow on Saturday. Le Graet started the interview by complimenting the World Cup organisers for doing a 'wonderful' job. «The stadiums are thought out well, people are friendly, the cities are incredibly clean. I am amazed of the way the people communicate with us,» he said. When asked about his dream final, he said France vs Russia, 'why not?' «For us, the task was to leave the group, we did it. Now we are waiting for something different, everything will be different with Argentina,» he added. France's football chief also panned Jose Mourinho's predictions made for RT, saying a Portugal-Argentina final was now 'impossible', after the Latin Americans finished second in their group, leaving them on the same side of the draw as Portugal. The conversation then moved to politics and Le Graet welcomed improving relations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. France defeated Argentina on Saturday and are set to advance to the quarter finals against either Uruguay or Portugal.

Russia: 'You will see a different Denmark tomorrow' — Danish coach before Croatia tie
2018-06-30 19:57
Denmark is in the final stage of preparations in Nizhny Novgorod this Saturday before their crucial match against Croatia in the second round of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Age Hareide's squad held pre-match training on the Lokomotiv's pitch in Nizhny, before answering questions at a press conference. The Danish head coach admitted that Croatia was a skilful team and had skilful players, noting that Denmark would need «to play differently» in order to progress. Captain Simon Kjaer said none of his team mates were satisfied with reaching the last 16, rather the impetus was to go further. Pressed on whether he was tired of always being compared to his father Peter, goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel seemed exasperated, saying he expected 'more' from journalists. He went on to admit that this was 'part of life' and 'inevitable' at the World Cup. The Danes booked their place in the knockout stage by finishing second in the 2018 World Cup's Group C with an unbeaten record, following a narrow 1-0 win over Peru and two draws against Australia and France. Their best result in World Cup history was their quarter-final appearance at France 1998, losing to eventual runners-up Brazil. The winner of the Croatia-Denmark fixture will face either Spain or hosts Russia.

Russia: Delirious Ronaldo fans block Portugal bus before Uruguay clash
2018-06-30 20:38
Football fans surrounded the Portugal bus, with Cristiano Ronaldo on board, as the team headed to their match with Uruguay in Sochi on Saturday evening. In their excitement, supporters did not allow the bus to move. Portugal are playing Uruguay for a place in the quarter-finals against France in Nizhny Novgorod on Friday.

Russia: Uruguay fans get Sochi rocking ahead of Portugal showdown
2018-06-30 20:56
Hundreds of Uruguayan fans flooded Sochi on Saturday ahead of their Round of 16 match against Portugal. Uruguay fans outnumbered their Portuguese counterparts and will be hoping they can progress to meet France in the quarters.

Russia: Sweden look to build on momentum before Swiss tie
2018-06-30 21:15
The Swedish national team held a training session in Gelendzjik on Saturday, ahead of their second round match against Switzerland. Midfielder Albin Ekdal felt tiredness was irrelevant if a team is winning. «It's hard to play football but it is good afterwards when you win,» he said in a post-training press conference. The two sides play in St. Petersburg on July 3rd for a place in the quarter-finals. They will play the winners of the Colombia-England match.

Russia: James a 'big threat' for Three Lions — Alli on Colombia clash
2018-06-30 21:21
England midfielder Dele Alli commented on his side's upcoming tie with Colombia, singling out attacking mid James Rodriguez as 'a big threat', during a press conference in Saint Petersburg on Saturday. Alli added that the Three Lions will not concentrate too much on their opponent's performances, instead they should focus on their own. He went on to talk about how motivated England are and how the squad are learning from the mistakes they made in their 1-0 loss to Belgium on Thursday. «You always have to stay hungry. Every game, no matter how many you score, how well you play, you've got to want to score more and perform better,» he said. England are scheduled to face Colombia on July 3 during the Round of 16 at the Spartak Stadium in Moscow.

Прогноз на матч Испания-Россия от Вячеслава Фетисова
2018-06-30 22:00
Двукратный олимпийский чемпион — о матче нашей сборной в плей-офф чемпионата мира по футболу.

Брат Поля Погба: ребята выиграли 4:3. Остальное — не мое дело
2018-06-30 22:50
После матча Франция - Аргентина брат Поля Погба Матиас не стал общаться с журналистами, но был чрезвычайно счастлив победе брата.

Гитарист группы Catharsis: если предложат записать гимн «Спартака», сразу согласимся. Часть 1/3
2018-06-30 23:00
Игорь Поляков, гитарист группы Catharsis стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ». Музыкант рассказал о том, как ходил на два матча сборной России на чемпионата мира, любви к московскому «Спартаку».

Гитарист группы Catharsis: если предложат записать гимн «Спартака», сразу согласимся. Часть 2/3
2018-06-30 23:00
Игорь Поляков, гитарист группы Catharsis стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ». Музыкант рассказал о том, как ходил на два матча сборной России на чемпионата мира, любви к московскому «Спартаку».

Гитарист группы Catharsis: если предложат записать гимн «Спартака», сразу согласимся. Часть 3/3
2018-06-30 23:00
Игорь Поляков, гитарист группы Catharsis стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ». Музыкант рассказал о том, как ходил на два матча сборной России на чемпионата мира, любви к московскому «Спартаку».

Russia: Spanish coach has analysed opponents 'strengths and weaknesses'
2018-06-30 23:20
Spanish head coach Fernando Hierro believed his side was well-prepared to face hosts Russia in Moscow's Luzhniki Arena on Saturday, at a pre-match press conference on Sunday. Before a training session Hierro and star midfielder David Silva took part in a press conference. «We have had a proper look at everything, we have analysed the opponent, their strengths and weaknesses, set-pieces. We will do all we can,» he assured journalists. Silva added that almost all the favourites «have suffered in one way or another,» following Germany, Argentina and Portugal's exits from the tournament. Russia and Spain are playing for a place in the quarter-finals on Sunday in the capital Moscow.

France: Vive le France! Fans out to celebrate 4-3 victory over Argentina
2018-06-30 23:28
Parisians celebrated France's 4-3 victory over Argentina by riding on top of a van this Saturday. France will play Uruguay in Nizhny Novgorod on Friday for a place in the semi-finals.

Russia: Schmeichel and Pletikosa talk WC history at the Red Square
2018-06-30 23:43
Former Danish goalkeeper and footballing legend Peter Schmeichel and Croatian rival Stipe Pletikosa, talked footy at the Red Square in Moscow on Saturday. The pair discussed the World Cup and games from years gone by. Schmeichel even recalled his shock at being called a 'hero' by Danish supporters after one particularly memorable performance.

Russia: Modric hoping Croatia reach heights of '98 ahead of Denmark clash
2018-07-01 01:01
Croatia were preparing for their Round of 16 clash with Denmark on Saturday, ahead of the match at the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium on Sunday. Zlatko Dalic's squad held official pre-match training session at the Meschera training facility, outside the main stadium. Players appeared in front of cameras in high spirits, performing various passing exercises during the open part of the training. Speaking at the pre-match press conference, midfielder Luka Modric underlined that it was high time for the current generation of Croatian players to clear the obstacles that the national team has been unable to overcome since 1998. However, Modric noted that it would be a 'difficult test' for his squad on Sunday. From his side the coach of the team Zlatko Dalich said that he was optimistic about the outcome of his squad's last 16 match, reiterating that the 100 percent performance in the group stage, which certainly saw Croatia's stock rise, would mean nothing if his players could not build on it. Croatia topped Group D and are one of two nations with three wins out of three. In the group stage Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and co. beat each of Nigeria, Argentina and Iceland. The Balkan nation are hoping to at least repeat their best result in history — in 1998 the Croats, led by Davor Suker, reached the semi-finals and won bronze. The winner of Croatia v Denmark will face either Spain or Russia, who will play against each other in another last 16 encounter at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow at 5:00 pm local time on Sunday.

Panama: Panama's national team receives hero's welcome after WC elimination
2018-07-01 02:19
Fans of Panama's national football team lined the streets of Panama City to give their team a warm welcome home on Saturday, despite their group-stage elimination . Footage shows the fans dancing on the streets with Panamanian flags, as they surround the bus carrying the national team through the city. Although Panama lost all their three games during the group stages of the tournament, the 2018 World Cup in Russia was the first time they ever qualified and participated in a World Cup football tournament.

«Мобильный репортер»: Погодные сюрпризы, футбольная лихорадка и опасная видеоохота
2018-07-01 03:01
Погода в России преподносит сюрпризы: пока в одних регионах льют дожди, в других изнывают от жары. Мир охватила футбольная лихорадка. ДТП и авиакатастрофы в подборке со всего мира. Экстремальная съемка воздушного гимнаста, опасная видеоохота и многое другое.

Russia: Fans feel triumphant after Uruguay's 2:1 win over Portugal
2018-07-01 03:55
Uruguayan fans were captured leaving Sochi’s Fisht stadium in a triumphant mood on Saturday, after Uruguay defeated Portugal 2:1 to reach the World Cup Quarter-Finals. «It was a very tough game. But we made it, once again. So, we are, you know, in the eight best teams of the World Cup. And we are going to try to to make it again against France,» said an inspired football fan following the encounter. Paris Saint-Germain ace Edinson Cavani handed Uruguay a 2:1 victory over Portugal, leading his team to the World Cup quarter finals. Barcelona striker Luis Suarez found Cavani with a whipped-in cross, who could not miss in front of the net, giving Uruguay the lead. Portugal defender Pepe evened the score for Portugal with his head but Cavani, once again, found the net with a superb finish to send Uruguay through, where they will meet France after they beat Argentina 4:3. Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo helped Cavani off the pitch after the Uruguayan appeared to pick up a knock to the cheers of the entire stadium.

Uruguay: Fans go ballistic as Uruguay eliminates Portugal from World Cup 2018
2018-07-01 04:16
Uruguayan football fans were overjoyed watching their home team defeat Portugal 2:1 outside Montevideo's town hall on Saturday. «I want the whole world to know, we have to suffer until the end, because if not we are not Uruguay. We are the most beautiful thing that exists, there is no place in the world that lives football like here,» one fan said. Uruguay defeated Portugal while playing at the Fisht stadium in Sochi on Saturday, and will now move forward to the quarter finals, where they will play France in Nizhny Novgorod on July 6.

Portugal: Portugal fans left disappointed after elimination from World Cup
2018-07-01 05:31
Portuguese football fans gathered at a public square in Lisbon on Saturday, to watch their home team face off with Uruguay in the 2018 World Cup. Footage shows Portuguese fans as they watch the match in the public square. After defeating Portugal 2:1 in the round of 16, Uruguay will move on to face France in the Quarter-Final in Nizhny Novgorod on July 6.

Russia: Brazilian team welcomed to Samara with CARNIVAL
2018-07-01 05:48
Crowds of high-spirited fans staged a sort of carnival in front of the Lotte Hotel in the Russian city of Samara on Saturday to welcome the Brazilian team. Brazil will take on Mexico at the Samara Arena on July 1. The teams will fight for a spot in the Quarter-Finals of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

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