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ImmInst Film Project

америкосы собираются снимать фильм о продлении жизни и иммортализме


Film MissionThe mission of the ImmInst Film Project is to create a realistic
impression of the scientific pursuit of healthy Life Extension <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_extension>.
The goal is to produce and distribute a scientific documentary for educational

<http://imminst.org/book1/>purposes. The film will include authors from the
ImmInst book The Scientific Conquest of Death - <http://www.imminst.org/book1>
- and other individuals who are working to advance the life extension movement.

С уважением, Рязанов Дмитрий.
Продление жизни, научный иммортализм
www.bessmertie.ru Dmit***@b*****.ru

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Ответить   Tue, 12 Oct 2004 18:35:40 +0600 (#243570)