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боже мой, чего там только нет :)
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С уважением, Рязанов Дмитрий.
Однако в этом же ресурсе - информация, анпример, о ДМАЕ - по сути только
как о эффекте плацебо, в том числе, как не особенно рекомендуемый
Also indexed as: 2-dimethylaminoethanol, Dimethylaminoethanol
What it does
Where found
Helpful for
Are you deficient?
Amount to take
Side Effects & Interactions
What does it do?
DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) is a chemical produced in the brain.
Like choline, DMAE may increase levels of the brain neurotransmitter
acetylcholine; however, not all studies confirm that DMAE serves as a
precursor to acetylcholine.1 Early preliminary research suggested that
DMAE may relieve the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia (a trembling
disorder caused by long-term anti-psychotic medication),2 but several
controlled studies did not find the effects of DMAE better than
placebo.3 In fact, one case report suggested that DMAE can cause
symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.4
One small, uncontrolled four-week trial of senile patients given DMAE
supplements of 600 mg three times per day, failed to show any changes in
memory but did produce positive behavior changes in some of the
patients.5 However, subsequent double-blind research did not find a
significant benefit from the use of DMAE in people with Alzheimer's
Where is it found?
DMAE is found as a supplement, although it is not widely available.
DMAE has been used in connection with the following conditions (refer to
the individual health concern for complete information):
Rating Health Concerns
Alzheimer's disease
Tardive dyskinesia
Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a
substantial health benefit.
Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health
benefit or minimal health benefit.
For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific
evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support and/or minimal
health benefit.
Who is likely to be deficient?
No deficiencies of DMAE are reported or believed to occur.
How much is usually taken?
DMAE supplementation is not recommended at this time.
Are there any side effects or interactions?
Clinical studies of DMAE have used up to 1,600 mg per day with no
reports of side effects.7 For this reason, DMAE is believed to be
relatively nontoxic. However, one study using higher intakes for
Alzheimer's disease patients did report symptoms of drowsiness and
confusion with the use of DMAE.8 A possible side effect of lucid
dreaming (in which the dreamer is conscious and in control of a dream)
is suggested with DMAE use.9 Depression and hypomania (moderate symptoms
of mania) have been reported as side effects of DMAE.10
At the time of writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with
1. Zahniser NR, Chou D, Hanin I. Is 2-dimethylaminoethanol (deanol)
indeed a precursor of brain acetylcholine? A gas chromatographic
evaluation. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1977;200:545-59.
2. Kazamatsuri H, Chien C, Cole JO. Therapeutic approaches to tardive
dyskinesia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1972;27:491-9.
3. Alphs L, Davis JM. Noncatecholaminergic treatments of tardive
dyskinesia. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1982;2:380-5 [review].
4. Haug BA, Holzgraefe M. Orofacial and respiratory tardive dyskinesia:
potential side effects of 2-dimethylaminoethanol (deanol)? Eur Neurol
5. Ferris SH, Sathananthan G, Gershon S, Clark C. Senile dementia:
treatment with deanol. J Am Geriatr Soc 1977;25:241-4.
6. Fisman M, Mersky H, Helmes E. Double-blind trial of
2-dimethylaminoethanol in Alzheimer's disease. Am J Psychiatry
7. Casey DE, Denney D. Dimethylaminoethanol in tardive dyskinesia. N
Engl J Med 1974;291:797.
8. Fisman M, Mersky H, Helmes E. Double-blind trial of
2-dimethylaminoethanol in Alzheimer's disease. Am J Psychiatry
9. Sergio W. Use of DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) in the induction of
lucid dreams. Med Hypotheses 1988;26:255-7.
10. Casey DE. Mood alterations during deanol therapy. Psychopharmacology
Copyright 2004 Healthnotes, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learn more about Healthnotes, the company.
Learn more about the authors of Healthnotes.
The information presented in Healthnotes is for informational purposes
only. It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro),
clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The
results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For many
of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or
over-the-counter medication is also available. Consult your doctor,
practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem and before using
any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications.
Information expires June 2005.
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