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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

The rate under the overnight credit of Bank of Russia is increased
2008-07-18 08:00


The rate under the overnight credit of Bank of Russia is increased

By the Bank of Russia instruction from July, 11th, 2008 N 2036-U (document is in Russian) since July, 14th, 2008 the interest rate under the overnight credit of Bank of Russia is established at a rate of 11,0 from annual interest rates.

There is established the size of interest rates under pawn credits of Bank of Russia
2008-07-18 08:00


There is established the size of interest rates under pawn credits of Bank of Russia

By the instruction of Bank of Russia from July, 11th, 2008 N 2038-U (document is in Russian) since July, 14th, 2008 the interest rate under pawn credits of Bank of Russia, given according to the position of Bank of Russia from August, 4th, 2003 N 236-P "About the order of granting by Bank of Russia to the credit organizations of the credits provided by the mortgage (blocking) of securities" (document is in Russian), for the term of 1 calendar day there is established at a rate of 9,0 annual interest rates; for the term of 7 calendar days - 9,0 annual interest rates if last two pawn auctions are recognized as not taken place.

There are made changes to Regulations about the order of consideration the questions about citizenship of the Russian Federation
2008-07-18 08:00


There are made changes to Regulations about the order of consideration the questions about citizenship of the Russian Federation

By the President of the Russian Federation Decree from July, 15th, 2008 N 1098 (document is in Russian) there are made changes to Regulations about the order of consideration the questions about citizenship of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation Decree from November, 14th, 2002 N 1325 according to which it is established, that the applicant applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation in the general order, besides other represents the document confirming his possession by Russian language at a level, sufficient for dialogue in the oral and written form in conditions of the language environment.

The possession of Russian at the specified level should proved by certificate on passage of the state testing on Russian, the form and the order of which are approved by Ministry of education and science the Russian Federation.

The present Decree inures from the date of its official publication.

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