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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

There is changed the sum given out by bank for decent funeral of legator in accordance with article 1174 of the RF Civil Code
2008-07-02 08:00


There is changed the sum given out by bank for decent funeral of legator in accordance with article 1174 of the RF Civil Code

The Federal Act N 105-FZ "On amendments to article 1174 of part third of the RF Civil Code" of June 30, 2008 (document is in Russian) establishes that the size of the funds given out by bank to the heir or the person mentioned in the notary's decree for funerals, may not exceed forty thousands of rubles, but not tow hundreds minimum sizes of remuneration of labour as it was provided in fourth paragraph of clause 3 of article 1174 of part third of the RF Civil Code (document is in Russian) before the present amendments.

The technical specification is putted to article 1249 "Patent and other duties" of forth part of the RF Civil Code
2008-07-02 08:00


The technical specification is putted to article 1249 "Patent and other duties" of forth part of the RF Civil Code

The Federal Act N 104-FZ "On amendments to article 1249 of part forth of the RF Civil Code" of June 30, 2008 (document is in Russian) specifies the list of "other legally important actions" for making of which patent and other duties shall be collected, and which sizes and periods of payment are established by the RF Government.

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