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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

There are approved Rules of preparation and the conclusion of the contract of water use, the right to which conclusion is got on auction, and also rules of carrying out of auction
2007-04-19 08:00


There are approved Rules of preparation and the conclusion of the contract of water use, the right to which conclusion is got on auction, and also rules of carrying out of auction

  The Government of the Russian Federation in the decision from April, 14th, 2007 N 230 (document is in Russian) has defined, that the right to the conclusion of the contract of water use regarding use of water area of water object, including for the recreational purposes, accommodation on it of buildings, structures, swimming means, other objects and constructions, and also in the cases providing other arrangement of water area water according to the water legislation and the legislation on town-planning activity is got on auction.

  There are approved:

Rules of preparation and the conclusion of the contract of water use, the right to which conclusion is got on auction;

Rules of carrying out of auction on buying the conclusion of the contract of water use.

There are made changes to Regulations about specifications of emissions of harmful substances in atmospheric air and harmful physical influences on it
2007-04-19 08:00


There are made changes to Regulations about specifications of emissions of harmful substances in atmospheric air and harmful physical influences on it

By the RFGovernment Decree from 14 April 2007 N 229 (document is in Russian) there are made changes to the RF Government Decree from March, 2nd, 2000 N 183 "About specifications of emissions of harmful substances in atmospheric air and harmful physical influences on it "(document is in Russian). The named changes, partially have specifying character, are connected with transformation of some federal enforcement authorities. It is specified, that technical specifications of emissions for separate kinds of stationary sources of emissions of harmful substances in atmospheric air, and also for transport or other mobile means and installations of all kinds, being by sources of pollution of atmospheric air, now are established by technical rules. It is established, that emissions of harmful substances in atmospheric air of the stationary sources which are being on objects of economic and other activity, a subject the federal state ecological control, are supposed on the basis of the sanction which have been given out by territorial bodies of Federal service on ecological, technological and nuclear supervision, substances not a subject the control, are supposed on the basis of the sanction which have been given out by enforcement authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, carrying out the government in the field of preservation of the environment.

There are changed the conditions of the admission of the Russian carriers to the international automobile transportations
2007-04-19 08:00


There are changed the conditions of the admission of the Russian carriers to the international automobile transportations

By the RF Government Decree from April, 14th, 2007 N 232 (document is in Rusian) there are made changes to Regulations about the admission of the Russian carriers to realization of the international automobile transportations, approved by the RF Government Decree from October, 16th, 2001 N 730 (document is in Rusian) according to which a condition of the admission of the Russian carrier to the international automobile transportations is to be presence of property in cost not less than 300 thousand roubles at use only one vehicle which is carrying out the international automobile transportations, and not less than 170 thousand roubles counting upon each additional vehicle.

There are approved Rules of an establishment and use of federal highways rights of way
2007-04-19 08:00


There are approved Rules of an establishment and use of federal highways rights of way

By the RF Government Decree from April, 14th, 2007 N 233 (document is in Russian) there are approved Rules which according to the Ground code of the Russian Federation define the order of an establishment of federal highways rights of way which are being the property of the Russian Federation, and also conditions of their use. Besides it is established, that decisions on withdrawal by the repayment of the ground areas necessary for formation of federal highways rights of way, accepts Federal road agency which subsequently in coordination with Federal agency on management of federal property or its territorial body concludes corresponding adreements.

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