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Аспирант и Соискатель

В этом году я принимал участие в аналогичном семинаре. Могу дать только положительные
рекомендации. К сожалению, из России принимать участие в семинаре могут только
аспиранты из Северо-западного федерального округа.

First announcement

The PhD-course

Today's research training - tomorrow's scientific quality"

in scientific theory, philosophy and ethics, scientific communication and projects

Arranged by NorFA and held near

Pärnu, Estonia 3 - 10 June 2005.

It is of a fundamental importance for a complete research education to provide
basic knowledge of scientific theory, independent of the scientific field. For
a researcher to become successful in his/her research the training must also
develop skills in scientific communication by writing and presenting scientific
papers. Moreover, in the increasingly competitive financing environment in research,
skills in defining goals, managing projects and communicating results is more
important than ever. These qualities can be trained in courses that are jointly
given for all disciplines. Such joint courses can also create better understanding
across different disciplines and for different scientific traditions and encourage
multidisciplinary approaches.

The aim of this NorFA-arrangement is to gather research students from different
disciplines and from the whole Nordic-Baltic-Northwest Russian region to increase
understanding between different cultures in the region thus giving an embryo
for future co-operation. The course itself aims to give fundamental knowledge
in scientific theory, philosophy and ethics, all fundamental elements to provide
a good basis for the student's own research training. The course also aims to
provide the student with skills to define, finance and manage a research project
and how to communicate science.
NorFA offers around 40 research students, preferably from all the main universities
to participate. Half of the research students will be chosen from the Nordic
countries and half from the Baltic States and NW Russia. The participants will
be given a number of precourse tasks to fulfil so as to equalise the level at
the beginning of the course. With preparations, the course will correspond to
two weeks full study. The course will be given entirely in English and good working
knowledge in English is a prerequisite.

Application forms and more detailed information are to be followed on NorFA's
homepage, www.norfa.no, in the end of January or the very beginning of February

-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/285360

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
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Ответить   Wed, 22 Dec 2004 18:33:44 +0300 (#285360)



Аналогичный семинар проводится для аспирантов и соискателей на Украине. Правда
"Методология научных исследований для аспирантов и соискателей ученой степени"
Есть подобный семинар для докторантов. Оба по 3 дня (начальный этап), возможны
индивидуальные консультации.
Ведет профессор, доктор наук, у которого защитились 26 кандидатов и 6 докторов.
Если у кого есть интерес могу дать реквизиты. Пишите. Обещаю ответить в течении,
максисмум, 3-х дней.

С уважением, Татьяна
-----Original MessageFrom: Олег Скворцов <aege***@m*****.ru>
To: "job.education.aspirant" <tatiana***@m*****.ru> (1781224)







-*архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/285417

Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru

-*Информационный канал Subscribe.Ru
Подписан адрес:
Код этой рассылки: job.education.aspirant
Написать в лист: mailto:job.education.aspirant-list@subscribe.ru
Отписаться: mailto:job.education.aspirant--unsub@subscribe.ru?subject=job.education.aspirant

http://subscribe.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/feedback

Ответить   Thu, 23 Dec 2004 06:31:04 +0300 (#285417)