Пламенный привет всем 2409
ценителям зарубежного юмора, английского языка и сердечной атмосферы :).
Надеюсь, вам понравилась идея с машинным переводом и вытекающими из нее курьезами.
К сожалению, переводов анекдотов из рассылки я так и не получил, зато выплыла вот
какая штука:
один из подписчиков,Shaman, решил перевести на английский
фразу, а затем перевести ее же снова
на русский и т.д. И вот что из этого вышло:
самое главное => most important =>
наиболее важный => most relevant =>
наиболее уместный => most pertinent
=> наиболее подходящий =>
most approaching => большинство приближения =>
majority of an approximation => большая часть аппроксимации
=> large part of approximating =>
большая партия аппроксимации => major consignment of
=> совершеннолетняя консигнация аппроксимации =>
adult consignment of approximating => консигнация пассажира
по полному тарифу аппроксимации =>
consignment of the passenger on an adult fare of approximating
После этого комп
был уже не в состоянии
что-либо из себя выдавить :) Спасибо,Shaman! Информация для
размышления остальным подписчикам -
веселье продолжается. Поэтому не стесняйтесь присылать свои варианты переводов!
С речами на сегодня все :).
Three missionaries are lost in the jungle, when suddenly a lion appears. They inmediately
drop to their knees and pray: "Oh Lord, by some miracle, let this lion become a Christian!"
When they open their eyes, they see the lion hunched on the ground, his paws pressed
together. With total disbelief, they walk closer to the lion and hear him whispering:
"Dear Lord, please bless this food as I prepare to partake of this humble meal..."
A very successful lawyer parked his brand-new Lexus in
front of his office, ready to show it off to his
colleagues. As he got out, a truck passed too close and
completely tore off the door on the driver's side. The
lawyer immediately grabbed his cell phone, dialed 911, and
within minutes a policeman pulled up. Before the officer
had a chance to ask any questions, the lawyer started
screaming hysterically. His Lexus, which he had just picked
up the day before, was now completely ruined and would
never be the same, no matter what the body shop did to it.
When the lawyer finally wound down from his ranting and
raving, the officer shook his head in disgust and disbelief.
"I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are," he
said. "You are so focused on your possessions that you
don't notice anything else."
"How can you say such a thing?" asked the lawyer.
The cop replied, "Don't you know that your left arm is
missing from the elbow down? It must have been torn off
when the truck hit you."
"My God!" screamed the lawyer. "Where's my Rolex?"
The other night I was invited out for a night with the
guys. I told my wife that I would be home by midnight
... "promise!" Well, the hours passed quickly and the
beer was going down way too easy. At 3am, drunk as a
skunk, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the
cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times.
Quickly, I realized she'd probably wake up, so I cuckooed
another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for having
such a rapid, witty solution, even when smashed, to escape
a possible conflict.
The next morning my wife asked me what time I got in,
and I told her 12 o'clock. She didn't seem disturbed at
all. Got away with that one, I thought! Then she told
me we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked her
why she said "Well, last night it cuckooed 3 times, then
said, 'oh shit,' cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its
throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed
twice more....then farted."
A man was walking along a beach and stumbled across an old
lamp. He picked it up and rubbed it and out popped a genie.
The genie said "OK, OK. You released me from the lamp,
blah blah blah, This is the fourth time this month and I'm getting
a little sick of these wishes so you can forget about the first
two. You only get one wish!" The man sat and thought about it for a while
and said,"I've always wanted to go to Hawaii but I'm scared to fly and I
get very seasick. Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over
there to visit?" The genie laughed and said, "That's impossible.
Think of the logistics of that! How would the supports ever reach the
bottom of the Pacific? Think of how much concrete...how much steel!!
No, think of another wish." The man said OK and tried to think of a
really good wish.Finally, he said,"I've been married and divorced
four times. My wives always said that I don't care and that I'm
insensitive. So, I wish that I could understand women...know how they feel
inside and what they're thinking when they give me the silent
treatment...know why they're crying, know what they really
want when they say 'nothing'....know how to make them truly happy...."
The genie said, "You want that bridge two lanes or four"?
There are three engineers in a car; an electrical engineer, a chemical
engineer and a Microsoft engineer. Suddenly the car just stops by the side
of the road, and the three engineers look at each other wondering what could
be wrong.The electrical engineer suggests stripping down the electronics of
the car and trying to trace where a fault might have occurred. The chemical
engineeer, not knowing much about cars, suggests that maybe the fuel is becoming
emulsified and getting blocked somewhere. Then, the Microsoft engineer,
not knowing much about anything, comes up with a suggestion, "Why dont we
close all the windows, get out, get back in, open the windows again, and
maybe itll work !?"