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05:20 Listen.com now offers CD burning through Rhapsody [CDR-Info]
05:20 Dolby Laboratories welcomes expansion of DVD-Audio to PC platform [CDR-Info]
06:20 CyberDrive introduces high speed internal and external CD-R/RW drives [CDR-Info]
06:20 Toshiba gears up for a DVD holiday with new model and free DVD rentals [CDR-Info]
06:20 Fujitsu offers DVD-R/RW drive with LifeBook C series notebook [CDR-Info]
06:20 Music industry pushes EU for anti-piracy CD codes [CDR-Info]
06:20 Toshiba adds DVD burning to notebooks [CDR-Info]
07:55 Attack of the Mod Squads [The Register]
10:07 Want to know what people email to Saddam Hussein? [The Register]
10:40 Growth at France Telecom, but there's that huge debt pile... [The Register]
10:42 Register.com sacks COO without explanation [The Register]
10:45 Slow handset sales hit Orange growth [The Register]
10:47 Borland thinks Mono for open source .NET challenge [The Register]
10:51 AOL IM and ICQ to interoperate, at last [The Register]
11:08 AOL UK launches 'mother of all broadband services' [The Register]
11:59 Fujitsu backs Linux for mission critical, enterprise systems [The Register]
12:31 Introducing Network Attached Encryption [The Register]
13:01 Nanny State to take over TV [The Register]
13:09 MS gets top security rating for Win2k, makes big noise [The Register]
14:19 UMC bounces back [The Register]
14:31 Light up your life with the Traser GlowRing [The Register]
14:51 Europe hits Nintendo with Ђ168 fine for fixing game prices [The Register]
14:51 Europe hits Nintendo with Ђ168m fine for fixing game prices [The Register]
14:55 Open Source Scripting with IT-Minds.com [The Register]
15:05 Sayanora to the cathode ray tube [The Register]
15:05 Sayonara to the cathode ray tube [The Register]
15:27 Office 11 won't run on Win9x, says MS [The Register]
16:05 Nintendo massively underestimated EC fine [The Register]
17:12 Brussels to spend €250k on Linux migration study [The Register]
17:55 New Alliance for webcasters [The Register]
18:21 Quanta Storage ranks top in global combo drive shipments in 3Q [CDR-Info]
18:21 Cryptography research system thwarts feature film piracy [CDR-Info]
18:21 CenDyne gets groovy with the gruvstick MP3 recorder and player [CDR-Info]
18:22 FREECOM enters US market [CDR-Info]
18:22 Chairman & Chief Executive of Motion Picture Association speaks about digital piracy... [CDR-Info]
18:22 Hollywood says it could get burned by DVD backups [CDR-Info]
18:22 Matsushita Electric reports second straight quarter of profits [CDR-Info]
19:20 PalmOS 6 details emerge [The Register]
21:28 MS Tablet suits Corridor Warriors, Canteen Commandos [The Register]
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