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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 21.10.2002

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Foreign News
- News from 21.10.2002

06:55 Gateway cuts sales target [The Register]

06:56 McData makes profit, lowers revenue guidance [The Register]

06:58 EDS chief warns of job cuts [The Register]

07:00 Reborn or stillborn: all new for Microsoft's languages? [The Register]

07:44 Kapor's open source 'spreadsheet for the mind' [The Register]

10:28 Wanadoo boasts 1m broadband punters [The Register]

11:32 MS Palladium boss to debate TCPA with Anderson, Cox [The Register]

13:33 MSN 8.0 to hit UK [The Register]

14:16 Demon launches less contentious DSL [The Register]

14:21 CenDyne ships first 4X DVD recorder in time for the holidays [CDR-Info]

15:40 UK vid games sales soar to £684m [The Register]

15:52 Broadband Britain picking up speed – E-envoy [The Register]

16:12 Todmorden first to pass BT trigger level, gets ADSL [The Register]

17:46 Samsung tilts towards Symbian [The Register]

18:35 Nokia triumphs in Europe's mobile device market with 7650 [The Register]

20:55 16,000 Hammers in Sandia supercomputer [The Register]

21:20 Terabyte 3D storage promised for 2004 [CDR-Info]

21:20 CMC's 4.7GB DVD+RW certified by Philips [CDR-Info]

21:20 SONY unveils new portable CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive with standalone CD/MP3 playback [CDR-Info]

21:20 Fuji Film develops WORM Blu-Ray media!! [CDR-Info]

21:20 House in Wigan raided for illegal CD copying business [CDR-Info]

21:20 Pioneer's DVR-105 first review! [CDR-Info]

21:20 Taiyo Yuden announces 4X DVD-R media [CDR-Info]

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