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02:21 Taiwanese companies halt launch of rewritable DVD drives [CDR-Info]
02:21 CEATEC: Philips shows off coin-size optical discs [CDR-Info]
02:21 Media-Tech show report [CDR-Info]
02:21 Jahsir - "kEEp It RE@l" (5.1CS2CD) [CDR-Info]
02:21 StarForce Technologies expanding copy protection services in Asia [CDR-Info]
03:21 Sanyo Electric Japan announces collaboration with NEC for optical storage devices [CDR-Info]
07:17 'Brutal' Q3 sees EMC lay-off 1,750 [The Register]
07:24 EDS ditches PwC Consulting [The Register]
07:41 Bankrupt WorldCom sees major backbone problems [The Register]
07:43 Gosling: Microsoft's Java threat is financial, not technical [The Register]
07:49 IBM pencils Oct 8 for AIX 5.2 [The Register]
09:00 Claire Swires MK II: Man suspended over smutty email [The Register]
09:00 Claire Swires MK II: Man suspended over sex boast email [The Register]
09:28 UK Govt slams 'irresponsible' speed camera refund stunt [The Register]
10:18 Ximian to release enterprise level Red Carpet service [The Register]
10:28 Tiscali offers high-speed Net access for £20 a month [The Register]
10:53 PC World runs Freeserve ADSL promo [The Register]
11:26 Apache fixes scripting flaw [The Register]
11:58 Today is National Computing Day [The Register]
12:00 Matsushita Develops 1GB SD Memory Card [TwoMobile]
12:04 Atomic Memory Developed [TwoMobile]
12:33 Music biz strikes back with free, DRM 'padlocked' downloads [The Register]
12:42 Clair Swires II: Get your Clever Trevor t-shirt here [The Register]
12:42 Claire Swires II: Get your Clever Trevor t-shirt here [The Register]
13:22 O geeks, what has become of us? [The Register]
13:48 Sun to unbundle Solaris 9 for x86 [The Register]
14:22 NEC announces "ND-1100A" 4X DVD±R recorder! [CDR-Info]
14:22 Firmware allows 2X writing at Ritek media for DVR-A03/103 [CDR-Info]
14:22 Toshiba says some DVD players may malfunction [CDR-Info]
14:23 LiteOn announces LTR-52246S (52/24/52) CD-RW drive [CDR-Info]
14:54 Infineon beats up Mosel-Vitelic [The Register]
15:16 UK to get Sat broadband for £30 [The Register]
15:23 DVD Forum conference taken place in Japan [CDR-Info]
15:36 Warning all RBS, Natwest punters. Withdraw cash now [The Register]
16:03 The geeks are in fine fettle, Tom - get with the program [The Register]
16:33 Trainee(!) dishwasher pleads guilty to $80m identity fraud [The Register]
18:54 Nigerian freight forwarding scam hits UK [The Register]
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