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01:21 Intersil unveils new higher speed Laser driver for DVD/CD dual writer optical disk drives [CDR-Info]
03:21 LaCie 48x CD-RW moves up a gear [CDR-Info]
03:21 LaCie road-warrior pocket CD-RW burns a CD in 4 minutes [CDR-Info]
07:33 Yukon take Microsoft back to developer roots [The Register]
07:35 Red Hat Linux 8.0 gets mixed reception [The Register]
07:37 HP fires patent lawsuit, EMC fires back [The Register]
07:39 Overture wins MSN deal extension [The Register]
07:43 Clustered Linux shines on commercial TPC-C test [The Register]
07:44 Microsoft buys Liquid Audio DRM patents [The Register]
08:43 BT sets up consumer mobile phone biz (again) [The Register]
09:21 SAP ushers SuSE into World League [The Register]
09:48 "I am not Henry Raddick!" - HRH Prince of Wales [The Register]
10:05 Tyan puts dual Xeons on ATX Tiger [The Register]
10:58 AOL, Freeserve, Tiscali stick with unmetered Net access [The Register]
10:59 Creative sticks with Nvidia for Christmas (probably longer) [The Register]
11:04 Danger Inc snags all-you-can-eat deal for Hiptop debut [The Register]
11:32 Mobile phone Java risks 'minimal' [The Register]
11:34 Porn diallers and Trojans - the new face of malicious code [The Register]
11:43 Freeserve network probs in Midlands and South [The Register]
13:06 America's National Cybersecurity Strategy [The Register]
14:26 BTo to cap ADSL? [The Register]
14:33 Intermec’s New 700 Color Pocket PC 2002 [TwoMobile]
15:01 Crucial starts flogging graphics cards in Europe [The Register]
15:18 IOGEAR Launches World’s Thinnest USB Hub~ Introduces Pocket-Sized Hub for Mobile Connectivity [TwoMobile]
15:37 BTo emails service cap sob story [The Register]
17:22 MedioStream says neoDVD is the first software to deliver better than real-time burning of DVDs [CDR-Info]
18:21 New VAIO notebooks offer anytime, anywhere DVD burning [CDR-Info]
18:21 Labels offer cash, CDs to end antitrust case [CDR-Info]
20:00 On AMD Athlon XP 2800+ 333 FSB, nForce2 and VIA [The Register]
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