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06:45 EMC sales plunge [The Register]
06:58 Telstra, Ballmer Dizzy with the Spin [The Register]
07:02 Xbox hackers break new security measures [The Register]
07:09 Euro storage network bodies to merge [The Register]
07:11 Is SNIA's shared storage model a dead end? [The Register]
07:14 Dell ousts HP from PC top spot [The Register]
07:16 SAP pulls guidance, bullish on margins [The Register]
07:17 Customer rebellion spikes Microsoft quarterly results [The Register]
07:19 Groundwork laid for WS-I expansion (and Sun seat) [The Register]
07:34 CSC expected to win $2.3bn UK Post Office deal [The Register]
07:35 Nokia Q3 hints at wireless telecoms revival [The Register]
07:45 Storage management problems? You're not alone [The Register]
08:07 Perens asks SPI to own Sincere Choice [The Register]
08:19 The world's most dangerous server rooms [The Register]
09:21 New DVD recorders at WPC EXPO 2002 [CDR-Info]
09:31 Samsung tests higher DDR DRAM prices [The Register]
09:48 Ericsson sinks deeper in the mire [The Register]
10:02 Some truth about copyright [The Register]
10:22 BBC Radio 4 goes bonkers, runs last year's MS news [The Register]
10:48 Borland JBuilder 7 [The Register]
11:00 Cisco Catalyst switches in DoS risk [The Register]
11:03 Student develops Mouse Glove [The Register]
11:34 Secure Linux desktop begins shipping to UK police force [The Register]
12:02 Sprint and Sanyo Introduce America's First Built-in Camera Phone [TwoMobile]
12:48 Symbian pulls out of UI business, doesn't tell anybody [The Register]
13:16 World`s First Commercially Available Illuminated Computer Keyboard [TwoMobile]
13:28 Bell Labs demoes 19.2Mbps 3G chips [The Register]
15:21 ArrowKey announces new CD/DVD Diagnostic and CD-DVD Inspector software [CDR-Info]
15:35 UK firms clueless about workers' Net habits [The Register]
16:10 Microsoft, Panasonic propose (another) CD standard [The Register]
16:46 Scottish Power disconnects Linux users [The Register]
17:21 Mitsubishi Chemical Media announces world's first 4x DVD+R media [CDR-Info]
18:27 UK plc risks piracy fines over employee file-swapping [The Register]
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