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08:29 AIX 5.2 provides dynamic partitions, other tweaks [The Register]
08:30 Oracle undercuts Microsoft with Collaboration Suite [The Register]
08:33 Fujitsu and Siemens to 'extend PC pact to US, Asia' [The Register]
08:35 Yahoo! pushes IM into the Enterprise [The Register]
08:38 Microsoft consolidates Server map [The Register]
08:54 Red-faced Apple fights .Mac brown-outs [The Register]
09:34 AOL UK slashes broadband charges [The Register]
09:37 Visual Basic's vileness haunts MS .NET [The Register]
09:53 UK hits 1m broadband milestone [The Register]
10:01 CMG, Logica confirm merger talks [The Register]
10:23 Mandrake Linux 9.0 distro for Xbox now available [The Register]
10:31 The world's most dangerous server room? [The Register]
11:27 Evesham bundles Lindows on £249 PC [The Register]
11:47 Cisco beefs up storage play, cosies up to Veritas [The Register]
12:40 Broadband Sat service for £14.99 [The Register]
12:44 Exchange Emails Through a Handshake [TwoMobile]
13:02 Intel 'back in the driver's seat' [The Register]
13:11 Red Hat 8.0's bid for the simple, easy to use Linux desktop [The Register]
13:17 Palm Debuts First $99* Handheld - The Zire Handheld [TwoMobile]
13:46 3Com upgrades Firewall Cards [The Register]
14:48 McData Q3 update is curate's egg [The Register]
15:11 Review: Palm Zire m150 [The Register]
16:31 Maxtor promises 'OneTouch' back up [The Register]
17:40 Microsoft marries RSA Security to Windows [The Register]
18:21 Benq September sales rise on-month [CDR-Info]
18:21 Taiwan reports shortage of key parts for DVD-RW, DVD+RW drives [CDR-Info]
18:21 Sonic Foundry re-engineers and re-launches CD Architect [CDR-Info]
18:21 Oak Technology reports first fiscal quarter revenue of $30.2 million [CDR-Info]
18:21 Cirrus' Digital Audio interface products target emerging DVD-Audio market [CDR-Info]
18:21 CEATEC: Electronics makers exhibit a plethora of Blu-ray products [CDR-Info]
18:21 TEAC Europe announces DV-516E (16X/48X) DVD-ROM! [CDR-Info]
19:21 TEAC Europe presents two new CD-RW drives: CD-W548E and CD-W552E! [CDR-Info]
19:21 ASUS announces CRW-5224A (52/24/52) CD-RW drive! [CDR-Info]
20:30 Google explains new page rankings [The Register]
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