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09:02 Evesham buys Welsh system builder [The Register]
09:08 Baltimore launches Trusted Business apps [The Register]
09:10 MS releases Office 11 to beta testing [The Register]
09:13 Cisco buy Psionic for IDS skills [The Register]
09:14 PeopleSoft aims to make noise in Europe [The Register]
09:16 Feds investigating 'largest ever' Internet attack [The Register]
09:31 Novell touts MySQL with Netware 6 [The Register]
09:37 Powerllel claims go-faster algorithms for grid apps [The Register]
09:42 MGIF publishes m-gaming standard [The Register]
09:46 Xandros Linux: 'It just works', even with Windows stuff [The Register]
09:51 Lotus chief worked, not fibbed, self out of job [The Register]
10:39 Reviewed: Palm Zire $99USD PDA [TwoMobile]
10:42 NTL boss clarifies salary [The Register]
10:50 TwoMobile.com to Re-Launch [TwoMobile]
10:54 IE hopelessly bug ridden [The Register]
10:56 StorageTek pumps ATA drives into BladeStore [The Register]
11:29 Euro porn ops fined £125K for premium rate abuse [The Register]
11:42 Secure your Linux system with IT-Minds.com [The Register]
12:22 MS joins phone battle with debut of Orange Stinger in UK [The Register]
12:44 Arson suspected in Manchester cable melt down [The Register]
12:46 Hutchison orders 2 million 3G phones from NEC [The Register]
13:51 ASA slams 'intimidating' Domain Registry of Europe mailshots [The Register]
14:01 Furore over Comparex Europe MBO [The Register]
14:06 BTo flogs travel insurance [The Register]
14:13 Danish watchdog calls for ban on intrusive online ads [The Register]
14:41 Online banks, retailers shut out Linux, Opera, Konqueror fans [The Register]
17:24 Claranet drops virus outbreak blocker [The Register]
19:21 BenQ introduces two good-looking external CD-rewriter [CDR-Info]
19:21 Mediatek to become UMC’s biggest customer with rise in orders [CDR-Info]
19:21 DVD-ROM pick-up heads in shortage [CDR-Info]
19:21 Recordable DVD format struggle comes to showdown in 2003 [CDR-Info]
19:22 Philips looks to spur recordable DVD player production [CDR-Info]
19:22 The Birth of the Compact Disc! [CDR-Info]
20:21 More information about WinOnCD v6.0! [CDR-Info]
20:32 We're being spanked by Nokia - Gates [The Register]
21:25 SuSE 8.1 illustrates MS' fear [The Register]
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