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01:21 Philips Electronics to dissolve components division [CDR-Info]
01:21 Pacific Digital intros 7-in-1 DVD BurnerPlus drive [CDR-Info]
01:21 IFPI welcomes Russian government's creation of anti-piracy task force [CDR-Info]
01:21 TTR and Macrovision holding negotiations [CDR-Info]
01:21 September sales at Taiwan CD-R disc makers set to rise [CDR-Info]
03:21 Dat Optic announces ComboDUP- stand alone CD/DVD duplicator [CDR-Info]
03:21 NTI Backup NOW! adds support for DVD-RAM/R OEM drive from Panasonic [CDR-Info]
03:21 Shattered: This CD's in tatters? [CDR-Info]
07:08 Sun tweaks Solaris 9 performance [The Register]
07:09 AMD eyes Chinese education market [The Register]
07:14 Microsoft to build secure corporate IM infrastructure [The Register]
07:16 EMC carries on driving Clariion downmarket [The Register]
07:19 Websense hopes to filter more than just the Web [The Register]
07:32 VeriSign and IBM Team for hosted access, provisioning [The Register]
08:25 Satellite systems hackable - study [The Register]
08:57 Hedge fund that nearly brought down Peru wants COLT dead [The Register]
09:04 Gio does ADSL for £17.99 a month [The Register]
09:10 Trojanized Sendmail distro circulated [The Register]
09:26 Torvalds stays out of MS debate [The Register]
10:45 Liberty Broadband gets new funding [The Register]
11:02 UK urged to invest in fibre networks [The Register]
11:12 Union wants Net access at work for members [The Register]
11:36 Veo Plug-and-Play SD Palm Digital Camera [TwoMobile]
11:41 My name is Canary: The Orange Smartphone [The Register]
11:42 Toshiba Introduces First Mobile PC with DVD and CD Recording [TwoMobile]
11:52 Siemens Sells SX56 Pocket PC Phone for GSM/GPRS [TwoMobile]
11:57 E-minister broadbandless [The Register]
12:01 SuperDLT increases capacity, cuts choice [The Register]
12:45 Gaze into the crystal ball with IT-Minds [The Register]
13:06 Dixons takes control of Italian retailer [The Register]
13:41 North Yorks to get wireless broadband network [The Register]
14:00 'You are a dick and I am going to kick your head in ya big useless donkey' [The Register]
14:22 Plextor expands product range by adding CD-R Media (discs) [CDR-Info]
15:03 E-envoy declares broadband Britain a success, claims credit [The Register]
15:22 DVD Forum will adopt similar technology with Mt. Rainier (DRT-DM) for DVD-RW format! [CDR-Info]
15:33 3: a LogoWatch special [The Register]
15:33 BT is broadband slacker - survey [The Register]
15:52 Want to teach in the UK? Give us your bank password then [The Register]
16:51 Thieves snatch £4.5m DRAM from Heathrow [The Register]
18:22 MS backs away from media copy restrictions [The Register]
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