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Александр Овечкин прилетел в Москву -- пока без Кубка Стэнли

Александр Овечкин прилетел в Москву — пока без Кубка Стэнли
2018-06-24 10:02
В Москву прилетел новоиспеченный чемпион Национальной хоккейной лиги Александр Овечкин. Правда, Кубок Стэнли с собой он не привез. В аэропорту Шереметьево хоккеиста встречали десятки болельщиков и журналисты.

Russia: Mo Salah lookalike spotted in Rostov
2018-06-24 10:12
A doppelganger of super-striker Mohamed Salah mixed with fans in Rostov-on-Don this Saturday. Instagram-famous stylist and Rostov local Araik Krist has modelled his latest look on the Egyptian striker, with a striking resemblance. «Around half a year ago, I was sent joint photos with [Salah] in different media sources. Everyone said that this is my brother and that I look exactly the same as the Egyptian football player, Mohamed Salah,» said Krist. Head of the Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov awarded Salah honourary Chechen citizenship last Friday. Egypt crashed out of the tournament after losing their first two games against Uruguay and Russia. Before heading home, Salah's side will play a dead-rubber with Saudi Arabia in Volgograd on June 25.

Лионель Месси отмечает день рождения
2018-06-24 10:52
Администрация подмосковных Бронниц, где на время турнира базируется сборная Аргентины, подготовила по этому случаю концерт. А подарком для Месси станет торт весом 3,5 килограмма и очень неоднозначный сувенир – копия главного трофея чемпионата мира – Кубок из Гжели.

ЧМ-2018: второй тур группового этапа подходит к концу
2018-06-24 10:55
Завершается второй тур группового этапа чемпионата мира, сегодня состоится три игры.

Московские болельщики увидели самую результативную игру ЧМ-2018
2018-06-24 10:55
Самую результативную на этот момент игру турнира увидели столичные болельщики на стадионе «Спартак».

Вести. Эфир от 24.06.2018 (11:00)
2018-06-24 11:00
Сказка наяву: 50-е, юбилейные «Алые паруса» для выпускников в Петербурге. Плавучее кафе бросало по волнам, как щепку: последствия урагана в Барнауле. Не перестают удивляться: английские болельщики готовятся познавать Нижний Новгород. Возвращение Овечкина: когда он покажет стране Кубок Стэнли?

«Мобильный репортер»: Футбольные страсти, взрыв автобуса и пожар на NASCAR
2018-06-24 11:37
Футбольное событие, которое на неделе отмечали всей страной: выход сборной России в плей-офф домашнего чемпионата мира. Среди трендов турнира — кокошники, матрешки и волк Забивака. Не обошлось на неделе и без ЧП: в Китае взорвался пассажирский автобус, а в Киеве невнимательный владелец иномарки устроил взрыв на заправке. Не менее зажигательное видео было снято в США во время круговых гонок NASCAR.

Игроки сборной Дании сыграли на пляже Анапы
2018-06-24 11:46
В Анапе игроки сборной Дании провели товарищеский матч с отдыхающими.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 24.06.2018
2018-06-24 11:54
Запугать не получилось: иностранные болельщики под впечатлением. Что они расскажут о России, когда вернуться домой? Транспортная геометрия: Сергей Собянин о развитии метро МЦК и Центральных диаметров

Сборная Сенегала показала этнический танец на «Екатеринбург Арене»
2018-06-24 11:56
Футболисты сборной Сенегала, прибывшие в Екатеринбург на матч ЧМ-2018 с командой Японии, в ходе тренировки продемонстрировали специальный танец, настраивающий на игру. «Мы остаемся вместе — концентрируемся — дисциплинируемся — не отвлекаемся», — такой комментарий сопровождает видеозапись на официальной инстаграм-странице сборной. Напомним, матч между Японией и Сенегалом пройдет сегодня на «Екатеринбург Арене», начало в 20:00 по уральскому времени. Обе команды являются лидерами группы H, имея по три очка по итогам первого круга. Победитель сегодняшней встречи практически гарантирует себе попадание в плей-офф.

Болельщикам ЧМ-2018 не советуют смотреть матчи в фан-зонах
2018-06-24 13:24
Матч между Россией и Уругваем лучше не смотреть в фан-зоне для безопасности. Фанатам рекомендуют выбрать альтернативные площадки.

ЧМ-2018: невероятные истории иностранцев в России
2018-06-24 13:29
Каждый день чемпионата мира запоминается не только зрелищными играми, но и поведением болельщиков.

ЧМ-2018: москвичи готовятся к важнейшему матчу
2018-06-24 14:05
Завтра встретятся сборные России и Уругвая. Жители столицы бронируют места в спортбарах, букмекеры делают прогнозы, а городские власти просят болельщиков воздержаться от посещения фан-зоны. Площадка накала страстей может просто не выдержать.

Запугать не получилось: Москва удивила иностранных болельщиков
2018-06-24 14:45
Около десяти дней потребовалось, чтобы окончательно развеять устрашающие мифы о Москве. Зарубежная пресса готовила иностранцев к худшему: столица России — угрюмая, а люди в ней — злые. На деле же гости увидели совсем другую картину.

Russia: Nazi-saluting England fans ‘an embarrassment’ — Three Lions supporters
2018-06-24 16:01
SOT, English fan: “I hope their families see that and they are embarrassed by them.” English fans in Nizhny Novgorod on Sunday condemned the actions of some Three Lions supporters who were filmed performing the Nazi salute in Volgograd ahead of the England-Tunisia game. “They are an embarrassment to England. I hope their families see that and they are embarrassed by them,” one of the Three Lions fans said. “In every country you are going to have a group of people who are idiots,” another English supporter noted, adding “I don’t think that they’d have balls to do that out here.” A video showing English fans making Sieg Heil gestures and singing anti-Semitic songs in a Volgograd bar emerged on the night of the England-Tunisia game. England faces Panama at the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium on Sunday.

Виктория Боня: Месси мне совсем не жалко
2018-06-24 16:36
Известная телеведущая рассказала о том, за кого болеет на чемпионате мира, а также призналась, что Криштиану Роналду как человек ей куда больше симпатичен, чем Лионель Месси.

Russia: 'Those who prepare better, play better' — Russian team gears up for Uruguay
2018-06-24 16:41
The Russia national football team held a training session at the Samara Arena stadium on Sunday, a day ahead of their last group stage match against Uruguay. Russia is going in strong for the match on Monday, with a 5:1 win against Saudi Arabia and a 3:1 win against Egypt. Despite having already qualified for the round of 16, Russian national team head coach Stanislav Cherchesov kept his head in the game as he addressed reporters in Samara, «it doesn’t matter,» he stated, as he emphasised his players preparing for a strong performance. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is taking place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018, with a total of 64 matches set to be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across the country.

ЧМ-2018: англичане «подняли на уши» Нижний Новгород
2018-06-24 16:44
Английские болельщики приехали в Нижний Новгород. Они расположились на улице Большая Покровская и устроили настоящий праздник. Фанаты поют песни и танцуют с горожанами.

Кто из российских футболистов сыграет против Уругвая: прогноз Рабинера
2018-06-24 16:46
Обозреватель «СЭ» Игорь Рабинер дал свой прогноз на матч сборных России и Уругвая.

ЧМ-2018: английские фанаты в России
2018-06-24 16:49
Гулянья иностранных болельщиков на одной из улиц Нижнего Новгорода.

Russia: Argentina slams journalists over Sampaoli sacking rumours
2018-06-24 17:09
SOT, Journalist (Spanish): “Not all of us” SOT, Javier Mascherano, Argentinean football player (Spanish): “Well, most of you, most of you, most of you, mate. They said it in a newspaper where you worked, so most of you.” President of the Argentina Football Association Claudio Tapia along with players Javier Mascherano and Lucas Biglia denied the recent rumours about a coup attempt against coach Jorge Sampaoli by the players, accusing journalists of distorting information and «lying» during a press conference at the Bronnitsy Training Centre near Moscow, Sunday. The rumours were sparked after their unexpected 3:0 loss against Iceland, as numerous media announced the possible sacking of Sampaoli due to the bad result of the Argentinian team in the group stages of the World Cup. «You have seen today the technical body directing the practice, and the team training, which demonstrates that many of the things that you have explained are a lie, they don’t happen. So, thank you very much. Even if we understand that you are dying to be the first ones to publish a news, [we would like to ask you] to support the players, that you don’t die to know the line-up, or to be the ones to say it first, because that helps our rivals. That demonstrates how you are damaging the national team, just because you want to be the first ones to put out the news.» Mascherano described the relationship with Sampaoli as «absolutely normal.» He also had a small dispute with a reporter who was present in the conference after he accused «most» media of «viralising myths.» Argentina can only reach the final 16, if they beat Nigeria on June 26.

Самый грустный день рождения: Лионелю Месси — 31
2018-06-24 17:59
О чем говорят аргентинские СМИ за несколько дней до решающего матча команды Сампаоли против Нигерии?

Russia: Egypt gets ready for their last 2018 World Cup encounter
2018-06-24 17:59
The Egyptian national football team held its official training session at the Volgograd Arena on Sunday afternoon, a day ahead of their encounter with Saudi Arabia in the last match for both teams at the 2018 FIFA World Cup. After the two first Group A rounds, these Middle Eastern countries lost any chance to reach the knockout phase, as they were both defeated by Russia and Uruguay. Speaking at the official pre-match press conference, Egypt's coach Hector Cuper stressed that the match against Saudi Arabia would be very important for his squad, as they wanted to finish their participation in the tournament «on a high note» for all the Egyptian fans. The 45-year-old goalkeeper of the team Essam El-Hadary in turn said that he hoped he would be able to set a new record as the oldest player in the FIFA World Cup tournament, adding that this record would be an achievement for Egypt first of all and not his personal one. If El-Hadary plays on Monday he will beat the record of Colombia’s Faryd Mondragon, who at the age of 43 years appeared on the pitch during a 2014 FIFA World Cup match in Brazil.

ЧМ-2018: от россиян ждут блестящей игры
2018-06-24 18:00
Итак, Россия вопреки всем скептикам — в 1/8 финала. Досрочно! Как это было на матче с Египтом в Петербурге? И какой настрой дальше?

Russia: Portugal gears up for Iran clash
2018-06-24 18:03
The Portuguese national football team held their final training session in the town of Kratovo, Moscow Region, on Sunday, a day ahead of their match with Iran in Saransk. The training was led by the Portugal captain, Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo. Midfielder Joao Moutinho, who missed two previous practise sessions due to a cold, also took part in the training. Portugal and Iran play on June 25 at the Mordovia Arena in Saransk, with both Group B teams still having the possibility to qualify for the knockout phase of the World Cup.

Russia: Undefeated Uruguay team ‘motivated’ ahead of Russia clash
2018-06-24 18:11
The Uruguay national football team held a press conference and training session at Samara Arena on Sunday, ahead of their World Cup game against Russia on Monday. “I think we have a good team that is motivated, that knew how to be in difficult situations and now has overcome them,” head coach Oscar Tabares said. Uruguay won 1-0 in both their matches against Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Russia defeated Saudi Arabia 5-1 in the opening game of the competition and beat Egypt 3-1. The World Cup is being held in Russia until 15 July.

Вести недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018
2018-06-24 20:00

Вести недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018. Чемпионат мира в России полон сюрпризов и интриг
2018-06-24 20:15
Чемпионат мира в России полон спортивных интриг и неожиданностей на поле. Фавориты вдруг теряют очки, а те, кто готов биться, не взирая на авторитеты, прорываются вперед. Страсти — нешуточные.

Russia: Saudi Arabia preps for WC 'Arab Derby' against Egypt
2018-06-24 20:21
The Saudi Arabia national football team has concluded its last preparations on Sunday, ahead of the 'Arab derby' in the FIFA 2018 World Cup, against Egypt, that will be played in Volgograd on Monday. Despite weak results in the first two matches of the Mundial in Russia, the Green Falcons seemed relaxed on the pitch of the Volgograd arena, performing ball control exercises at every turn during the open part of the training session. At the press-conference, Saudi Arabia's coach Juan Antonio Pizzi said, that he was going to choose the strongest line-up for the Egypt encounter as the match was «extremely important» for his team and fans. Forward player Fahad Almuwallad on his part underlined that the Saudi Arabian national team would be doing its best to get three points, noting that the players had full respect for opponents Egypt, led by Mohamed Salah. After the 0-5 fiasco against hosts Russia in the World Cup opener on June 14, the Green Falcons also lost by a single goal to Uruguay in their second match. Much like their opponents Egypt, Saudi Arabia has lost all chances to proceed to the round of 16 before the upcoming match.

Russia: Swedish team stands behind Durmaz after racial abuse, death threats online
2018-06-24 20:43
The Swedish team hold a training session in Gelendjik on Sunday following yesterday’s dramatic Group F match against reigning world champions Germany. After the game, winger Jimmy Durmaz, who gave away the free kick which resulted in Toni Kroos’ game-winning goal, was subjected to racist abuse online, also receiving death threats. Before the training the whole Swedish team gathered together for Durmaz to address the media. “I am a football player at the highest level. Being criticised is something we live with, it is part of our job and we take it every day of the week,” the Toulouse player said. “But to be called a suicide bomber and to threaten to kill my family and my children is totally unacceptable,” he added, before the whole team and staff joined in a joint manifestation against racism.Sweden still has a chance to qualify for the knockout stage of the World Cup when they face Mexico in their last group stage game on June 27 at the Yekaterinburg Arena.

Russia: Brazil trains ahead of Serbia clash
2018-06-24 20:53
The Brazilian national football team held a training session in Sochi on Sunday, three days ahead of its match with Serbia. The training session began with a speech of coach Tite to his players. Some of the players, including PSG star Neymar, took part in a drill which saw whoever dropped the ball receiving a pinching of the ears. Brazil's first group match against Switzerland ended in a 1-1 draw, with the team later defeating Costa Rica 2-0. They will take on Serbia in their final group stage match on June 27 at Moscow’s Spartak Stadium.

Вести недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018. Иностранные болельщики: россияне открыты для всех
2018-06-24 20:55
Отвлечься надолго от футбола невозможно. Несметное число болельщиков со всего мира сейчас в России. Картина жизни в 11 городах, что принимают у себя чемпионат мира, радикально изменилась.

UK: England fans in London 'go fucking mental' after 6:1 Panama win
2018-06-24 21:04
SOT, Fan: «There's every reason to be optimistic about this England team» ... [Fan shouting «Come on England»] Three Lions fans went berserk with joy as they took to the streets of London, to celebrate England’s 6:1 win against Panama on Sunday. Sunday's Group G match marked the first time England scored more than 4 goals in a World Cup match since the 1966 final. Three goals were secured by striker Harry Kane alone. England is now at the top of Group G alongside Belgium. Both teams will meet on Thursday, while Tunisia will face Panama.

Russia: 'Fagner the Warrior' defends Neymar's tears after Costa Rica win
2018-06-24 21:30
Brazil footballer Fagner Conserva Lemos spoke at a presser in Sochi on Sunday, ahead of their final group match against Serbia on June 27. Fagner touched upon the pressure on Brazil's stars Coutinho and Neymar as he took it upon himself to defend the latter for criticism he received for breaking down into tears after the 2:0 Costa Rica win. «I can imagine everything Neymar went through,» said Fagner. Brazil, five times champion of the world, needed a victory in order to take control of their group after starting with a disappointing draw against Switzerland last Sunday. With this win, Brazil took the lead of Group E, and are now waiting for the other teams in the group, Serbia and Switzerland, to play each other in the late evening match.

Panama: 'Country celebrating' despite 6:1 loss against England
2018-06-24 22:14
Panama City broke into celebrations despite the national football team losing 6:1 to England on Sunday, as the team managed to score its first goal ever in the World Cup championship tournament. Crowds cheered outside Rommel Fernandez Stadium as they watched their national team put one past England. «The whole country feels like if we had won the world cup,» said a fan. Another added «Panama did not lose a thing.» This was Panama's first ever qualification for a World Cup tournament.

Вести недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018. Российские фехтовальщики — самые сильные в Европе
2018-06-24 22:30
В сербском городе Нови-Сад завершился чемпионат Европы по фехтованию. Конечно, чемпионат мира по футболу затмил новости с этого турнира, но не сказать о нем невозможно.

Бразильский болельщик хочет получить российское гражданство
2018-06-24 22:55
Бразильский болельщик, познавший за время ЧМ-2018 русский язык, попросил у президента России Владимира Путина гражданство.

Bengali fan marks Messi's 31st birthday with 31 lb cake
2018-06-24 22:56
Bengali football fan and one of Lionel Messi's most ardent supporters, Shib Shankar Patra, showed his passion and love for the Argentinian striker, by painting his house in Ichapore in the Argentinian white and blue colours ahead of the World Cup, as shown in video from Sunday. Patra celebrated the Argentinian legend's birthday by distributing Lionel Messi jerseys, as well as a 31 lb cake, made in the Latin American nation's team colours, to children in Ichapore, along with food and sweets. «Today is Messi's birthday, 31st birthday. So, today we cut a 31 pound cake for Messi,» stated Patra. «We hope that Messi will win against Nigeria,» stated President of Argentina Fans Association Alok Marik, who also attended the event. Patra's family is elated as Messi's birthday collides with the most watched sporting event on the planet, the football World Cup.

Александр Кутиков: не понимаю, почему футболисты слушают рэп. Часть 1/4
2018-06-24 23:15
Легендарный бас-гитарист «Машины Времени» стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ».

Александр Кутиков: не понимаю, почему футболисты слушают рэп. Часть 2/4
2018-06-24 23:15
Легендарный бас-гитарист «Машины Времени» стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ».

Александр Кутиков: не понимаю, почему футболисты слушают рэп. Часть 3/4
2018-06-24 23:15
Легендарный бас-гитарист «Машины Времени» стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ».

Александр Кутиков: не понимаю, почему футболисты слушают рэп. Часть 4/4
2018-06-24 23:15
Легендарный бас-гитарист «Машины Времени» стал гостем видеоонлайна «СЭ».

Russia: ‘It can be a big match’ — Mourinho on Russia vs Uruguay clash
2018-06-24 23:18
*BUGS AT SOURCE**MUSIC AT SOURCE**MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho addressed the upcoming Russia — Uruguay match at Samara stadium on Monday. Describing the teams, Mourinho said that the match is going to be «an ultra-competitive match.» “The home team has also behind a huge, huge support of a their own country,” said Mourinho. However, “Uruguay they have the know-how, they know how to compete, how to be clever, how to try to influence the game with the emotional side of it,” he continued. The Portuguese coach is appearing as RT's special guest host during the World Cup. The World Cup 2018 will be held in 11 Russian cities from June 14 to July 15, with a total of 32 teams competing for the trophy.

Торт для Лионеля Месси
2018-06-24 23:20
В подмосковных Бронницах отметили день рождение капитана сборной Аргентины.

Russia: ‘Focus on football’ — Swiss FA president amid Shaqiri, Xhaka controversy
2018-06-24 23:41
SOT, Peter Gillieron, President of Swiss Football Association: «My opinion is that we have four points and that's the most important thing for the moment and I think we have to wait for the decision of the FIFA disciplinary committee and we want the focus on the next match; that's the most important, football is the most important and the other things now I need to hand it to FIFA and we wait and we see.» SOT, Journalist: «Is this kind of annoying that this subject is more important at the moment than the sporting performance?» SOT, Peter Gillieron, President of Swiss Football Association: «Yes, it may be annoying but we have to accept it, that's always like that, but we have to be aware that now football is just priority.» SOT, Journalist: «There's a disciplinary proceeding going on now, do you think there's a big danger that these two players [Xherdan Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka] may gat banned for one or more matches?» SOT, Peter Gillieron, President of Swiss Football Association: «I don't know because it's very difficult to make prognostic in football and also when you have disciplinary matters and I think I will wait. I think there will be a fast decision from the FIFA disciplinary committee and then we will have and we will know what we have to see and to decide.» Swiss Football Association president Peter Gillieron insisted that the focus should remain on football in Tolyatti on Sunday, amid FIFA's disciplinary revision of Swiss footballers and ethnic Albanians Xherdan Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka, for an alleged display of nationalistic gestures after scoring goals in their 2:1 win against Serbia. «We want the focus on the next match; that's the most important, football is the most important,» said Gillieron. The pair made an eagle sign with their hands, alluding to Albania's flag and may face a one or two match ban if FIFA rules their celebratory gesture as political. Mandatory Courtesy: 'Footage from SRG SSR'

Russia: Spain coach expects 'a challenging match' against Morocco
2018-06-25 00:07
Spanish national team coach commented on the upcoming clash with Morocco saying «It will be a challenging match» during the press-conference in Kaliningrad, Sunday. «We can confide a lot in our conditions, our characteristics and our strength. This is the important thing of tomorrow's match,» head coach Fernando Hierro said in a press conference. He added that his players are to use their strong sides in order to get the three points and «move to the forefront in the group.» Spanish team also hold the final training session at the Kaliningrad's Mirny stadium ahead of tomorrow's match. The Group B game is to take place in Kaliningrad on Monday. After two games the Spanish team have four points, the same as Portugal who are in the same group.

Russia: Santos and Pepe look ahead to 'decisive' Iran encounter
2018-06-25 01:17
Portugal national team manager Fernando Santos said his team has the 'quality and capacity to beat Iran' during a press conference in Saransk on Sunday, one day ahead of Portugal's decisive clash. Santos lauded Iran, saying that he believes them to be the best Asian team at the moment. Portugal player Pepe added that 'it's going to be a lot of struggling' and 'we have to fight hard and that's what Portugal evinces in every match.' The 35th match of the 2018 World Cup will take place on Monday, and the winner with progress to the next stage.

Russia: Dancing fans flood Samara ahead of pivotal Uruguay clash
2018-06-25 01:46
Hundreds of Russian fans were filmed celebrating in Samara on Sunday ahead of their match against Uruguay the following day. Russia beat Saudi Arabia 5-0 and Egypt 3-1 in their first two matches meaning they have already qualified alongside the South Americans, but the clash with Uruguay will decide who will win Group A. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is being held in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Japan: Agony and ecstasy in Tokyo as Japan draw 2-2 with Senegal
2018-06-25 01:58
Japanese football fans went wild in a cafe in Tokyo on Sunday after Japan drew 2-2 with Senegal at the Ekaterinburg Arena. Following the draw, Senegal and Japan now both top Group H with 4 points each after Senegal defeated Poland 2-1 and Japan beat Colombia by the same score in their first matches at the 2018 World Cup. Japan will face an-already-eliminated Poland on June 28 and Senegal will meet Colombia the same day to decide who progresses.

Russia: Portugal 'strong animals' who 'bite hard' — Iran coach Queiroz
2018-06-25 02:05
Iran national team conducted a training session and a press conference in Saransk on Sunday ahead of their match against Portugal. Carlos Queiroz, the Portuguese coach of the Iranian national team, said «Fernando [Santos] comes with very strong animals and they can bite» therefore «Iran can only be a better Iran.» The 35th match of the World Cup 2018 will take place on Monday, June 25, and one team between Portugal and Iran will be sure of qualifying for the knockout stage.

Russia: Scoring in England drubbing like 'winning World Cup' for Panamanians
2018-06-25 03:32
Panama fans were celebrating in the streets of Nizhny Novgorod on Sunday even though England had just hammered their team 6-1. According to one of the Panama fans, it was enough for him to see his team scoring at the World Cup. Panama defender Felipe Baloy scored his country's first ever World Cup in the match with England at the Nizhny Novgorod stadium. On June 18, Panama lost to Belgium 3-0 in Sochi. Next Panama are scheduled to meet Tunisia on June 28 at the Saransk's Mordovia Arena, though neither of them with be able to progress.

Poland: Fans in Warsaw left in tears after Poland crash out of WC
2018-06-25 03:52
Fans in Warsaw endured a painful Sunday night as they watched Colombia thrash and eliminate Poland in a 3-0 victory. Poland lost their opening match again Senegal 2-1 and needed a win to have any hope of remaining in the tournament, but Colombia were the better team and scored three times, eliminating them from the World Cup. Poland will play its final match against Japan on June 28 in Volgograd.

Colombia: Bogota goes bonkers as los Cafeteros crush Poland
2018-06-25 05:18
Colombian fans gathered in the National Park in Bogota to see the national team thrash Poland 3-0 on Sunday. Colombia had to win the match in order to continue its hopes for a place in the knockout stage. Defender Yerry Mina put los Cafeteros ahead with a fine header in the 40th minute. In the second half Colombia doubled their lead when captain Radamel Falcao scored in the 70th minute. Juan Cuadrado rounded off the victory with a neat finish after a rapid counter attack five minutes later. Colombia collected their first three points of the World Cup and can advance to the knockout stage if they beat Senegal on Thursday. With two defeats in two, Poland have no hope of qualifying.

JUNGLE RULES! Head-butting allowed in ultraviolent Florence footy game
2018-06-25 06:58
A tradition dating back to the 16th century was once again revived in Florence on Sunday with the final match of the annual Calcio Storico. Calcio Storico (historical football) is a traditional sport that is said to be the root of modern football and rugby. It was the most popular sport in Renaissance Florence and it is currently played in June during the celebration for the patron saint of the city, John the Baptist. The game is played between two teams of 27 players and the only major rule is that the ball has to hit the goal. Punching, kicking and head-butting are all permitted. Failure to hit the goal will result in half point awarded to the opponent. Thus, the game is a mixture of football, rugby and boxing. Four teams, each representing the four historical neighbourhoods of the city, Santa Croce (blue), Santa Maria Novella (red), Santo Spirito (white), and San Giovanni (green), play each other to determine who is the champion of the city. This year final was between Santa Maria Novella and San Giovanni and saw the former winning 10.5 points to 4.

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