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Болельщиков попросили выбирать альтернативные варианты для просмотра матчей ЧМ

Болельщиков попросили выбирать альтернативные варианты для просмотра матчей ЧМ
2018-06-23 09:15
В Москве на Воробьевых горах настоящее столпотворение.

Бразилия едва не лишила себя шансов выйти в плей-офф
2018-06-23 10:15
Только в добавленные несколько минут Филипп Коутиньо и Неймар сумели вырвать победу.

Международный юношеский турнир по футболу стартует в Калуге
2018-06-23 10:58
23 июня в 12:30 на стадионе «Анненки» стартует международный юношеский турнир по футболу. Помимо калужан в нём примут участие французские школьники. Со своими иностранными сверстниками силами померятся команды городских спортивных школ Калуги, а также Тулы и Обнинска. Игры пройдут по круговой системе, победителя объявят 27 июня. Спортивный праздник проводится в рамках русского года во Франции. Ну, а поскольку Калуга выбрана в качестве тренировочной базы для одной из команд участников мундиаля, то собрать юных футболистов на свой мини-турнир было решено в областном центре.

Синоптики обещают Москве +30°
2018-06-23 11:35
Набор болельщика: как пережить московскую жару

3 матча в рамках ЧМ-2018 пройдут в субботу
2018-06-23 12:00
Сегодня команды играют второй тур группового этапа

Russia: FIFA President and German Football Association visit war memorials
2018-06-23 12:06
FIFA President Gianni Infantino and a delegation from the German Football Association (DFB) laid wreaths and flowers at the Memorials of Military Glory in Volgograd and Sochi, respectively, on Friday. Infantino laid flowers in Mamaev Kurgan memorial complex in the city of Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad. He also left a note in a visitors' book. The German delegation laid wreaths and flowers at the Memorial of Glory in Sochi. President of the German Football Association Reinhard Grindel said that it was a «sign of respect and reverence for the memory of the fallen in battles.» He went on to say that the members of the delegation know how «important this day is for the Russian people.» Memorials have been organised across Russia on Friday, to mark the 77th anniversary of the Nazi Germany's invasion of the USSR.

Месси неожиданно стал главным болельщиком Нигерии
2018-06-23 12:40
Такие шутки появились в Cети после сенсационной победы нигерийцев над исландскими викингами.

Вести. Эфир от 23.06.2018 (11:00)
2018-06-23 13:01
Праздники выпускников по всей России. Пока школьники готовятся к балам, офицеры уже получают дипломы. Первая волевая победа на чемпионате. Как швейцарцы переломили ход игры и выиграли у Сербии? В Москве — жара и ливень сразу. Почему медики и спасатели призывают быть предельно внимательными?

Russia: Three Lions raring to go up against Panama
2018-06-23 13:32
England's national football team held their final training session at their base in St. Petersburg on Saturday, before their second World Cup match against Panama. The Three Lions beat Tunisia 2- in their tournament opener on June 18 in Volgograd. They play Panama next on June 24 in Nizhny Novgorod. England are drawn in Group G alongside Tunisia, Panama and Belgium.

«И о погоде»: Температура воды и скорость ветра
2018-06-23 13:37
Насколько прогрелись столичные водоемы. Как различаются по ощущениям скорости ветра. И как гол, забитый в московских «Лужниках», мог спровоцировать землетрясение в Мексике. Подробнее — в программе телеканала Москва 24.

Фехтование: россияне оставили далеко позади родоначальников-французов
2018-06-23 13:54
Россия уже стала первой в поистине удивительной дисциплине — на чемпионате Европы по фехтованию. «Вести в субботу» подготовили редкий рассказ о внутреннем устройстве и шпаг, саблей и рапир, и мире этих спортсменов-интеллектуалов.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 23 июня 2018 года (11:20)
2018-06-23 13:55
Жара в столице задержится. Но зонтик все-таки пригодится. По рельсам пока курсируют миксеры с бетоном, но скоро пойдут поезда. Когда сдадут первый участок новой Кожуховской ветки метро? Новые матчи и новые традиции. Болельщики разных стран создают в Москве свои фанзоны. Музыка, спорт, медитация и вкусная еда: планы на эти выходные.

Музей на колесах, йога и футбол на Красной площади: выходные в Москве
2018-06-23 14:39
Настоящий музей на колесах прокатится в эти выходные по Сокольникам. Там пройдет ралли ретроавтомобилей. А пока ценители старинной техники будут любоваться раритетом, меломанов ждут на ВДНХ и в усадьбе Кусково. Как насыщенно провести эти теплые выходные?

Russia: 'Any team will make it difficult for us' — Spain's Vazquez before Morocco clash
2018-06-23 14:49
Spanish football player Lucas Vazquez said that every game in the World Cup is difficult, irrespective of an opponent's stature, at a press conference in Krasnodar. «We would prefer that the favourite teams didn't make it, but we want to win the World Cup and any team will make it difficult for us,» he told journalists. Vazquez believed there was «a lot at stake» in his side's next game against Morocco. The Real Madrid winger also described the high temperatures in Russia as «good» for training, but said the constant mosquito plagues were «annoying». After two games, the Spanish team has four points and sits top Group G alongside rivals Portugal.

Russia: Fans light up central Moscow before Belgium-Tunisia match
2018-06-23 15:04
Supporters from all over the world flocked to Moscow's Nikolskaya street, before the Group G game between Belgium and Tunisia this Saturday. 'The Street of Lights' has become an epicentre for fans during the tournament. The 2018 World Cup will take place in Russia between June 14 and July 15, with a total of 64 matches to be played in 12 different venues across the country. Mandatory credit: @tamira988, @my_moscow_my_love, @farida8206, @danilvasilev, @dmitrii_suvorov

Японская принцесса приехала в Екатеринбург поддержать свою сборную
2018-06-23 15:43
Поддержать японскую сборную в матче с Сенегалом, который пройдет в Екатеринбурге, приехала принцесса Хисако Такамадо. Она посетила храм Спаса на Крови, а также открыла международные выступления по кюдо — японскому искусству стрельбы из лука.

Рейндерс подарил Лаврову футболку сборной Бельгии
2018-06-23 15:45
Министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров и его коллега из Бельгии Дидье Рейндерс провели встречу в субботу в Москве.

Мутко приехал, Жирков вернулся
2018-06-23 15:46
Тренировка сборной перед вылетом в Самару.

На Никольской рады болельщикам
2018-06-23 15:47
Болельщики пока не доставляют никаких неудобств.

Иностранным фанатам сдают несуществующие квартиры
2018-06-23 15:49
В Екатеринбурге ищут мошенников, которые обманывали иностранных болельщиков. В интернете сдавали в аренду несуществующие квартиры, оставляя доверчивых фанатов без крыши над головой. Неравнодушным екатеринбуржцам пришлось спасать иностранцев и репутацию города.

Russia: Trezeguet backs Argentina and France to become World Cup winners
2018-06-23 15:50
Former French football legend David Trezeguet talked all things football on a visit to Hyundai Motorstudio in Moscow on Saturday. «For me as I am of Argentinian origin Argentina has a crucial meaning. France is also a special country for me. These two are my candidates of champions,» said Trezeguet. The former French striker also congratulated Kylain Mbappe on becoming France's youngest scorer at a major tournament. «For me it is an honour that such an interesting and great player as Mbappé has beaten my record,» he added. Trezeguet likened the current French squad to the World Cup-winners of 1998. Courtesy of RT

Фан-зоны Москвы переполнены
2018-06-23 15:53
Поболеть за любимую команду можно и в других местах

Футболисты сборной России готовятся к игре с уругвайцами
2018-06-23 16:05
Они провели тренировку на базе в Новогорске.

Виталий Мутко: хоть сейчас берите пробы, мы открыты
2018-06-23 16:08
Вице-премьер и глава Российского футбольного союза в Новогорске.

Дневной сон — любимый, сладкий
2018-06-23 16:09
Алексей Миранчук перед Уругваем.

«Фанимани»: Пенсионный возраст и увеличение НДС
2018-06-23 16:13
Что делать тем, кто не согласен с повышением пенсионного возраста? Какими пошлинами обложат посылки из-за рубежа? Как на россиянах отразится увеличение НДС? Сколько денег потратили иностранные болельщики в Москве с начала чемпионата мира, и кто ждет не дождется, когда этот турнир закончится? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани».

Зобнин: купил билеты на матч детям из Тольятти
2018-06-23 16:14
Один из героев сборной России — о почти родной Самаре.

На московском стадионе «Спартак» играют сборные Бельгии и Туниса
2018-06-23 16:20
Пока бельгийцы ведут.

Russia: Russia gearing up for Uruguay clash in Novogorsk
2018-06-23 16:23
The Russian national football team held a training session in Novogorsk, Moscow Region, on Saturday, ahead of their final group stage match against Uruguay in Samara on June 25. Russia beat Saudi Arabia 5-0 in the opening game on June 14 and went on to beat Egypt 3-1 on June 19. Russia are in Group A alongside Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uruguay and have already qualified for the final 16.

На ЧМ-2018 эти девушки впервые попали на стадион. В Иране это незаконно
2018-06-23 16:50
В Иране уже почти 40 лет женщинам запрещено находиться на стадионах. Именно поэтому многие иранки впервые вживую увидели футбольный матч лишь на ЧМ-2018. «Это было невероятно, порой я кричала громче мужчин! Я не увидела никакой разницы между мужчинами и женщинами. Мы все болели за нашу команду, как одно целое,» — говорит болельщица из Ирана Пармида, которая приехала в Россию на чемпионат мира. Вместе со своим другом Хассаном она планирует посетить все матчи, в которых будет играть Иран.

Гости из Монголии оценили возможности «Екатеринбург Арены»
2018-06-23 16:53
Возможности «Екатеринбург Арены» оценили гости из Монголии. Восхищение стадионом мирового класса на встрече с губернатором Евгением Куйвашевым выразил руководитель администрации президента республики Зандаахуу Энхболд. Накануне он присутствовал на матче Франция-Перу. Господин Энхболд отметил отличные организаторские способности свердловской команды, подготовившей мероприятие. Евгений Куйвашев пригласил монгольских партнеров к участию в масштабных проектах, которые реализуются в регионе. Речь шла о Глобальном саммите производства и индустриализации в 2019 году, борьбе за право проведения ЭКСПО-2025 и международной промышленной выставке ИННОПРОМ. Евгений Куйвашев, губернатор Свердловской области: «Через две недели в Екатеринбурге откроется ежегодная промышленная выставка ИННОПРОМ. Я приглашаю Вас и ваших коллег принять участие. Основная тема выставки — цифровое производство, страной-партнером выступает Южная Корея».

Павел Дацюк: благодаря ЧМ-2018 о Екатеринбурге узнали за океаном
2018-06-23 17:15
Благодаря чемпионату мира по футболу о Екатеринбурге узнали во многих странах мира. О родном городе за океаном рассказывает олимпийский чемпион и посол мундиаля Павел Дацюк. Перед матчем Перу и Франции, который он обязательно посетит, спортсмен дал пресс-конференцию в городском пресс-центре ЧМ.

Switzerland: Swiss react to footballers' controversial Albanian flag hand-gesture
2018-06-23 17:32
Local residents of Bern commented on Saturday, on the recent Albanian flag hand gestures made by two Swiss players during their recent match against Serbia in the 2018 World Cup. During the match, goals were scored by footballers Xherdan Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka, both Swiss players of Albanian heritage, in their last-minute 2-1 victory over Serbia, in Kaliningrad on Friday. The pair made an eagle sign with their hands, alluding to Albania's flag. The Kosovo War of 1998-9 pitted Serbia against the Albanian separatists. Xherdan Shaqiri struck a 90th minute winner in Switzerland's match against Serbia on Friday. The 2:1 result now leaves Switzerland with 4 points and in a strong position to qualify after their hard-fought draw against Brazil in their opening match, while Serbia face an uphill battle after the South Americans defeated Costa Rica earlier in the day

Развалины Нижнего Новгорода и ЧМ-2018
2018-06-23 17:34
Что думают местные жители.

St. Pete graffiti artists draw portrait of Russian coach Stanislav Cherchesov
2018-06-23 18:24
Artists from Saint Petersburg drew a large graffiti portrait of the Russian national football team's head coach Stanislav Cherchesov, near the city's Petrovsky Stadium, as shown in footage shot on Friday. «I celebrated with the whole city when our team entered the last 16 of the World Cup,» Artem Burzh, manager of the project, said. The inscription reads «You are simply a star [cosmos], Stas,» which is a quote from a song by the Russian group Leningrad. «We decided not to wait for a long time and contacted Sergei Shnurov [vocalist from the Leningrad group] and he gave copyright permission,» Burzh added. The group of artists have already painted portraits of Victor Tsoi, Pavel Durov, Albert Einstein, Dmitry Shevchuk and many other popular figures of show business and culture, sports and science on walls around Saint Petersburg.

Tunisia: Tunisian fans endure side's 5-2 defeat at hands of Belgium
2018-06-23 18:36
Tunisian fans were put through a range of emotions as Belgium beat their national side 5-2, in a World Cup group stage game that ends Tunisia's tournament aspirations, in El Kef on Friday. People including children gathered to root for their favourite team, chanting and jumping, while some had their faces coloured as Tunisian flags. As a result of the game, Belgium secured a place in the next round.

Russia: Brazilian stars Casemiro, William and co take a swing at TABLE FOOTBALL
2018-06-23 19:08
Brazilian national team football players displayed their prowess with a ball as they played table tennis with a football during a training session in Sochi on Saturday. Casemiro was initially training with Paulinho but later joined Marcelo, Gabriel Jesus and William for some football ping-pong. Neymar and Coutinho, as well as Douglas and Costa, who are both injured, did not join the training session on Saturday.

ЧМ-2018: как отличить настоящий билет от поддельного
2018-06-23 19:08
Мошенники «расставили ловушки» для желающих попасть на матчи мундиаля. У билетных центров и стадионов дежурят футбольные спекулянты. Перекупщики, как правило, предлагают приобрести чужие билеты либо и вовсе поддельные.

Russia: Colombia train in Kazan Arena ahead of Poland match
2018-06-23 19:29
The Colombian national football team held a training session at Kazan Arena on Saturday ahead of their clash with Poland on 24 June. In their second World Cup fixture, the Group H team will be looking to bounce back after their 2-1 defeat against Japan on Tuesday. Poland also lost 2-1 to Senegal on the same day.

Belgium: Belgian fans go nuts celebrating 5:2 victory over Tunisia
2018-06-23 19:47
Hundreds of fans of Belgium's national football team dressed up in their team's colours and gathered at the Place du Mirroir, in Brussel's municipality of Jette, Saturday, to watch Belguim's 5:2 triumph over Tunisia at the 2018 World Cup. Belgium's Eden Hazard and Romelu Lukaku scored two goals each and in the end, Michy Batshuayi crowned the match with a goal in the last minute. As a result of the game, Belgium has secured a place in the final 16.

Russia: Mohamed Salah and teammates arrive in Volgograd ahead of S. Arabia clash
2018-06-23 19:55
Egypt’s national football team arrived in Volgograd on Saturday ahead of their final match at the 2018 World Cup against Saudi Arabia. Liverpool and Egypt forward Mohamed Salah was seen among other players walking into the Hilton Garden Inn where the team is staying. With two losses from their first two games, Egypt's tournament will end with their game against Saudi Arabia on June 25.

Russia: Boisterous Mexico fans get psyched up for South Korea clash in Rostov-on-Don
2018-06-23 20:51
Thousands of Mexico fans flooded the streets of Rostov-on-Don on Saturday to support their team ahead of its game against South Korea. Mexico kept its momentum in Group F following its 1-0 win against Germany, by beating South Korea 2-1. South Korea lost 1-0 to Sweden on 18 June.

Russia: Canarinha footballers get surprise visit from kids before tackling Serbia
2018-06-23 21:02
Brazilian national football players Carlos Henrique Casimiro, known as Casemiro and Fernando Luiz Roza, received visits from their families after a training session at the Yug Sports Complex in Sochi, on Saturday, with both spending time playing with their children. Brazil's coach Adenor Leonardo Bacchi, commonly known as Tite, also enjoyed meeting Casemiro's daughter and both Fernandinho's son and daughter. Brazil's first group match against Switzerland ended in a 1:1 draw, with the team later defeating Costa Rica 2:0. They are now set to take on Serbia in their final group stage match on June 27. The FIFA World Cup 2018 takes place at 12 stadiums in 11 Russian cities from June 14 to July 15.

Russia: England failing to beat Panama would be 'catastrophic' says Mourinho
2018-06-23 21:05
Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho said it would be «catastrophic» if England failed to beat Panama in their next group stage match at the 2018 World Cup. «England has to win. And to win is normal. But not to win is catastrophic,» he said. However, he was optimistic of English chances, saying «England will win.» The Portuguese coach is appearing as RT's special guest host at the World Cup.

Вести в субботу. Эфир от 23.06.2018
2018-06-23 21:12
Опрос «Вестей в субботу»: за кого кроме своих команд болеют фанаты из разных стран? Что кроме футбола привело в Россию генсека ООН? Как Россия стала первой на чемпионате по фехтованию? Уникальные археологические раскопки на дне водохранилища Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС. Рамзан Кадыров принимает сборную Египта и грозного Салаха.

Russia: Tunisian fans still upbeat following 5:2 Belgium annihilation
2018-06-23 21:22
Tunisia’s 5-2 trouncing to Belgium does not appear to have dampened its fans’ spirits as they were seen chanting and clapping after the match on Moscow’s metro on Saturday. Tunisia is set to face Panama for their final match of the group stages of the tournament on June 28. Belgium stormed to the top of Group G, while Tunisia’s chances of reaching the last 16 are slim. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 till July 15.

Russia: Panama coach expects England clash to be 'hardest match by far'
2018-06-23 22:21
The Panama national football team held a training session at Nizhny Novgorod Stadium on Saturday, on the eve of their match against England at the 2018 World Cup. «Tomorrow is going to be a very tough match,» Panama's head coach Hernan Dario Gomez said, adding «they recover ball positions very quickly and they speed up very quickly. They have a one-touch play. It is amazing. They have a big deal of depth on the bench. It is going to be our hardest match by far.» Panama lost 3:0 to Belgium in their first match, while England beat Tunisia 2:1 on June 18. Panama will face the Three Lions on the pitch of Nizhny Novgorod Stadium on Sunday. It will be the second game of the tournament for both Group G teams.

«Вести в субботу»: Футбол объединяет
2018-06-23 23:00
Опрос «Вестей в субботу»: за кого кроме своих команд болеют фанаты из разных стран? Что кроме футбола привело в Россию генсека ООН? Как Россия стала первой на чемпионате по фехтованию? Уникальные археологические раскопки на дне водохранилища Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС. Рамзан Кадыров принимает сборную Египта и грозного Салаха.

Russia: Group-stage success not to distract Mexico from upcoming Sweden game
2018-06-23 23:05
Mexican striker Javier Hernandez took part in a press conference in Rostov-on-Don after his side came back to win 2-1 against South Korea on Saturday. Hernandez scored his team’s second goal in the 66th minute of the match. “I want to say that we defeated the national team of Germany and the national team of Korea,” Hernandez said, adding that Sweden are “sophisticated opponents” and that he wanted his compatriots to be “satisfied with this game.” Speaking about his team’s defeat, Head coach of the Korean team Shin Tae-yong said that the players “did everything they could. I am very grateful that they did their best until the last minute.” With two wins so far, the Mexican team has maintained a clean sheet and will finish the group stage on June 27 in Yekaterinburg with its match against Sweden. South Korean footballers suffered two defeats and will play in Kazan against Germany on the same day.

Russia: Denmark team swaps turf for sand in Anapa beach kick about
2018-06-23 23:06
The Denmark national football team seemed fairly relaxed about the whole World Cup as they enjoyed a kick about on an Anapa beach on Saturday, as seen from a footage shown by the team’s goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel. Denmark is set to face France during the group stages of the tournament at Moscow’s Luzhniki stadium on June 26. Maybe they’ll fit in some more intense training sessions before then.

Russia: Mexico goalkeeper thanks fans for creating ‘local’ atmosphere in Rostov-on-Don
2018-06-23 23:31
Mexico goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa thanked fans for their support after their 2-1 win over South Korea in Rostov-on-Don on Saturday. “[I would like to] to thank the people who have cheered us on today. It was good, very good,” Mexico goal keeper Guillermo Ochoa said, adding “we have seen it today, playing almost as locals, far away from Mexico, the passion with very beautiful chants, cheers and motivations, we thank them.” Speaking about his goal against Germany in the first group match, winger Hirving Lozano said “it is an unforgettable moment when a whole stadium screams your name like that in the World Cup. I'm very happy and it fills me in with energy.” With two wins so far, the Mexican team has maintained a clean sheet and will finish the group stage on June 27 in Yekaterinburg with its match against Sweden. South Korean footballers suffered two defeats and will play in Kazan against Germany on the same day.

Russia: Poland put 'due seriousness' into preparation for Colombia clash — team manager
2018-06-23 23:56
Polish team manager Adam Nawalka said his team approached each match with «due seriousness,» during a press conference in Kazan on Saturday, one day before Poland's clash with Colombia on June 24. «We approach each match with due seriousness and try to prepare optimally,» Nawalka said. On the same day the Polish team held a training session at Kazan's Kazan Arena stadium. In their second World Cup fixture, the Group H team will be looking to win after their 2-1 defeat to Senegal on June 19. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is taking place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Russia: Swiss national team trains ahead of Costa Rica match
2018-06-24 00:42
The Swiss national football team held a training session at the Torpedo Stadium in Moscow on Saturday, ahead of their game against Costa Rica at the 2018 World Cup. Switzerland’s World Cup win over Serbia in Kaliningrad has been overshadowed by celebrations made by two Swiss players, Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri, both of whom are of ethnic Albanian descent. They both made a winged gesture symbolising the eagle on the Albanian flag. Shaqiri also played in boots marked with the flags of Switzerland and Kosovo, the breakaway region that is not recognised as independent by dozens of countries, including Serbia and Russia. The players’ celebrations sparked debate on Twitter, with some questioning the need to mix politics with football and asking whether FIFA would take action.

Mexico: Fans hit the roof as Mexico qualify for knockout stages
2018-06-24 02:10
Mexican football fans gathering in Mexico City to watch their side’s game against South Korea on Saturday, and, after 90 minutes of torture, were overjoyed after their team ran out 2-1 victors to ensure their progression to the knockout stage. A Carlos Vela penalty set the ball rolling for Mexico in the 26th minute before Javier Hernandez doubled their lead with a cool finish inside the penalty area 24 minutes before time. Son Heung-min pulled a goal back for South Korea with a stunning strike from range, deep into injury time. Mexico will play their last group match against Sweden on Wednesday in Yekaterinburg.

Russia: Mexico fans jubilant after 2-1 win over South Korea in Rostov
2018-06-24 02:17
Throngs of Mexican fans flooded the streets of Rostov-on-Don on Saturday to celebrate the team's 2-1 win over South Korea. Mexico kept up their momentum in Group F following their 1-0 win against Germany, while South Korea had another day to forget, after they had lost 1-0 to Sweden on 18 June. Mexico, who have now already qualified will play against Sweden on Wednesday, while South Korea play Germany on the same day and need a win.

Russia: German fans go ballistic after last-gasp Kroos winner against Sweden
2018-06-24 02:45
The footage shows German fans leaving the Fisht stadium in Sochi after their national side’s 2-1 win over Sweden on Saturday. Toni Kroos scored a last-minute winner ensuring Germany still have hopes of progressing. Germany are set to face South Korea during the group stage of the tournament, while Sweden will play against Mexico on June 27.

Russia: Mo Salah and Egypt train before Saudi Arabia game
2018-06-24 02:53
The Egypt national team, including Mohamed Salah, held the training session before their final game against Saudi Arabia in Grozny on Saturday. Although already eliminated, the Egyptians are to set face the Saudis at the Volgograd Arena on Monday, June 25. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 until July 15.

Germany: Emotional rollercoaster at the Brandenburg Gate as Germany beat Sweden
2018-06-24 03:02
German football fans gathered in Berlin to watch the crucial game against Sweden on Saturday. The crowd at the public viewing event at the Brandenburg Gate experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, before the Germans secured the victory with a last minute freekick. Thousands of people from hundreds of different countries watched the game and celebrated the victory together.

Russia: 'Send him to the Hague!' — Serbia coach on Xhaka and Shaqiri controversy
2018-06-24 04:42
Serbian head coach Mladen Krstajic commented on Friday's 2-1 defeat to Switzerland at a press conference in Svetlogorsk on Saturday. He spoke about the controversial celebrations after the two Swiss goals. «I would send him [either Granit Xhaka or Xherdan Shaqiri] to the Hague. I wouldn't give him a single card. Let him be on a trial there just like we were yesterday with them,» Krstajic said. Both scorers, Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri are of Kosovar-Albanian origin and celebrated their goals against Serbia with Albanian nationalistic symbols. On the game itself, Krstajic pointed the finger at the referee. «Today, our main topic is referee's work. We were robbed. It's a fact. But at the end, it is me to blame for our defeat,» Krstajic said.

Russia: Tunisia's 'got to be proud' — Coach Maaloul after Belgium thrashing
2018-06-24 05:31
Tunisian and Belgian players spoke to the press in mixed zone after their match in Moscow on Saturday. Belgium ran out 5-2 victors meaning they have already qualified for the knockout stage. The Tunisian team manager Nabil Maaloul said: «We've got to be proud of the game. We could not play better than we did.» Belgium's Axel Witsel characterised the game as hard. «Nobody is easy to play with, this is different style than with Panama,» he said. Jan Vertonghen said that Belgium's next game against England will be 'special because we know so many players and they know us.'

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018
2018-06-24 06:15
Болеем за наших: исторический выход российской сборной в плей-офф мирового футбольного первенства. Рост цен удалось остановить, но надолго ли: какова ситуация на топливном рынке.

Юный футболист из Кыргызстана выиграл конкурс ЧМ-2018 ради фото с Роналду и Месси
2018-06-24 06:19
14-летний Ырыскелди Тыныбеков едет на Чемпионат мира. Участвовать в играх ему еще рано, но на поле он все же попадет — примет участие в открытии 1/4 финала и торжественно вынесет мяч. Дожидаясь полета в Сочи, мальчик тренируется и пытается запомнить просьбы друзей — привезти автографы кумиров.

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