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Russia: FIFA Fan Fest opens to great fanfare in Moscow

Russia: FIFA Fan Fest opens to great fanfare in Moscow
2018-06-11 05:57
SOT, journalist: «We are a country of football, yes.» SOT, Marcel Desailly, former French international footballer and 1998 FIFA World Cup winner: «Ok, ok so now we have the answer. We are very pleased. Football is made of this, to be able to, you know, share in different continents, different cultures will come in the country. So we're just hoping that for the opening game Russia will do well against Saudi Arabia. I love Saudi Arabia also, but I would like Russia to at least perform, because the past games have not been very good, so we hope that they will, you know, show us that they can qualify for the second round.» FIFA Fan Fest opening ceremony took place at Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills) in Moscow on Sunday. In his role as a Fan Fest Ambassador Marcel Desailly, former French international footballer and 1998 FIFA World Cup winner, presented the FIFA trophy to a jubilant Muscovite crowd. «We were wondering if Russia was really a country of football and we have now the answer,» Desailly said. «I would like Russia to at least perform, because the past games have not been very good, so we hope that they will show us that they can qualify for the second round,» he added. The fan zone will serve as an informal meeting point until the end of the tournament with a total capacity of 25,000 people.

Новости на т/к «Россия 24». Ola, Brasil! Пятикратные чемпионы мира прилетели в Россию
2018-06-11 06:03
В ночь на понедельник в аэропорту Сочи приземлился самолет, на котором в Россию прилетели пятикратные чемпиона мира — сборная Бразилии. Все игроки, тренеры и администрация команды будут жить «Swissotel Resort Сочи Камелия», а тренировки проводить на стадионе базы «Юг-Спорт».

Russia: The Socceroos bounce their way to Kazan
2018-06-11 06:12
The Australian national team arrived in Kazan airport on Sunday, a few days ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Socceroos, the Australian football team's official nickname, will train at Trudovye Rezervy Stadium for the duration of this summer's tournament. Australia are drawn in Group C alongside France, Peru and Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Russia: Iceland begin WC campaign with public training session
2018-06-11 07:07
The Icelandic national football team held an open training session at the Olymp Stadium in Gelendzhik on Sunday. A few thousand supporters watched on as Head Coach Heimir Hallgrimsson led his boys on a training session. The North Atlantic country will be based in Gelendzhik for the duration of the World Cup. Iceland are drawn in Group D — the so-called 'Group of Death' — alongside Argentina, Croatia and Nigeria. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

На прохожих надейся, а сам не плошай. Помогут ли англоговорящему туристу в Москве
2018-06-11 08:32
В преддверии Чемпионата мира в Москве переводят на английский надписи в транспорте, указатели на улицах, по городу обещают рассредоточить волонтеров, помогающих с переводом. Журналисты Настоящего Времени решили проверить, сложно ли будет иностранцам без русского языка в столице во время ЧМ-2018.

Агитпроп. Эфир от 11.06.2018
2018-06-11 08:35
Досадные недоразумения накануне Чемпионата мира не смогут испортить праздничной атмосферы. Но забывать о них все же не стоит. Спорт невозможно отделить от политики, а ставки в ней сегодня как никогда высоки. О зарплатах футболистов, борьбе с кровопийцами и уроках бразильского мундиаля.

«Специальный репортаж»: Чемпионат мира по футболу FIFA 2018. Самара
2018-06-11 09:25
Один из самых «футбольных» городов России готов к старту Чемпионата мира. В Самаре сдали последние объекты по программе благоустройства. Новый стадион, аэропорт, сотни километров отремонтированных дорог. О том, как изменил Самару грядущий мундиаль, и как подготовился к приезду иностранцев гостиничный бизнес страны?

Овечкин искупался в фонтане по случаю победы в Кубке Стэнли
2018-06-11 09:29
Александр Овечкин снова сорвал аплодисменты восхищенных поклонников.

Russia: Peru land in Moscow for first World Cup in 36 years
2018-06-11 09:32
The Peruvian national team arrived in Moscow on Monday ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. La Blanquirroja, as they are nicknamed, will stay close to the Sheremetyevo International Airport at the nearby Sheraton hotel and will train at the Arena Khimki in Moscow region. Peru are participating at their first World Cup in 36 years and any hopes of passing the group stage rest on captain Paolo Guerrero, who narrowly avoided a doping ban for alleged cocaine use. Peru are drawn in Group C alongside France, Denmark and Australia. Their first match is on June 16 against Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Вести. Эфир от 11.06.2018
2018-06-11 11:00
Бразилия, Австралия, Египет, Уругвай, Франция — звездные футболисты прилетают на Чемпионат мира. Дональд Трамп и Ким Чен Ын уже в Сингапуре. Сильный ливень затопил улицы Новосибирска.

Russia: Peru land in Moscow for first World Cup in 36 years
2018-06-11 11:19
The Peruvian national team arrived in Moscow on Monday ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. La Blanquirroja, as they are nicknamed, will stay close to the Sheremetyevo International Airport at the nearby Sheraton hotel and will train at the Arena Khimki in Moscow region. Peru are participating at their first World Cup in 36 years and any hopes of passing the group stage rest on captain Paolo Guerrero, who narrowly avoided a doping ban for alleged cocaine use. Peru are drawn in Group C alongside France, Denmark and Australia. Their first match is on June 16 against Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Черчесов назвал первую цель сборной России по футболу на ЧМ-2018
2018-06-11 12:44
Российская команда должна выйти из группы и идти дальше по турнирной лестнице.

Сборная Бразилии прилетела в Россию на ЧМ-2018
2018-06-11 12:45
Команда будет готовиться к матчам в Сочи.

В Подмосковье открытые тренировки проводят сборные Перу и Аргентины
2018-06-11 12:48
У болельщиков есть возможность увидеть игру одного из лучших футболистов современности Лионеля Месси.

«Специальный репортаж»: Встань и иди
2018-06-11 13:04
Самарская область — регион спортивный. Футбол, хоккей, баскетбол, плавание — практически все массовые виды спорта представлены здесь широко. Причем не только в областной столице, но и в других городах. Самарская область участвует и в чемпионате мира по футболу в статусе принимающей стороны.

Футбол в метро: в Петербурге провели матч в преддверии Кубка мира
2018-06-11 13:22
Ворота, зеленое поле и болельщики — всё как в настоящем футболе. Но этот матч необычный. Играют любители. И не на стадионе, а в метро — на глубине 65 метров на станции «Международная».

Болельщики могут посмотреть открытые тренировки сборных Перу и Аргентины
2018-06-11 13:52
Лионеля Месси можно будет увидеть вечером в тренировочном центре «Бронницы».

На Воробьевых горах появилась фан-зона с лучшим видом на Москву
2018-06-11 13:53
Она находится на площади перед главным корпусом МГУ и может вместить 25 тысяч зрителей.

Russia: Portugal ‘came to win’ — Ronaldo and co. train in Kratovo
2018-06-11 14:43
Portuguese midfielder Manuel Fernandes stated that his team came to Russia 'to win all the games in the group' during a press conference at Kratovo's training facility in Moscow Region on Monday. Fernandes went on to say that his team does not consider 'any other results' and described Real Madrid attacker Cristiano Ronaldo as a 'very important player' since the Portuguese team do not just depend on his goals, but also his 'shape.' Ronaldo could be seen training with his teammates ahead of Portugal's first match against Spain on June 15 in Sochi.

Европарламент может призвать к бойкоту Чемпионата мира по футболу в России
2018-06-11 16:00
О возможном дипломатическом бойкоте Чемпионата мира по футболу в России сообщает корреспондент Радио Свобода в Брюсселе. Депутаты готовятся принять резолюцию 14 июня, в день открытия турнира. В документе говорится о нарушениях прав человека в России. И в том числе — о заключении украинского режиссера Олега Сенцова.

Russia: Serbian national team arrives in Kaliningrad ahead of WC
2018-06-11 18:11
The Serbian national football team landed in Kaliningrad on Monday, just days ahead of the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Serbs will hold an open training session at the Baltic base later today in Svetlogorsk, according to reports. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Serbia will compete against Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Brazil in the group stage of the tournament.

Немецкий пенсионер поехал на ЧМ-2018 в Россию на тракторе
2018-06-11 18:23
Железный конь 1936 года выпуска движется со скоростью 20 километров в час.

Александр Овечкин выиграл кубок Стэнли
2018-06-11 18:25
В финале «Вашингтон Кэпиталз» обыграли дебютанта НХЛ «Вегас Голден Найтс».

Russia: Mexico fan house will 'build bridges' between two countries — Mexican Ambassador
2018-06-11 19:37
A fan house for the Mexican national football team is set to open for the FIFA World Cup in Moscow on Friday, offering Russians and Mexicans the opportunity to come together and get acquainted with their different cultures. In anticipation of the Mexico House opening, a press-conference took place at the City Press Center of Moscow on Monday. According to the head of the hospitality venue, Javier Ruiz Galindo, it will have several screens, including «one pretty large screen to show the matches.» It will receive not only fans of the Mexico football team, but guests from all over the world. «The Mexico House in Moscow will be a good opportunity to build bridges between our countries and our cultures. We always believe in bridges, not in wars,» Mexican Ambassador to Russia Norma Pensado Moreno said during the press event. The Mexico fan house will be opened at the Gostiny Dvor exhibition center on June 15. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Вести в 20:00. Эфир от 11 июня 2018 года
2018-06-11 20:00
Зачем Кадыров лично привел на стадион лидера сборной Египта? Селфи с Ким Чен Ыном в сингапурском парке. Новый обстрел Донецка. европейские лидеры приходят в себя после скандала на саммите «семерки». Нефутбольные детали предстоящего Чемпионата мира.

Russia: French national team trains ahead of World Cup
2018-06-11 20:39
The national football team of France trained at Glebovets Stadium in Moscow Region on Monday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. France is in group C where it is scheduled to play against Australia, Peru, and Denmark. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Russia: Peruvian national team hold practice at Arena Khimki
2018-06-11 21:45
The national football team of Peru trained at the Arena Khimki stadium in Khimki, Moscow Region, on Monday, ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Up to 1,000 fans came to watch the team practice, many of them wearing colourful costumes.

Russia: WC opener ballgirls ready and raring to go
2018-06-12 00:41
A female football team held training in the city of Agryz in the Republic of Tatarstan on Sunday after learning that they had won a nationwide contest to become ballgirls at the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. «We had been waiting for the results quite long and even doubted that we would have been chosen, though we hoped to win,» said Yulia Shustova, the team captain. She added that on the day of the announcement, their coach invited girls to his office and told everyone to cover their eyes. «When we opened our eyes, we saw a letter from Coca-Cola. Our eyes widened in surprise. All cried out. It was unreal,» Shustova told. The competition — organised by Coca-Cola, official partners of FIFA — was open to amateur players aged 13 to 16. The final winners were chosen by players of the Russian national team. Coca-Cola will also be giving 776 boys and girls from the different parts of Russia the opportunity to become ballboys and girls in the FIFA Youth Programme. The opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place between Russia and Saudi Arabia on June 14 in Moscow.

Russia: FIFA referees 'impressed' with Russia's WC preparations
2018-06-12 01:12
SOT, Massimo Busacca, Head of FIFA Refereeing (Spanish): «Very good. I am very happy, in particular speaking about referees, because we have everything available to us. So I have to say thank you very much to Russia for what they prepared, and I'm sure it's going to continue this way until the end.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «How did you like the stadiums, which the majority are new?» SOT, Massimo Busacca, Head of FIFA Refereeing (Spanish): «Very nice. I refereed yesterday the match at Luzhniki Stadium and it was very exciting. But I didn't have any doubt. Russia is a very professional country, a country that always won a lot in sports and knows that they have to invest and show the world that they can do it, and I'm sure it will be so.» *JUMPCUT AT SOURCE* SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee (Spanish): «I'm here training since day three. The country has a great atmosphere, and as we approach the day of the opening, I see the people more involved, more tourists, more people with flags. That's what we've seen.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «Have you had the possibility to train in stadiums where you will eventually be officiating?» SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee: «No, we have only done some practice sessions. We have not seen anything else, but we have been in a constant state of preparation.» SOT, correspondent (Spanish): «Have are you preparing for the World Cup with VAR? It's the first World Cup with VAR, is there any pressure, you can make mistakes as shows on the big screen.» SOT, Cesar Arturo Ramos, referee: «We trained every day, in the classroom, in the pitch, with players, and we are prepared because we've been doing this for two years in almost every seminar and I think the preparation was very complete. The refereeing is still the same, it has to be done in the pitch.» Head of FIFA Refereeing Massimo Busacca was «impressed» with Russia's preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup during an interview in Moscow on Monday. «Especially on the refereeing point of view, on the preparation facilities, everything, so, we are really to thank the Russia for what they prepared,» he said. Referees commented on the new Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system, which will be used at a World Cup for the first time this summer. Those interviewed felt that technology could never replace human judgement. «Perhaps in the middle we have the help of VAR, but the human is at the beginning and at the end of the story», referee Clement Turpin pointed out. Leading African referee Bakary Gassama, hoped Russia could dispel rumours of racism amongst fans by using football «to bring people together all over the world wherever you come from, wherever your background.»

Russia: Mexican team touches down in Moscow
2018-06-12 01:58
The Mexican national football team landed at 20:10 local time (17:10 GMT) in Moscow on Monday, just days before the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Mexican side will hold an opening training session at Strogino stadium, before settling down at their permanent base at FC Dynamo's Novogorsk training centre. Mexico are drawn in Group F alongside Germany, Sweden and Korea Republic. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Russia: Suarez, Cavani and Uruguay team on show before WC opener
2018-06-12 02:18
The Uruguay national football team held its first open training session at the Borsky sports centre in Nizhny Novgorod on Monday, ahead of its opening match against Egypt. Over 100 journalists from all over the world as well as 500 fans — most of them children — attended the event. One of the youngsters was excited to see some of the world's biggest stars. «I'm happy that I saw Uruguay's national team, I saw top players like Luis Suarez and [Edinson] Cavani,» he told the cameras. In an interview after training, Atletico Madrid striker Jose Gimenez expressed his satisfaction at Russia's preparations for the tournament. «I have no doubt that Russia will manage to organize the World Championship well. For me, this country seems very strong and big,» he told journalists. Galatasaray's no. 1 Fernando Muslera was impressed by the facilities on offer. «We are very grateful for the fact that we were provided with such good living conditions in order to train and prepare for the most glorious event, the World Cup.» Uruguay are drawn in Group A alongside Egypt, Saudi Arabia and hosts Russia. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Russia: Fans build excitement for World Cup in central Moscow
2018-06-12 04:22
Football fans from Saudi Arabia, Uruguay and hosts Russia crowded into Moscow's Manezhnaya Square on Monday to catch some of the football fever ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. The opening match will take place between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow.

Belgium: Red Devils itching to start WC campaign after 4-1 win over Costa Rica
2018-06-12 06:33
Belgium's Head Coach Roberto Martinez boldly declared his team «ready» at a post-match press conference in Brussels on Monday, after easing to victory against Costa Rica in their final warm-up match. «We need to understand that playing a game of football under the pressure of being in the World Cup is very, very different to playing, qualifying and in friendlies, but I get the feeling that this team wants to face adversity,» Martinez told journalists. In a separate interview, Belgian midfielder Axel Witsel said that «everybody are ready for Russia.» Goals from Dries Mertens, Michi Batshuayi and a double from Romelu Lukaku helped Belgium to victory against Costa Rica. Belgium are drawn in Group G against England, Panama and Tunisia. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

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