В Казахстане закрывают сразу 8 исправительных колоний
В Казахстане закрывают сразу 8 исправительных колоний
2018-07-29 07:22
В Казахстане намерены сократить восемь колоний, что позволит сэкономить 12 млрд тенге в год (около $34,5 млн). 31 июля в стране вступает в силу закон, направленный на гуманизацию уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства.
Indonesia: At least 10 dead after quake strikes tourist hotspot Lombok
2018-07-29 07:59
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Lombok at 7am local time on Sunday killing at least 10 people.
The island, which is 40km (25 miles) from Bali, was then struck by another 60 aftershocks of a smaller magnitude.
It is reported some 40 people were also injured by the earthquake, which are frequent in the area due to volcanic activity in the south Pacific.
В Петербурге стартовал фестиваль VK Fest
2018-07-29 08:34
Мероприятие проходит уже в четвертый раз, организатором выступает социальная сеть «ВКонтакте». Площадка — парк 300-летия Санкт-Петербурга. На четырех сценах выступают лучшие музыканты страны, популярные блогеры, звезды шоу-бизнеса. Впервые среди участников начинающая певица Монеточка.
Эрдоган продолжает торговаться с США по закупке вооружения
2018-07-29 08:40
Турция обратится в международный арбитраж, если Соединенные Штаты не поставят истребители F-35. Об этом заявил журналистам президент страны Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган. Также турецкий лидер добавил: в вопросе приобретения истребителей Турция также «может рассмотреть альтернативы» американским машинам.
Вести-Рязань. События Недели. Эфир от 29.07.2018 (08:45)
2018-07-29 08:45
Дает очередной шанс: рязанская налоговая отзывает иск о банкротстве «Автоколонны 1310». Оптимизацией госаппарата займутся профессионалы: в регионе создают единый кадровый резерв.
State of Palestine: Imprisoned slap teenager Ahed Tamimi reunited with family
2018-07-29 09:45
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi returned to her home village of Nabi Salih on Sunday morning.
She was accompanied by her father Bassem and mother Nariman.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
State of Palestine: Slap teenager Ahed Tamimi speaks after being freed
2018-07-29 09:53
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi gave a brief statement to the press from her home in the village in Nabi Salih on Sunday, standing alongside her parents after being released from prison.
She was accompanied by her father Bassem and mother Nariman.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 29.07.2018
2018-07-29 10:32
Плодовит и очень опасен: в чём секрет живучести борщевика Сосновского? Увесистый аргумент: Минздрав назвал регионы, в которых проживают люди страдающие ожирением. Без повода не нападают. Но если змея все же укусила. Как помочь пострадавшему и где в регионе наибольшее скопление ядовитых пресмыкающихся?
State of Palestine: Crying slap teen Tamimi back in parent's arms
2018-07-29 11:13
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi was reunited with her father Bassem and mother Nariman after being freed from an Israeli prison on Sunday morning.
The tearful teen was greeted by a large crowd of relatives and supporters outside her home in the village of Nabi Salih.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier on camera in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
В Москве задержали мужчину, напавшего с ножом на полицейского
2018-07-29 11:46
Мужчина, напавший с ножом на полицейского у посольства Словакии, задержан. Об этом сообщила официальный представитель МВД Ирина Волк. Вечером 27 июля неизвестный напал на полицейского и нанес ему несколько ножевых ранений. Пострадавший − командир взвода полка полиции по охране диппредставительств и консульств. Злоумышленник скрылся, но попал в поле зрения нескольких камер видеонаблюдения. Возбуждено уголовное дело.
Десятки тысяч россиян вышли на митинги против пенсионной реформы
2018-07-29 12:25
В городах России прошли митинги против пенсионной реформы, собравшие тысячи участников. В большинстве случаев митинги были организованы местными отделениями КПРФ, но в них также участвовали сторонники оппозиционера Алексея Навального, представители движений «Открытая Россия», «Левый фронт» и партии «Яблоко». Митингующие потребовали отправить в отставку правительство и президента.
Iran: Foreign Minister Zarif labels US a sanctions' addict
2018-07-29 12:44
Iranian Foreign Minster Mohammad Javad Zarif said the United States is 'addicted to sanctions', in a speech to business people and diplomatic officials in Tehran on Sunday.
«Their history has the highest record of sanctions against the largest number of countries. It is not only us that Americans sanction. Americans are addicted to sanctions,» Zarif proclaimed.
He called on the US «to quit this addiction of theirs» and lift sanctions on Iran.
Zarif also said Iran should take advantage of the recent trade dispute between the European Union and the US.
«Now there is some schism between the US and Europe where we can be active. We don't need to act as a bridge between Europe and the US,» Zarif told his audience.
Мать убитой в Серпухове 5-летней девочки впала в кому
2018-07-29 13:56
Подозреваемый в зверской расправе над ребенком проведет два месяца под арестом. Местные жители ждут результатов расследования. Трагедия заставила всех обратить внимание на то, что творилось в подмосковном городе. За халатность уже лишились своих должностей несколько сотрудников полиции. Как они должны были отреагировать на заявления родителей?
State of Palestine: Slap video teen Tamimi visits tomb of PLO's Yasser Arafat
2018-07-29 14:12
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi visited the tomb of the deceased leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Yasser Arafat in Ramallah on Sunday, after being released from an Israeli prison.
She was accompanied by her father Bassem and mother Nariman, and spoke to members of the press outside.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
Afghanistan: 'Our lives are in danger' — Afghan Sikhs plan to leave the country
2018-07-29 14:24
Afghan Sikhs are weighing up their future in their home country due to being targeted by terror attacks and discrimination in Afghanistan, in a report from Helmand on Sunday.
A group of Afghan Sikhs can be seen holding numerous photographs of family and community members who were killed in previous terror attacks.
Only this month, militants from the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) carried out a suicide bombing in the eastern Jalalabad killing at least 13 members of the Sikh community. This included Avtar Singh Khalsa, the only Sikh candidate in parliamentary elections.
Rajbeer Singh, Head of Nangarhar province of Sikhs, explained how he wanted to show the pictures to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and to «tell him if you cannot protect us, we will leave the country, and will tell him, that we were safe in other regimes, but during your presidency we are forced to leave Afghanistan.»
Another Sikh man, Tapar Singh, said that the current government didn't care about the security of the Sikh community, and said «the UN should help us and find a way for us to get out of Afghanistan, we don't want to stay in Afghanistan, our lives are in danger every minute when we live here.»
The Sikh community in Afghanistan once numbered as many as 100,000 people. However, since the Afghan civil war in the 90s, that number has dwindled to as low as 2,500.
Those who still remain face a stark choice, convert to Islam or seek refuge in neighbouring India, their spiritual homeland.
State of Palestine: Italian graffiti artists arrested for Tamimi mural
2018-07-29 14:45
Two Italian graffiti artists were arrested by Israeli border police on Saturday in Bethlehem, after they drew a giant portrait of the Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi on the Israeli separation barrier in the occupied West Bank.
Renowned street artist Jorit Agoch was among those detained.
The Palestine Liberation Organisation claimed Israeli forces also detained a Palestinian who was accompanying the two Italians.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier on camera in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
State of Palestine: Freed slap video teen Tamimi visits Abbas
2018-07-29 15:36
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi visited the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Sunday, after being released from an Israeli prison.
She was accompanied by her father Bassem, mother Nariman, and other family members.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier on camera in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
Indonesia: Thousands of homes damaged in deadly Lombok quake
2018-07-29 16:04
Officials on the Indonesian island of Lombok said thousands of houses were destroyed after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck at 7am on Sunday, killing at least 14 people.
The island, which is 40km (25 miles) from Bali, was then struck by another 60 aftershocks of a smaller magnitude.
It is also reported some 162 people were also injured by the earthquake.
Earthquakes in the area are frequent due to volcanic activity in the south Pacific.
Экс-главу Volkswagen обвинили в налоговых махинациях
2018-07-29 16:05
По данным немецких СМИ, прокуратура города Брауншвейга ведет расследование в отношении экс-главы автоконцерна Volkswagen Мартина Винтеркорна по подозрению в налоговых преступлениях.
В Москве задержали организаторов митинга против пенсионной реформы
2018-07-29 17:31
Среди задержанных глава Либертарианской партии Сергей Бойко и координатор московского штаба Алексея Навального Олег Степанова. Ранее сообщалось, что на проспекте Академика Сахарова в Москве прошел согласованный с городскими властями митинг против повышения пенсионного возраста. По официальным оценкам, в нем принимают участие около двух с половиной тысяч человек.
В Тартусе отметили День ВМФ РФ парадом
2018-07-29 17:58
На рейде сирийского порта Тартус прошел парад в честь Дня Военно-морского флота России. В нем приняли участие корабли и суда из состава оперативного соединения российского ВМФ в Средиземном море, а также самолеты Воздушно-космических сил России.
«Рожденные после СССР»: За вашу и нашу свободу
2018-07-29 18:45
«Рожденные после СССР», программа о том, какие традиции молодежь наследует из прошлого и что нас ждет в будущем. Ведущая - Тамара Ляленкова. Посмотреть и послушать обсуждение можно на сайте Радио Свобода и на телеканале Настоящее время.
State of Palestine: Aunt praises ‘amazing, strong’ niece freed from jail
2018-07-29 19:10
The aunt of Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi praised her as «beautiful, amazing and strong» during an interview after the teen’s release from an Israeli prison on Sunday.
Nawal Tamimi was part of a large crowd of relatives and supporters who greeted the teen as she returned to her home in the village of Nabi Salih.
The aunt said «the daily Israeli practices in the village helped in making her able to reach her voice to the world.» She continued to wish the teen «an easy life” and hopes Israeli forces «don't target her anymore.»
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier on camera in December 2017. She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
«Вести в 20:00»: День ВМФ
2018-07-29 20:00
Вся мощь российского флота — в парадном строю. 1030 лет после Крещения Руси: как этот праздник вновь объединил все православные народы? Обыски и задержания в Адлере и Сочи: как дома регистрировали под видом гаражей и обманывали дольщиков? О чем договорились лидеры, за которыми половина населения планеты? Онкология не приговор: какие программы по диагностике рака запускает государство?
Germany: Turks protest ‘unfair’ media coverage outside Bild offices
2018-07-29 20:23
Turkish community representatives gathered outside Europe's largest publishing house in Berlin on Sunday to protest against alleged unfair media coverage.
Around 100 people protested outside the Axel Springer HQ — home of Bild, Die Welt, and Fakt — under the motto «I am Ozil» in reference to scandal over German footballer of Turkish origin Mesut Ozil.
Many demonstrators held Turkish flags and wore jerseys with Ozil's name on them as well as T-shirts depicting the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
«What they say about the Turkish democracy. All these things during the last years — we've exploded and we are saying — stop right now, stop,» said activist Bilgili Uretmen, who underlined that the scandal over Mesut Ozil was the last straw.
Earlier in the month, Ozil retired from international football at the age of 29, citing 'disrespect, insults and pressure'. He and teammate Ilkay Gundogan were widely criticised for posing in a photograph alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with many questioning their loyalty to Germany's values.
Военные: пояса смертников носят все игиловцы
2018-07-29 20:37
В Сирии практически без боев завершается операция по освобождению юго-западных провинций от боевиков. У спорных Голанских высот отряды вооруженной оппозиции заключили соглашение с правительственными силами и теперь помогают сирийской полиции очищать демилитаризованную зону.
Zimbabwe: Mugabe resurfaces with TV speech on eve of election
2018-07-29 20:38
One day before the country votes, Zimbabwe's ex-president Robert Mugabe resurfaced in Harare on Sunday calling for a new government that could create «an environment in which people are free».
Mugabe expressed his hope that the voting will let the Zimbabwe throw away military government and return to 'constitutionality.'
During the speech from his home, Mugabe also mentioned he would not support his successor Emmerson Mnangagwa after being forced from office in November.
Крым: магия чисел и свои «Вести»
2018-07-29 20:51
Бесстыковой или, как говорят железнодорожники, бархатный путь для двухэтажных чартерных поездов — таким Крымский мост уже в будущем году увидят первые пассажиры железной дороги, которая «потянулась» от одного российского берега к другому.
Мошенничество с недвижимостью: Сочи ждут новые аресты
2018-07-29 20:57
По многим сочинским адресам, в том числе и в высокие кабинеты, пришли следователи. Начались обыски и задержания. Поводом для проверок стали долгострой и самострой, которые в этом курортном городе достигли каких-то невероятных масштабов.
В Сирии отметили день ВМФ
2018-07-29 21:03
В Сирии праздник отмечали подразделения оперативного соединения Военно-морского флота России в Средиземном море.
БРИКС вырос в мощное политическое объединение
2018-07-29 21:11
Мир за пределами Европы и США живет по собственным законам. И по темпам экономического роста давно опережает G7. Так написали о десятом саммите БРИКС европейские СМИ. Юбилейная встреча вышла за рамки «пятерки» — к лидерам Бразилии, России, Индии, Китая и ЮАР присоединились еще два десятка «наблюдателей».
Звезду Трампа не уберегли
2018-07-29 21:20
«Пока в США не кончится охота на ведьм, Путин и Трамп не встретятся в Вашингтоне» — в этом заявлении советника президента США Джона Болтона — краткое резюме доведенного до абсурда поиска «российского следа» в Белом доме. А ведь он же — Болтон — еще совсем недавно готовил осенний визит.
«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 29.07.2018
2018-07-29 21:25
Трамп вновь призвал Конгресс к изменению иммиграционного законодательства. До выборов в Конгресс осталось 100 дней. Советник Белого дома убежден в устойчивости экономического роста в США. Полиция расследует инцидент со стрельбой в Новом Орлеане.
«Война». Эфир от 29.07.2018
2018-07-29 21:29
Группа работает на юге Сирии, где правительственные войска уничтожают последний анклав террористов «Исламского государства». Как проходит операция на границе с Израилем и Иорданией, почему так важно ликвидировать радикалов на юго-западе Сирии?
Russia: Protesters rally against pension age rise in Moscow
2018-07-29 21:46
Protesters rally against the government’s plans to increase the retirement age for Russian citizens in Moscow on Sunday.
The authorised protest is organized by the Libertarian Party of Russia and is supported by Alexey Navalny. The protesters are scheduled to march at Akademika Sakharova Avenue.
The demonstrators are opposed to a plan to increase the retirement age from 60 to 65 by 2028 for men and from 55 to 63 for women by 2034.
Pavel Kudyukin, an activist of the Russian social-democratic movement said that “we have different arguments why we disagree with the proposals of the government, but we agree in one thing — the government grossly violates the social contract between citizens and the government.»
Earlier this month Vladimir Putin commented on the proposed plan, stating that he doesn’t support “any of the options connected with raising the retirement age”.
«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Саммит БРИКС в ЮАР
2018-07-29 22:00
В ЮАР прошел десятый саммит БРИКС; в отличие от «большой семерки» эти страны договорились по всем проблемам. Тем временем Конгресс США выступает против «тайных встреч» Путина и Трампа, а сам президент США выложил фото, где он целует Жана-Клода Юнкера. Наши эксперты: Владимир Жириновский, Вячеслав Никонов, Игорь Морозов, Алексей Маслов, Сергей Станкевич, Владимир Сергиенко.
State of Palestine: Soldier slap teen Tamimi gives presser after release
2018-07-30 01:03
Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi gave a press conference outside her home in Nabi Salih, 20km (12mi) from Ramallah, on Sunday after being released from an Israeli prison.
«I hope that the campaigns that were established for me continue and carry on for the other prisoners because there are more and I stand with them in these campaigns in support of their families,» Tamimi said.
Seventeen-year old Tamimi was charged with 12 offences, including assaulting security forces and incitement to violence, after she slapped an Israeli soldier on camera in December 2017.
She was first sentenced to eight months in jail, but accepted a plea bargain shortening her sentence.
Australia: Brisbane demo pounces on alt-right activist Lauren Southern's visit
2018-07-30 04:06
Protesters gathered outside the Brisbane venue where alt-right activist Lauren Southern was giving a speech on Sunday night.
The 60 or so demonstrators voiced their outrage over Southern's visit outside the Brisbane Convention Centre, branding her 'racist scum'; the 23-year-old American is a vocal critic of multiculturalism and immigration.
Southern, who has amassed half a million YouTube followers with her alt-right vlogs, is visiting Brisbane along with fellow activist Stefan Molyneux as part of her 'free speech' tour.
Mexico: 23y/o arrives in Mexico City to undergo surgery on 5kg tumour
2018-07-30 04:22
Twenty-three-year-old Adrian Jurado Espino arrived in Mexico City with his father on Sunday as he prepares for surgery to remove a 4.8kg (11lbs) tumour from the right side of his face.
Despite 13 previous operations, the tumour has always returned.
Since reaching adulthood, however, hopes have been revived that the growth will not come back since Adrian's development has all but stopped.
The disease which Adrian suffers from, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, first manifested itself when he was aged just six years old.
Although he lives in constant pain, with pressure closing up his right eye and his throat, Adrian remains optimistic.
«Hopefully they will remove everything and of course they are expected to carry out more reconstructive surgery in the future,» he said.
Adrian enjoys a relatively normal life with friends and family, studying engineering at home in Chihuahua and working in construction with his father, but has become impatient with people constantly asking questions.