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Английский болельщик пристыдил СМИ за антироссийскую пропаганду

Английский болельщик пристыдил СМИ за антироссийскую пропаганду
2018-07-01 10:44
Один из английских болельщиков, который уже вернулся с чемпионата мира по футболу домой, пристыдил прессу на родине, сообщает телеканал «Россия 24».

Мексиканцы готовы выбрать президентом «кандидата из народа»
2018-07-01 10:56
Мексиканцы в воскресенье выберут нового президента. По всей стране будет открыто около 160 тысяч участков для голосования.

Вести. Эфир от 01.07.2018
2018-07-01 11:00
Дома без окон, крыши, как решето — на Кубани выпал град размером с кулак. Два лучших футболиста мира едут домой. Писателю Александру Курляндскому исполняется 80 лет.

Обзор за неделю: новый полпред в УрФО и визит шведского посла
2018-07-01 11:04
О других, не связанных с чемпионатом мира, но не менее важных событиях, которые произошли в Свердловской области на этой неделе.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 01.07.2018
2018-07-01 11:33
Болельщики считают часы, которые остались до матча Россия-Испания. Михаил Исаханов, который, вылетев на своей машине на тротуар, убил беременную женщину, наконец, заговорил Дороги построят, природу не тронут. Сергей Собянин – о будущем Новой Москвы.

ЧМ-2018: предварительные итоги мундиаля в Екатеринбурге
2018-07-01 12:08
Больше ста тысяч иностранных болельщиков посетили Екатеринбург во время чемпионата мира по футболу. Губернатор Евгений Куйвашев подвел на этой неделе предвариетльные итоги мундиаля. Евгений Куйвашев: «Вчера Екатеринбург провел последний из четырех матчей группового этапа ЧМ-2018. Свердловская область проверку на качество приема гостей, транспортное обеспечение и безопасность выдержала самым достойным образом. Я хочу всех поблагодарить, кто занимался организацией, подготовкой». Екатеринбург принял четыре игры группового этапа чемпионата мира по футболу. На стадионе сыграли сборные Уругвая и Египта, Японии и Сенегала, Франции и Перу, также Швеции и Мексики. В городе остается богатое наследие мундиаля. Это новые дороги, рестораны и отели, отремонтированные вокзал и аэропорт, тренировочные площадки для футболистов и сам центральный стадион. Евгений Куйвашев при этом отметил, что фан-зона в парке Маяковского, которую уже посетили 150 тысяч зрителей, будет работать до конца чемпионата. Президент ФИФА Джанни Инфантино выразил благодарность Екатеринбургу за организацию и проведение матчей.

В российских городах проходят митинги против пенсионной реформы
2018-07-01 12:40
Акции проходят 1 июля в крупных городах, в которых не был введен особый режим массовых акций в связи с Чемпионатом мира по футболу. Большинство акций организовывают региональные штабы оппозиционера Алексея Навального. Сам политик не примет в них участие – накануне он покинул Россию, заметив за собой слежку и опасаясь задержания.

Хостелы-призраки на 6 сотках: жители Долгопрудного воюют с самостроями
2018-07-01 13:13
Жители Долгопрудного одержали победу в борьбе с незаконными ночлежками на дачных участках. Суд постановил самострой убрать. Вот только радоваться, похоже, рано. Хозяева нелегальных хостелов продолжают держать оборону и получать миллионную прибыль. В гостиницах-призраках, которые по документам уже снесены, по-прежнему живут мигранты, а на месте одного закрытого общежития вырастает новое.

Сергей Собянин рассказал о будущем Новой Москвы
2018-07-01 13:17
Зарегистрировать машину, а заодно, например, купить билет в театр — все и сразу можно сделать во флагманских центрах «Мои документы». Подобный комплекс появится в Новой Москве, которая на этой неделе отметила очередную годовщину в статусе административного округа столицы. Как московская прописка повлияла на эту территорию? И что ее ждет в будущем? Об этом рассказал Сергей Собянин.

Миллион не помог: в Москве суд арестовал водителя, сбившего женщин на тротуаре
2018-07-01 13:20
Соболезнования выразил, но вину так и не признал. Головинский суд арестовал Михаила Исаханова, возможного виновника трагедии на Верхней Масловке. Лихач за рулем иномарки сбил двух женщин на тротуаре. Одна из них была на 9-м месяце беременности, мать и ребенок погибли. За жизнь второй пострадавшей до сих пор борются врачи.

Московская семья отправилась в Германию ради трансплантации почки
2018-07-01 13:29
Московской семье пришлось ехать в Германию, чтобы супруга стала донором почки для мужа. Сейчас пересадка органов в России по закону разрешена только кровным родственникам. Почему до сих пор в закон не внесены изменения? И насколько остро стоит проблема трансплантации органов?

Russia: Hostage situation ongoing as man storms Moscow store
2018-07-01 13:46
A hostage situation is reportedly ongoing in Moscow on Sunday, as a man is believed to hold a store employee inside a DIXY supermarket on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. The man allegedly threatened the store employee with a knife, demanding 300,000 rubles ($ 4,777/€4,082). Police have cordoned off the area.

Хмеймим: российские зенитки уничтожили группу воздушных целей
2018-07-01 14:04
В Сирии неизвестные в ночь на воскресенье запустили в сторону российской военной базы Хмеймим несколько дронов.

Террористы взорвали школу в Сирии
2018-07-01 14:07
Это случилось на северо-востоке страны. Местные СМИ также сообщают о нескольких пострадавших мирных жителях. О погибших пока информации нет. Известно, что взрывное устройство было заложено в мотоцикле, припаркованном возле учебного заведения.

Захарченко рассказал о донбасских «матрешках»
2018-07-01 14:16
Трехсторонняя группа в Минске договорилась о так называемом «хлебном перемирии» в Донбассе. То есть стороны обязаны полностью прекратить боевые действия на время полевых работ. Замолчат ли пушки, и что сейчас происходит в прифронтовой зоне?

Russia: One injured in Moscow hostage situation
2018-07-01 14:59
One person was left wounded after a man took a store employee hostage inside a DIXY supermarket on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street in Moscow. The man allegedly threatened the store employee with a knife, demanding 300,000 rubles ($ 4,777/€4,082). The head of Moscow's department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Baranov has since arrived to the scene to negotiate with the hostage-taker. Police have cordoned off the area re-directing flow of traffic as the reportedly drunken hostage-taker is still holding onto his can of beer in one hand, holding the knife in the other.

«Вы собираетесь дальше терпеть это унижение?»
2018-07-01 15:06
В России проходят акции против повышения пенсионного возраста.

Древний эпос, танец стерхов и дерево жизни: в Якутии празднуют Ысыах
2018-07-01 15:07
В Якутии отмечают праздник, посвященный местному героическому эпосу. В город Алдан съехались почти 4 тысячи человек, в том числе сказители древних легенд.

India: At least 40 dead as bus plunges into mountain gorge
2018-07-01 15:12
At least 40 people were killed after an overcrowded bus swerved off a slippery road and fell into a mountain gorge in Pauri Garhwal in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand on Sunday. Rescue operations are underway, and a crew of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has been dispatched to the scene. The injured have been rushed to hospital.

Russia: Police storm Moscow supermarket, hostage safe
2018-07-01 16:28
Police stormed a supermarket in central Moscow, Sunday, and arrested a man who was holding a female store employee hostage. Footage shows police entering the supermarket and rescuing the hostage. The woman is safe and being taken to hospital. She has reportedly sustained bruising and incisions. The hostage situation occurred on Sunday morning at a DIXY supermarket on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. The hostage-taker was allegedly drunk and threatened the woman with a knife, demanding 300,000 rubles ($4,777/€4,082) from the store.

Король Испании приедет в Москву поддержать национальную сборную
2018-07-01 16:29
Поддержать испанцев в Москву на чемпионате мира по футболу приезжает король Испании Филипп VI.

Полиция Москвы задержала мужчину, захватившего заложницу в магазине «Дикси»
2018-07-01 16:44
В воскресенье, 1 июля, на севере Москвы на Большой Академической улице в супермаркете «Дикси» неизвестный захватил заложницу. Через несколько часов силовики освободили женщину, нападавший задержан. «Его личность установлена, ранее он уже был судим за имущественные преступления. В момент нападения мужчина, по предварительным данным, находился в состоянии сильного алкогольного опьянения», – сообщается на сайте Следственного комитета. Пострадавшую отвезли в больницу, она получила незначительные травмы.

В Москве дома-книжки на Арбате могут стать объектом культурного наследия
2018-07-01 16:53
Объектом культурного наследия могут стать дома-книжки на Новом Арбате, сейчас там находятся офисы.

ФНС готовится обложить налогом самозанятых
2018-07-01 16:55
То есть няням, домработницам и репетиторам предстоит зарегистрироваться и платить до шести процентов со своих доходов. Систему протестируют в нескольких регионах.

У западных фанатов — полная «перезагрузка» представлений о России
2018-07-01 17:03
Как чемпионат мира по футболу меняет образ России в мире?

Омские депутаты выступили с требованием отставки президента РФ
2018-07-01 17:10
В Омске на митинг против повышения пенсионного возраста собрались более четырех тысяч человек. Пока это самая массовая акция протеста за сегодняшний день.

India: Eleven members of family found dead in Delhi's Burari
2018-07-01 17:58
Eleven members of the same household were found dead, most of them hanged and blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs in Delhi's Burari neighbourhood on Sunday. Ten out of the 11 victims were discovered hanging from the ceiling's railing with an elderly woman found lying on the floor. Footage showed a heavy police presence in front of the building where the bodies had been discovered by a neighbour. Though there has been speculation relating the incident to possible gang violence in the neighbourhood, a police investigation is still ongoing. Delhi's Burari neighbourhood was the scene of a gang gun battle on June 18 which left three people killed and five injured.

Russia: Driver kills woman crossing road with buggy, baby and husband
2018-07-01 18:24
A 26-year-old woman was killed after being hit by an SUV as she walked on a pedestrian crossing with her husband and baby in the Russian town of Tuapse on Monday, June 25. The victim’s husband and baby survived the incident. Footage filmed by an eyewitness shows the aftermath of the fatal crash. The family was reportedly going to the beach when an SUV knocked the woman, Maria Kirilschik, down while she pushed a buggy across the street and her husband carried their child in his arms. The driver is believed to be a local businessman. The husband of the deceased woman, Egor Kirilshik, has called on all possible eyewitnesses to come forward and provide any evidence they have to his lawyer. One such eyewitness, Kristina Perfilova, described the incident as a 'horror story' and said that she 'cannot understand how it could have happened' when she spoke about it on Friday, June 29. Another witness, Oksana Scherban, saw the family three days before the tragedy and described them as 'a wonderful couple.' “I saw them on Friday [June 22]. I believe they probably had some kind of routine with such a young child. They left for the beach at the same time every day, then came back at the same time,” Scherban said. According to a statement released by police, the driver was sober at the time of the incident. He is facing charges related to road traffic violation and reckless driving. If convicted, he faces up to five years in jail.

Вести недели. Эфир от 01.07.2018. Трамп объявил войну Harley-Davidson
2018-07-01 18:41
Тем временем в США у Трампа — новая война: с мотоциклетной компанией Harley-Davidson, производящий, наверное, самый американский продукт из всего американского.

Germany: We ‘rocked’ Europe — CSU Vice-Chairman on Brussels migration deal
2018-07-01 18:51
CSU board members arrived at the party's headquarters in Munich on Sunday to discuss the EU-wide asylum agreement reached during the European Council summit last week. «The CSU rocked Europe during last few weeks. Though the pressure that was created Europe started to move and reached positive results. And I am happy that we, as a Bavarian party, are able to put such an issue on the table and move it in a positive direction,» said the CSU Vice-Chairman Manfred Weber upon his arrival. After the talks, the CSU chairman and the Interior Minister of Germany Horst Seehofer is expected to inform the media of the conclusions reached in a press conference at around 17:00 GMT. Leaders of the 28 European Union member states met in Brussels for a European Council summit between June 28 and 29. The summit was focused on migration as well as economic and financial reforms. They reached an agreement over several approaches to the migration issue, including the creation of disembarkation platforms outside Europe, boosting EU support for the Libyan coast guard, and taking internal measures to prevent migrants from moving between countries within the EU.

Russia: Hailstones the size of tennis balls pound Krasnodar Krai
2018-07-01 19:26
C/U Hailstones Hailstorms swept through the region of Krasnodar Krai in southern Russia on Sunday, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Some hailstones were apparently the size of tennis balls and they pounded the areas of Timashevsky, Bryukhovetsky, Korenovsky and Pavlovsky, damaging cars, houses and crops.

Afghanistan: At least 19 killed as blast rocks Jalalabad — officials
2018-07-01 19:26
At least 19 people were killed and 30 wounded in an explosion in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, Sunday, according to local officials. Ten of those killed at Mukhaberat square were members of the local Sikh minority. Security forces were seen cordoning off the site of the blast and clearing away the debris. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had hours earlier officially opened a hospital in the city.

France: Top French convict pulls off prison break in spectacular helicopter escape
2018-07-01 19:35
Notorious French criminal Redoine Faid, who was once France's most-wanted man, made a dramatic helicopter escape from Reau prison in the Paris region on Sunday, for the second time in just over five years. Faid reportedly made his prison break at around 11:30am (10:30 GMT). The 46-year old French-Algerian convict is believed to have been aided by several heavily armed accomplices, who used a helicopter to fly him out of prison. The helicopter then reportedly flew to the capital's Gonesse area, where it was discovered by police. This is Faid's second prison break. In 2013, Faid escaped from prison after taking four guards hostage and using dynamite to blow several doors off. He was arrested at a hotel six weeks later. Faid was serving a 25-year sentence for a failed 2010 robbery, during which a police officer was killed. Mandatory credit: ACTU Penitentiaire

Italy: Lega's ideas 'last hope for this Europe to stay alive' — Salvini
2018-07-01 19:55
Italian Deputy Prime Minister, Interior Minister and Lega leader Matteo Salvini said that his party's ideas represented the 'last hope for this Europe to stay alive,' during Lega's annual gathering in the northern town of Pontida on Sunday. Commenting on the migrant crisis, Salvini complimented the Libyan coast guard for having 'saved more than 1,000 desperate people who were risking to drown, taking them back to Libyan territory.' He also lauded the presence of Catalan and Russian flags at the gathering. Salvini recently gained notoriety for his hardline stance on migration, and his decision to close Italian ports to the migrant rescue ship Aquarius, which was eventually allowed to dock in Spain.

Hong Kong: Thousands march in annual pro-democracy protest
2018-07-01 20:13
Thousands of protesters joined the annual July 1st pro-democracy march in Hong Kong on Sunday. Organisers say 50,000 took part while police say there were just under 10,000, amid sweltering temperatures. Demonstrators marched through Victoria Park to the Legislative Council, holding banners reading «end one-party dictatorship.» The protest was peaceful, with just a few verbal clashes between the demonstrators and pro-Beijing protesters who held Chinese national flags to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the handover to Beijing, and the end of British rule.

Народ против пенсионной реформы
2018-07-01 20:19
В десятках городов России 1 июля прошли митинги против повышения пенсионного возраста, организованные сторонниками Алексея Навального, профсоюзами, а также КПРФ, ЛДПР, партиями «Яблоко» и «Справедливая Россия». Заявки были поданы в городах, в которых не проходят матчи чемпионата мира по футболу. В большинстве городов акции были согласованы с властями.

«Вести недели»: Наша победа!
2018-07-01 20:35
Победа над «Красной фурией»: Россия – в четвертьфинале ЧМ-2018! Русские пельмени и немецкие слезы: неожиданная для всех Россия. Усы моржовые: почему Трамп именно Болтона делегировал в Кремль? Игра в толерантность: для беженцев концлагеря в Африке и пункты приема в Европе. 13 самолетов, 14 вертолетов и больше 1000 военнослужащих: Россия радикально сокращает свою группировку в Сирии.

Spain: Protesters march against 'gag law' as it turns 3 years old
2018-07-01 20:46
Protesters took to the streets of Madrid on Sunday to call for the revocation of the so-called 'gag law,' on the occasion of the law's third anniversary. Protesters, mainly from the organisation 'Artists for Freedom of Speech,' claimed that the law «attacks freedom of speech and black humour.» The demonstrators were stopped by riot police, as they tried to approach the headquarters of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE). The Citizen Security Law — commonly referred to as the 'gag law' — permits fines of up to €600,000 ($733,770) for unauthorised protests outside buildings that provide 'basic services to the community.' It also prohibits the photographing or filming of police officers, with those prosecuted potentially facing fines of up to €30,000 ($36,689).

Вести недели. Эфир от 01.07.2018. Правительство Меркель сравнили с немецкой сборной
2018-07-01 20:49
В контексте последних событий канцлеру Германии не удалось избежать сравнения своего правительства с национальной сборной по футболу. Но в отличие от тренера Лева и его подопечных Меркель всегда чувствовала себя комфортно в позиции наблюдателя.

Вести недели. Эфир от 01.07.2018. Россия радикально сокращает свою группировку в Сирии
2018-07-01 21:20
Российский корпус в Сирии радикально сокращается. Летчики и военнослужащие других специальностей возвратились домой.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: «Накаты» на Россию
2018-07-01 21:30
Русофобскую политику на Западе проводят те, кому больно утрачивать лидерство на мировой арене. Этими словами министра Лаврова можно объяснить практически все действия и заявления последних дней. Продление антироссийских санкций, попытки США остановить строительство «Северного потока-2», ожидание, что Россия будет платить взносы в ПАСЕ и, главное, - надежда, что Россия почему-то будет просить об уступках.

USA: Patriot Prayer's rally turns violent in Portland
2018-07-01 21:58
Clashes broke out during a demonstration of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group on Saturday in Portland, Oregon, as protesters clashed with anti-fascist protesters. More than 100 demonstrators on each side charged at each other and brawled on the streets, before police removed them with aerial and rubber ball distraction devices. Portland Police stated that four people were taken to hospital, as one of them suffered serious, but non-life-threatening injuries and three suffered non-serious and non-life-threatening injuries. Four people were arrested in connection with criminal investigations that began prior to the protest, police said.

Новокузнецку исполняется 400 лет
2018-07-01 22:30
Новокузнецку, старейшему городу Сибири, исполняется 400 лет. Настоящий расцвет город переживал с начала 30-х годов прошлого века. Тогда он назывался Кузнецк, а позже — Сталинск.

Андрей Дементьев был человеком солнечной энергии
2018-07-01 22:45
29 июня страна простилась с большим и очень любимым поэтом Андреем Дементьевым. Он не дожил до 90-летнего юбилея три недели. Автор текстов множества популярных песен, теле- и радиоведущий, он активно участвовал в жизни страны.

Russia: Medvedev and King Felipe watch Russia's historic win over Spain
2018-07-01 22:53
Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev, King Felipe VI of Spain and FIFA President Gianni Infantino took to the executive box at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on Sunday to watch Russia beat Spain. The three officials joined in a standing ovation as Russia caused a huge upset after normal time finished 1-1 and extra-time did not provide a winner. Russia's incredible victory over Spain came after Igor Akinfeev saved Iago Aspas' spot kicks settled the penalty shootout in Russia's favour. The host side will now progress to the quarter-finals to face either Croatia or Denmark while pre-tournament favourites Spain crash out.

Mexico: Presidential candidate Lopez Obrador casts vote in Mexico City
2018-07-01 23:13
Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador cast his vote in the Mexican presidential election in Mexico City on Sunday. Lopez Obrador reportedly had to wait for almost two hours before being able to cast his vote. Polls have projected Lopez Obrador, a former mayor of Mexico City, as the likely winner of Sunday's elections. Lopez Obrador is running for the recently created left-wing Morena party, pledging to tackle Mexico's corruption and crime rates. Lopez Obrador has said he would cast his vote for activist Rosario Ibarra de Piedra.

Germany: CDU Exec Board holds meeting on Germany's future asylum policy
2018-07-01 23:43
The Executive Board of the CDU held a meeting in Berlin, Sunday, to discuss Germany's future asylum policy. The CSU is also meeting on Sunday, in Munich, where they are discussing the same issue. They are expected to address the media towards the end of the day.

Germany: Anti-refugee protesters call for Merkel's resignation in Cottbus
2018-07-02 00:08
Around 2,000 demonstrators rallied in Cottbus on Sunday to protest against the government's migration policy. Organised by the right-wing association 'Zukunft Heimat' (Future Home), the demonstrators gathered at the city hall where they chanted and sang, calling on Chancellor Angela Merkel to resign. The city has seen an increase in far-right movement protests, after a German teenage boy was reportedly injured in a knife attack by Syrian teenagers in January.

Mexico: Mexico City residents queue to vote for presidential election
2018-07-02 00:15
Mexico City residents were seen queuing outside polling stations to vote in Mexico's presidential election on Sunday. «That's what we expect, for the vote to be respected. We have had enough elections that have been stained, that have been pretty doubtful,» voter Emiliano Pina said. Polls have projected Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a former mayor of Mexico City, as the likely winner of Sunday's elections. Lopez Obrador is running for the recently created left-wing Morena party, pledging to tackle Mexico's corruption and crime rates.

Syria: Daraa offensive continues after surrender negotiations fall through
2018-07-02 01:46
Syrian government forces continued their advance near Tafas in the southern Syrian province of Daraa, after rebel groups rejected surrender conditions, footage filmed on Sunday shows. Soldiers and military vehicles can be seen conducting operations in the countryside in Daraa. The fighting is part of a week-long offensive in the area.

Turkey: Crowds dispersed as banned LGBT march attempts to go ahead
2018-07-02 01:51
LGBT activists pressed ahead with a march in Istanbul on Sunday, despite the Turkish government banning it from going ahead. Footage shows the activists as they move through the city and are dispersed by police. Around 1,000 people are reported to have taken part in the march, with police reportedly using rubber bullets to break up the rally. The year 2018 marks the fourth year in a row in which the local government have banned the pride march.

USA: Libertarian veterans call for end to drug war and VA restructuring
2018-07-02 02:47
Veterans and supporters of the Libertarian party held a demonstration calling for a restructuring of the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and an end to the drug war before heading to the Libertarian party convention in New Orleans on Sunday. «We have 20 veterans committing suicide every single day in this country, and especially when Democrats and Republicans in power don't seem to care about this, it's all the more important that we call attention to this issue, and support those who are doing something about it,» said Adam Kokesh, a Libertarian activist and former RT America television host. «The answer is simple: end the drug war, free the VA (Veterans Affairs) and the LP, the Libertarian party, is the only party that represents a position that veterans can get behind on this issue,» he continued. Larry Sharpe, a candidate for Governor in New York State, who also attended the event, said «the VA needs to be shut down and rebooted from scratch. The idea that it controls as much as it controls is embarrassing to our country.»

Greece: Protesters clash with police at anti-Macedonian name agreement demo
2018-07-02 04:46
Protesters were seen clashing with police at a demonstration in Athens on Sunday, held in protest over the recent agreement between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to settle their ongoing naming dispute. Footage shows the protesters carrying Greek flags and clashing with police as night descended on Athens. Several protesters blocking a road were dragged off by police in riot gear. Under the new deal with Macedonia, the country would be renamed the Republic of North Macedonia. The agreement still needs to be ratified by the Macedonian parliament however, and then confirmed via referendum in September. Following that, it will need to be confirmed by Greek lawmakers to come into effect.

«Интервью»: Владимир Ланде
2018-07-02 05:12
В гостях главный дирижёр Красноярского академического симфонического оркестра Владимир Ланде.

Germany: CDU chief reaffirms support for migration control amidst CSU dispute
2018-07-02 05:20
CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer reaffirmed her party's support for strengthening the control of migration while speaking at CDU headquarters in Berlin on Sunday. «The CDU is of the position that migration to Germany needs to be ordered, controlled and limited. In this aim we were — and we are — in agreement with the CSU,» Kramp-Karrenbauer said. She also commented on the recent European Council summit that was held on the issue, saying «With the EU Summit comes the agreed upon better external border protection. The establishment of control centres for migrants, both within the EU and also centres outside of the EU.» Kramp-Karrenbauer's came on the same day that CSU leader Horst Seehofer offered his resignation as Interior Minister and CSU leader, over the ongoing dispute between his party and Angela Merkel's CDU on the issue of migration.

Germany: Seehofer heads to Berlin for final attempt at deal with CDU
2018-07-02 06:37
Journalist (German): *INAUDIBLE* SOT, Horst Seehofer, German Interior Minister (German): «Yes, I have said that I would make both positions available, which would be carried out in the next three days, but there is still an intermediate step of an agreement with the CDU.» Journalist (German): «If you succeed, will you forego the resignation?» SOT, Horst Seehofer, German Interior Minister (German): «I have said, that everything further will be decided after the discussion with the CDU.» Journalist (German): «but that is an option.» SOT, Horst Seehofer, German Interior Minister (German): «I have already said everything, but again, we will speak again tomorrow. In the interest of this country and the capacity of this government, which we want to maintain, we want to make an attempt to find an agreement on this central question of border control and turning people away, on this issue alone. And I hope that we succeed.» Christian Social Union (CSU) Party Chief and German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer briefly spoke to the press on his next steps after leaving the CSU headquarters in Munich on Sunday. «Today we will speak with the CDU [Christian Democratic Union] again in Berlin, in the hope that we can reach an agreement. This is imperative in terms of the capacity of the coalition and the Federal government's ability to act. Everything else, we will see,» Seehofer said. His remarks came hours after a press conference was due to be held at the CSU headquarters but was postponed, and after reports of Seehofer's supposed resignation from both of his positions. «Yes, I have said that I would make both positions available, which would be carried out in the next three days, but there is still an intermediate step of an agreement with the CDU,» Seehofer said. Seehofer's CSU has been embroiled in an ongoing dispute with its sister party and coalition partner, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), over asylum and migration policy, with Seehofer pushing for a more hardline stance.

Вести. Красноярск. Эфир от 30.06.2018
2018-07-02 19:00
Богучанский скандал всё громче: задержан ещё один фигурант, связанный с уголовным делом вокруг главы района. Речь идёт о взятке в особо крупном размере. Татарский праздник с интернациональной атмосферой: на красноярский Сабантуй приехали тысячи гостей. На дне Саяно-Шушенского водохранилища обнаружены 100 древних могил. Археологам нужно успеть с исследованиями, пока захоронения не ушли под воду.

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