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<<Оно вам надо?>>: О пользе и вреде мундиалей

«Оно вам надо?»: О пользе и вреде мундиалей
2018-07-08 06:30
Что произойдет в России после чемпионата мира по футболу. Все, что было задумано. Судьба Крыма уже почти не беспокоит граждан Украины. Предатели и враги народа. Кремль расширяет списки «иностранных агентов».

Российская или латвийская пенсия: что лучше
2018-07-08 06:37
Пенсионная реформа в России повлияет и на жителей других стран. В одной Латвии живут больше 55 тысяч граждан России, 20 тысяч из которых — пенсионеры, а еще около 10 тысяч собирались выйти на пенсию в течении ближайших 10 лет. Где им выгоднее получать пенсию, в РФ или в Латвии?

Отравление в Эймсбери: госпитализирован полицейский
2018-07-08 07:27
В больницу Солсбери госпитализирован сотрудник полиции, имеющий отношение к расследованию дела об отравлении нервно-паралитическим веществом двух человек в городе Эймсбери. По последним данным, состояние его здоровья опасений не вызывает.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 08.07.2018 (08:45)
2018-07-08 08:45
Поворот не туда: чем обернется для Рязани банкротство муниципальной автоколонны. Врачи из Рязани смогли повторить опыт хирургов института Склифосовского.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 08.07.2018
2018-07-08 10:47
Трагедия на Ильинском шоссе: гонщик на BMW устроил смертельную аварию. Москвичка продала препарат, не подошедший ее тяжелобольному ребенку, и едва не оказалась за решеткой.

Thailand: 'It's D-Day' — Chiang Rai governor announces start of cave rescue op
2018-07-08 11:36

Japan: Abe commends Pompeo after N. Korea slams US' 'gangster-like' demands
2018-07-08 12:25
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe commended US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's «strong leadership» at denuclearisation talks with senior North Korean officials, at Abe's official residence in Tokyo on Sunday. During his meeting with Pompeo, Abe said, «I would like to pay my tribute to the strong leadership you have demonstrated in negotiating with North Korea.» Pompeo reported on the outcome of talks in Pyongyang, noting that he raised «a full range of issues with them with respect to their nuclear programme, to the abductee issue — all the issues that I know matter to the United States, Japan and indeed to the world.» Following Pompeo's third visit to Pyongyang, North Korea accused Washington of making «gangster-like» demands, noting that the US visit had been «regrettable.» North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that «the high-level talks this time brought us in a dangerous situation where we may be shaken in our unshakable will for denuclearisation.» Pyongyang's statement appears to contradict Pompeo, who maintains that «progress» was made during negotiations with North Korea.

В Москве вместо реальных наркоторговцев под следствие попала мать больного ребенка
2018-07-08 13:54
На этой неделе все внимание было приковано к судьбе матери ребенка-инвалида Екатерины Конновой. Женщина решила продать остатки дорогостоящих лекарств, которые перестали помогать ее больному сыну. Так она хотела вернуть хотя бы часть стоимости дорогостоящего препарата, но в итоге стала фигурантом дела о торговле наркотиками.

Мэр Москвы рассказал об «умном» городе и завершении хорды
2018-07-08 13:59
Транспортная система Москвы снова расширяется. На этой неделе запустили движение по новому пролету Крылатского моста, а значит, работа по созданию Северно-Западной хорды близка к завершению. О новых методах борьбы с пробками и о том, что такое «умный» город рассказал Сергей Собянин.

В Турции уволили тысячи госслужащих
2018-07-08 15:44
Турецкие власти увольняют 18 632 госслужащих со своих должностей и закрывают четыре СМИ по подозрениям в связях с террористическими организациями и организациями «угрожающими национальной безопасности», говорится в официальном постановлении о чрезвычайном положении. С какими именно организациями связаны люди и СМИ, в постановлении не говорится.

Jordan: Footage captures border crossing following seizure by SAA
2018-07-08 17:06
Footage filmed on Saturday shows the Nassib-Jaber border crossing after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) regained control over it earlier in the week. Buses, cars and military vehicles can be seen on the Syrian side of the border, while tents, believed to accommodate Syrian refugees, may be seen on the Jordanian side. According to the UN, thousands of people headed home in southern Syria, after the Syrian government and militants reached a ceasefire deal in the province of Daraa. The accord, brokered by Moscow, was reached after more than two weeks of intense fighting in the region, one of the last remaining militants' strongholds in Syria. The UN has estimated that more than 320,000 people have been displaced in the Daraa region since the beginning of an offensive in the region. Only around 150-200 people reportedly remain at the Nassib-Jaber crossing with Jordan, as thousands returned to Syria following the ceasefire accord. In the past two weeks, some 60,000 people had reportedly sought shelter at the Jordanian border, as fighting escalated in the area.

Рунет обсуждает новое преображение «человека-ракеты»
2018-07-08 17:07
Страстный поклонник пластической хирургии готов вкачать в себя любую химию, чтобы стать похожим на Халка.

По рецепту Портон-Дауна: дело бомжей пытаются связать с отравлением Скрипалей
2018-07-08 17:12
В Англии разворачивается новая детективная история. В Солсбери — опять полицейские кордоны. Сюда стянули пожарных и кареты скорой помощи.

Дочь Березовского рассказала, почему ее отца убили в субботу
2018-07-08 17:13
Недавно вышло интервью старшей дочери Бориса Березовского Лизы, которая безоговорочно убеждает, что ее отец все же погиб в результате насильственной смерти, то есть был убит.

Thailand: Ambulances leave caves with first rescued boys
2018-07-08 17:31
Two ambulances left the Tham Luang Caves in the northern Thailand province of Chiang Rai on Sunday, carrying the first two boys rescued after two weeks of being trapped inside a cave. The team of 12 boys and their 25-year-old coach entered the cave as part of an excursion but became trapped after a sudden, continuous downpour of rain flooded the underground area. They were found alive after a 10-day operation carried out by Thai forces and international rescue teams.

СМИ: главный спонсор «Брекзит» встречался с российским послом 11 раз
2018-07-08 17:37
Аррон Бэнкс, один из главных спонсоров кампании по выходу Великобритании из Евросоюза, как минимум 11 раз встречался с послом России Александром Яковенко во время референдума и после него, говорится в расследовании британской The Guardian. На протяжении двух лет после референдума Бэнкс утверждал, что встречался с послом России лишь однажды – за «ланчем с выпивкой». Но после того, как в прессе стали появляться первые доказательства нескольких встреч, бизнесмен сказал, что встречался с послом «два или три раза», спустя еще несколько недель Бэнкс подтвердил четыре встречи. В документах, которые получили журналисты, утверждается, что российский представитель и бизнесмен встречались не менее 11 раз, помимо этого российское посольство сделало четыре приглашения, но были ли они приняты неизвестно.

Philippines: Duterte vows to resign if anyone can prove God exists
2018-07-08 17:37
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said that he will step down from office if anyone can prove God exists, during an opening speech at the National Science and Technology Week Celebration in Davao City on Friday. «I never said I do not believe in God,» Duterte said. «I just happen to be a human being, believing in this universal mind somewhere which controls the universe.» Duterte also asked the «noisy ones» to prove that they «have been to Heaven, talked to God and saw him personally.» Last week, the President was slammed for calling God 'stupid' in another speech. The Philippines is the most predominantly Roman Catholic country in Asia.

В Англии растет количество школ, где девочкам запрещено ходить в юбках
2018-07-08 17:38
Новым элементом британского имиджа становятся школы, где вводится так называемая гендерно-нейтральная форма. Это когда девочкам запрещают носить обычные для школьной формы синие юбки до колен, а обязывают ходить в брюках.

Germany: Jewish Syrian attacked by mob of 10 in central Berlin
2018-07-08 18:49
A 25 year-old Syrian Jew was attacked by a group of 10 people in Berlin’s Mitte district early Saturday morning, confirmed police spokesperson Martin Halweg in the German capital on Sunday. «One of his opponents then spotted that the 25-year-old was wearing on a necklace with a David’s star on it; he ripped it off, made an anti-Semitic remark and suddenly punched the victim in the face multiple times,» explained Halweg. The police spokesperson said that the suspects were arrested shortly afterwards. «The police State Security department is now investigating for aggravated battery with anti-semitic background,» concluded Halweg.

Poland: Right-wing protesters stop Czestochowa's first ever LGBT parade
2018-07-08 19:01
The first ever LGBT parade in Czestochowa was called off along half of its planned routes due to the counter-protests on Sunday. Hundreds of LGBT activists and supporters under heavy police security marched through Czestochowa city. Around 30 different gatherings organised by nationalist, far right, conservative and catholic protesters interrupted the LGBT march, though armed police separated the groups.

Вести недели. Эфир от 08.07.2018. Несгибаемый народ: как Иран живет под санкциями
2018-07-08 19:07
Ирану не привыкать к санкциям. Он с ними жил аж с начала 50-х. И неплохо справлялся. Как?

Japan: Okayama residents return home after lethal floods
2018-07-08 21:37
Residents returned to their homes in the town of Okayama on Sunday, after the floodwaters which submerged much of the region started to subside. Emergency workers continued to search the houses of Okayama, helping those still stranded to safety. At the same time, people were seen clearing the rubbish which had been left strewn throughout their houses and along the streets. The disaster heavily affected the Okayama and Hiroshima prefectures, and caused the evacuation of tens of thousands of people. According to reports, about 500 houses in Okayama were flooded. Dozens of people have died in the flooding, which followed a bout of torrential rain and led to landslides in western Japan.

Tunisia: At least 6 police killed in ambush near Algeria border *GRAPHIC*
2018-07-08 22:13
At least six members of Tunisia's security forces were killed in an attack near the Tunisian-Algerian border on Sunday, according to the interior ministry. According to reports, officers from the Gar Dimaou police unit in the region of Jendouba were targeted while patrolling the area. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

Turkey: Over 10 dead in train derailment near Tekirdag
2018-07-08 22:33
At least 10 people were killed and many more left injured after a train derailed in the country's northwest, near Tekirdag on Sunday. The reasons behind the derailment are yet to be established, though Tekirdag Governor Mehmet Ceylan reportedly blamed heavy rains in the region. The train was headed to Istanbul, and it reportedly carried more than 300 passengers.

Sweden: Anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats focus on crime in election campaign
2018-07-08 23:58
Leader of the anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats Jimmie Akesson presented his ideas on strengthening security in Sweden, speaking at a press conference in Stockholm on Saturday. Akesson said the ruling party should be able to: «present factual solutions for purely repressive actions to ensure that those who commit severe crimes are locked up for a significantly longer time than today.» He went on to say that it would then be the responsibility of the leading party to listen to the victims of crimes and that they and their relatives receive redress. The Swedish elections

X isr Netanyahu pool BERLIN
2018-07-09 00:41
Israel: Netanyahu reiterates objection to Iranian presence in Syria ahead of Putin meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, speaking from Jerusalem on Sunday. Netanyahu revealed that the aim of the visit would be to discuss matters which he considers to be crucial to Israel’s security. «We will not tolerate the establishment of a military presence by Iran and its proxies anywhere in Syria — not close to the border and not far away from it,” said Netanyahu. He added that he would demand that Syria and the Syrian military “strictly uphold the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement.»

USA: Protesters demand justice for detained LGBT migrants in Richmond
2018-07-09 03:30
Dozens gathered in front of the West County Detention Facility in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday to protest the incarceration of undocumented transgender and LGBT immigrants by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Protesters held banners reading 'AmeriKKKa has a problem and it's not the immigrants' and 'Trump is the alien,' demanding justice for trans, queer, and gender-expansive migrants who, as they say, «face particularly brutal treatment in the US system.» «We're here because the LGBTQIA community who as an immigrant community is doubly persecuted by the system. They're not only fighting for staying alive in the countries of origin, but they're also coming into this country and being apprehended in places where they don't receive their proper medical attention or the attention they need because of their gender expression,» said Reverend Rhina Ramos, one of the protest organisers. The activist also claimed that many transgender women are being sexually assaulted as a result of being locked in with men for extended periods of time.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Humanitarian crisis feared as migrants resort to new Balkan route
2018-07-09 05:13
Fears of an impending humanitarian crisis in Bosnia are rising as the country struggles to cope with the growing influx of migrants trying to make their way into the EU via new Balkan route. Footage filmed on Sunday shows migrants living in poor conditions in a makeshift camp outside of the city of Velika Kladusa as well as in abandoned buildings in the town of Bihac. Following the closure of the Balkan route in 2016, migrants have turned to Bosnia, seeking to enter EU member state Croatia and then continue their journeys to other European countries. However, many of them end up being blocked from moving on and stuck in limbo, which, according to the International Organisation for Migration, sparks concerns of a humanitarian and security crisis in the country.

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