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Iraq: Protests over economic woes rage on in Baghdad

Iraq: Protests over economic woes rage on in Baghdad
2018-07-21 10:04
Protesters took to the streets of Baghdad on Friday, as part of nation-wide protests over poor economic and social conditions in the country. Protesters can be seen holding banners, waving Iraqi flags, and chanting slogans as authorities used water cannons in an attempt to disperse the crowds. Demonstrations against the prevailing economic situation have swept the southern part of the country since last week.

Земфира ополчилась на Монеточку и Гречку, но это пошло им на пользу
2018-07-21 10:08
С Гречкой все очень плохо, а с Монеточкой — немногим лучше. Так певица Земфира высказалась о внешности и творчестве своих новых коллег по цеху. Как отреагировали на слова Земфиры оскорбленные исполнительницы и их фанаты?

Власти Израиля и ХАМАС договорились о перемирии
2018-07-21 10:13
В Секторе Газа установлено перемирие. Об этом договорились власти Израиля и ХАМАС. Ранее ВВС Израиля атаковали более 40 объектов ХАМАС. По словам военных, это был ответ на снайперский огонь с территории, подконтрольной палестинцам.

Концерт для украденной земли
2018-07-21 10:21
Солист группы «Бумбокс» посвятил песню Олегу Сенцову.

«Международное обозрение»: Как европейцы Трампа уговаривали
2018-07-21 10:22
На саммите НАТО Трамп заставил своих европейских союзников раскошелиться на оборону. Также он устроил обструкцию Меркель за строительство «Северного потока 2», но не смог отговорить ее от сделки с РФ. В Британии подготовка к Brexit вызвала правительственный кризис. Тереза Мэй просит у Трампа защиты от «российской угрозы», а тот не считает Путина врагом. Выход сирийских войск к границе с Иорданией может стать прологом компромисса Путина и Трампа в Хельсинки.

Ушел из жизни японский сценарист Синобу Хасимото
2018-07-21 10:57
Ушел из жизни японский сценарист, режиссер, продюсер Синобу Хасимото. Ему было 100 лет.

Гость программы «Новости культуры» — актриса Ингеборга
2018-07-21 11:11
У нас в студии — актриса, художественный руководитель фестиваля «Вдохновение» Ингеборга Дапкунайте. Смотрите интервью с ней в видеосюжете.

Syria: Residents call for Syrian government to return to Raqqa
2018-07-21 11:16
SOT, Journalist (Arabic): «So do you want the government to come back to Raqqa [for these] services?» SOT, Raqqa resident (Arabic): «Of course we do; why wouldn't we? We want safety and security.» SOT, Journalist (Arabic): «So, you support the return of the governmental services to Raqqa?» SOT, Raqqa resident (Arabic): «Yes, we need family documents; we need everything. We need family documents, schools, water, and electricity.» Residents of Raqqa, a former stronghold of the so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) in northern Syria, spoke about how the conflict had impacted their city, footage filmed on Thursday shows. Many residents recalled times before the conflict where services such as water and electricity weren't so scarce. One woman said, «There is no electricity in the town, there is no water. We are working and we can't decide whether to eat or to buy electricity and water.» Another Raqqa resident expressed her wish for the government to re-establish itself in the region, and to provide civil services again. «I wish that reconciliation would take place, and the country would be better than before; the water and electricity [would return]. When the government is back, reconciliation will happen and this country would be back as it was,» she stated.

Syria: First batch of militants and civilians evacuated from Quneitra province
2018-07-21 11:45
The evacuation of the first batch of militants and their families from the southwest province of Quneitra began on Friday, as buses transported them through the Jaba crossing to northern Syria's Idlib province. According to Syrian government news agency SANA, 55 buses left the Um Batina village through the Jaba crossing. The operation was part of a deal struck between the government and opposition forces on Thursday, which stipulates for the Syrian Arab Army to return to the area and for the militants who reject the deal, it guaranteed a safe passage to Syria's opposition-held north-western Idlib province.

Парковочный квест: как избавить стоянки возле больниц от мнимых больных?
2018-07-21 12:50
Московские автоэксперты предложили ввести дифференцированный тариф за парковку возле больниц и поликлиник: первые два часа бесплатно, а последующие — по максимально высокой цене. Предполагается, что эта мера освободит стоянки от мнимых больных. Почему возникла такая необходимость?

Тестирование доконтактной профилактики ВИЧ началось в России
2018-07-21 12:51
В России начали тестировать доконтактную профилактику ВИЧ, она позволит здоровым людям снизить шанс заражения вирусом.

Первую операцию по пересадке печени провели врачи Боткинской больницы
2018-07-21 12:54
Раньше в системе столичного здравоохранения трансплантацией органов занимался только НИИ Склифосовского, и пациентам приходилось годами ждать своей очереди. Теперь это время значительно сократится, операции врачи поставят на поток.

Киев и Вашингтон отвергли идею референдума в Донбассе
2018-07-21 12:56
Первый вице-спикер Верховной Рады Ирина Геращенко отвергла любые предположения о возможности проведения на востоке Украины какого-либо референдума. На своей странице в Фейсбуке она написала: «Никаких референдумов под дулами автоматов и размещенными под школами и детсадами оккупированного Донецка и Луганска российскими танками». Ранее агентство Bloomberg со ссылкой на свои источники сообщило, что Владимир Путин, встречаясь в Хельсинки 16 июля с президентом США, предложил Дональду Трампу провести референдум в так называемых Донецкой и Луганской народных республиках. Как утверждают собеседники агентства, Трамп, в свою очередь, попросил Путина пока не говорить об этой идее публично, чтобы ее «обдумать».

Чем заняться на московских фестивалях в выходные?
2018-07-21 12:58
Как максимально полно охватить развлечения этого уикенда и ничего не пропустить.

В Ираке отмечают годовщину освобождения Мосула
2018-07-21 13:26
21 июля прошлого года войска коалиции и власти Ирака объявили о завершении операции против террористов ИГИЛ (запрещена в России). За 12 месяцев восстановить подачу воды и электричества так и не удалось. Страны-участницы военной операции, по словам правозащитников, в восстановлении не участвуют.

State of Palestine: Four killed following massive Israeli airstrikes on Gaza
2018-07-21 13:27
Four Palestinians were killed as the Israeli military carried out airstrikes against the Gaza Strip on Saturday. Three of the Palestinians were killed in the airstrikes with a fourth shot by Israeli snipers during a protest at the Gaza border. According to the Israeli military, over 60 targets were struck, including 15 alleged Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip with an additional 25 in Khan Yunis. According to the Israeli military, the airstrikes were carried out after an Israeli soldier was shot dead by a Palestinian sniper along the border. Following the airstrikes, Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhoum announced that a ceasefire had been agreed between Israel and Hamas. The series of protests known as the 'March of Return' were launched along the Gaza-Israel border on March 30 to demand the right for people to return to their pre-1948 homes. Since March 30, the Israeli military has killed over 140 Palestinians and wounded over 16,000. Mandatory Credit: Israeli Defence Forces

Приставы Саранска обратили внимание на долги Депардье
2018-07-21 13:28
Жерар Депардье бежит от долгов, на актера обратили внимание судебные приставы Саранска.

Фестиваль «Букинист» стартовал на Новом Арбате
2018-07-21 13:31
Фестиваль «Букинист» проходит на Новом Арбате, там представлены редкие книги и организованы мастер-классы.

В Екатерининском парке начался фестиваль «Свежесть лета»
2018-07-21 13:32
В Екатерининском парке начался фестиваль «Свежесть лета», организаторы подготовили семь площадок.

Выходные в Москве: фестиваль искусств, итальянская кухня, книги и британский рок
2018-07-21 13:33
Стать участником мистического спектакля, встретиться с любимым писателем, отправиться на итальянское побережье или послушать вживую британский рок: все это возможно, не выезжая за пределы Москвы. В столичной афише на эти выходные много интересного и полезного. Куда стоит пойти в первую очередь?

Минобороны США выделит Украине $200 млн
2018-07-21 13:40
Соединенные Штаты выделят Украине 200 миллионов долларов для укрепления ее обороноспособности. Как сообщило Министерство обороны США, средства будут направлены на обучение украинских военных, их снабжение и консультации. С 2014 года США направили на укрепление украинской армии более 1 миллиарда долларов, говорится в сообщении. Финансирование выделяется в рамках существующих программ сотрудничества. Особое внимание будет уделено улучшению систем связи и управления в украинских войсках. Средства будут направлены также на военную медицину и приборы ночного видения.

Александр Овечкин встретился с волонтерами штаба Собянина
2018-07-21 13:55
Почетным гостем избирательного штаба Сергея Собянина стал знаменитый хоккеист Александр Овечкин. Пообщавшись с волонтерами, он сравнил командный дух в коллективе с обстановкой в хоккейной сборной.

State of Palestine: Gaza ceasefire deal reached with Israel — Hamas
2018-07-21 14:21
A deal to restore calm in the Gaza Strip has been reached, according to an announcement by a Hamas spokesperson on Saturday. The announcement comes after the Israeli military carried out massive airstrikes against Gaza. «With the efforts of many national and international mediators the ceasefire was restored yesterday at midnight,» said Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem. «If the occupation forces break the truce and commit crimes against our people, the resistance will be ready to respond,» he added. The ceasefire agreement, brokered by Egypt and UN representatives, comes after three Palestinians were killed when Israel carried out massive airstrikes against the Gaza Strip, and after one Palestinian and an Israeli soldier were killed during Friday's protests at the Gaza-Israel border.

Отмечать годовщину освобождения иракского Мосула некому, нечем и не на что
2018-07-21 15:00
В Ираке отмечают годовщину освобождения Мосула: 21 июля прошлого года войска коалиции и власти Ирака объявили о завершении операции против террористов ИГИЛ (запрещена в России). За 12 месяцев восстановить подачу воды и электричества так и не удалось. Страны-участницы военной операции, по словам правозащитников, в восстановлении не участвуют.

Леонид Круглов в своем фильме о Семене Дежневе «обновил его статус»
2018-07-21 15:10
Российский путешественник, режиссер-документалист, член Русского географического общества Леонид Круглов повторил маршрут легендарного казака-землепроходца 17 века Семена Дежнева и преодолел со своей командой 10 тыс. километров по российской Арктике. Съемки фильма продлились более двух лет, при этом маршрут путешествия прошел через самые труднодоступные районы Архангельской области и Карелии, Полярного Урала (республика Коми), Ямала, Свердловской и Тюменской областей, Якутии и Чукотки. Автор попытался еще раз взглянуть и на личность противоречивой исторической личности- торговца, путешественника Семена Дежнева. Который был одним из исследователей северных широт, куда ранее не ступала нога русского путешественника. По свидетельствам историков, Семен Дежнев противоречивая фигура. Одни называют просто торговцем, иные авантюристом, а кто-то настойчиво создает из него государственника, который расширил и укрепил границы Московского княжества. О том какая версия стала главной фильме Леонида Круглова на видеозаписи от корреспондента «ЭкоГрада» Дорджи Нимгнирова. Полная версия: http://ekogradmoscow.ru/novosti/film-velikij-severnyj-put-po-marshrutu-semena-dezhneva

«Агитпроп»: Такой большой и такой ненужный
2018-07-21 15:33
125 лет Владимиру Маяковскому не стали громкой датой для литературного бомонда. Зависит ли актуальность от популярности, и чем интересен главный поэт советской эпохи и сегодня?

«Русал» представил властям США предложения о снятии санкций
2018-07-21 15:46
Соединенные Штаты не преследуют цели «убрать из бизнеса» российскую компанию «Русал», связанную с Олегом Дерипаской, и готовы при определенных обстоятельствах исключить ее из санкционного списка. Об этом в интервью Reuters сказал министр финансов США Стивен Мнучин. По словам Мнучина, компания находится в контакте с американскими властями и представила им ряд предложений, которые позволили бы добиться снятия санкционного режима с «Русала». Мнучин не стал говорить о деталях, однако подтвердил, что найти «приемлемое решение», которое позволило бы снять санкции с «Русала», — «цель» Соединенных Штатов.

«Дороги к свободе»: Парадоксы украинского образа
2018-07-21 16:26
Что происходит с образом Украины в мировых медиа? Нужно ли менять подходы? Как работать с населением Донбасса и Крыма? Собеседник Виталия Портникова — бывший заместитель министра информационной политики Украины Татьяна Попова.

«Кинофакты»: «Блондинка за углом»
2018-07-21 16:35
Многие автолюбители с удовольствием пересматривали фильм «Блондинка за углом» из-за «Крайслера» «Нью-Йоркер» 1973-го года. Машины красивой, мощной и крайне редкой для наших широт. Но никто даже не догадывался, сколько головной боли принесла эта машина съемочной группе. Собирали ее из подручных средств. Корпус Крайслера нашпиговали запчастями от других машин. Шикарное авто едва передвигалось. В действительности, актер Анатолий Сливников, игравший молчаливого Крокодила Гену, до этого никогда не держал руль в руках. Из-за неумелого водителя и неисправной машины съемки часто останавливались. Крайслер глох едва ли не в каждой сцене. Каждый поворот иномарки превращался в уморительный аттракцион и оборачивался десятками испорченных дублей.

В Англии выписан из больницы Чарли Роули, выживший после отравления
2018-07-21 16:43
В Англии выписан из больницы Чарли Роули, пострадавший в конце июня от отравления нервно-паралитическим веществом. Его подруга Дон Стерджес, также получившая дозу отравляющего вещества, скончалась около двух недель назад. Инцидент с отравлением произошел в городе Эймсбери, находящемся в нескольких километрах от Солсбери, где 4 марта едва не погибли Сергей и Юлия Скрипаль. Оба были отравлены нервно-паралитическим веществом. 19 июля появилась информация, что британской полиции удалось установить подозреваемых в покушении на бывшего сотрудника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля. Как сообщило агентство Press Association, в Скотленд-ярде считают, что в отравлении Скрипаля и его дочери Юлии в Солсбери участвовали несколько россиян.

Russia: France and Russia carry out joint humanitarian aid mission to Syria
2018-07-21 16:50
A Russian AN-124 cargo airplane delivered 40 tons of French humanitarian aid from an airport in Chateauroux, France, to Hmeymim airbase in Syria, between Friday and Saturday, after starting its mission at Chkalovsky Airport in Russia, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence. The humanitarian cargo comprises medicine, daily necessities, clothes and tents. “This cargo will be transferred to the Syrian Arabic Red Crescent movement. And consequently it will be delivered to the regions that were most afflicted by the hostilities against terrorism,» said Head of the Group for Coordination of Cooperation with Foreign Organisations of the Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, Maxim Kasilin.

Нарендра Моди в твиттер ответил своим оппонентам, готовившим на него покушение
2018-07-21 17:02
Нарендра Моди поделился на своей странице в твиттере выступлением перед соотечественниками, в котором рассказал о том, в чем состоят его грехи перед народом Индии. В том, сообщил политик, что я боролся за права бедных, против коррупции, против саботажа чиновников, которые фактически блокируют программы на улучшение жизни народа. Ранее сообщалось, что некая группировка маоистов, вероятно, планировала покушение на премьер-министра Индии Нарендру Моди по тому же сценарию, по которому в 1991 году был убит известный политик, экс-премьер Раджив Ганди. Как сообщил в пятницу телеканал NDTV, информацию об этом получила полиция города Пуна в штате Махараштра. По этим данным, полиция арестовала группу лиц, обвиняемых в связях с маоистами. При обыске у них было обнаружено письмо, в котором говорится об «инциденте, подобном происшедшему с Радживом Ганди»

Spain: Protesters rally to demand removal of Franco's remains
2018-07-21 17:33
Leftist protesters gathered at the entrance to the Valley of the Fallen to demand the removal of the remains of former military dictator Francisco Franco and of former Prime Minister Primo de Rivera, near Madrid on Saturday. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has said the remains of Franco would be removed at some point during the summer. They will be re-interred elsewhere. However, one protester, Arturo Peinado, said demonstrators weren't content with the decision alone. «We are not willing to be content with a specific measure that consists of the removal of the remains of Franco, since the rest of the monument remains absolutely the same, as a tribute to Franco.» A small group of far-right activists showed up and shouted at protesters, but no clashes occurred.

Порошенко подписал законы о сотрудничестве по делу «Боинга»
2018-07-21 17:36
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко подписал в субботу законы о сотрудничестве с Нидерландами по делу о катастрофе «Боинга» «Малайзийских авиалиний» над Донбассом 17 июля 2014 года. Соответствующее соглашение между Украиной и Нидерландами было подписано в прошлом году и ратифицировано Верховной радой. Был принят также закон о выполнении различных положений этого соглашения. Документы предусматривают сотрудничество между правоохранительными органами двух стран в деле уголовного преследования и осуждения лиц, причастных к гибели самолета. Как договорились ранее страны — участницы совместной следственной группы, суд по делу о гибели «Боинга» пройдет в Нидерландах по законодательству этой страны. Украина обязуется содействовать в организации участия в суде обвиняемых или свидетелей, в том числе в режиме видеоконференции.

Iran: Khamenei says problems with US are 'unsolvable,' rejects negotiations
2018-07-21 17:38
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared that Iran's issues with the US «are not solvable», branding the country «untrustworthy,» during a meeting with Iranian diplomats in Tehran, Saturday. The Iranian leader stated that negotiations with the US «hold no benefit,» adding: «one cannot even count on their signature, let alone their word and their verbal promise.» Khamenei accused the US of wanting «to recreate the status they had before the revolution, before the Islamic Republic,» stressing that this goal is «not possible» to reach.

Kazakhstan: Funeral held in Almaty for slain Olympic figure skater Denis Ten
2018-07-21 18:28
Thousands of people gathered at Almaty's Baluan Sholak Sports Palace, Saturday, to pay their last respects to the Olympic figure skating medalist Denis Ten who was killed on July 19. «I always repeat that he was not only a great athlete, but a very good person. We'll miss him,» Kazakh singer Ali Okapov said. Producer Alua Kolunova said: «he was humane. It's the most important thing that many people are lacking today.» The 25-year-old athlete was stabbed during a struggle with two men who were attempting to steal mirrors from his car. He was taken to a hospital and succumbed to his injuries later in the day. Denis Ten is the first Kazakh figure skater to have won an Olympic bronze, at the 2014 Sochi games.

State of Palestine: Thousands attend funeral of Palestinian killed in Israeli airstrike
2018-07-21 18:46
Thousands of Palestinians gathered in Khan Younis on Saturday for the funeral of Muhammad Abu Farhaneh, whom Gazan officials say was killed the day before in a strike carried out by the Israeli military. Taking part in the funeral procession were members of the Al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of Hamas. Muhammad Abu Farhaneh was reportedly at an Al-Qassam monitoring post that was hit by the Israeli military strikes. In total four Palestinians were killed as the Israeli military carried out strikes against the Gaza Strip. Three of the Palestinians were killed in the strikes with a fourth having been shot by Israeli snipers during a protest at the Gaza border, according to Gaza officials. Israel said it launched the strikes after one of its soldiers was killed by Palestinian fighters. According to the Israeli military, over 60 targets were struck, including 15 alleged Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip with an additional 25 in Khan Younis.

Spain: Popular Party pick Pablo Casado as new leader
2018-07-21 19:07
Pablo Casado, a congressman of Spain's conservative Popular Party, was elected as the new party leader in Madrid on Saturday. Casado won 1,701 votes at the congress compared to 1,250 votes for former Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, as announced by congress speaker Ana Pastor. Pablo Casado, 37, replaces former Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Iran: Funeral held for troops killed in attack on IRGC base
2018-07-21 19:20
A funeral was held in the village of Dari in Marivan County, Saturday, for Iranian troops killed in an attack on a nearby Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) base. Eleven guards were killed in the attack in the early hours of the day, and eight were wounded, according to officials cited by local media. The Iranian military reportedly states that some of the attackers were killed in a resulting exchange of fire. An ammunition depot was also reportedly blown up amid the fighting. Responsibility for the attack has been claimed by the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), a militant opposition Kurdish group.

Программа «Дежурная часть» от 21 июля 2018 года
2018-07-21 19:30
В Ельце вновь жестоко избиты посетители кафе. Бывшего главу Московского следственного управления обвинили в получении многомиллионной взятки. Почему британский финансист Браудер всерьез опасается, что его могут экстрадировать в Россию? Освобождение «хлебного короля».

Disposable 3D-printed surgical instruments poised to revolutionise medical world
2018-07-21 20:07
Surgical instruments produced via 3D printing may soon replace steel ones in less economically developed areas of the globe, as their creators suggest. Among other advantages, the tools can lower the risk of surgical infection and can be handy for use in war zones. The surgical implements were filmed at a studio in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, in footage published on Friday. The tools are said to be used in the training of medical students in a course provided by the Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students. Though the creators say they are not the first to introduce the 3D-printed surgical instruments, they hope they will become more widespread in the future, adding that their 3D-printed tools are coated with silver antimicrobial nanoparticles meaning they don't need sterilisation. Petros Mpaggeas, a surgeon and an inventor claims that because of this special coating that prevents bacteria from attaching to the instruments, his invention will help lower the risk of surgical infections. «These tools can be used in wars, in massive disasters, in Africa, generally in the third world, which we consider very important, especially the fact that these tools do not even need sterilisation,» Mpaggeas stated. In case the tool is not disposed of sterilisation can be performed up to 10 times. Another advantage of the technology is its price — the printing of a surgical hook costs 1/14 of the price of a classic steel version, according to the inventors.

Как выглядит «хлебное» перемирие на Донбассе
2018-07-21 20:21
Украинские силовики увеличили интенсивность обстрелов в Донбассе. По данным оперативного командования ДНР, было не менее семи случаев нарушения перемирия. Выпущены почти полторы сотни боеприпасов. Повреждены четыре дома в населенных пунктах Докучаевск и Горловка.

Argentina: Lagarde talks trade as G20 FMs meeting kicks off in Buenos Aires
2018-07-21 21:06
The Argentina meeting of the Group of 20 (G20) finance ministers will focus on the «direct impact of various trade restrictions,» managing director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde stated during her opening speech in Buenos Aires on Saturday. «We are not speculating on what could come next, we are not either speculating extensively on the confidence effect, because it needs to be very granular and it needs to go deep into the supply chains that have been formed over the years,» Lagarde said. During the two-day meeting, 23 finance ministers, 14 presidents of central banks and 10 holders of international organisations will discuss risks and opportunities for the global economy, as well as the infrastructure necessary for future development.

UK: 'Tommy Robinson' demo faces off with Antifa activists in Cambridge
2018-07-21 21:29
A protest demanding the release of far-right activist and English Defence League (EDL) co-founder Tommy Robinson faced off with Antifa protesters, in Cambridge on Saturday. Police formed a cordon to keep the rival groups separated. Tommy Robinson (real name, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) is currently serving jail time for disrupting a trial. A pro-Robinson protester accused Cambridge of being a city of «left-wing» extremism while Antifa protesters in turn chanted slogans welcoming refugees, and held banners reading: «Oppose Tommy Robinson. Don't let the racists divide us.» Robinson was jailed for 13 months for contempt of court on charges related to live streaming defendants outside a court in Leeds in May. Robinson himself pled guilty to the charges.

UK: Anti-fascists gather to protest against SDL rally in Glasgow
2018-07-21 21:47
Anti-fascist activists gathered in Glasgow, Saturday, to oppose a demonstration against alleged 'grooming gangs' organised by the far-right Scottish Defence League (SDL). The SDL is an offshoot of the English Defence League (EDL), whose supporters are holding ongoing demonstrations in support of jailed EDL co-founder Tommy Robinson. Anti-Nazi protesters chanted and held signs reading «Nazi always close» and «No to racism,» as SDL supporters rallied at Glasgow's George Square. Dozens of police officers separated the two groups to prevent altercations, and the demonstration passed without any reported physical confrontations. Robinson (real name, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) was jailed for 13 months for contempt of court on charges related to live streaming defendants outside a court in Leeds in May. Robinson himself pled guilty to the charges.

Afghanistan: 14 civilians killed in Kunduz airstrike following battle involving US aircraft
2018-07-21 22:56
Fourteen members of a family, including three children, were killed in an airstrike in the northern Afghanistan province of Kunduz on Thursday, Afghan officials stated on Friday. The deaths occurred in the Chahar Dara district during a battle against the Taliban involving US and Afghan airstrikes, according to reports. The coalition initially denied that the victims were civilians, and claimed they were Taliban fighters, according to reports. But district officials later described the airstrikes as having inadvertently led to the deaths of the civilians. Some local officials are reported as saying that the strikes were carried out by the US military. Separately, US officials have reportedly denied their aircraft caused civilian casualties. An investigation is underway, say Afghan officials. Footage shows a digger sifting through the debris at the site of the airstrike on Friday. Omerkhel, a local resident, described the scene, saying: “their families are under the earth, the machine is working to get them out of the damaged places.” He added, “I do not know how the military operations are going on here, they are not professional.” Zalmai Farooqi, Governor of the Chahar Dara District of Kunduz Province, lamented not having been informed of the airstrike before it took place. “No one was informed, neither the national army — not even the police and ourselves. If they don't [inform us] then we cannot manage to inform the people,” he said. Civilian casualties in Afghanistan reached their highest ever levels in the first half of this year, according to a UN report. The toll of 1,692 fatalities was the highest for comparable periods since the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) began keeping records in 2009.

Argentina: Mass demonstration greets G20 gathering in Buenos Aires
2018-07-21 23:13
Protesters took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Saturday to protest against a deal between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as the Argentina Meeting of Group of 20 (G20) finance ministers kicked off in the city. Protesters held banners and burned a US flag to demonstrate against the adjustment policies of the current Argentine government and to call for a default on the country's debt. «This agreement with the monetary fund will only bring more hunger and misery for our people,» one protester, Graciela Desesaris, said. The demonstration, following one the previous day against the arrival of IMF head Christine Lagarde, saw the deployment of a large number of police and security forces. The rally targeted a deal signed between the IMF and Argentina back in May which secured a $50 billion credit line for the financially-troubled South American country; the deal was faced by backlash by many who view the international organisation as responsible for the country's economic crisis 17 years ago.

«Время-Деньги»: Эфир от 20.07.2018
2018-07-21 23:43
США готовы установить новые пошлины на весь китайский импорт. Успех облачного сервиса Microsoft. Золото на десерт в Нью-Йорке.

Syria: Second group of militants evacuated from Quneitra province
2018-07-22 00:45
Buses with a second group of militants and their families were seen departing the southwest province of Quneitra, through the Jaba crossing to northern Syria's Idlib province, on Saturday. They moved through the countryside from their departure point in the village of Um Batina, en route to northern Syria. This is the second batch of militants relocated from the area after a first group left the area on Friday, when, according to Syrian government news agency SANA, 55 buses departed Um Batina. The operation was part of a deal struck between the government and opposition forces on Thursday. The agreement stipulates that the Syrian Arab Army will return to the area after militants who decline to take part in the reconciliation process are given safe passage to Syria's opposition-held north-western Idlib province.

UK: Ecuador expected to withdraw asylum for Assange
2018-07-22 01:00
Ruptly was filming from outside the Ecuadorian Embassy, in London, on Satuday night, following reports that Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno and British officials will come to an agreement under which Ecuador will withdraw its asylum protection for Julian Assange. The WikiLeaks founder, who is holed up in the embassy, would then be handed over to British authorities, according to reports.

Nicaragua: Hundreds march in Managua to call for Ortega's resignation
2018-07-22 01:30
Hundreds of anti-government protesters took to the streets of Managua on Saturday, demanding the resignation of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's. These ongoing anti-government protests initially began as a series of demonstrations over reforms to the welfare system, however many protesters are now calling for an end to Ortega's government. Since April, over 260 people have died in the demonstrations that have often led to clashes with security forces.

France: Two years since Adama Traore's death, protesters demand answersx
2018-07-22 02:24
Protesters gathered in Beaumont-sur-Oise, on Saturday, on the two year anniversary of the death of Adama Traore, to show support for his family and demand a speeding up of the investigation. Marching under the banner 'Justice for Adama', many protesters held banners and chanted slogans, protesting against Traore's death. Traore died in police custody in July 2016, after he was arrested while riding his bike with his brother. According to reports, he died having been transferred to the police station, after already complaining of difficulty breathing. The young man's family are still seeking an inquiry into how Traore died. His sister, Assa, who attended the protest in Beaumont-sur-Oise, strongly criticised the delays in the investigation. «Today we're denouncing this denial of justice, we're denouncing the Paris public prosecutor's office, the Paris judges, who have the power to do what they will in the case of my brother, to do it all, and that is inexcusable,» Assa said.

France: Le Pen and Castaner have war of words over Benalla case
2018-07-22 02:34
SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): «I am extremely polite, sir. (Inaudible) Politeness would want you to be in the hemicycle to explain yourself on the monstrous state scandal that we are assisting. You are there with journalists, you are there delivering your elements of language and you are refusing to go to the hemicycle. Since this morning you are shaving the walls. Do you have something to blame yourself for? Yes, and you are right to do so. *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW*» SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): «Your friends from En Marche refuse your hearing. You won't be sumoned because they refuse to summon you. Your friends from En Marche protect you like they have protected the hooligans that Mr. Benalla and Mr. Crase are.» SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): «So why do you not want to respond to the investigative committee? You should respond to the investigative committee of your own spontaneous initiative.» SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, Executive Officer of La Republique En Marche party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* SOT, Marine Le Pen, President of National Rally party (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* France: Le Pen and State-Parliament relations secretary Castaner argue over Benalla case National Rally leader Marine Le Pen and Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations Christophe Castaner had a verbal altercation over the case of dismissed Macron aide Alexandre Benalla in the French National Assembly in Paris on Monday. Le Pen criticised Castaner for being in the Four Columns Room of the Assembly talking to journalists instead of in the hemicycle where the Benalla case was being discussed. «Politeness would want you to be in the hemicycle to explain yourself on the monstrous state scandal that we are assisting,» Le Pen told Castaner. «Since this morning you are shaving the walls. Do you have something to blame yourself for?» Castaner answered that he would be ready to testify in case of a request from the investigative committee. «You won't be summoned because they refuse to summon you. Your friends from En Marche protect you like they have protected the hooligans that Mr. Benalla and Mr. Crase are,» Le Pen said. Alexandre Benalla was the head of security for

East Jerusalem: Pro-settlement organisation holds march around Jerusalem Old City
2018-07-22 03:20
A pro-settlement organisation held an annual march around the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday, on the occasion of the 'Ninth of Av' fast day. Dozens of marchers gathered around the walls of the Old City, under the presence of a number of Israeli officials who reportedly performed religious rites. On Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority issued a statement calling for the prohibition of the march. They deemed it a provocation aiming to «exercise sovereignty over Jerusalem and unite the city as the capital of Israel.» «This march is a continuation of the radical policy prevailing in the political arena in Israel and among the settlers,» the statement said. The 'Ninth of Av' fast day commemorates an alleged destruction in ancient times of Jewish temples of Temple Mount.

USA: Protesters march on LA streets against family separation policy
2018-07-22 04:04
People gathered in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles to protest against the separation of migrant children from their parents by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. Protesters marched in downtown Los Angeles before returning to MacArthur park to end the rally. The Trump administration has been roundly condemned for its treatment of migrants at the southern border after around 2,300 migrant children were separated from their parents between mid-April and May. On June 20, Trump signed an executive order reversing the 'zero-tolerance' policy to separate children from their parents.

Spain: Aid group files 'negligence' complaint against ship captain after migrant boat capsizes
2018-07-22 04:26
Volunteers and members of the group Proactiva Open Arms spoke at a press conference, in Mallorca, on Saturday, after a capsized migrant boat was brought to the island just south of the Spanish mainland. Following the capsizing, The team from Proactiva Open Arms recovered the bodies of a Cameroonian woman along with the bodies of a toddler and another woman. The Open Arms team included Spanish NBA player Marc Gasol who was acting as a volunteer. During the press conference, Gasol called on people's sense of humanity when observing migrant boats arriving in Europe's waters. He said, «I need someone to answer me, as a citizen, as a person, as a human being, I'd like to know how someone is capable of doing this? Because this is not normal.» The director of Proactiva Open Arms, Oscar Camps, explained the group's decision to file a complaint against the camptain of 'Triades', a cargo ship that failed to come to the aid of migrants adrift in the sea. Camps explained, «We arrived here and the first thing we did is to denounced the Spanish justice, the captain of the boat 'Triades', for negligence and for reckless homicide.» Camps went on to say the group intends to file a similar charge against the captain of the Italian coast guard.

USA: Police engage in standoff with suspect barricaded in LA Trader Joe's
2018-07-22 04:46
Crowds gathered outside a Trader Joe's grocery store in Silverlake, Los Angeles, on Saturday, as the police engaged in a standoff with an armed suspect inside the building. The LAPD urged people to stay away from the area, and subsequently confirmed there was an «active barricaded suspect» inside the store. Los Angeles police had cordoned off the area and around 100 firefighters were on scene as well. According to LAPD Sergeant Barry Montgomery, the suspect is believed to have been in a family dispute earlier in the day, in which he shot an elderly woman. He then fled the police pursuing him in to the 'Trader Joe's'. According to the fire department, a woman has been transferred to hospital in a stable condition. She was reportedly inside the car as the suspect entered the grocery store.

USA: Trader Joe's standoff ends with suspect brought into custody
2018-07-22 05:11
Los Angeles police detained a man who had barricaded himself inside a Trader Joe's grocery store in Silver Lake after shooting an elderly woman on Saturday. Footage shows the cordoned off area and police cars while the situation was ongoing. According to LAPD Sergeant Barry Montgomery, the suspect is believed to have been in a family dispute earlier in the day, in which he shot an elderly woman.

USA: Putin's goal is to sow 'dissention and instability in democracies' — Clinton
2018-07-22 05:13
SOT, Hillary Clinton, Former US Secretary of State: «His ultimate goal is to dominate his neighbourhood again. To dominate what used to be Eastern Europe behind the so-called Iron Curtain; to dominate Central Asia; to have a foothold in the Middle East, which is a large part of what his support of Assad in Syria is intended to do; to break up NATO; to break up the EU; to sow as much dissention and instability inside democracies. It's not just American elections or American politicians that he has gone after. He's done the same thing in Europe. And so he wants to undo the architecture of the post-World War Two world.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* When speaking at the OZY Fest in New York City, on Saturday, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was heavily critical of what she deems to be Russian President Vladimir Putin's geopolitical goals. Clinton said that Putin's aims were, «To dominate what used to be Eastern Europe behind the so-called Iron Curtain; to dominate Central Asia; to have a foothold in the Middle East, which is a large part of what his support of Assad in Syria is intended to do.» She also went on to say that he sought «to break up NATO; to break up the EU; to sow as much dissention and instability inside democracies.» Since losing out to US President Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential elections, Clinton has been vocal about her belief in the theory that Trump's campaign was bolstered through alleged Russian tampering within the USA's electoral process.

В Лос-Анджелесе, арестован мужчина, удерживавший заложников в магазине
2018-07-22 06:09
Злоумышленника, который забаррикадировался в продуктовом магазине сети Trader Joe’s в Лос-Анджелесе (штат Калифорния), обезвредили и взяли под стражу.

События недели. Эфир от 22.07.2018
2018-07-22 10:24
Пожары в Малоярославце: в чем причина спонтанных возгораний. Калужане присоединились к массовым акциям в память о расстреле царской семьи. Реконструкторы со всей страны воссоздали стояние на Угре.

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