<<Оно вам надо?>>: В Кремле прошла 4-я инаугурация Путина, а в Армении выбрали нового премьера
«Оно вам надо?»: В Кремле прошла 4-я инаугурация Путина, а в Армении выбрали нового премьера 2018-05-13 06:51 Бессмертный, но не бесплатный. Служба безопасности Украины нашла российский след гибридной войны. «Пятьюжежды» президент России. В Кремле прошла церемония четвертой инаугурации Путина. В Армении — новый премьер. Никол Пашинян отчитывается о работе правительства на личной странице Facebook. Indonesia: At least eight dead after bomb attacks hit three Surabaya churches *GRAPHIC* 2018-05-13 07:06 At least eight people were killed after three bomb attacks hit three churches in the Indonesian city of Surabaya on Sunday. According to local media, the explosions took place during Sunday morning masses almost simultaneously. Romania: Thousands join anti-corruption protest in Bucharest 2018-05-13 07:30 Thousands of people rallied in Bucharest's Victory Square on Saturday, to protest against a judicious overhaul by the ruling coalition of Social and Liberal Democrats. Demonstrators held a large European flag, while chanting «We want Europe, not a dictatorship.» Protesters also carried paper cutouts depicting a number 100, which coincides with the of the Romanian modern state celebrated this year, but which also looks like a pair of handcuffs, a hint to the legal problems faced by leader of Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea and founder of Liberal Reformist Party Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Prosecutors and judges claim changes could cripple Romania's ability to prosecute high-level corruption cases. Cuba: Mariela Castro leads LGBT parade in Havana 2018-05-13 07:58 Daughter of former Cuban President Raul Castro and LGBT activist Mariela Castro led an anti-homophobia parade in Havana on Saturday. Shouting LGBT pride slogans, hundreds of people marched along one of Havana's main avenues, headed by Castro, who has for years led campaigns in a bid to promote LGBT rights in Cuba. «What we're doing is part of the Communist Party's policies. We're working along with the State, the party and civil society to educate the Cuban people and transform their conscience in order to advance in this field of rights,» Castro said. The parade was also attended by Chilean actress Daniela Vega, as well as lawmakers from Uruguay and Argentina. Castro is the director of the Cuban National Centre for Sex Education and has promoted the recognition of full rights for LGBT people in Cuba for years. Как Свинку Пеппу забанили в Китае за вредное влияние на молодежь 2018-05-13 08:09 30 тыс. видеороликов с участием мультперсонажа исчезли с видеохостинга Douyin без объяснений, их не найти даже поиском по ключевым словам. Расследователи считают, что Пеппа слишком популярна и «отбирает хлеб» у китайских мультипликаторов, а также воспитывает в молодежи некоммунистические ценности. Оюб Титиев и Юрий Дмитриев награждены премией Московской Хельсинкской группы 2018-05-13 09:10 Оюб Титиев и Юрий Дмитриев вошли в число лауреатов ежегодной Премии Московской Хельсинкской группы в области защиты прав человека. Руководитель грозненского представительства Правозащитного центра «Мемориал» Оюб Титиев награжден за мужество, проявленное в защите прав человека. Историк, глава карельского отделения общества «Мемориал» Юрий Дмитриев удостоен премии за исторический вклад в защиту прав человека и в правозащитное движение. Церемония награждения прошла в московском здании Театра.doc. Армия Украины несколько дней не прекращает обстрелы жилых домов 2018-05-13 09:44 Вооруженные силы Украины бьют по жилым домам из танков и минометов. По данным командования Донецкой республики, на окраинах Горловки ранен мирный житель. Обстрелы не прекращаются уже несколько дней. В Тбилиси устроили техно-рейв в знак протеста против рейдов в ночных клубах 2018-05-13 09:55 Молодые люди выразили протест против антинаркотических рейдов, которые прошли в клубах Тбилиси в ночь на 12 мая. Greece: Fans ecstatic as Thessaloniki's PAOK brings Greek Cup home 2018-05-13 09:59 PAOK Football Club (PAOK FC) of Thessaloniki won the Greek Cup on Saturday and then brought directly the cup to the city's landmark, the White Tower, drawing up to 15,000 fans in the city centre. Russian businessman and President of PAOK FC, Ivan Savvidis, was seen among the team. The fans chanted «Mr. President, take out your gun.» Savvidis was banned from football stadiums for three years for entering the field with a handgun, when a goal for PAOK FC was disallowed against AEK Athens on March 11. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Нина Русланова 2018-05-13 10:21 Народная любовь и поклонение, бедность, работа маляром, уборщицей и, наконец, жесточайшие избиения. Жизнь этой актрисы — безумные качели. Она не раз бывала и на пике славы, и в глубокой пропасти. Кажется, в ее судьбе сконцентрированы все самые тяжелые испытания, которые есть на этом свете. Нина Русланова проходит через них с честью, достоинством, с удивительной жизненной силой! Но сама актриса об этом рассказывать не хочет. Зато расскажет ее дочь. Israel: Tel Aviv erupts with joy as Israel nabs Eurovision title 2018-05-13 11:11 Thousands of Israelis jubilantly took to Tel Aviv's celebrated at Rabin Square in the early hours of Sunday, after the country scored the h Eurovision Song Contest, with Netta Barzilai's song 'Toy'. Netta was crowned champion on Saturday night with 536 points, followed by contestants from Cyprus, Austria, Germany and Italy. «Netta is amazing. She came with what her song represents and she is so special,» one fan said. «Finally we are 'on the map', against all the chances, we arrived to the final and we won,» another fan added. It has been 20 years since Israel last won the contest in 1998, when singer Dana International beat a Maltese contestant in Birmingham. Пригороды Дамаска патрулирует военная полиция Минобороны РФ 2018-05-13 11:28 Военная полиция Минобороны России начала патрулировать южные пригороды Дамаска. Накануне сирийские правительственные силы совместно с Центром по примирению враждующих сторон вывели оттуда оставшихся боевиков с семьями — в совокупности свыше 8 тысяч человек. В районах расчищены дороги, полицейские дежурят круглосуточно. Также налажен контакт с местными жителями, которые вернулись в свои дома. Тбилиси: полиция снесла палатки протестующих 2018-05-13 12:00 В ночь на 13 мая в Тбилиси полиция снесла палаточный городок перед зданием парламента Грузии. Его установили протестующие против жесткой политики по борьбе с наркотиками. Из танков по жилым домам: в Донбассе продолжается война 2018-05-13 12:35 Вооруженные силы Украины бьют по жилым домам из танков и минометов. Ранены два мирных жителя. Обстрелы не прекращаются уже несколько дней. «Песня с историей»: Все, что в жизни есть у меня 2018-05-13 12:44 Сегодня мы вернемся в 76 год и вспомним оглушительный хит — песню, которая стала музыкальным символом целого поколения. В это же время в столице СССР открывается XXV съезд КПСС. А Александр Градский вспоминает, как молоды мы были. Создается Московская Хельсинская группа. А Юрий Богатиков обещает вернуться через две зимы. В Риге начинается выпуск нового микроавтобуса «РАФ». А ВИА «Самоцветы» признается в любви. Расмуссен: Кремль попытается повлиять на украинские выборы 2018-05-13 13:09 Сопредседатель новой американо-европейской комиссии по противодействию российскому вмешательству в зарубежные выборы Андерс Фог Расмуссен, экс-генсек НАТО, рассказал «Голосу Америки» о задачах проекта, созданного при участии бывшего вице-президента США Джо Байдена. Greece: Hooligans clash with police after PAOK beats AEK in Greek Cup final 2018-05-13 13:26 Football hooligans clashed with riot police after the derby between PAOK and AEK for the Greek Cup in Athens on Saturday. According to reports, hooligans hurled flares at riot police officers who were deployed on site in order to separate AEK fans with PAOK fans. At least 14 people were detained following the clashes. The match saw PAOK winning 2-0, claiming the Greek Cup and bringing it to its home city Thessaloniki. Облюбование Москвы: Юсуповы палаты 2018-05-13 13:41 Московский дом князей Юсуповых — палаты в Большом Харитоньевском переулке, выдающийся архитектурный памятник петровского времени. В конце XIX века Юсуповы предприняли здесь грандиозную реставрацию, предполагающую воссоздание в интерьере загородного охотничьего дворца Ивана Грозного. В Москве начинается митинг за свободный интернет 2018-05-13 14:19 Власти Москвы согласовали проведение шествия и митинга за свободный интернет на проспекте Академика Сахарова 13 мая. Israel: Netanyahu cheery after Eurovision win, before US Embassy move 2018-05-13 15:27 «Jerusalem is being blessed with many gifts,» said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his remarks at a Cabinet meeting at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem on Sunday. Netanyahu opened his speech with «boker toy» rather than 'boker tov' ['good morning' in Hebrew], in reference to the song 'Toy' by Israeli singer Netta Barzilai that led her to nab the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest the night before. Netanyahu congratulated Netta on her «thrilling and suspenseful victory» as well as promised to «deal with everything involved» to hold the Eurovision in Jerusalem next year for «a large international audience.» He also called the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, set to take place on Monday, «a celebration.» «Two additional embassies — Guatemala and Paraguay — will come here and others are on the way,» Netanyahu stated. US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017, in a live televised address from Washington DC, which sparked a wave of protests throughout the world. Israel: 'We're on top of the world' — Jerusalem celebrates Embassy move 2018-05-13 16:07 Israeli and Palestinian residents in Jerusalem shared their thoughts on the US Embassy moving to the city from Tel Aviv on Sunday, one day ahead OF the opening ceremony. One of the American-Israeli residents, Mark Cohen, said that that people 'are very excited about it' and the US had been lobbying for the transfer since 1995. Another resident, Israel Zweek, added that 'everyone is celebrating this event' and expressed his hope there would not be any injuries or deaths during the expected clashes over the opening. A Palestinian resident, Mohamad Omar, called the move made by US President Donald Trump 'very bad,' adding that Trump did not consider 'how much of a bad effect will come with his decision' and 'how much that will boil our feelings towards that decision.' The opening ceremony of the US Embassy in Jerusalem was scheduled for Monday amid protests across the Middle East. Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017, in a live televised address from Washington DC, which sparked a wave of protests throughout the world. Afghanistan: At least nine reported dead after Jalalabad blasts 2018-05-13 16:17 At least nine people, including a child, were reportedly killed in multiple explosions and a coordinated gun attack in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad on Sunday. Another 36 were wounded, according to local health officials. The first explosion was caused by a car bomb set at the entrance of a building housing the state accounts office, official say, before four gunmen stormed the precinct leading to a firefight with security forces. More explosions were then heard from inside the building, with officials confirming later that the gunmen were neutralised after a battle lasting much of the day. There has been no immediate claim of responsibility. France: Eyewitnesses describe deadly knife attack chaos in central Paris 2018-05-13 16:39 SOT, Journalist (French): «Is this your place? Did you discover this [the hole] from the TV?» SOT, Shop owner (French): «Yes [it's our place]. No, we could only come back at 1:00, to discover that we had a bullet on our glass, then the forensic came inside until 3:00.» Local residents and eyewitnesses described what they saw of yesterday's knife attack in central Paris on Sunday, which left two dead and several more injured. There was praise for the how the police reacted to the situation. One eyewitness, Gille Hoana, said: «He [the police officer] was young, frankly I pay my respect because he handled the situation well, he had no other choice but to shoot him, the attacker was so determined and aggressive.» Others commented on the attacker's appearance, saying he was not how one would expect. «I saw the aggressor with blood on his hand. He looked like a 20 year old kid, dressed fashionably, with long hair, like many youngsters today, I would have never thought he was a terrorist, he really didn't look like one,» said Hayfa Bouslma, another eyewitness. On Saturday night, a knife-wielding attacker killed one person and injured four more in central Paris, close to Place de l'Opera. The assailant was also killed after being shot by police. French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack, which has been claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). Митинг в Москве завершен. Пришло в 7,5 раза меньше людей, чем в прошлый раз 2018-05-13 17:09 На проспекте Сахарова в Москве в воскресенье, 13 мая, прошел митинг «За свободный Интернет». По данным столичной полиции, в нем приняли участие около 1000 человек. Это в разы меньше, чем на акции 30 апреля — там присутствовали 7500 человек. East Jerusalem: Clashes erupt between Jews and Muslims on Temple Mount 2018-05-13 17:12 Israelis clashed with Palestinian worshippers on Temple Mount in East Jerusalem on Sunday morning following reported provocation in the lead up to an emotional week in the Holy Land. The clashes allegedly started when around 1,000 Israelis moved towards Temple Mount with Star of David flags and chanting Jewish songs, according to local reports. Others began praying in the area, in contravention of a ban on non-Muslims praying in the al-Aqsa Mosque's grounds. Sunday is known as 'Jerusalem Day,' the anniversary of when Israel took control of the Old City and East Jerusalem in 1967. . Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism and the third-holiest site in Islam. High-profile visits by Israeli officials and rumours of changes to the status quo have also preceded outbursts of violence. Вести недели. Эфир от 13.05.2018. США подталкивают Иран к созданию ядерной бомбы 2018-05-13 17:38 Если санкции против Ирана будут возобновлены, он выйдет из сделки и наперекор всему вернется к проекту создания своей атомной бомбы. Об этом заявил президент Ирана Хасан Рухани. Вести недели. Эфир от 13.05.2018. Трамп скатился в примитив 2018-05-13 17:45 Разорвав ядерную сделку с Ираном, Дональд Трамп фактически предлагает миру обнулить международное право. Отныне любой подписанный договор с Америкой не стоит ничего. Теперь Трамп считает, что он может от него отказаться. State of Palestine: Funeral held for 15 y/o shot at Israel/Gaza border 2018-05-13 17:51 Crowds of mourners carried the body of 15-year-old Palestinian Jamal Afanah through the streets of Rafah on Sunday, after he was fatally shot by the Israeli Defence Forces during the Great March of Return protests at the Israeli-Gaza border on Friday. Footage shows the crowds as they chant and carry Afanah through the city streets and into homes where mourners kissed the boy and paid their respects. Maher Yaqoub, an uncle of the Afanah, stated: «We will continue not only tomorrow or after tomorrow but until we get all our rights, our land and our prisoners.» The 'March of Return' is a campaign by Palestinians who are calling for the return of land, which is now claimed by Israel. Вести недели. Эфир от 13.05.2018. Америка изолировала себя политически 2018-05-13 17:55 Единоличным решением выйти из ядерной сделки Америка уже изолировала себя политически, при этом заставить всех финансово изолировать Иран может оказаться непосильной задачей. На митинге в Москве было задержано около 20 человек 2018-05-13 17:57 На акцию «За свободный интернет» в Москве пришли, по предварительным оценкам, до тысячи человек. Holy See: FEMEN activist breastfeeds baby in anti-Catholic protest 2018-05-13 18:01 A topless FEMEN activist tried to breastfeed a baby in Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican City on Sunday. She was swiftly detained by security and taken away from the area despite her protests. FEMEN, a so-called 'sextremist' group famed for their topless demos, claimed on their website the protest was directed against the Catholic Church, condemning its stance on abortion, the LGBT+ community and violence towards women. Russia: Sevastopol honours Black Sea Fleet's 235th anniversary 2018-05-13 18:21 Ceremonies were held in Sevastopol on Sunday in honour of the 235th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet's foundation. During the day, there was a prayer service in the Vladimir Cathedral, the tomb of admirals while military personnel laid flowers at the monument of the fleet's founder Catherine II and at the memorial wall in honour of the defence of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. A number of soldiers who took part in operations in Syria were also honoured during a march. The Black Sea Fleet was founded by the decree of Catherine II after the annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 1783. «Оставьте нас в покое!» 2018-05-13 18:33 В Москве на проспекте Сахарова прошел согласованный митинг «За свободный Интернет». По данным проекта «Белый счетчик», в нем приняли участие более 2 тысяч человек. Несколько десятков участников митинга были задержаны за лозунги, не соответствующие, по мнению полиции, теме акции. China: World's first 'trackless train' tested in Zhuzhou 2018-05-13 18:35 The world's first electric-powered 'trackless train' took part in a test run in central China's Zhuzhou, as shown in footage filmed on Saturday. While regarded as a hybrid between a bus and tram, the train runs on virtual railways that are represented by white lines. With sensors, the Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) system can determine the dimensions of the road and make a virtual track for itself to ride along. China's CRRC Corporation Limited, one of the world's largest rolling stock manufacturers, began developing the ART back in 2013, as a way to ease congestion in China's crowded urban areas. The train is seen as a cheaper and lower energy alternative to metro. «Свобода в клубах»: «Собибор» Хабенского 2018-05-13 19:00 Еврейское восстание в лагере смерти под руководством советского офицера Александра Печерского (1943), умолчания о Холокосте. Исторические ошибки и художественные достоинства «Собибора». Обсуждают: Лев Симкин, юрист, писатель, автор книги «Полтора часа возмездия»; Михаил Эдельштейн, историк литературы, научный консультант фильма; Владимир Долин, историк, журналист; Ксения Сахарнова, режиссер документального кино, автор видеоблога film history. Russia: Second rally against Telegram ban takes place in Moscow 2018-05-13 19:06 Around 2,000 people gathered in central Moscow on Sunday to protest against the Telegram instant messaging app crackdown and to support online freedom in Russia. Opposition leaders such as the Head of Parnas Party Mikhail Kasyanov spoke at the rally. According to police reports, 1,000 people attended the rally., while according to the White Counter Project, more than 2,200 people passed through metal detection arches on Sakharova Avenue. Protesters carried posters reading: «Today [you] block the internet, tomorrow — burn books?» and «[You] cannot ban paper planes.» Protesters occupied Moscow's Sakharova Avenue to support the Telegram app for the second time. On April 30 more than 12,000 Muscovites attended the previous rally. The Telegram messenger was banned across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, following a ruling by the Tagansky district court in Moscow on 13th April. Telegram's representatives had announced earlier that they did not plan to follow the order set by the regulator to provide the FSB with encryption keys needed to access the data. France: Anti-Macron rally in Paris marks one year since inauguration 2018-05-13 19:14 Protesters marched in Paris for the 'One Year is Enough' demonstration on Sunday ahead of the anniversary of French President Emmanuel Macron's inauguration. Several hundred people demonstrate in the streets of Paris, around Place de la Republique. The demonstrators protested against a variety of issues surrounding Macron's labour reforms, including privatisation, the end of social security and worker protections, and increasing police powers. Силовики обстреляли ДНР более 30 раз 2018-05-13 19:57 Более 30 обстрелов за минувшие сутки зафиксировали власти ДНР. Под огнем украинских силовиков оказались около десятка населенных пунктов в районе Донецка, Горловки и Ясиноватой, а также на юге республики. State of Palestine: IDF ramp up security for US Embassy opening, Nakba 2018-05-13 20:01 The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) increased their security presence along its borders with the State of Palestine ahead of the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem on Monday and Nakba Day, footage filmed on Sunday shows. Additional IDF personnel can be seen stationed at an intersection in the West Bank as part of the increased security measures. The IDF is reportedly deploying three additional brigades to Gaza and the West Bank, as they expect the coming week to be one of violent protests. Nakba, which means the 'Catastrophe' in Arabic and refers to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, where an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were expelled to make way for the new state of Israel. UK: One injured as Kurds clash with police ahead of Erdogan visit 2018-05-13 20:35 Pro-Kurdish protesters clashed with police outside the Wokefield Estate near Reading in Berkshire, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was scheduled to attend a business event on Sunday afternoon. A teenager suffered head and back injuries in the violence, according to local reports. Anti-Erdogan protesters threw bottles and also tried to break through the police lines to stop cars from entering. The Turkish President started his three day visit to the United Kingdom by attending a lunch organised by the British Turkish Tatlidil forum, while later on this week he will be meeting Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II. France: Paris nationalists honour French heroine Joan of Arc at rally 2018-05-13 22:12 Hundreds of French nationalists joined at a rally in Paris on Sunday to honour French hero and patron saint Joan of Arc before her feast day on May 30. The rally started from Saint-Augustin church and reached Place de la Pyramide, where there is a statue of Joan of Arc. There, the demonstrators left flowers and prayed to honour the saint. Alain Escada, president of Civitas, one of the march's organiser, said: «Today we are here to pay tribute to Saint Joan of Arc, she is a heroine of France, but also a saint for our country, the secondary patron saint of France. She is the image of the alliance between the church and the state.» Joan of Arc, 19, was executed by the English for the offence of 'cross-dressing' on May 30, 1431 in Normandy. East Jerusalem: Israelis, Palestinians face off during Jerusalem Day celebrations 2018-05-13 22:28 Israelis engaged in scuffles with Palestinian protesters as they celebrated Jerusalem Day in East Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday. Police intervened to avoid escalation, with images showing them pushing a Palestinian woman over. Hertzel, one of the Israelis, stated: «I came to prove to the Israelis that we love both war and peace, whoever wants war with us, they are welcome, we are not afraid from war.» Micky Rosenfeld, the National Spokesman of the Israeli Police to Foreign Media, said security measures were ramped up to accommodate the 30,000 people taking part in the celebrations, and that the measures «will continue tomorrow morning as well for the opening of the American Embassy.» Jerusalem Day commemorates the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City following the 1967's Six Day War. Макрон и Меркель напрасно пытались умаслить Трампа 2018-05-13 22:35 В сколь неудобной для себя позе вдруг оказалась Европа? Прервав экономические контакты с Ираном, Германия потеряет 3 миллиарда евро или 0,2% от общего экспорта. Террористы окопались в центре Ярмука 2018-05-13 22:35 Сирийская армия продолжает «зачищать» пригороды Дамаска от остатков террористических бандформирований. Освобождены сразу несколько поселений на юге сирийской столицы. Ожесточенные бои идут районе Ярмук. ЕС хочет заменить собой Штаты, но без России не получится 2018-05-13 22:37 В свете последних мировых событий интересна судьба Европы. При нынешнем ее позиционировании у Европы, фактически не осталось хороших ходов. Евросоюз воюет на два фронта. На Востоке — с Россией, а теперь еще и на Западе — с Америкой. На Пашиняна надеются как на чудо 2018-05-13 22:38 В Ереване митинги и уличные акции утихли. Лидер протестов, что шли с середины апреля, 42-летний Никол Пашинян избран в парламенте премьер-министром — главным чиновником страны. В парламенте Ирана сожгли американский флаг 2018-05-13 22:40 В Тегеране еще до выступления Трампа заявили: здесь готовы к любому решению Вашингтона и не считают, что это как-то повлияет на жизнь в стране. Все взятые на себя обязательства, как подчеркивают в Иране, государство соблюдает. Донбасс жаждет мира, но Киев продолжает войну 2018-05-13 23:00 11 мая 2014 года в Донецкой и Луганской народных республиках прошел референдум о независимости. С тех пор жители Донбасса вынуждены защищать себя силой оружия, но верят, что когда-нибудь в их дома придет мир. Israel: Netanyahu praises Trump for 'making history' with embassy, JCPOA 2018-05-13 23:11 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met US Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan alongside an American delegation in Jerusalem on Sunday ahead of the opening of the US Embassy in the Holy City. Israelis have been celebrating the opening of the new US Embassy despite being forced to bolster security in anticipation for mass Palestinian protests against the move. Netanyahu said: «President Trump is making history. We are deeply grateful and our people will be eternally grateful for his bold decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and to move the embassy there tomorrow.» He also commented Trump's decision to walk away from the Iran deal, saying: «Pulling out of the nuclear deal means that the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism is no longer on a glide path to attaining an arsenal of nuclear weapons. This is good for Israel, this is good for the region, is good for the world.» Georgia: Demands for PM's resignation persist following nightclubs drug search 2018-05-14 01:55 Hundreds of people continued to rally in front of the parliament in Tbilisi on Sunday, condemning the level of force used during the special operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the nightclubs and demanding the resignation of Georgian Interior Minister Giorgi Gakharia and Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili. Earlier in the day, the protest organisers met with Gakharia in the Georgian parliament, during which the country's interior minister reportedly apologised and vowed to investigate the details of the anti-drug raid on the nightclubs. Following the talks, the protest organisers reportedly agreed to stop the action. On Sunday evening, Kvirikashvili urged protesters to calm down during a televised address. France: Friend of Paris knife attacker arrested in Strasbourg 2018-05-14 02:14 A friend of the Paris knife attacker was arrested in Strasbourg on Sunday. The police left the building in Strasbourg's L'Esplanade neighbourhood with a handcuffed man, who was wearing a black T-shirt reading 'Grozny', the capital of Chechnya, and depicting a drawing of a Kalashnikov. A second man was also reportedly taken away by the police, but not handcuffed. According to sources, the arrested man was «the closest individual» to the assailant, who lived in Strasbourg for several years. The man is being held is being held for questioning by investigators from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI). French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack, which was claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). On Saturday evening, the knife-wielding attacker, identified as 21-year-old French national Khamzat Azimov, born in Chechnya in 1997, killed one person and injured four more. The assailant was killed after being shot by police. Parents of the attacker have been taken in for questioning. Footage released by Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace (DNA). France: Paris knifeman school friend 'very surprised' by attack 2018-05-14 03:09 Journalist (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* Ilies, School friend of Paris knife attacker Khamzat Azimov (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* A man, named Ilies, claiming to be an old school friend of Paris knife attacker Khamzat Azimov said he was «very surprised» that Azimov was behind the stabbing spree, when speaking in Strasbourg on Sunday. Ilies also talked about their common friend Hakim A., who was arrested in Strasbourg on Sunday. According to Ilies, Hakim had an initial desire to go to Syria but quickly gave up, while Azimov had never expressed such desire. French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack, which was claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). On Saturday evening, the knife-wielding attacker, identified as 21-year-old French national Khamzat Azimov, born in Chechnya in 1997, killed one person and injured four more. The assailant was killed after being shot by police. Parents of the attacker have also been taken in for questioning. Footage released by Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace (DNA). USA: SEE collapsed crater floor in Hawaii volcano 2018-05-14 03:45 Footage filmed on May 11 shows the Pu'u 'O'o crater of the Kilauea volcano on the Hawaiian Islands. US Geological Survey stated that «the crater floor collapsed on April 30 as magma drained to the east along the East Rift Zone.» The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has sputtered lava for days, forcing thousands of local residents to evacuate and destroying some dozens of homes. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes, which have been recorded over past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5. Mandatory Credit: US Geological Survey Department of the Interior (USGS) Georgia: Tensions rise as demo over police drug search enters 2nd day 2018-05-14 06:04 Tensions ran high as hundreds of people continued to rally in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi on Sunday, condemning the level of force used during the special operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the nightclubs. At first, the protesters demanded the resignation of Georgian Interior Minister Giorgi Gakharia and Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, however, later they appeared to have abated their demands, which also includes the liberalisation of the country's drug policies. Following the negotiations between the rally organisers and the interior minister at the parliament building, Gakharia reportedly made a public apology and vowed to investigate cases of police brutality in the crackdown on the nightclubs. Following the talks, the demonstrators reportedly agreed to call of the protest. USA: 17th fissure spews lava and toxic gas on Hawaii's Big Island 2018-05-14 06:18 Footage shows lava spattering from the 17th fissure, opened on Hawaii's Big Island in the early hours of Sunday. It is the 17th volcanic vent to open on the Hawaiian Islands in a week since the Kilauea volcano erupted on May 3. The Kilauea volcano has left huge fissures in the ground, spewing lava and emitting toxic gas into residential areas and consuming dozens of homes. Around 2,000 people have fled the area since the May 3 volcano eruption. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes, which have been recorded over the past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5. |
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