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<<Формула власти>>: Эфир от 06.05.2018

«Формула власти»: Эфир от 06.05.2018
2018-05-06 00:55
На вопросы автора и ведущего программы «Формула власти» Михаила Гусмана ответил президент Колумбии Хуан Мануэль Сантос.

Оно вам надо? — Воскресный проект Александра Герасимова
2018-05-06 06:55
«Прокси Господи» и «Себе заблокируй». Грустный юмор российских монстраций. Закрыто на учет. Кремль готовится к инаугурации Путина и смене правительства. Соединенные Штаты просят не беспокоить. Если террористов трудно победить, их надо подкупить. В Испании покончено с сепаратизмом.

USA: Hawaii volcano continues to spew lava
2018-05-06 08:38
Kilauea volcano in Hawaii continued to spew lava on Sunday, after its eruption and earthquakes forced locals to flee the area. Hawaiian authorities ordered the evacuation of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardenson on Hawaii's Big Island as lava started to flow towards residential areas. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes which have been recorded over past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5.

Задержания 5 мая
2018-05-06 09:50
Действия полиции в Красноярске, Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, как их видели корреспонденты Радио Свобода

33 слова: что содержится в присяге президента России?
2018-05-06 10:33
Владимир Путин пройдет процедуру инаугурации уже в четвертый раз. Ключевой момент всего мероприятия — произнесение присяги вступающим в должность президента. Текст присяги состоит из 33 слов, включая союзы «и». На трибуне в зале, где приносится присяга, кроме специального экземпляра конституции, размещается знак президента Российской Федерации. Это золотой крест, покрытый рубиновой эмалью с изображением герба России, прикрепленный к метровой золотой цепи из 17 звеньев.

«Он нам не царь» в Петербурге
2018-05-06 10:52
В Санкт-Петербурге участники акции «Он нам не царь» собрались в Александровском саду и затем прошли демонстрацией по Невскому проспекту. На подходе к площади Восстания колонна была остановлена ОМОНом. Часть людей повернула на Марата, часть пыталась вернуться на Дворцовую площадь. Акция продлилась ровно два часа. Петербургской группе помощи задержанным известны имена 209 человек (из них 9 несовершеннолетних), доставленных в отделы полиции.

Iran: Rouhani calls potential US withdrawal from JCPOA 'a mistake of historical proportions'
2018-05-06 11:34
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani commented on the potential US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal, while speaking to a large crowd in Sabzevar on Sunday. «The path that the US has taken, if it wants to exit the JCPOA, it’ll see very soon that it will lead to a mistake of historical proportions,» Rouhani said, adding «we will make and store whatever amount of weapons and missiles our country needs. It’s no one’s business what decision the nation of Iran has taken for its defense and security.» On January 12, Trump set a 120-day deadline for US lawmakers and European allies, including the UK, France and Germany, to overhaul the JCPOA or he would withdraw from the deal. May 12 is the deadline by which Trump either has to issue new waivers to suspend US sanctions against Iran or exit the nuclear deal.

Казаки бьют нагайками протестующих
2018-05-06 11:46
Казаки и «нодовцы» пришли на акцию сторонников Навального «Он нам не царь» на Пушкинской площади Москвы. (Фрагмент прямой трансляции Радио Свобода 5 мая 2018 года).

Lebanon: Hariri casts his vote in parliamentary election
2018-05-06 11:57
The Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri cast his vote in the legislative election in Beirut on Sunday, as Lebanese voters elect the country's parliament for the first time since 2009. Some 583 candidates are competing for 128 seats in parliament. The vote is being held under a new law, which has introduced a system of proportional representation. The public cast two votes; one for a list of candidates and one for a single candidate. The election is considered to be a test for the Western-backed Sunni Prime Minister Hariri, who contends with the political wing of Shiite Hezbollah.

В ЕС и США осудили массовые задержания на протестах в РФ
2018-05-06 12:52
Евросоюз и Госдеп требуют от российских властей отпустить мирных демонстрантов и журналистов.

Russia: Final rehearsal for V-Day parade gets underway on Red Square
2018-05-06 13:00
Final preparations for Russia's World War II Victory Day celebrations were taking place on Moscow's Red Square on Sunday, as Muscovites gathered to watch the rehearsal of the spectacle ahead of the big day on May 9. Soldiers marched through the square followed by military hardware, which included BMPT «Terminator», the mine-cleaning robot «Uran-6» as well as unmanned aerial vehicles «Korsar» and «Katran» which will participate in the parade for the first time. The Russian Air Force did not participate in the rehearsal due to bad weather conditions. The Victory Parade will take place on May 9 to mark the 73rd anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union at the end of the World War II.

США ограничили ввоз украинских товаров
2018-05-06 13:00
Беспошлинный ввоз 155 видов товаров с Украины на территорию США отменен, сообщает минэкономразвития Украины.

Президент Ирана заявил, что США пожалеют, если выйдут из ядерной сделки
2018-05-06 14:32
Президент Ирана Хасан Роухани заявил, что если США выйдут из Совместного всеобъемлющего плана действий (СВПД) по иранской атомной программе, то вскоре пожалеют об этом. Он также акже сообщил, что Иран готов к любому решению США по ядерной сделке.

Трампу заранее отказано в приглашении на похороны сенатора Маккейна
2018-05-06 14:39
Родственники неизлечимо больного раком мозга сенатора Джона Маккейна сообщили Белому дому, что не хотят видеть президента США Дональда Трампа на похоронах политика.

В Москве начинается акция, посвященная годовщине события на Болотной площади
2018-05-06 14:44
На Суворовской площади в Москве проходит акция оппозиции, посвященная годовщине событий на Болотной площади и грядущей инаугурации Владимира Путина. Организатором акции выступил координатор «Левого фронта» Сергей Удальцов.

Lebanon: Voting in parliamentary election underway in Beirut
2018-05-06 14:49
Voters streamed into polling stations across Lebanon on Sunday, as the country holds a parliamentary election for the first time since 2009. Some 583 candidates are competing across 15 districts for 128 seats in Lebanon's parliament. The vote is being held under a new law, which has introduced a system of proportional representation. The public cast two votes; one for a list of candidates and one for a single candidate. The election is considered to be a test for the Western-backed Sunni Prime Minister Hariri, who contends with the political wing of Shiite Hezbollah. The voting is scheduled to last until 19:00 local time [16:00 GMT].

Московская пенсионерка победила в суде жилищных рейдеров
2018-05-06 15:00
Победу над жилищными рейдерами одержала в суде московская пенсионерка-блокадница, у которой отняли единственную квартиру. Потерей жилья обернулся займ в 50 тысяч рублей. Кредитным аферистам хватило всего 5 дней, чтобы переоформить чужую недвижимость на себя. Битва с захватчиками длилась два года. Кто остановит конвейер по отъему жилья?

Задержание Николая Ляскина
2018-05-06 15:48
Соратника Алексея Навального Николая Ляскина задержали на выходе из Московского бюро Радио Свобода. Его увезли в отделение и могут обвинить в организации несогласованного публичного мероприятия. Оппозиционер принимал участие в программе прямого эфира телеканала «Настоящее время», посвященном проходящей в стране акции «Он нам не царь».

Israel: 'Better now than later' — Netanyahu threatens action against 'Iranian aggression'
2018-05-06 15:58
Israel will halt 'Iranian aggression' at any cost, stated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday. «We are determined to stop the Iranian aggression against us, even if it involves a struggle,» he said. Netanyahu also noted that it is better to confront Tehran sooner than later, adding: «Nations that were unprepared to take timely actions to counter murderous aggressions against them paid much heavier prices afterwards.» According to Netanyahu, Iran is set to be on the agenda during his upcoming meeting with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. «All of our meetings are important, but this week's meeting is especially important in light of Iran's increasing efforts to establish a military presence in Syria against Israel,» he said. Netanyahu is expected to meet the Russian leader on Wednesday in Moscow, after attending the military parade marking the anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany.

France: 'They are particularly violent' — Police rep. on alleged migrant crimes
2018-05-06 16:28
Gilles Deboves, a Representative of the SGP Police Union, recounted details on Saturday, of a reported attack on French policemen by dozens migrants that occurred in Calais on Friday. «Unfortunately, the same things happen often recently. In fact, the migrants came to our colleagues present during a food distribution and surrounded them and assaulted them. They were about 50 people and they began to throw stones. They had wooden sticks and they encircled them and wounded two colleagues. They are particularly violent,» Deboves claimed. Deboves also added that alcohol played a role, stating «tension is becoming stronger since a few months. It's not the first time that migrants attacked policemen with metal sticks, stones. It happens often. They drink a lot.» Deboves added that when they approach the migrants, they speak the Kunama language, for which the police do not have a translator and had to let them go.

Serbia: Radical party's Seselj turned away by Hrtkovci on anniversary of notorious speech
2018-05-06 16:52
Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj was stopped by authorities in Jarak on Sunday, being barred from entering Hrtkovci village where he intended to join a rally on the 26th anniversary of his infamous speech, allegedly asking for desolation and banishment of Croatians in then ethnically-mixed village. In The Hague, there were witnesses who claimed that at the [1992 Hrtkovci] rally, I demanded the killing of children from mixed marriages and many other craziness,” he said as he addressed journalists. «It was within the anti-Serbian [agenda],» he added. Some opposition fractions had allegedly requested the rally be banned. In April, a UN court found Seselj guilty of crimes against humanity following an appeal hearing in The Hague. He was then sentenced to ten years in prison though Seselj did not have to spend time in jail as his time in the custody of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) during his trial from February 2003 to November 2014, was taken into account.

UK: Clashes erupt between Tommy Robinson supporters and counter-protests
2018-05-06 17:11
Clashes broke out in London’s Whitehall on Sunday, as the far-right English Defence League (EDL) co-founder Tommy Robinson held a so-called 'Day for Freedom' rally. Besides Robinson, other controversial right-wing figures, such as former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Canadian alt-right star Lauren Southern are expected to speak in 'defence of free speech' at the demonstration. Anti-fascist and anti-racist groups have organised counter-protests opposing the event.

Germany: Greenpeace Youth dive into Spree river to protest coal mining
2018-05-06 17:27
One hundred Greenpeace Youth activists from all over Germany jumped into the river Spree in Berlin on Sunday morning, to demand Germany to exit coal mining until 2030. The activists floated and swam around 300 meters (985 feet) to the quai, defying the river's pollution, while chanting slogans, such us: «Coal exit until 2030.» For member of Greenpeace Youth Helen, «the more we destroy our Earth, the more uninhabitable it becomes and one day we humans cannot live here anymore,» adding «Merkel is in the position to build up the pressure.» The activists were safeguarded by their own boats as well as a boat from the DLR [German Lifeguard Organisation] and a police unit on foot.

Трамп должен извиниться за свои высказывания о терактах 2015 года в Париже
2018-05-06 17:30
Франция осудила заявления президента США Дональда Трампа о том, что жертв парижских терактов 2015 года было бы меньше, если бы граждане имели право носить оружие. Об этом в субботу заявила официальный представитель французского МИД Аньес фон дер Мюль.

Постановочная химатака: трупов нет — только актеры
2018-05-06 18:03
ОЗХО в Сирии закончила свою работу. Целью было расследовать сообщения о химической атаке в Восточной Гуте 7 апреля, из-за которых США, Англия и Франция нанесли по Сирии массированный ракетный удар.

State of Palestine: Thousands attend funeral of Hamas soldiers in Gaza Strip
2018-05-06 18:20
Thousands of Palestinians and al-Qassam Brigade soldiers attended the funeral procession of six Qassam soldiers in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip on Sunday, after the group accused Israel of being behind their deaths. Hamas’ military wing force, al-Qassam Brigades, marched through the streets holding the coffins of the six soldiers. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh also attended the funeral. According to Gaza's Ministry of Health, the six soldiers died on Saturday evening following an explosion south of al-Nuseirat refugee camp. Gaza's Ministry of Health said that six Palestinian martyrs arrived at al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital following an explosion Saturday evening, south of al-Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. An unexplained massive explosion took place on Saturday evening in al-Zawaideh town in the central Gaza Strip. Hamas leadership announced that an official statement is to follow. However, Al-Qassam Brigades blamed Israel for «a heinous crime» targeting soldiers of their group during a «complex security and intelligence operation». Tel Aviv denied the allegations. The incident comes at a time of increased tensions in the region, due to US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

USA: Lava flows continue after Kilauea volcanic eruption
2018-05-06 18:45
Lava continued flowing into residential areas on Hawaii's Big Island, following the Kilauea volcano eruption, footage filmed on Sunday shows. Footage shows the lava as it moved into the Leilani estates residential area. Hawaiian authorities ordered the evacuation of the Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens on Hawaii's Big Island as lava started to flow towards residential areas. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes, which have been recorded over the past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5.

'Blood-stained' activists offer themselves as 'human meat' in vegan protest
2018-05-06 19:34
Pro-vegan activists stripped down to their undies, splattered themselves with fake blood and wrapped themselves like human meat to decry the human consumption of meat in Sofia on Sunday. The protest coincided with St. George's Day in Bulgaria, in which a whole lamb is roasted and served as part of tradition. «This is a barbarian tradition which must not be a part of our living standards and our way of life in the 21st century,» President of Bulgarian vegan union Nikola Donev said speaking of the tradition. The Bulgarian vegan union, the organiser of the protest, describes itself as an «animal rights advocacy organisation, aiming to spread veganism in Bulgaria.»

Lebanon: Hezbollah Deputy Sec-Gen. Qassem casts vote in first election since 2009
2018-05-06 19:50
Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem casted his ballot in the Zuqaq al-Blat district of Beirut on Sunday, as the country holds a parliamentary election for the first time since 2009. Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General casted his vote in Beirut's Second Electoral District, and the press was present to capture the exact moment. After casting his vote, Qassem wished success to the voting process and said that the «higher the voter turnout, the more people will have the intention to come from those who wish to represent them in the House of Representatives.» Some 583 candidates are competing across 15 districts for 128 seats in Lebanon's parliament. The vote is being held under a new law, which has introduced a system of proportional representation. The public cast two votes; one for a list of candidates and one for a single candidate. The election is considered to be a test for the Western and Saudi-backed Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who contends with the political wing of Hezbollah. The voting is scheduled to last until 19:00 local time [16:00 GMT].

«Песня с историей»: «Катюша»
2018-05-06 20:07
Написанная в 1938 году, песня «Катюша» по-настоящему прославилась во время Великой Отечественной войны. Миллионы людей воспринимали ее героиню не как вымышленный образ, а как настоящую девушку. Подробности − в программе «Песня и историей».

Трамп получил от финансистов черную метку
2018-05-06 20:08
3 мая Дональд Трамп получил черную метку. Это открытое письмо, которое опубликовали ведущие экономисты Америки в адрес президента США и Конгресса. Подписантов — более тысячи.

Сторонники Пашиняна почти на сутки парализовали Армению
2018-05-06 20:12
Никола Пашинян — единственный кандидат на высшую должность в государстве. Премьер-министром страны он станет уже 8 мая — как результат выборов внутри парламента.

Война в Сирии: финал появился на горизонте
2018-05-06 20:14
Казалось, что у сирийской войны не видно финала, но вот он, кажется, появился на горизонте. Хотя противники официального Дамаска, внешние игроки, конечно, постараются его отсрочить.

«Бум — иди сюда! Бум — следующий!»: Трамп в красках рассказал о расстреле французов
2018-05-06 20:14
Дональд Трамп обидел самого близкого сейчас союзника штатов — Францию. Подчеркивая преимущества американских законов о свободном ношении оружия, он решил изобразить, как безоружные парижане погибали в ресторанах и кафе во время атак террористов.

Turkey: Erdogan announces more cross-border operations after June elections
2018-05-06 20:40
*MULPTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that after the elections on June 24, Turkey will perform more cross-border operations against «terrorist organisations» in Syria and Iraq, speaking from Ankara on Sunday. «Turkey will perform more cross border operations in the new term such as 'Operation Shield Euphrates' or 'Olive Tree Branch' to protect its borders against terrorist organisations,» Erdogan said. Turkey is facing snap presidential elections on June 24.

USA: Lava flow solidifies on streets of Hawaii after Kilauea volcano eruption
2018-05-06 21:23
Lava has started solidifying on the streets of Leilani Estates on Hawaii's Big Island, following the Kilauea volcano eruption, footage filmed on Saturday shows. Footage shows the lava cooling down and solidifying in the streets of the Leilani Estates residential area. Hawaiian authorities ordered the evacuation of the Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens on Hawaii's Big Island as lava started to flow towards residential areas. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes, which have been recorded over the past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5.

Tunisia: Tunisians head to the ballot box in first ever municipal elections
2018-05-06 21:35
Tunisians cast their vote in the country's first ever municipal elections on Sunday, footage from Tunis showed. Despite economic hardships and alleged unfulfilled promises, Tunisia is supposedly the only country to have emerged successful in adopting a democratic rule after the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011. The Islamist Ennahda and secular Nidaa Tounis parties are speculated to dominate at the polls. The ballots closed at 18:00 (16:00 GMT) with the voter turnout reported at 21 percent.

Pakistan: Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal shot at election rally in Narowal
2018-05-06 21:49
Pakistani Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal was shot and injured during a election campaign rally at his home constituency in the Punjabi city of Narowal, Sunday. The suspect, described as a man in his early 20s, was arrested immediately after the shooting and is currently in police custody. Iqbal, was injured and rushed to the District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital in Narowal after being shot in the arm as he was returning to his car following an address to the crowd in Narowal. The Pakistani Interior Minister, from the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PML-N), underwent surgery and was later airlifted to Services Hospital in Lahore, and has been described as «out of danger» by Pakistan's Minister of State for Interior Affairs Talal Chaudhry. Pakistan is due hold a general parliamentary election on 15 July.

Afghanistan: At least 17 dead, 34 wounded after mosque explosion in Khost
2018-05-06 22:11
At least 17 people were killed and 34 injured after an explosion at the Yaqoubi mosque, which was being used as a voter registration centre in the eastern Afghan city of Khost on Sunday. Emergency services were deployed and ambulances moved the injured to a nearby hospital. According to the spokesperson of the provincial police Basir Bina, 17 people are confirmed dead and 34 wounded. The blast was reportedly caused by explosives inside the mosque, which was being used as a voter registration centre for October’s parliamentary elections. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the explosion so far. Last month a suicide bombing attack at a voter registration office claimed the lives of 60 and injured 130 with the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) taking responsibility for the attack

Syria: SAA seizes heavy arms from militant groups in Homs
2018-05-06 23:30
Footage captured in Homs countryside on Sunday, allegedly shows heavy weaponry handed over from armed opposition militants, on display by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), after a deal was struck between the militants and the Syrian government. The footage shows militant artillery, rifles, ammunition and tanks gathered and put in display by the Syrian army. Last Tuesday, the Syrian government and opposition armed militants reached a deal allowing them and their families to be relocated to northern Syria. The deal also stipulates that militants in Homs and Hama countryside hand all weapons over to SAA forces and that the Homs-Hama highway is opened for their safe relocation.

UK: Thousands join far-right 'Day of Freedom' rally in London
2018-05-06 23:33
Supporters of the far-right English Defence League (EDL), reportedly attended by co-founder Tommy Robinson, held a so-called 'Day for Freedom' rally in London's Whitehall, Sunday, claiming to be for the cause of protecting freedom of speech. Besides Robinson, other controversial right-wing figures, such as former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Canadian alt-right star Lauren Southern are expected to speak in 'defence of free speech' at the demonstration. Anti-fascist and anti-racist groups have organised counter-protests opposing the event.

State of Palestine: ‘March of Return’ claims two more victims
2018-05-07 03:34
Two Palestinians were killed after Israeli forces opened fire on a group of people near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip, on Sunday. Israel claims a group were trying to cross the border, prompting the use of deadly force. Baha Abdul Rahman Qdeih, 23, died on the spot, while Mohammad Khaled Abu Rideh, 20, succumbed to his injuries at a nearby hospital. Close family members mourned the two young men inside the morgue, before a funeral was held outside attended by hundreds. Since the beginning of the 'Great March of Return', forty-two Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, according to the United Nations Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The six-week long rallies will culminate on May 15 or 'Nakba' Day, meaning the 'Great Catastrophe', a reference to the establishment of Israel as a state in 1948.

USA: Hawaiian lava flows force hundreds to flee
2018-05-07 06:29
People were forcibly evacuated from their homes on Sunday, after slow-moving lava threatened to engulf even more buildings in Pahoa, on the eastern edge of Hawaii's Big Island. Houses in the path of the lava burst into flames, as lava slowly creeped through fields and over roads. Local authorities ordered the immediate evacuation of the Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens. The appearance of lava follows hundreds of earthquakes recorded over the past few days at a magnitude of between 2 and 5 on the Richter scale.

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