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Syria: SAA gains more ground in al-Hajar al-Aswad's western farms

Syria: SAA gains more ground in al-Hajar al-Aswad’s western farms
2018-05-02 09:18
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reportedly made significant gains in farmland to the west of al-Hajar al-Aswad, as it continued its plight against the remaining members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) to the south of Damascus on Tuesday. Footage shows SAA foot soldiers opening fire on designated targets as smoke billowed from buildings hit by tank-launched shells. The offensive has been ongoing since the Syrian military announced the full recapture of Eastern Ghouta from militants late March.

Canada: Five arrested as Montreal May Day demo sparks violence
2018-05-02 10:14
Clashes broke out between police and protesters during May Day marches in Montreal on Tuesday, with at least five people arrested as a result. The scuffles happened briefly at the corner of Dorchester Square Street and Metcalfe Street when around 200 anti-capitalist protesters set off fireworks and the police fired a volley of tear gas at them, local media reports. There were three different events organised in the city as part of the annual anti-capitalist demonstrations for workers' rights.

USA: Patriot Response faces off with Antifa on Seattle's May Day
2018-05-02 10:58
Right-wing protesters gathered to voice opposition to Antifa demonstrators at the annual May Day protests in Seattle on Tuesday. Footage shows the protesters as they marched with American flags while escorted by police, and gave speeches praising the efforts of law enforcement. Several Antifa counter protesters faced off with the right-wing demonstrators, trading verbal barbs. The rally was hosted by Washington State Patriot Response, a group which describe themselves, according to their Facebook page, as 'patriots who stand up for what is right and against the indoctrination, misinformation, the hate, and destruction of the Left in Washington State.'

Armenia: Citizens block Yerevan roads after Pashinyan's failed PM bid
2018-05-02 11:21
Protesters blocked main roads across the Armenian capital of Yerevan on Wednesday as opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan called for nationwide strikes following parliament’s decision to reject him as Prime Minister. Due to the roadblocks, dozens of people have been left unable to access the city’s airport and railway station, and have been forced to walk hundreds of metres on foot. Reportedly some employees from the airport have also joined the nationwide strike. In some parts of Yerevan, the protests have turned into celebrations with the people performing traditional dances. Massive protests have engulfed the Armenian capital since April 13, when the ruling party appointed former president Serzh Sargsyan as PM. On April 23, the newly elected Prime Minister Sargsyan left his post, which sparked celebrations from opposition supporters.

Armenia: Zvartnots Airport employees go on strike over PM debacle
2018-05-02 11:31
Workers at Zvartnots International Airport near Yerevan staged a symbolic, hour-long strike on Wednesday following parliament's rejection of opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister after Serzh Sargsyan's resignation. Tigran Movsisyan, a passenger at the airport, stated: «I haven't seen such joy in 39 years, the people are rejoicing, it is the will of the people. No one bribed anyone, it is not possible to bribe a million people.» Massive protests have engulfed the Armenian capital of Yerevan since April 13, when the ruling party appointed former president Sargsyan as PM. On April 23, Sargsyan left his post, which sparked celebrations from opposition supporters.

Armenia: Yerevan central station vacant as strikers blockade roads
2018-05-02 12:43
Protesters blocked off Yerevan's central railway station during a new wave of unrest due to parliament’s rejection of opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister on Wednesday. The main cause for the outcry has been Pashinyan’s demand on strikers to cause 'total civil disobedience.' «At the moment it looks like there's no trains going, just like there's no metro going within the city,» explained Justus, a German tourist. «We're just waiting here and looking at how the situation's going to end up.» Massive protests have engulfed the Armenian capital since April 13, when the ruling party appointed former president Serzh Sargsyan as Prime Minister. On April 23, the newly elected Prime Minister Sargsyan left his post, which sparked celebrations from opposition supporters.

ФСБ запретила блогеру выкладывать видео. Leon Kremer #2
2018-05-02 13:01
Следователь ФСБ запретил блогеру заниматься своей работой, выкладывать ролики на ютуб. На известного Пензенского блогера Станислава Морозова возбуждено уголовное дело по ст. 280 ч.2. В Петербурге из-за акций Навального проводится тестирование школьников на экстремизм и отношение к религиям. Борьба Павла Дурова и Роскомнадзора. Террористы снова пользуются только телеграммом.

Забастовка в Армении. Начало
2018-05-02 13:09
По призыву лидера протестов Никола Пашиняна в стране перекрывают дороги и траспортные узлы. Накануне правящая Республиканская партия в парламенте заблокировала выборы премьер-министра, на которых Пашинян был единственным кандидатом

Выборы премьер-министра Армении назначены на 8 мая
2018-05-02 13:35
Выборы нового премьер-министра Армении могут состояться 8 мая - на этот день назначено специальное заседание парламента. Об этом говорится в заявлении его спикера Ара Баблояна, распространенном информационными агентствами в среду днем. Имена возможных кандидатов в тексте не указаны. Назначенное на среду заседание парламента Армении не состоялось из-за проходящих в Ереване акций протеста. Сообщалось, что многие депутаты не смогли попасть в здание, а оппозиция заседание бойкотировала. 1 мая законодатели проголосовали против кандидатуры лидера оппозиции Никола Пашиняна в качестве следующего премьер-министра. После этого он призвал к всеобщей акции протеста, на которую вышли тысячи человек. В Ереване перекрыты дороги, заблокировано метро и входы в ряд правительственных зданий.

Israel: Guatemalan Embassy flies flag in Jerusalem ahead of opening
2018-05-02 13:46
The Guatemalan Embassy raised its flag at the site of their new building in Jerusalem on Tuesday, as shown in footage filmed the following day near the Malha Technology Park. One local responded positively to the move, stating: «I think it's good news. I am glad to hear that more countries are recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It has been our capital for 3000 years.» The official opening ceremony of the new Guatemalan Embassy will take place on May 14, two days after the opening of the new US Embassy in Jerusalem. US President Donald Trump's decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv sparked protests and fury around the world, particularly among Arabs who view it as a provocation against the Palestinian people.

До 9 мая на московских улицах бесплатно покажут 100 мюзиклов
2018-05-02 14:30
О том, как проходит музыкальный фестиваль «Московская весна a capella», смотрите в выпуске.

Юбилей маэстро: Валерию Гергиеву исполнилось 65
2018-05-02 14:39
Валерию Гергиеву исполнилось 65 лет. Выдающегося дирижера, художественного руководителя и генерального директора Мариинского театра поздравил Владимир Путин. В телеграмме президент отметил его уникальный вклад в сохранение культурного и духовного наследия нашей страны. Чем живет Валерий Гергиев сегодня? Как все успевает? О чем думает во время выступлений на самых известных сценах мира?

China: Beijing aims for first DPRK visit by FM since 2007
2018-05-02 14:50
China's Foreign Ministry (MOFA) spokesperson Hua Chunying commented on the establishment of ties with the Dominican Republic and on Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to North Korea, during a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday. The 'One China' principle states that Beijing alone represents China and that Taiwan is part of China. The aim of Wang’s two-day visit to North Korea would be “to follow through on the consensus reached by the two leaders and to set up the strategic communication and coordination,” Chunying said, referring to the North's leader Kim Jong-un and his southern counterpart Moon Jae-in's historic summit last week. Wang's trip to North Korea marks the first by a Chinese foreign minister since 2007. On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of China and the Dominican Republic signed an agreement establishing diplomatic links after the Caribbean country had moved to sever ties with Taiwan. «We haven’t intimidated anyone or made deals and there’s no need to do so. The establishment of diplomatic ties required only one promise, that the Dominicans would abide by the 'One China' principle,» ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

Метро, железная дорога, аэропорт: оппозиция парализовала Ереван
2018-05-02 14:52
Во время шествия в Ереване лидер протестного движения Армении, руководитель оппозиционной парламентской фракции «Елк» Никол Пашинян заявил, что его сторонники парализовали работу метро и железной дороги, заблокировали дорогу в аэропорт Звартноц, а также автомагистрали Юг — Север и Арарат — Ереван.

Armenia: Main airport blockade by opposition demo strands passengers
2018-05-02 14:52
Protesters spearheaded by opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan blocked roads leading to Yerevan's Zvartnots Airport on Wednesday, forcing some passengers to walk to the airport in order to catch their flights. The move comes after the Armenian Parliament appointing Pashinyan as the interim prime minister on Tuesday. He then urged his supporters to stage a nationwide strike by blocking roads, railways and the country's main airport. Massive protests have engulfed the Armenian capital of Yerevan since April 13, when the ruling party appointed former President Serzh Sargsyan as PM. On April 23, Sargsyan left his post, which sparked celebrations from opposition supporters.

США дали еще месяц на продажу активов «РусАла», En+ и ГАЗа
2018-05-02 14:57
Министерство финансов США перенесло на месяц срок, в течение которого инвесторы должны отказаться от своих долей в трех российских компаниях, связанных с Олегом Дерипаской. Это позволило бы им в конечном итоге избежать американских санкций. Вечером 1 мая Вашингтон продлил сроки для энергетической компании En +, производителя алюминия «РусАл» и автомобильного завода ГАЗ для вывода инвестиций по сокращению доли Олега Дерипаски в каждой из этих компаний до 6 июня. Все три компании были включены в санкционные списки против близких к Кремлю олигархам. Санкции введены в связи с обвинениями о вмешательстве России в выборы президента США в 2016 году. En+ объявила на прошлой неделе, что Дерипаска откажется от части акций компании и уйдет в отставку с поста председателя ее совета директоров.

Пашиняна не избрали премьером: лидер оппозиции призвал к забастовке
2018-05-02 15:02
Парламент Армении большинством голосов отклонил кандидатуру Никола Пашиняна, который баллотировался на пост премьер-министра. Поддержали его лишь 45 из 105 законодателей. Для избрания необходимо 53 голоса. За ходом голосования наблюдали десятки тысяч сторонников лидера оппозиции. Они собрались на площади в центре Еревана. Результаты людей явно разочаровали.

«Дороги Победы»: Польша снова не пропустила «Ночных волков»
2018-05-02 15:03
Мотопробегом «Дороги Победы» исторические события 1945-го уже по традиции решили отметить байкеры, но на границе с Польшей им пришлось изменить маршрут. Группе запретили проезд по территории страны — пропустили только граждан Польши. Почему?

Одесские рассказы: как живет город спустя четыре года после бойни в Доме профсоюзов
2018-05-02 15:05
Как живет Одесса через четыре года после трагических событий 2 мая, когда погибли 48 человек? Изменился ли город? Сохранил ли свою легендарную атмосферу юмора и радушия? Документальный фильм Алисы Романовой «Одесские рассказы» с гостями студии обсудил Алексей Казаков.

Вести. Эфир от 02.05.2018 (14:00)
2018-05-02 15:08
Ереван в транспортной блокаде. Центр перекрыт. После неудачной попытки избрать Пашиняна премьером началась всеобщая забастовка. 4-я годовщина трагедии в Доме профсоюзов. Украинские националисты пройдут по Одессе маршем и предлагают сделать 2 мая государственным праздником. Окольцевали. В столице стартовала международная веломногодневка.

Караван мигрантов ждет на границе с США: пропустили 25 человек
2018-05-02 16:14
Мексиканский город Тихуана. У контрольно-пропускного пункта на границе с США вырос временный лагерь мигрантов. Об этих людях заговорили задолго до того, как они добрались до КПП. Дональд Трамп раскритиковал подобные караваны людей из Центральной Америки, которые пытаются попасть в США, и призвал ужесточить американские законы. С тех пор СМИ следили за передвижением этой группы. Более месяца назад она вошла на территорию Мексики с юга. Затем преодолела более 3200 километров до границы с Калифорнией.

Почему Доминиканская Республика больше не дружит с Тайванем?
2018-05-02 16:49
Китай и Доминиканская Республика установили дипломатические отношения. Во вторник в Пекине прошла церемония подписания совместного коммюнике. При этом последние 77 лет Доминиканская Республика поддерживала тесные связи с Тайванем. Установив отношения с Пекином, она автоматически поставила крест на дружбе с островным государством.

Libya: At least 12 dead after attack on Tripoli election HQ
2018-05-02 16:57

Россия впервые за 20 лет снизила расходы на оборону
2018-05-02 17:22
Военные расходы России в 2017 г. снизились на 20% до $66,3 млрд. Это первое ежегодное снижение с 1998 года, сообщается в докладе Стокгольмского международного института исследования проблем мира (SIPRI). «Военная модернизация остается приоритетом в России, но военный бюджет ограничен экономическими проблемами, с которыми страна столкнулась с 2014 г.», — заявил Симон Везман (Siemon Wezeman), старший научный сотрудник программы SIPRI AMEX по изучению военных расходов в мире.

Spain: Protest against 'wolf pack' verdict disrupts Dos de Mayo festival
2018-05-02 17:29
Police and protesters faced off at the Dos de Mayo (May) festival in Madrid, as thousands took to Puerta del Sol square to disrupt the annual fiesta on Wednesday, in order to rally against the verdict in the 'wolf pack' case. Five men, who were part of a Whatsapp group named 'Wolf Pack', were accused of the gang rape of a woman during the San Fermin festival in 2016. Protests have been raging throughout Spain since Thursday after the men were convicted of sexual abuse instead of the more severe charge of rape. They were each sentenced to nine years in jail.

Iran: Earthquake shakes southwestern Iran, over 100 injured
2018-05-02 17:42
*WRONG ASPECT RATIO AT SOURCE* *BUG AT SOURCE* A 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern Iranian provinces of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad on Wednesday, injuring over 100 according to the IRNA news agency. The epicentre of the earthquake was the city of Sisakht. Several buildings were reportedly damaged in the provincial capital Yasuj. «The house suddenly shook and everything that we owned fell down,» said one Yasuj local. According to head of Iran’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Pir Hossein Kolivand, the earthquake struck at 08:38 (GMT+4:30) on Wednesday morning and has injured at least 76 people. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the northern border region between Iran and Iraq in November, leaving more than 500 people dead and injuring thousands more.

Романтика под баобабом: где зародилась любовь Гарри и Меган
2018-05-02 17:44
Бегемоты мирно плещутся в озере Дельты Окаванго в Ботсване. Слоны, зебры и антилопы свободно разгуливают по саванне. Этот эксклюзивный сафари-парк – излюбленное место знаменитостей и состоятельных людей. И именно сюда принц Гарри пригласил американку Меган Маркл в их первое совместное путешествие. Пара приехала в июле 2016 года вскоре после того, как они начали встречаться. В интервью Гарри описал эту поездку как «очень важный» период для того, чтобы узнать друг друга ближе.

Russia: Muscovites remember victims of Odessa massacre
2018-05-02 18:38
Victims of the Odessa massacre were honoured in Moscow on Wednesday as dozens of people brought flowers and candles to Odessa's memorial at the Alley of Heroic Cities. Mourners also brought black balloons with inscriptions «Remember Odessa» and sang Soviet military songs dating back to the Great Patriotic War. The group then marched along the Aleksandrovsky Garden to the Kremlevskaya Waterfront and released the balloons. Earlier on Wednesday the partakers laid flowers and notes reading «We won't forget you. Let God be their judge» next to the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow. On May 2, 2014 the Odessa fire resulted in the deaths of 48 people after clashes between anti and pro Kiev groups broke out on the streets of Odessa, culminating in the burning of the Trade Unions Building.

Сражение за последний район Дамаска. Эксклюзив Евгения Поддубного
2018-05-02 18:56
В Сирии не прекращается операция по освобождению от боевиков бывшего лагеря палестинских беженцев Ярмук. По огневым точкам боевиков наносят удары самолеты объединенных сил сирийско-российской авиации. На месте событий работает съемочная группа военного корреспондента ВГТРК Евгения Поддубного.

Israel: Alibaba founder makes first visit to 'innovation nation'
2018-05-02 19:11
SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Thank you so much for having me.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «And congratulations for your honorary degree.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Thank you.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «And congratulations for what you're doing in Israel, the investments.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Thank you. Yes, we will do more things here.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Is there something we can't buy on Alibaba?» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Definitely, definitely.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «I've been trying to order.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «It's good to see you and welcome.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes. Thank you.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Thank you and welcome. Please sit down.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Thank you.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Here's something you can't buy on Alibaba. This is an ancient arrowhead from the Romans. They conquered our lands 200 years ago. That's the original arrowhead from there.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «That's the original one?» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Yes.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Wow.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «And this is our arrow. Interceptor. I cannot buy an Israeli Arrow interceptor missile in, through Alibaba, right?» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «No.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Not yet, but so.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes, yes, we in the past days very inspirational. It's my first trip to Israel and I had a lot of expectations and coming here, this is a trip of learning. I brought 28 young presidents of Alibaba Group and I send a message back to Alibaba that what we see, what we, who we talk to, a lot young people in the company say why are we not, we should all come here. So, yes.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «You can come back as often as you want, in fact you can stay here. SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Thank you.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «So it's a wonderful, wonderful seeing you here. I remember our meeting in Davos.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes, in Beijing.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «In Beijing too.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «We had two and now we have in Jerusalem, which is great, and in Israel and I think there is tremendous opportunity here.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «Yes.» SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Tremendous opportunity.» SOT, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chief executive: «It is.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: «Well, you're very kind and I hope you'll pass the word, but the most important thing is we think is that there is a marriage here of your great business acumen, your technology with our technology. Innovation. Innovatio

USA: Newly sworn-in Sec. of State Pompeo pledges to dismantle NK nuclear program 'without delay'
2018-05-02 19:46
Mike Pompeo claimed that the USA is committed to the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear program «without delay» as he was sworn as the new US Secretary of State on Wednesday in Washington. *FULL SCRIPT TO FOLLOW*

South Africa: Fire and destruction as police intervene in settlement clashes
2018-05-02 19:59
A service delivery protest in Cape Town’s Mitchells Plain turned violent on Wednesday as police intervened in clashes which had broken out between Siqalo informal settlement residents and Mitchells Plain residents over blocked roads. Clashes began when the two sides started exchanging stones. A vehicle along with a fruit stall and an ATM were set ablaze and police reportedly arrested several protesters. Siqalo informal settlement residents were protesting over lack of electricity and sanitation services when clashes started to unfold.

Israel: 'Tremendous' partnership — Abe and Netanyahu talk trade
2018-05-02 20:32
Israel: Abe meets with Netanyahu for closer bilateral relations Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to make the partnership between Israel and Japan better, during a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe in Jerusalem on Wednesday. Netanyahu said there has been «a tremendous growth in Japanese investments in Israel» and «Israeli investments in Japan.» «We have to make sure that we can fly directly,» he added. Abe in return invited his Israeli counterpart to Japan in the near future, saying he hopes to «see further investment development between the two sides.» Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Wednesday. Trade was top of the agenda, with Netanyahu praising «a tremendous growth in Japanese investments in Israel [and] Israeli investments in Japan.» «This is a good partnership and we'll make it even better in this visit,» he added. Abe has since invited the Israeli PM to Japan, in an effort to strengthen what he termed: «further investment development between the two sides.»

Germany: Merkel presses Slovakia PM on Vietnamese kidnapping in Berlin presser
2018-05-02 21:05
German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini for Slovakia's aid on investigating the kidnapping of a Vietnamese businessman in a joint presser in Berlin on Wednesday. Speaking at the press conference, Pellegrini assured the German Chancellor of his assistance on the case as Merkel pointed out the case to weigh heavily on German-Vietnamese relations. Trinh Xuan Thanh, the former chairman of PetroVietnam's construction arm, was snatched off a Berlin street in July only to reappear in Vietnam, where he was given two life sentences earlier this year for embezzlement. German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported last week that Slovakia allowed visiting Vietnamese officials to borrow a government plane to fly from Bratislava to Moscow last July. It wasn't clear who was aboard.

Germany: Rhineland-Palatinate to facilitate age assessments of refugee minors
2018-05-02 22:37
Rhineland-Palatinate plans to make the age assessment of young refugees more efficient, according to the state officials in a meeting in Mainz on Wednesday. Integration State Secretary Christiane Rohleder said that the state will deal more consistently with cases with doubts about the age of an unaccompanied minor refugee. «A standardised method» will be established. Medical examinations must be carried out, if there are still doubts about the age after the inspection on identification papers and a visual examination, State Director of Social Affairs, Youth and Provision Detlef Placzek stated.

Armenia: 'We are calling for immediate handling of unacceptable situation' — Republican party leader
2018-05-02 22:39
Vagram Bagdasaryan, leader of the Republican Party, called on Wednesday for the situation in the streets across the country to come to an end, whilst speaking in Parliament in Yerevan. «We insist on returning to the constitutional way of acting,» he said. The rally is being held on the Republican Square in Yerevan for the second day. People gathered at the main square of Yerevan holding banners and candles and also performing on stage. The protests began when Pashinyan's candidacy as the PM was rejected by the parliament on Tuesday, with 55 deputies voting against him and 45 in favor. On May 8th, the Armenian parliament is due to hold the second vote to elect the country's prime minister. Under Armenian law, in case the parliament fails to elect the head of the government for a second time, the parliament is to be dissolved.

Turkmenistan: World’s largest port below sea level opens in Turkmenbashi
2018-05-02 22:49
Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of a new international cargo and passenger seaport on the Caspian Sea, in Turkmenbashi on Wednesday. «Probably it's time to carefully consider the importance of the Great Silk Road revival in this century,» he noted. According to the former Dutch Transport Minister Roelf de Boer, «it is the port with everything on it: passengers, cargoes, containers — even up to 400,000 TUs a year.» During the opening ceremony the port received two Guinness world record diplomas. It was recognised as the largest harbor port below sea level with the largest artificial island below sea level. The $1.5 billion (€1.25bn) seaport spreads over 1.3 square kilometers, and according to the Turkmenistan's state it will triple Turkmenistan's cargo handling capacity. The cargo terminal includes a common cargo terminal, a bulk cargo terminal, a container terminal and a polypropylene terminal.

Armenia: Opposition supporters hold concert in support of Pashinyan
2018-05-02 22:56
A mass strike took place in the Republican Square in Yerevan where opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan, who spearheads the protest, is expected to speak, Wednesday. People gathered at the main square of Yerevan holding banners and candles and performed on the stage. The protests began when Pashinyan's candidacy for PM was rejected by the parliament on Tuesday, with 55 deputies voting against him and 45 in favor. On May 8th, the Armenian parliament is due to hold the second vote to elect the country’s prime minister. Under the Armenian law, in case the parliament fails to elect the head of the government for the second time, the parliament is to be dissolved.

Belgium: European Parliament debates 'wolf pack' rape case
2018-05-02 23:10
The European Parliament debated whether member states are complying with internationally agreed definitions of rape, in the wake of the ‘wolf pack’ case currently engulfing Spain. Spanish Member of Parliament Tania Gonzalez called the session to demand countries adopt measures ratified under the Istanbul Convention, including the criminalisation of all non-consensual sexual acts. «Only yes means yes,» she told MEPs. Colleagues of Gonzalez lined up to denounce a legal system which seeks to differentiate between non-consensual sex that is violent or non-violent. MEP Iratxe Garcia pointed out that only nine European countries define rape as non-consensual sex regardless of whether violence or intimidation occurred. The 'wolf pack' case led to national outcry in Spain. Five men were accused of gang raping an 18-year-old woman during the San Fermin 'running of the bulls' festival on July 7, 2016. They were convicted for sexual abuse, instead of the more serious charge of rape. Judges ruled there was no violence or intimidation used in the act.

USA: At least 5 killed as military planes crashes in Savannah
2018-05-02 23:16
Emergency services and police arrived at the crash site of a military plane in Savannah, Georgia, where at least five people were killed in the incident, on Wednesday. The Lockheed C-130 Hercules military plane, according to reports, was seen flying dangerously low before it crashed approximately 10 miles (16km) from Hunter Army Airfield. The aircraft was involved in a training mission, according to the National Guard statement.

Turkey: There’s a new Erdogan in town! Man with identical name runs for office
2018-05-03 00:16
A 20-year-old man who has the identical name as Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his candidacy for parliament in the Turkish Black Sea region in Samsun on Wednesday. The student in Political Science and Public Administration at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, who is no relation to the country`s president, said he admired his leader. He told the press conference «Dear precious citizens, I’d like to share with you that, I, as your brother raised in the high school organisation of AK Party, which is operating as a factory among AK Party organisations, am devoted to my ideals and admiring my leader. This is the first step of us, the youth, in politics. I announced that I’m a candidate for nomination from Samsun, the city I was born and raised in, for the election of the president of the Republic on June 24.»

USA: Puerto Rico C-130 crashes in Georgia killing five on board
2018-05-03 01:30
M/S Smoking wreckage W/S Scene M/S Smoking wreckage M/S Press M/S Emergency vehicles Police and military brief the media after a military plane crashed in Savannah, Georgia on Wednesday killing at least five people. The Lockheed C-130 Hercules military plane on a training mission was seen flying dangerously low before it crashed approximately 10 miles (16km) from Hunter Army Airfield. Footage shows fire crews continuing to extinguish the blaze at the crash site. Senior Master Sgt. Roger Parsons, U.S Air National Guard, said, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to our brothers and sisters at the Puerto Rico Air National Guard. This is never a fun incident, and we’re with him, we are here to support them and we will be with the entire time to support them.”

Belgium: EU unveils €1.279 trillion post-Brexit budget plan
2018-05-03 06:08
The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Budget Commissioner Guenther Oettinger unveiled their first proposal of the new EU budget on Wednesday during an European Parliament plenary session in Brussels. The ambitious plan seeks to overcome Brexit and the UK's contribution to the EU budget by having a €1.279 trillion spending plan for the new budget circle (from 2021 to 2027). This new ambitious plan comes with some safeguards, as Juncker said: «We are proposing a new mechanism, which will allow for the protection of the budget, linked to risks arising from deficiencies in the rule of law. This is a genuinely applicable mechanism and does not target particular member states and it is an important part of the new EU budget architecture.» The Budget Commissioner Guenther Oettinger underlined the major problems that the Commission faced when drawing up the budget: «In preparing this multiannual financial framework for seven years, there are two basic problems that were faced with. First of all, the gap being left by the departure of the United Kingdom and new tasks that we recognised as being ones that should be resolved at the European level.» Oettinger also commented on the rising importance of defence and security spending: «On the basis of PESCO [Permanent Structured Cooperation] and the defence programme, we do not just want to propose that the European Union sets aside 500 million for defence research, we want a billion invested in those industries. We want that increased so that by the end of this MFF [Multiannual Financial Framework] we have two billion going to the defence industry, in conjunction with our member states, so that we can see double digits being invested there.»

USA: Four officers injured in explosion during hostage drama
2018-05-03 06:42
At least four police officers were injured after an explosion during a hostage situation in the Connecticut town of North Haven on Wednesday. Police and SWAT officers were in negotiation with a man who had taken his family hostage when the explosion happened, injuring the officers. The officers are believed to have non-threating injuries. The hostage situation is ongoing.

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