Chile: Thousands denounce violence against women in Santiago *EXPLICIT*
Chile: Thousands denounce violence against women in Santiago *EXPLICIT* 2018-05-12 08:36 Thousands of men and women took to the streets of Santiago on Friday to protest against domestic abuse and femicide. Protesters were seen exhibiting numerous banners calling for equal rights and new laws to prevent femicides and violence against women. As day turned to dusk, protesters lit red flares and burned banners. The protest was called for by the #NiUnaMenos («Not one [woman] less») movement, which has brought women together from across Latin America to protest violence against women. В Италии тестируют уникальный ручной протез 2018-05-12 10:02 Эта роботизированная рука дает человеку 90% функциональности руки утерянной. По крайней мере, так утверждают создатели протеза. Устройство называется «Ханнес». С его помощью можно делать почти всё: писать, работать инструментами и даже заниматься резьбой по дереву. Граждане Ирака выбирают новый парламент 2018-05-12 10:03 В Ираке начались парламентские выборы. Первые в стране, после провозглашенной победы над ИГИЛ (запрещена в России). За 328 мест поборются почти 7 тысяч депутатов. Основная борьба за кресло премьер-министра развернется между действующим главой правительства — Хайдером аль-Абади, вице-президентом — Нури аль-Малики, а также лидерами коалиций «Хикма» и «Ас-Сайрун». «Хор Турецкого» выступил в зале Генассамблеи ООН в Нью-Йорке 2018-05-12 10:03 С трибуны «парламента мира» музыканты исполнили хиты мировой классики, начав выступление со знаменитой «Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк». Полторы тысячи слушателей подпевали «Смуглянку», а к середине концерта публика уже танцевала под «Калинку». «Бухенвальдский набат» и «День Победы» зал слушал стоя. 100 тыс пластинок в день: в Чехии делают винил для музыкантов всего мира 2018-05-12 10:13 Крупнейшая фабрика винила «GZ Media» в этом году планирует произвести не менее 30 млн экземпляров. Трагедия в Кемерово: как проходит расследование пожара в «Зимней вишне» 2018-05-12 10:16 В администрации Кемеровской области заявили, что семьи погибших в пожаре в «Зимней вишне» получили все в полном объеме. Но не все с этим согласны. Общественники также недовольны, что по делу так и не арестовали ни одного чиновника Лучший подарок в день матери 2018-05-12 10:27 Мама из Чикаго стала живым донором печени для собственной дочери. Правило «сетевого нейтралитета» отменяется в США с 11 июня 2018-05-12 10:40 Если Сенат утвердит решение Федеральной комиссии по коммуникации. Голосование планируется уже на следующей неделе. Парламент Каталонии приступает к дебатам по кандидатуре нового главы правительства 2018-05-12 10:41 Преемником Карлеса Пучдемона вероятнее всего станет Джоаким Торра. Он представляет блок партий «Вместе за Каталонию». Во время сегодняшних обсуждений он представит свою программу по развитию Автономного сообщества. Halloween in June? Mexican factory moulds footballers’ faces into masks ahead of WC 2018-05-12 10:45 As the 2018 World Cup draws closer, football fans can now support their favourite players by donning life-like masks depicting their faces, thanks to a factory in the Mexican city of Jiutepec which showcased its collection on Friday. The series of 12 masks include the famous football players who will participate in the coming World Cup, such as Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar, as well as all-time football legends like Maradona and Pele. The factory reportedly made an initial run of 1,000 masks of Messi and Ronaldo. «We have had pre-orders before the production comes out and those who are definitely liked the most are Messi and Ronaldo,» factory owner Diego Esponda said. With still one month to go before the World Cup kicks off in Russia, some 6,000 masks have already been sold so far, according to the Grupo Rev factory, which has been creating masks of different kinds for the past seven decades. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. A total of 64 matches will be played in 12 venues located in 11 cities across Russia. Вести. Эфир от 12.05.2018 (11:00) 2018-05-12 11:00 Уровень воды в Якутии превысил исторический максимум: всему виной ледяные заторы. Тереза Мэй не поддержала Дональда Трампа по вопросу Ирана. Сильвио Берлускони реабилитирован и теперь сможет снова претендовать на премьерский пост. «Три танкиста» и «Смуглянка»: «Хор Турецкого» выступил в стенах Генассамблеи ООН. Москвич рискует лишиться свободы за шутку над сотрудником Росгвардии 2018-05-12 11:05 Молодой человек подошел к росгвардейцу, обхватил его сзади и пронес несколько метров по вестибюлю. Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 12.05.2018 (11.20) 2018-05-12 11:20 Одна из самых гуманных профессий в мире: сегодня свой праздник отмечают медицинские сестры. Склеить разбитую чашу: в Рязани готовы отреставрировать еще один фонтан. В Никарагуа растет число жертв беспорядков 2018-05-12 11:40 Еще три человека погибли во время столкновений в Никарагуа. Их застрелили при атаке полиции на здания двух университетов в Манагуа, где находятся протестующие. Манифестанты недовольны реформами правительства Даниэля Ортеги. Кабинет министров решил увеличить отчисления работодателей и трудящихся в фонды социального страхования. «Специальный репортаж»: Лечение — свет 2018-05-12 12:08 Если не победить, то, по крайней мере, предотвратить тяжелые последствия. Столичные медики нашли новые способы борьбы с раком. Теперь они могут на ранней стадии диагностировать опухоли размером меньше миллиметра. Почему онкология губит все больше россиян? Сколько москвичей уже обследовались при помощи новой программы «Низкодозной компьютерной томографии»? Чертофф: наш проект не ограничивается Россией 2018-05-12 12:09 Сопредседатель новой американо-европейской комиссии по противодействию российскому вмешательству в зарубежные выборы Майкл Чертофф, бывший министр внутренней безопасности США, рассказал «Голосу Америки» о задачах проекта, созданного при участии бывшего вице-президента США Джо Байдена. Нацсовет Украины проверит телеканал «Интер» из-за концерта к 9 мая 2018-05-12 12:30 Совет по вопросам телевидения и радиовещания начал внеплановую проверку украинского канала «Интер». Поводом стали заявления ведущих во время концерта под названием «Победа — одна на всех». В 46 московских поликлиниках внедрена патронажная служба 2018-05-12 13:00 Дополнительная помощь врачей и медсестер качественно изменила жизнь людей, которым необходимо особое внимание. Как правило, это маломобильные пациенты, у которых сразу несколько заболеваний. Боевики покинули южные кварталы Дамаска 2018-05-12 13:14 В Дамаске полностью завершен вывод боевиков из южных кварталов города, в том числе, из Мухайям эль-Ярмука, проводимый в рамках достигнутых российским Центром по примирению враждующих сторон договоренностей. В московском парке «Зарядье» соревнуются детские оркестры 2018-05-12 13:15 В парке «Зарядье» стартовал Всероссийский конкурс детских оркестров. Сразиться за звание лучших приехали десятки музыкальных коллективов. Победители выступят на знаменитом международном фестивале «Спасская башня», который пройдет у стен Кремля в августе. В Тбилиси произошли беспорядки после арестов в ночных клубах 2018-05-12 13:36 В Тбилиси после полицейского рейда в ночных клубах в ночь на субботу прошла массовая акция протеста, переросшая в стычки с полицией. «Евгений Спицын. История СССР»: Загогулины Хрущева и крах его аграрной политики 2018-05-12 14:06 Сто двадцать девятая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная политике Н. С. Хрущева на посту генсека СССР и краху его аграрной политики. «Хор Турецкого» бесплатно выступит в Бэттери-парке Нью-Йорка 2018-05-12 14:11 Песни военных лет прозвучали в зале Генеральной ассамблеи ООН. Нью-Йорк стал финальной точкой на карте исторического марафона «Хора Турецкого». Среди зрителей были не только политики, но и ветераны. Киев: транзит российского газа в Европу - гарантия нашей безопасности 2018-05-12 14:35 Об этом заявила заместитель министра иностранных дел Украины по вопросам европейской интеграции Елена Зеркаль. По ее словам, европейцы это понимают не очень хорошо. Освободители или оккупанты: как Европа относится к подвигу советского солдата 2018-05-12 14:39 Гости в студии обсудили с Андреем Медведевым современное отношение к памятникам героям-освободителям на Западе и документальный фильм «Маршал Конев. Иван в Европе». Свое мнение высказала и внучка маршала Елена Конева. USA: Ex-CIA officer calls Gina Haspel Senate hearing a ‘charade’ 2018-05-12 15:19 Former CIA officer Ray McGovern said that the Senate confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to become the next director of the CIA was «in many respects […] a charade,» speaking in an interview from Washington DC on Friday. According to McGovern, the May 9 hearing started in a «most unusual way,» with Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr saying: «This is an open hearing and there will be a close session. Those people who want to say something extra, do it fast, do it quickly and then leave.» The former CIA officer noted that Haspel refused to answer the direct question of Senator Ron Wyden, regarding her personal involvement into the waterboarding of the suspects, claiming it was «a secret». McGovern was forcibly removed from the hearing room by the Capitol Police asking Haspel about «enhanced interrogation techniques» as waterboarding towards detained in Thailand. He was released on Thursday after an arraignment hearing. СПЧ требует расследовать нападения «казаков» во время протестов в Москве 2018-05-12 15:40 Члены Совета по правам человека при президенте России требуют от властей «выявить и наказать» лиц, которые, не будучи представителями правоохранительных органов, нападали на участников несогласованной акции на Пушкинской площади в Москве 5 мая. В Калуге отмечают День медсестер 2018-05-12 15:50 По данным статистики около 80% всего ухода за больными ложатся на плечи медсестер. Представительницы одной из самых гуманных профессий 12 мая отмечают свой праздник. «Дороги к свободе» Крымские татары. Борьба за родину 2018-05-12 16:19 Накануне Дня памяти жертв геноцида крымскотатарского народа Виталий Портников беседует с заместителем главы Меджлиса крымских татар Ахтемом Чийгозом. США готовы к сотрудничеству с КНДР после отказа от ядерного оружия 2018-05-12 16:38 Об этом заявил госсекретарь США Майкл Помпео. В Госдепартаменте позднее уточнили: речи о финансовой поддержке не идет. Russia: Fighter aircraft dazzle the crowds above Kubinka airbase 2018-05-12 17:04 Scores of jet planes and attack helicopters flew over the Kubinka airbase, Saturday, during an air festival held to mark the 80th anniversary of the on-site Centre for Display of Aviation Equipment. Four aerobatic teams, namely the Russian Knights, the Swifts, the Russian Falcons, and the Berkuts roared through the skies for more than two hours. USA: Ex-CIA officer calls Gina Haspel Senate hearing a ‘charade’ 2018-05-12 17:34 Former CIA officer Ray McGovern said that the Senate confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to become the next director of the CIA was «in many respects […] a charade,» speaking in an interview from Washington DC on Friday. According to McGovern, the May 9 hearing started in a «most unusual way,» with Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr saying: «This is an open hearing and there will be a close session. Those people who want to say something extra, do it fast, do it quickly and then leave.» The former CIA officer noted that Haspel refused to answer the direct question of Senator Ron Wyden, regarding her personal involvement into the waterboarding of the suspects, claiming it was «a secret». McGovern was forcibly removed from the hearing room by the Capitol Police asking Haspel about «enhanced interrogation techniques» as waterboarding towards detained in Thailand. He was released on Thursday after an arraignment hearing. В центре Тбилиси проходят акции протеста 2018-05-12 17:46 Демонстранты требуют отставки премьера и главы МВД. ПО информации местных СМИ, у здания парламента собралось около 5 тысяч человек. Georgia: Clashes erupt at protest following police raids on Tbilisi nightclubs 2018-05-12 17:52 A rally took place near the parliament building in Tbilisi, Saturday, following police drug searches at two popular nightclubs in the Georgian capital. Reportedly, a number of participants were detained by police during the spontaneous protest. A leader of a local opposition party was said to be among them. According to local media, demonstrators expressed their disagreement over the level of force used during the special operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the nightclubs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that eight drug traffickers were detained, according to reports. Сильвио Берлускони реабилитирован судом 2018-05-12 18:21 Экс-премьер Италии Сильвио Берлускони, приговоренный в 2013 году к четырем годам лишения свободы по делу о финансовых махинациях, реабилитирован надзорным судом Милана. Почему жители Калужской области не доверяют местному суду? 2018-05-12 18:25 Жителей Кировского района Калужской области благосклонность местной Фемиды не удивляет. Говорят, она не раз слепо улыбалась чиновникам. События недели: загадочная смерть модели и падение с аттракциона 2018-05-12 18:31 7 мая в Якутии осудили бывшего главу республиканского МВД. 8 мая в Москве арестовали начальника Следственного управления полиции подмосковного Пушкино. 9 мая стало известно о загадочной гибели в США российской модели Ольги Лангиль. 10 мая в Ивановской области следователи возбудили уголовное дело по факту падения школьницы с детского аттракциона. Iraq: Baghdad votes in first parliamentary election since IS defeat 2018-05-12 19:20 Iraqis headed to the polls on Saturday in their first parliamentary election since victory was declared over the so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS, ISIL), footage filmed in the Omar Mukhtar electoral centre in Baghdad shows. One local described how they attempted to arrive early to avoid crowds, but found it to be busy already, which she described as ‘very promising.’ «We want Iraq to change completely, everything needs absolute change. This is what we want, real elections,» she added. The election is the fourth to take place since former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was overthrown in 2003, and is the first to be conducted electronically in an attempt to combat voter fraud. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 12 мая 2018 года 2018-05-12 19:35 Где хранил несметные богатства глава Северо-Западного управления Ростехнадзора? Особенности полицейской рыбалки. Загадочная смерть в СИЗО. Лабиринт опасности: какие инфекции поджидают детей в развлекательных залах? Пьяная театральная постановка закончилась уголовным делом. Poland: Thousands march at pro-European, anti-govt rally in Warsaw 2018-05-12 19:38 Thousands of protesters marched through Warsaw on Saturday as part of the Freedom March — a protest organised by various opposition groups. Demonstrators carried flags of the European Union and Poland during the march. Civic Platform and Modern were two of the organisers of the protest. «We will fight for what is most important to us: for freedom, for dignity, for democracy, for Poland in Europe, because this is the most important thing,» said Grzegorz Schetyna, leader of Civic Platform. Берлускони реабилитирован и может занимать госдолжности 2018-05-12 20:06 В Италии судом Милана реабилитирован, а значит, может снова идти на выборы кавальере Сильвио Берлускони. UK: Tens of thousands join Corbyn at trade union march in London 2018-05-12 20:29 Tens of thousands marched through London’s streets on Saturday to join a protest and rally organised by the Trade Union Congress (TUC). The events were organised with a set of demands for the government — to increase funding for the UK’s National Health Service and Public Services, end zero hours contracts, increase the minimum wage to £10 per hour (EUR 11.33), repeal the trade unions act and crack down on tax avoidance. There were no reported disturbances as trade union branches from across the country came together to protest against the governing Conservative Party’s economic and social policies. Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, addressed the crowds as they rallied in Hyde Park following the march. He pledged to meet the protesters demands and vowed to bring about a new, more just era in British politics. He also said that there would be no ’sweetheart trade deal’ with US President Donald Trump were Labour in office. США издеваются над ближайшими союзниками 2018-05-12 20:40 Президент США Дональд Трамп объявил о выходе Соединенных Штатов из ядерной сделки, которая основывалась на отказе от ядерного оружия Ираном в обмен на отказ от санкций. Georgia: Protesters demand PM's resignation after nightclubs drug search 2018-05-12 20:56 Protesters gathered near parliament in Tbilisi, Saturday, to protest against police drug searches at two popular nightclubs in the Georgian capital. The protesters reportedly demanded the resignation of Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and Minister of Internal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia. According to local media, demonstrators expressed their disagreement over the level of force used during the special operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the nightclubs. One of the protest spokespersons, Baia Pataraia, claimed that the police action “was a huge human rights violation. This is not the way a democratic government should fight against drug use.” She added that the «drug trafficking problem is a huge problem which is covered and lobbied by very high and influential people, and it would be much better if the government was able and the police was able to arrest those people, and not those people who just use drugs.» The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that eight drug traffickers were detained, according to reports. France: Pro-Palestine protesters in Paris call for sanctions on Israel 2018-05-12 21:24 Around 300 protesters marched through Paris on Saturday in support of the March of the Return in Palestine and to ask the French government to impose sanctions on Israel. Bertrand Heilbronn, President of the France Palestine Solidarity Association, said: «Tens of thousands of peaceful, unarmed demonstrators are shot by the Israeli army. This is something that is totally unacceptable.» It comes on the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, which means the 'Catastrophe' in Arabic, and is commemorated on May 15 every year. It refers to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, where an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were expelled to make way for the new state of Israel. Italy: Merkel receives 'Lamp of Peace' award in Assisi 2018-05-12 21:37 German Chancellor Angela Merkel received the «Lamp of Peace», a Catholic award for seeking peaceful coexistence of people, from Franciscan monks in Assisi on Saturday. Footage shows the German chancellor as she arrives to the Assisi Franciscan Basilica and accepts her award. She appeared to narrowly avoid a fall after she stepped away from the podium following her acceptance speech. The «Lamp of Peace» is a small replica of a lamp that burns near the grave of St. Francis of Assisi, and was first awarded to former Polish President Lech Walesa, also the co-founder of the Solidarity trade union, in 1981. Other winners include Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama, and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. Cars fall through massive crack in Athens parking lot 2018-05-12 22:13 A large section of asphalt collapsed at an open-air parking lot in Athens, Saturday. Three parked cars fell into the hole. The dirt under the asphalt was reportedly saturated by water from recent rainfall and also by large volumes of water leaking from the bed of the river Ilissos. It is unclear how far the soil erosion has progressed elsewhere in the car park. Syria: Militant evacuation resumes in Homs and Hama 2018-05-12 22:56 The evacuation of militants and their families through the Al Rastan corridor in the Homs Province continued on Saturday, with militants also being evacuated through the Kafat crossing point in Hama Province. The group evacuating through Al Rastan is reportedly travelling from the northern Homs countryside, and the second group is being evacuated from the southern Hama countryside. The recent evacuation is part of a deal struck with the Syrian government that will grant the militants and their families’ safe passage to Idlib province. Some 6,000 insurgents and members of their families are said to have been evacuated on Saturday, bringing the reported total departures to 16,000. UK: EDL march met with counter-protest in Telford 2018-05-12 23:09 Supporters of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) took to the streets of Telford on Saturday following a recent investigation into the sexual exploitation of children in the local area. Protesters were met by a counter-demonstration, who accuse the group of Islamophobia. A large police presence was maintained to keep the two groups from clashing. France: Two reported dead after Paris knife attack 2018-05-12 23:34 At least one person was reportedly killed and several others were injured following a knife attack in central Paris on Saturday. The perpetrator was also allegedly killed after being shot by police in the French capital's 9th arrondissement, Opera, where the incident took place. Estonia: 15,000 service personnel take part in Siil 2018 military drills 2018-05-12 23:44 Large-scale military exercises, dubbed 'Siil 2018,' continued in Valga on Saturday. More than 15,000 service personnel of the Estonian military and service personnel from NATO member countries are reported to have taken part in the drills. Large-scale mock-battles were practised in urban conditions. The drills began on Saturday morning and ended at two o'clock in the afternoon. During the military exercises, the Estonian military forces and NATO members had to repel aggression of the fictional country of Murinius, which on the map of the exercises was reportedly located on the site of the Russian Federation. Империя Берлускони: как скандальный политик воплотил в жизнь сказку о Золушке 2018-05-13 00:16 Берлускони в свое время стал первым мультимиллиардером, вставшим у руля европейского государства. Для самих итальянцев он был своего рода воплощением сказки о Золушке. Syria: Fighting between SAA and IS continues in battle for Yarmouk 2018-05-13 00:53 The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reportedly continued their operations in militant-held Yarmouk, south of Damascus on Saturday. Footage shows ground forces and tanks firing against the positions of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). The area around the Yarmouk refugee camp has been under IS control since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2012. Гибельный Пхунгери: что известно о секретном ядерном полигоне КНДР 2018-05-13 01:12 Северная Корея закрывает свой ядерный полигон Пхунгери. Чтобы понять, почему закрытие этой площадки — важный шаг для Северной Кореи, мы собрали всю доступную информацию, ведь сам проект полностью секретный. Протесты в Тбилиси закончились танцами. Видео 2018-05-13 01:12 В Грузии протесты против полицейского произвола переросли в танцы. После митинга активисты включили техно, и тысячи человек просто танцевали на площади перед парламентом страны. State of Palestine: Northern Gaza Strip hit by series of Israeli airstrikes 2018-05-13 01:35 Israeli fighter jets reportedly launched eight airstrikes on Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday. Footage shows a series of explosions and a heavy smoke filling skies, as firefighters attempt to put out fires erupted as a result of the airstrikes. The Israeli Defense Force stated on Twitter that they targeted a «terror tunnel» along the strip. France: Authorities open terrorism investigation into Paris deadly stabbing attack 2018-05-13 02:37 Emergency services rushed to central Paris on Saturday, after a knife-wielding attacker killed one person and injured four more. The area was cordoned off by police and a forensics team was seen at the site. According to Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins, French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack. When speaking to the press, Molins said that counterterrorism authorities were leading the investigation on potential charges of murder and attempted murder connected to «terrorist motives.» The assailant was also killed after being shot by police. Austria: Thousands of Croatian far-right supporters attend Bleiburg commemoration 2018-05-13 03:26 Thousands of people attended the commemoration honouring Croatian fascists and civilians who were killed at the end of World War II. The commemoration included a religious ceremony and political speeches. A counter-protest was reportedly held and a heavy police presence was deployed. The annual event has reportedly grown since the declaration of the Croatian independence in 1991, drawing criticism within Austria and across Europe. Several different political parties, anti-fascist groups and human rights NGOs has called on the Austrian state of Carinthia to ban the gathering. Opponents to the event argue that Neo-fascists groups would use the commemoration to promote their views. Israel: Jerusalem residents march against US embassy move 2018-05-13 04:05 Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Jerusalem on Saturday, to demonstrate against the planned move of the US embassy to the city. Protesters also condemned the Jerusalem Day Flag March, scheduled for Sunday, commemorating the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City. Protesters marched from King George Street to the Old City's Jaffa Gate, chanting «Netanyahu resign. Peace is worth more than you.» One of the protesters said, «I came today because I firmly believe Jerusalem belongs to everybody.» Jerusalem Day comes two days before the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, which means the 'Catastrophe' in Arabic and refers to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, where an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were expelled to make way for the new state of Israel. Spain: Pro-independence Quim Torra falls short of majority in first vote 2018-05-13 04:48 The Catalan Parliament failed to elect a new regional leader by absolute majority, during a first vote in Barcelona on Saturday. Pro-independence candidate Quim Torra of the Junts per Catalunya party received 66 votes in favour of his candidacy, falling two votes short of the 68 votes necessary for his election. During a debate speech, Torra vowed to pursue to remain «loyal to the mandate of October 1 to build an independent state in the form of a republic.» Torra will have another chance in a second vote on Monday, when only a simple majority is needed to clinch the position. Catalan lawmakers have to elect a new president before May 22 in order to avoid new regional elections being automatically triggered. France: Central Paris cordoned off following deadly knife attack 2018-05-13 05:29 Journalist (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* Brice Alzon, Les Republicains (LR) party for Paris 2nd District (French): «The attacker was on Gaillon Street before being stopped and killed by police.» Police cordoned off central Paris on Saturday, after a knife-wielding attacker killed one person and injured four more. The assailant was also killed after being shot by police. Regional Secretary of the Police Alliance Yvan Asioma said that «before 9 o'clock our colleagues from the area received a call regarding a knife attack. Several people were injured by someone who used a knife.» He went on to say that police officers «saw the victims lying on the ground and they faced a bearded man who was holding a knife and immediately came towards them. One of the police officers attempted to use his taser twice. It didn't work. The second police officer only had the time to step back one metre and use his weapon to neutralise the man.» French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack, which was claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). Майкл Макфол: Трамп продолжает политику Обамы в отношении России 2018-05-13 05:43 Экс-посол США в России, профессор Стэнфордского университета Майкл Макфол в новой книге подводит итоги ошибок, совершенных США и Россией в построении двусторонних отношений после распада СССР. Смотрите полную версию интервью позже, в программе «Настоящее время. Итоги» с Юлией Савченко France: 'Everyone was crying in panic' — Witness recounts Paris knife attack 2018-05-13 06:10 «Everyone was crying in panic,» recounted a witness when speaking to the press about the deadly knife attack in Paris on Saturday night. The eyewitness said that «we were afraid,» adding that «it was like in a movie, everyone running and screaming.» Earlier on Saturday, a knife-wielding attacker killed one person and injured four more. The assailant was also killed after being shot by police. French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation into the stabbing attack, which was claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS). Nicaragua: At least one dead as clashes escalate in Masaya 2018-05-13 06:42 At least one person was killed as clashes between police and anti-government protesters escalated in the Nicaraguan city of Masaya on Saturday. Footage shows demonstrators hurling projectiles at police officers. Police responded with firing rubber bullets and deploying tear gas to quell the protesters. |
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