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Yemen: Groom recalls horrific moment 20 killed in Saudi airstrike on wedding

Yemen: Groom recalls horrific moment 20 killed in Saudi airstrike on wedding
2018-05-01 10:52
Yahya Jaafar, the groom of a wedding that was struck by a Saudi-led coalition airstrike, killing at least 20 people in the city of Hajjah on 22 April, sifted through the rubble at the site of the attack, on Monday, recollecting the incident. «Many people died, many were wounded, some lost their hands, some lost their legs,» stated the would-be groom, adding that «This happened for no reason, and there was no gathering of the Houthis, this was indiscriminate bombing.» «After the bombing, we say to Saudi Arabia, what is the reason for this indiscriminate bombardment? what is the reason? We will get revenge for each one of them [victims],» continued Jaafar. Yahya's uncle Hamza Yahya Ali, described the aftermath of the horrific scene: «The majority were killed in the same place. Some of them were amputated. Some people's heads were cut off, some people's hands were cut off. Some people's bodies were split into two. Some [body parts] were mixed up together.» Wedding guest Majid Suwaid had to have his feet amputated from the injuries sustained from the Saudi-led coalition airstrike: «I lost my feet, my brother lost his feet. My other brother died because of the bombing. We tried to flee but we could not walk until ambulances came and took us.» Top health official in the Hajjah province Ayman Madhkoor said at least 20 people were killed and more than 50 injured, including many women and children, when the strike hit the wedding late on Sunday. It is thought the bride was also among the dead. Eyewitnesses said that ambulances were unable to reach the scene for fear of subsequent airstrikes. The Saudi-led bombing campaign continues in Yemen with US backing, with casualty figures exceeding 16,200 people since the beginning of the conflict in March 2015. A reported 40,000 have been injured and more than two million people have been displaced. The war devastating Yemen is now in its fourth year, with human rights organisations repeatedly accusing the Saudi-led coalition of targeting civilian areas.

Turkey: May Day rally sees clashes, arrests in Istanbul
2018-05-01 11:06
International Workers’ Day (May Day) rallies in Istanbul saw demonstrators clashing and being detained by police on Tuesday. Supporters of the People's Liberation Party (HKP) took part in the demonstration, along with the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK) labour union. Roads leading to Taksim Square — the traditional site of demonstrations — were closed, according to local media. Labour Day is marked around the world with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations.

Iran: Tehran residents react to Netanyahu's nuclear deal accusations
2018-05-01 11:56

Brazil: Huge fire engulfs high-rise building in Sao Paulo
2018-05-01 13:11
A huge fire engulfed a high-rise tower in downtown Sao Paulo early on Tuesday, causing the building to collapse. Firefighters were on the scene working to extinguish the blaze. At least one person is said to have died in the incident.

Russia: Thousands of Muscovites flood Red Square to mark May Day
2018-05-01 13:30
Thousands of people flooded Red Square in Moscow on Tuesday to take part in an International Workers' Day procession. City Mayor Sergei Sobyanin also participated in the gathering. People, including members of different labour unions marched through the square holding banners reading 'Peace, labor, May'; 'Unity, solidarity and labour are guarantees of successful development'; 'Salary, legitimacy, employment!'; 'Respected labour-safe labour', while waving Russian flags and holding balloons. International Workers' Day, or May Day, is marked around the world on May 1 with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations.

Philippines: Duterte effigy burned as thousands gather for May Day protest
2018-05-01 15:35
Thousands of people flooded the streets of Manila on Tuesday to protest against the current Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, burning an anti-president effigy near the Presidential Palace. People ran in circles around the burning prop which had combined Duterte and devil features, and had US symbolism painted on its body, also marching through the streets with banners and flags to mark Labour Day. Bonifacio Ilagan, a human rights activist, said that in terms of living standards and working conditions, «the present administration is one of the worst, second only to the Marcos administration.» «Everything seems to be being thrown to the dogs,» he stated. Protesters demanded improved living standards and better working conditions and contract laws.

Turkey: May Day rally turns violent as protesters clash with police in Istanbul
2018-05-01 15:42
Protesters clashed with police, with some of the demonstrators being detained, during the International Workers’ Day (May Day) rally in Istanbul on Tuesday. Supporters of the People's Liberation Party (HKP) took part in the demonstration, along with the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK) labour union. Roads leading to Taksim Square — the traditional site of demonstrations — were closed, according to local media. Labour Day is marked around the world with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations.

КПРФ провела традиционное первомайское шествие
2018-05-01 15:49
Митинги сегодня проходят по всей стране. В Москве основные мероприятия проведут парламентские партии, в том числе КПРФ.

Стивен Мнучин назвал цель удара США по российскому «РусАлу»
2018-05-01 15:53
Вашингтон не стремится разорить российскую компанию «РусАл». Об этом заявил в интервью телеканалу Bloomberg министр финансов США Стивен Мнучин. По его словам, инициаторы введения санкций понимали, что ограничения в первую очередь коснутся рядовых сотрудников.

Цвет настроения — красный: Жириновский провел митинг в центре Москвы
2018-05-01 15:57
Шествия и митинги в столице 1 мая проводят все политические партии. Депутаты и сторонники ЛДПР собрались на Пушкинской площади.

Israel: Knesset grants PM power to declare war without full cabinet approval
2018-05-01 16:22
*MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* The Israeli parliament passed a bill that authorises the country's prime minister to declare war solely with the approval of the defence minister, reports said following a Knesset session in Jerusalem on Monday. Israeli MPs voted 62 to 41 in favour of approving an amendment to the law that previously required the approval of the entire cabinet prior to a war declaration. The amendment grants Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman the power to declare war in «extreme situations,» reports add. Mandatory credit: Knesset TV

Russia: Communist Party supporters march in Moscow on May Day
2018-05-01 16:29
Thousands of supporters of the Russian Communist Party (CPRF) marched through central Moscow to mark International Workers' Day on Tuesday. Demonstrators demanded progressive taxation, subsidies for agricultural industries, as well as increases in salaries and pensions. Around 12,000 people reportedly participated in the rally. CPRF head Gennady Zuyganov was reportedly not present. Demonstrators carried banners reading «It's time to throw Capitalism away» and «Socialism instead of Putin.» The march started at Kaluzhskaya Square and finished at Teatralny Street.

Первомайские митинги и шествия пройдут по всей стране
2018-05-01 16:44
Митинги и шествия проходят во вторник, 1 мая, по всей стране. В Москве основные мероприятия проведут парламентские партии, в том числе КПРФ.

Russia: 'Garbage Island' emerges in Barnaul as heavy litter clogs river
2018-05-01 16:44
Garbage has blocked the stream of Pivovarka river in Barnaul, Altai Krai, turning it into a strip filled with litter, most of which appeared to be bottles, footage filmed on Tuesday shows. According to locals, such clogging happens every year and the pollution is so severe that the water cannot be seen through the layer of garbage. Alexandra Maloletkova, a Barnaul resident who posted the photo of the river online, said that the river is full of litter no matter how often it's being cleaned. «I suppose when the river spilled over some garbage was washed away from the shore, some garbage could have been thrown by people, some trash floated from rubbish dumps,» added Alexandra. Locals call the river 'A bottle island' or 'A bottle river' and are now discussing the possibilities of how to clean the stream.

Миронов выступил на митинге «Справедливой России» 1 мая
2018-05-01 16:46
Партия «Справедливая Россия» проводит акцию в парке на Красной Пресне.

Собянин поздравил ветеранов на встрече в Большом театре
2018-05-01 16:54
Сергей Собянин поздравил ветеранов с наступающим Днем Победы. Встреча проходила на новой сцене Большого театра. Приглашены были участники важнейших сражений войны, Герои Советского Союза и Российской Федерации.

Brazil: Sao Paulo high-rise engulfed in deadly flames before collapse
2018-05-01 16:56
A high-rise building in downtown Sao Paulo was engulfed in flames and smoke early on Tuesday, in a huge fire that caused the 26-storey tower to collapse. At least 150 firefighters were on the scene working to extinguish the blaze, which is thought to have been caused by a gas explosion. At least one person is said to have died in the incident, with three others reportedly missing. Firefighters have cordoned off the area around the fire. The building reportedly was a former Federal Police facility occupied by squatters.

«Чтобы не украли победу»: Пашинян призывает сторонников выйти на улицы
2018-05-01 17:05
Никол Пашинян — лидер оппозиционной партии Армении «Елк» и единственный кандидат на пост премьер-министра страны — призвал своих сторонников выйти на улицы. «Чтобы никто не украл у народа победы», — такими словами он аргументировал призыв, выступая 1 мая на внеочередном заседании парламента Армении.

Пышные юбки и шляпы-котелки: моду чолит показали на подиуме
2018-05-01 17:08
В боливийском высокогорном городе Ла-Пас состоялись модные показы традиционных нарядов. Еще недавно они считались низшим классом и выполняли самую грязную работу. Однако с приходом к власти президента Эво Моралеса, аймара по национальности, многое изменилось.

Экс-президента Перу и его жену освободили из тюрьмы по решению суда
2018-05-01 17:14
Бывший президент Перу Ольянта Умала вышел на свободу после девяти месяцев предварительного заключения. Ранее из тюрьмы выпустили его жену Надин Эредию. Обоих подозревают в коррупции и отмывании денег.

Мун Чже Ин попросил ООН присмотреть за Пхеньяном
2018-05-01 17:27
Мун Чже Ин полчаса говорил по телефону с генеральным секретарем ООН Антониу Гуттерешем и попросил уделить особое внимание договоренностям, достигнутым во время корейского саммита.

Armenia: Yerevan awaits as parliament votes for new PM
2018-05-01 17:28
Thousands gathered outside of the Armenian parliament in Yerevan during the vote for a new prime minister in an extraordinary session on Tuesday. People flooded the streets of the Armenian capital carrying national flags and posters. Head of the opposition 'Way Out' [Yelk] Fraction Nikol Pashinyan had been nominated for the post of Prime Minister, becoming the sole candidate. Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, after the ruling RPA nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post amid massive actions against his premiership.

Syria: Evacuation of militants from Yarmouk camp continues
2018-05-01 17:34
Buses continued to arrive at the Yarmouk camp, south of Damascus, on Tuesday, as the evacuation of militants and their families to the Idlib province resumed. The evacuation follows the Syrian government's evacuation deal with the Hayet Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) militant group. According to the Syrian state news agency, the Syrian government reached an agreement with the Hayet Tahrir al-Sham group, which allowed them and their families to relocate out of the area into the opposition-held northwestern Idlib province.

Нетаньяху об иранской ядерной программе
2018-05-01 17:42
Премьер-министр Израиля представил 55 тысяч документов и 183 диска, доказывающих оружейную ядерную программу Ирана.

«Выпуск новостей»: повышение МРОТ, США о РусАле и курортные сборы
2018-05-01 17:47
Минимальный размер оплаты труда впервые в истории России сравняется с прожиточным минимумом. С 1 мая планка, ниже которой работодатель не может устанавливать месячную зарплату сотрудника, составит 11 тысяч 163 рубля.

Минэкономики ФРГ: повышение тарифов — это неправильный путь
2018-05-01 17:52
Поиск торгового компромисса по заградительным тарифов продолжат до 1-го июня. Дональд Трамп отложил введение пошлин на сталь и алюминий из Евросоюза, Канады и Мексики. В свою очередь министр экономики Германии Петер Альтмаер выразил сожаление,

France: Paris May Day rally marred by teargas, vandalism
2018-05-01 17:53
International Workers' Day (May Day) rallies in Paris saw the use of tear gas and vandalism against a McDonald's, as thousands took to the streets of the French capital on Tuesday. *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW*

Роберт Мюллер составил список из 40 вопросов для Дональда Трампа
2018-05-01 18:01
Спецпрокурор Роберт Мюллер, который занимается расследованием предполагаемого российского вмешательства в президентские выборы в США, составил список из более 40 вопросов, которые он хочет задать президенту страны Дональду Трампу.

Germany: New SPD leader joins May Day protests in Koblenz
2018-05-01 18:39
The first female leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Andrea Nahles joined International Workers' Day demonstrations in Koblenz on Sunday. Nahles used the march to criticise Health Minister Jens Spahn for not concentrating on his brief. «He talks about Muslims, he talks about Hartz-IV [unemployment benefits], but he has to do his job, dear friends. There is enough to do in healthcare,» Nahles told a group of trade unionists. The former Labour Minister also said care work deserved better pay and conditions. «12 euros an hour is not enough for this hard job,» she underlined. Nahles became the SPD's first female leader, after the party suffered its worst loss since 1933 in last September's parliamentary elections. Nahles's priority is to rebuild support for Germany's oldest party.

Greece: Police and protesters clash following May Day march in Athens
2018-05-01 18:41
Greek police clashed with protesters in the vicinities of National Technical University of Athens as thousands attended protests marking the International Workers' Day (May Day) on Tuesday. Protesters threw rocks at police, who in turn responded with teargas. Tensions emerged following the demonstration in the centre of the Greek capital, where thousands marched against unemployment and austerity measures. Public and private sector unions, anarchists, students, and members of parliament, including former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, had joined the May 1 rally earlier in the day. Labour Day is marked around the world with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations.

Russia: 'It has affected me personally' — St. Petersburg protests against Telegram ban
2018-05-01 19:52
About a thousand people marched through central Saint-Petersburg on Tuesday to demonstrate against blocking the Telegram messenger in Russia. Protesters marched along the Nevsky Prospect to the Field of Mars (Marsovo Polye). They carried banners reading «Rights are not given, rights are taken», «Stop blocking our future» chanting «We are the authority here» and «Durov is our hero». One of the protesters Denis explained his decision to join the rally for the first time in his life saying that the Telegram ban has «affected [him] personally.» Up to 12 people were reportedly arrested for carrying flags of foreign states. The Telegram application was banned across the entire territory of the Russian Federation following a ruling by the Tagansky district court in Moscow on April 13. With its 15 million users, Telegram is one of the most popular messaging applications in Russia.

France: Water cannon unleashed as Paris May Day turns into mayhem
2018-05-01 20:03
Riot police unleashed water cannons on May Day protesters in Paris on Tuesday, as the International Workers' Day rallies took a violent turn, with hundreds clashing with police and smashing facades of corporations in the French capital. Earlier, some 1,200 hooded protesters vandalised a McDonald's near Austerlitz train station, according to reports. Labour Day is marked around the world with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations.

Cuba: Newly-elected Diaz-Canel attends International Worker’s Day celebrations in Havana
2018-05-01 20:18
Thousands flooded the streets of the Cuban capital Havana on Tuesday in celebration of the International Workers' Day. Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and former president Raul Castro waved Cuban flags as demonstrators marched on carrying banners and portraits of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. «We came to support Raul, the revolution and Fidel Castro although he’s not physically present amongst us. His legacy and ideas are with all of us,» Juan Calzada, a participant, said. «We have come to maintain the historical continuity of our Cuban revolution and support Diaz-Canel, Raul and many other revolution heroes,» another attendee added. This was the first May Day march to take place since Diaz-Canel took office in April.

Brazil: Rescue ops. underway following Sao Paulo high-rise deadly fire
2018-05-01 21:00
Firefighters carried out rescue efforts on Tuesday morning after a huge fire engulfed a high-rise tower in downtown Sao Paulo, causing the 26-storey building to collapse. At least 150 firefighters were on the scene working to extinguish the blaze, which is thought to have been caused by a gas explosion. At least one person is said to have died in the incident, with three others reportedly missing. The building reportedly was a former Federal Police facility occupied by squatters.

Syria: Buses carrying freed abductees arrive in al-Eis
2018-05-01 21:37
Footage captured on Tuesday shows buses carrying abductees freed from Hayet Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) militant group along with several Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) ambulances supposedly carrying civilians in critical condition arriving in al-Eis village, south of Aleppo, from the besieged villages of Fu'ah and Kefraya in the Idlib Governorate. Several abductees were shown happily embracing family members after reunion. The civilians are said to have been abducted in Eshtabraq in 2015. The relocation and release followed an agreement reached with the Hayet Tahrir al-Sham group, which allowed them and their families to relocate out of the area into the opposition-held northwestern Idlib province.

France: Le Pen heads anti-immigration leaders' summit in Nice
2018-05-01 21:50
President of the right-wing National Front Marine Le Pen took centre stage at a congress of nationalist parties from across Europe in Nice on Tuesday. Le Pen spoke to the audience, defining her Europe as one of separate sovereign states, as opposed to the European Union. «Our Europe is a beautiful idea; an idea that combines the past, present and future; an idea that redefines a fair balance between the cooperation of nations and the sovereignty of our states,» said Le Pen. FPO General Secretary Harald Vilimsky also addressed the attendees, saying that on International Workers Day, protectionist policies were the sign of a «patriot». «Ladies and gentlemen, today is the International Day of Workers. To be a true patriot, that means to have an obligation to favour the compatriots of your own country,» he claimed.

Germany: Scruffles break out at Berlin's May Day rally
2018-05-01 21:52
Riot police and protesters engaged in brief scuffles in Kreuzberg, Berlin, on the annual May Day (International Workers' Day) demonstration this Tuesday. Radical leftists, dissident trade unionists and anti-fascist groups have held a 'Revolutionary May Day' in Kreuzberg since 1988.

Armenia: Parliament rejects Pashinyan as PM
2018-05-01 22:15
The majority of the Armenian National Assembly’s MPs voted against the election of Nikol Pashinyan, a deputy from the oppositional 'Way Out' Yelk Faction as Armenia’s prime minister in Yerevan on Tuesday. Pashinyan’s failure came with 55 deputies voting against him and 45 in his favour. The oppositional politician had to secure the backing of at least 53 deputies in order to win the post in the 105-seat legislature. Prior to the vote, an MP from the Republican Party of Armenia Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan announced the overall position of the ruling party on the candidacy of Pashinyan saying that «we are going to vote against the candidacy of Nikol Pashinyan in an attempt to prevent the visible wave of danger that might emerge very quickly and strangle our country.» Meanwhile he admitted that the people’s movement which had engulfed the Armenian capital since April 13th «may support any candidate for the prime-minister’s post.» In his final speech ahead of the vote, Nikol Pashinyan said that he does not seek the disruption of the Republican party adding that «Republican Party, Republican Faction has already destroyed itself immediately and irreversibly through today’s debates and discussions.» Shortly after the voting procedure Nikol Pashinyan joined the Armenian citizens thousands of who had gathered at the Republican square.

France: May Day protesters smash McDonald's facade in Paris
2018-05-01 22:41
A number of May Day protesters were caught on camera smashing the facade of a McDonald's restaurant near Austerlitz train station in Paris on Tuesday, as the International Workers' Day rallies took a violent turn. Violence escalated after as hundreds clashed with police and smashed facades of corporations in the French capital. Labour Day is marked around the world with strikes, protests, commemorations and celebrations. MANDATORY CREDIT: Redfish

Armenia: Silence falls on Yerevan’s Republic Square as parliament rejects Pashinyan as PM
2018-05-01 22:50
Thousands of pro-opposition protesters watched in disappointment as the majority of the Armenian National Assembly's MPs voted against the election of Nikol Pashinyan as Armenia's prime minister in Yerevan on Tuesday. The crowd which had gathered in Yeravan's Republic Square to support head of the opposition 'Way Out' [Yelk] Fraction Pashinyan and follow the voting unfold live, was moved from cheering to silence over shocking results. Pashinyan's failure came with 55 deputies voting against him and 45 in his favour. The oppositional politician had to secure the backing of at least 53 deputies in order to win the post in the 105-seat legislature. This followed a tense period in which Armenians took to the streets to protest the nomination of former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post amid massive actions against his premiership.

Chile: Water cannons drench May Day protesters as clashes mount in Santiago
2018-05-01 23:20
Police unleashed water cannons on protesters in Santiago as thousands took to the streets of the Chilean capital on International Workers' Day in a march organised by the Workers' Class Central (CTT). Clashes erupted as protesters threw rocks and set barricades on fire, with the police deploying tear gas and water cannons in return.

USA: White House brands Iran 'dishonest actor'
2018-05-01 23:56
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders branded Iran “dishonest actors” during a press briefing in Washington D.C. on Tuesday. Sanders stated that Iran's nuclear capability «was far more advanced and far further along than they ever indicated.» «They will be much further along in the process and able to make a nuclear weapon much quicker than they ever indicated before. And that's a big problem,» Sanders added. Regarding the new increased tariffs on steel and aluminium, Sanders pointed out that there will be «30 days to continue on those negotiations.

Germany: Thousands join demo in Hamburg amid heavy police presence
2018-05-02 00:18
C/U banner “no money for war» C/U banner «feminist, combative, internationalist» C/U banner «racism splits, class struggle unites» C/U banner «fight your class justice» M/S woman “Anticapitalistic» M/S police-tank W/S demonstrators with a bengalo M/S demonstrators shout slogans M/S slogan “whole Hamburg hates the police» M/S People with Kurdish flags M/S Police is holding the demo C/U Police close M/S slogan “go away» W/S Mass of police from behind M/S slogan “whole Hamburg hates the police» M/S Police and tanks C/U Water drops from the police-tank M/S Police left and right M/S Women whistle M/S slogan “BRD bull state we're sick of you» M/S banner with two woman “no woman is illegal» M/S Woman singing M/S Man plays tom-tom M/S Banner ”against the state and capital“ M/S Demo at the end i M/S Police leave M/S Police with some demonstrators Nearly 3,000 people took part in the annual Revolutionary May 1 Demo in Hamburg on Tuesday. Demonstrators waved banners, chanted anti-capitalist slogans amid a huge police presence. Officers in riot gear stood guard as the demo weaved noisily through the streets.

Venezuela: Maduro pushes presidential bid at Workers' Day parade
2018-05-02 01:01
Thousands of people marched through Caracas on Tuesday to celebrate International Day of Workers and support Nicolas Maduro in upcoming presidential elections. At the end of the march, Maduro addressed the crowd near to the Presidential Palace where he asked for support to win on May 20. He said at the rally: «We need a great victory the 20th May, for me to finish all the mafias of the economy. Don't leave me alone in this battle.»

Honduras: Police tear gas protesters at Tegucigalpa May Day demo
2018-05-02 01:12
Several people were reportedly left injured as police fired tear gas and clashed with protesters participating in the International Workers' Day demo in Tegucigalpa on Tuesday. Police also deployed water cannon to extinguish fires ignited by protesters on streets of Honduras capital city. «It is not fair that not even on the first of May people can express the injustices that are lived in this country,» a street vendor said. Clashes had allegedly started in front the National Autonomous Service of Aqueducts and Sewers (SANAA) building in Tegucigalpa.

Armenia: Drone captures thousands rallying after vote
2018-05-02 01:20
Drone footage captured thousands of Armenian citizens gathering in the Republican square in Yerevan after the voting against Nikol Pashinyan as a Prime Minister on Tuesday. Earlier today, the majority of the Armenian National Assembly’s MPs voted against the election as a Prime Minister of Nikol Pashinyan, deputy from the oppositional Yelq Faction. Pashinyan’s failure came with 55 deputies voted against him and 45 — in favor of his candidacy. The oppositional politician had to secure the backing of at least 53 deputies in order to win the post in the 105-seat legislature.

Colombia: Thousands throng streets to protest Workers' Day
2018-05-02 01:25
Thousands of Colombian workers filled streets and squares in Bogota on Tuesday to ask for better working conditions and to denounce unemployment. With flags of Colombia, unions and parties, the demonstrations called attention to the deterioration of the labour market, low wages and the increasing difficulty to access a retirement pension. The 20,000 demonstrators in Bogota began their journey from various points in the city to the central Plaza de Bolívar, where two stages for shows and flags of several unions were installed on the facade of the Congress of the Republic. According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), unemployment in March this year was 9.4%, which represents 0.3% less than in the same month last year. According to this entity, the city with the highest rate of unemployment is Cucuta (19.5%), bordering Venezuela and which has been hit by the massive arrival of Venezuelans fleeing the crisis in the Caribbean country.

Germany: Clashes erupt at Berlin May Day rally
2018-05-02 02:15
Clashes erupted between police and anti-fascists during a May Day Demonstration rally in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin on Tuesday for International Workers' day. The protest march, which didn't have the authorization of the police, was attended by between 5,000 and 10,000 people. In order to prevent riots in the city, about 5,300 police officers from Berlin and nine other federal states were deployed.

USA: ‘Fight together, strike to win’ chant New York workers
2018-05-02 02:45
Workers protest took the streets of New York on Tuesday on International Workers' Day with the slogan `Fight together, strike to win`. The protest aimed to celebrate the collective power of migrants and workers in New York and around the world. It was one of a number held around the world for May 1.

Puerto Rico: Thousands protest gov’t reforms on Golden Mile
2018-05-02 04:11
Thousands of workers demonstrated at the Puerto Rico’s Golden Mile and Old San Juan to repudiate the reforms promoted by the government of Ricardo Rosselló and the Fiscal Oversight Board on International Workers’ Day. The march started about 10:35 am and passed without major incident despite police deploying tear gas. Various groups marched from several points and joined in the Golden Mile, the main banking area of the island in Hato Rey. The groups remained at the intersection of Luis Muñoz Marín and Roosevelt avenues, near the offices of the Fiscal Board where police guarding outside were subject to abuse.

Brazil: Mass union protest demands Lula’s release
2018-05-02 04:12
A big protest in support of former Brazilian President Lula was held in Brazil’s Curitiba on Tuesday. The pro-Lula rally was held together with International Workers’ Day parade. Unions and other organisations gathered in the centre of Curitiba, where Lula is detained, to demand his release from prison. The Supreme Court of Brazil confirmed that 72-year-old former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will serve a prison sentence directly after the rejection of his first appeal by a vote of 6:5. Lula was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes.

USA: May Day marchers in Oakland demand better rights
2018-05-02 05:16
C/U Protesters M/S Protesters moving M/S Woman with drum M/S General of the protest C/U Protester with sign M/S Protesters and the city C/U Protesters M/S Protesters and dummy head M/S Union representatives M/S People shout in Spanish: “Working class has no barriers” M/S Protesters M/S May 1 poster C/U Anti Trump shirt M/S Anti war banner C/U Protester putting bandana on M/S Protesters with flags Hundreds of marchers participated in a May Day protest in Oakland on Tuesday to advocate for workers and immigrants rights and to denounce the current administration's migrant policies. Waving flags and chanting slogans, protesters marched through the streets in a carnival atmosphere. Protester Ellen Murrys, said, “We are here because this is the international working class holiday of the world, and we don’t get a chance very often to be united with workers everywhere around the world, around our common needs, mainly our common need of getting more capital.

Argentina: Rousseff shows support for jailed Lula at book launch
2018-05-02 05:29
Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff expressed her support for jailed Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva during a book launch in Buenos Aires on Tuesday. Rousseff thanked organisers for the invitation and said «Lula would be very happy to be in Argentina» celebrating Workers' Day. She reiterated «Lula is innocent, they are condemning a person for political reasons.» Lula was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash.

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