Лидеры США и Южной Кореи проведут переговоры 22 мая
Лидеры США и Южной Кореи проведут переговоры 22 мая 2018-05-05 10:03 Дата назначена: лидеры США и Южной Кореи проведут переговоры 22 мая. С Мун Чжэ Ином Трамп намерен обсудить свою предстоящую встречу с главой Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ыном. Ее дата и место проведения все еще не названы. Что приносит радость принявшей 11 тысяч детей акушерке 2018-05-05 10:22 Больше 11 тысяч младенцев приняла за 20 лет акушерка Сахида Кыдыралиева из Кыргызстана. Некоторых из них благодарные роженицы не раз называли в честь медика. В практике акушерки были самые разные операции — разрезать пуповину однажды пришлось прямо в машине. В Москве проходит выставка, посвященная творчеству Юрия Злотникова 2018-05-05 10:33 Первый абстракционист новой эпохи. В Москве проходит выставка, посвященная творчеству Юрия Злотникова. Экспозиция открывает проект, цель которого — представить наследие художника максимально широко. В первую часть вошли портреты близких и друзей, вторая — посвящена космологии и мифологии Злотникова, третья — разработанному им художественному языку. СМИ: Керри встречался с главой МИД Ирана по ядерной сделке 2018-05-05 10:44 Соединенные Штаты ведут закулисные переговоры о сохранении ядерной сделки с Ираном. Бывший госсекретарь Джон Керри, оказывается, уже дважды неофициально ездил в Иран и обсуждал тему с главой МИД страны. Результаты переговоров пока держатся в тайне. У нас в студии Снежана Крастева, куратор музея «Гараж» 2018-05-05 10:48 «Атом» — перед «Гаражом». Площадку возле музея современного искусства украсит 13-метровая фигура — реконструкция свето-динамической скульптуры Вячеслава Колейчука, созданной им по заказу Института атомной энергии имени Курчатова, в 1967 году. Концерт-закрытие Grand Piano Competition 2018-05-05 11:15 Сегодня в Концертном зале имени Чайковского состоится награждение лауреатов и концерт-закрытие второго Международного конкурса молодых пианистов Grand Piano Competition. Недобросовестным кино-производителям грозит наказание 2018-05-05 11:16 Недобросовестным кино-производителям грозит наказание. Об этом журналистам заявили в Министерстве культуры. На сайте ведомства опубликован список кинокомпаний, к которым у минкульта есть претензии. Некоторые из них — поддержанные государством фильмы просто не сняли. Есть и такие, кто получил так называемые возвратные средства, должен был выплатить их после выхода картины в прокат, но обязательств не выполнил. Всего в списке 21 компания. Про пять из них в министерстве говорят: диалог невозможен. «Настоящее время. Итоги» с Юлией Савченко. Весна протестная 2018-05-05 11:19 Революция в Армении и протесты нового президентского срока в России. Гости — исполнительный директор фонда Бориса Немцова «За свободу» Ольга Шорина, начальник штаба Навального Леонид Волков, либеральные активисты Наталья Шавшукова и Виталий Венидиктов. Вторую серию продолжения «Простоквашино» посмотрели почти 1,5 миллиона человек 2018-05-05 11:21 Продолжение выложили накануне в официальной группе «Союзмультфильма» в соцсетях. «Признаки жизни»: Цифровое сопротивление 2018-05-05 11:26 Оппозиционный блоггер, либертарианец и выпускник Ноттингемского университета Михаил Светов организовал митинг против блокировки Telegram в России и пригласил Алексея Навального. 30 апреля пускать «разрешенные» самолетики на Сахарова пришли не более 20 тысяч человек. На ВДНХ можно будет пройти бесплатное обследование 2018-05-05 11:37 С сегодняшнего дня на ВДНХ каждый желающий сможет пройти обследование. Академия балета имени Вагановой сегодня отмечает 280 лет со дня основания 2018-05-05 11:38 Академия балета имени Вагановой отмечает 280 лет со дня основания. Одна из старейших танцевальных школ мира вобрала - императрицы Анны Иоанновны — здесь учат великому искусству. В городах России проходят акции «Он нам не царь», есть задержанные 2018-05-05 12:32 В России проходят протестные акции «Он нам не царь», организованные сторонниками оппозиционера Алексея Навального. Митинги уже прошли в Хабаровске, Владивостоке, Южно-Сахалинске, Иркутске и Комсомольске-на-Амуре. Еще в нескольких городах акции проходят прямо сейчас. В них участвуют от нескольких десятков до нескольких сотен человек. Протестные акции «Он нам не царь» приурочены к очередной инаугурации Владимира Путина на пост президента России, которая состоится 7 мая. Накануне митингов в Санкт-Петербурге, Тамбове, Чебоксарах и других городах были арестованы сторонники Навального. «Специальный репортаж»: Дни Москвы в Мексике 2018-05-05 13:00 Концерты российских исполнителей, выставки и мастер-классы народного творчества. В Мехико впервые проходят дни Москвы. Чем удивляли мексиканцев гости из России, и о чем договорились 2 столицы, расскажет специальный корреспондент Ирина Щепина. Секреты Кремля: необыкновенная энергетика и красота со смыслом 2018-05-05 13:21 7 мая начинается новое президентство. Пройдет инаугурация. Владимир Путин начнет новый конституционный виток. В частности, именно по Конституции, подаст в отставку действующее правительство. Высокопоставленных чиновников Таджикистана обвинили в «списанных» диссертациях 2018-05-05 13:23 По данным «Диссернета», таджикские чиновники и ученые в своих кандидатских и докторских диссертациях часто занимались банальной «копипастой» чужого труда, или, попросту говоря, воровством. Разоблачить удалось уже около десятка списанных работ France: Macron visits New Caledonia ahead of independence referendum 2018-05-05 13:24 French President Emmanuel Macron visited the New Caledonian island of Ouvea on Saturday for the first time, as the island group gears up for a historic independence referendum on November 4. Footage shows Macron participating in a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the 1988 hostage crisis, which occured when indigenous tribesmen took French police hostage and demanded talks with Paris about independence from France. The crisis resulted in the deaths of 19 separatists and four French gendarmes. French presence is being brought under the microscope in November largely because of a two-decade-long agreement, the Noumea Accord, between Paris and New Caledonia which specified a referendum must be held before the start of 2019. Macron has previously expressed his support for the island territory to remain part of France, saying it is the only way of 'guaranteeing peace'. Сделка с Ираном: Трампу нужен риторический аргумент 2018-05-05 13:33 Не где-нибудь, а в израильском министерстве обороны премьер Нетаньяху устроил целое представление: последовательно срывал покровы со шкафов со штабелями папок и со стеллажей с компакт-дисками. Вести-Москва. Эфир от 05.05.2018 (11:20) 2018-05-05 13:44 Мотофестиваль на старте. 3 тысячи байкеров проедут по столице. Какие улицы перекроют? Дом Булгакова под угрозой: как ремонт исторического здания обернулся незаконной перепланировкой. Бесплатные уроки игры на гитаре, уличные танцы, световое шоу, японская сакура и виктория амазонская – чем заняться в выходные? Призрак коммунизма гремит цепями и бродит по Европе 2018-05-05 13:44 200-летие Карла Маркса. В Москве станция метро «Проспект Маркса» давно уже переименована в «Охотный ряд». Но вы оглянитесь вокруг: сколько до сих пор всего по Марксу! Не чужой для нас человек. Но с чего это новая «марксомания» началась в его родном немецком Трире? USA: Aerial footage captures area affected by Kilauea volcanic eruptions 2018-05-05 15:03 Smoke billowed out across a large area near Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on Friday, after its eruption and earthquakes forced locals to flee the area. Aerial footage shows spattering lava as it erupts from the ground, as well as damage to local homes. Hawaiian authorities ordered the evacuation of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardenson on Hawaii's Big Island as lava started to flow towards residential areas. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes which have been recorded over past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5. MANDATORY CREDIT: US Department of Defense Сотни задержанных и «уголовка» или тысячи и «административка»? Как власть будет поступать с протестующими 5 мая 2018-05-05 15:13 По какому варианту власть будет поступать с протестующими 5 мая? Будут задерживать массово, тысячи человек, и заводить на них административные дела, как в 2017 году, либо по «Болотному варианту» 2012 года с сотнями задержанных, но уголовными делами? Отвечает юрист Илья Новиков. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Георгий Жженов 2018-05-05 15:21 Конец 60-х. Актеру Георгию Жженову вручают премию КГБ за роль разведчика Тульева в фильме «Ошибка резидента». Зал рукоплещет. Бесстрашный, умный, чуткий человек с железным характером, — Жженов будто создан для этой профессии. Любой другой актер был бы счастлив получить награду от могущественного КГБ. Но в глазах Георгия Жженова — ирония. Он не может забыть о том, как ровно тридцать лет назад сотрудники госбезопасности обрекли его на семнадцать лет лагерей, тюрем и скитаний. Russia: Scuffles as crowd gathers for mass protest led by Navalny in Moscow 2018-05-05 15:25 Crowds led by the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny participated in an unauthorised rally ahead of the presidential inauguration in Moscow, on Saturday. Clashes broke out between what appeared to be his supporters and opponents at the rally on Pushkinskaya Square. Navalny was later detained by police. Танцы, сакура и ролики: чем заняться в Москве в выходные 2018-05-05 15:28 В столице в субботу ожидается до плюс 25. Традиционные прогулки есть чем разбавить: уличные танцы, стрельба из лука, фотосессия с сакурой. USA: Hawaii volcano spews lava high into air 2018-05-05 15:48 Lava continued to spew from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on Saturday, after its eruption and earthquakes forced locals to flee the area. Hawaiian authorities ordered the evacuation of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardenson on Hawaii's Big Island as lava started to flow towards residential areas. The lava effusion follows hundreds of earthquakes which have been recorded over past days, with magnitudes wavering between 2 and 5. «Осторожно, вы роняете людей!» — корреспонденту Настоящего Времени досталось от ОМОНа во время протестов 2018-05-05 16:04 В Петербурге во время протестов оппозиции 5 мая полиция задержала не так много протестующих, как в Москве, и действовала менее жестко, но корреспонденту Настоящего Времени все же досталось. «Военная приемка»: Мьянма 2018-05-05 16:06 Программа «Военная приемка» расширяет географию и выходит на мировой уровень! В этот раз съемочная группа программы отправится в одну из самых загадочных стран Юго-Восточной Азии — Мьянму. В середине прошлого века она отвоевала независимость у англичан и японцев. И сегодня ее армия считается одной из самых мощных в Юго-Восточной Азии, но при этом одной из самых закрытых. «Военная приемка» покажет вооруженные силы Мьянмы глазами иностранцев. И начнет с самого грандиозного ежегодного события — с военного парада. Интервью оппозиционера Ляскина Настоящему Времени, после которого его задержали «за призывы к митингам» 2018-05-05 16:13 Сотрудник ФБК и ведущий передачи «Кактус» на канале Навальный.Live дал интервью НВ в московской студии Радио Свобода о митингах 5 мая. Сразу после этого его задержали люди в штатском, сочтя интервью призывом к несанкционированному митингу. Germany: Merkel promotes women in tech and politics at CDU event in Frankfurt 2018-05-05 16:15 German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded greater participation of women both in politics and the digital and technical spheres, while speaking at an event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the women’s branch of the CDU in Frankfurt, Saturday. Speaking to a packed hall of women, Merkel lamented the lack of women in technological fields of work, stating that the number of girls planning to study something engineering or software related is «always between 23 and 28 percent,» and continued to ask «how can women decide over ethical questions, if they don’t know how deep learning and artificial intelligence works? This means that I need to learn about these topics to evaluate them ethically.» Merkel also reaffirmed her refugee policy and spoke of the need to approach historical problems like the migrant crisis with «the ambition to solve them.» «Погода 24»: Погода в России, кажется, запуталась в сезонах 2018-05-05 16:16 Плюс 30 в средней полосе и снегопады на Урале. Типично летний шторм в Приморье и зимняя засуха на берегах Амура. Петербургские верфи покинула плавучая атомная электростанция «Академик Ломоносов». Сеул и Пхеньян решили помириться, но как изменились две Кореи за 70 лет идеологического противостояния? Russia: Dozens detained at unauthorised rally in Moscow 2018-05-05 16:30 Dozens of participants of an unauthorised rally were detained in Moscow on Saturday. The footage features riot police officers going into the crowds and taking rally participants to the police vans. Prior to the detentions, the police informed people that the rally they were participating in was not authorised and urged people not to violate the law. The rally was organised by Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny ahead of the presidential inauguration. City authorities, reportedly, offered Sakhorova Avenue for the rally to take place at, however, Navalny and his supporters decided to organise an unauthorised rally. Clashes broke out between what appeared to be his supporters and opponents at the rally in Pushkinskaya Square. According to Moscow city police, up to 1,500 people participated in the unauthorised rally. «Церковь и мир»: Что ждет Церковь на Украине? 2018-05-05 16:35 Возможна ли автокефалия Украинской Православной Церкви и как понимать заявления Вселенского патриарха? «Дороги к свободе»: Как работает ассоциация? 2018-05-05 16:36 Какие изменения происходят и должны произойти в Украине после подписания соглашения об ассоциации с ЕС? Как это влияет на интересы России? Собеседник Виталия Портникова — советник министра иностранных дел Украины, стратегический советник Международного фонда «Відродження» Тарас Качка Thailand: Protesters in Bangkok's Thammasat University demand elections 2018-05-05 16:47 Protesters gathered at Thammasat University campus in Bangkok on Saturday, to rally against current Prime Minister of Thailand Prayut Chan-o-cha and demand a general election take place within the next seven days or else face a mass demo at the government seat. The protest follows a series of protests calling for elections within the last couple of years. Chan-o-cha, who is also a retired Royal Thai Army officer, had repeatedly expressed his intention that Thailand would have a democratic election, but has repeatedly postponed an election date. Recently, Chan-o-cha promised that general elections will take place no later than February of next year. In May 2014, Chan-o-cha led a coup d'etat, leaving the country under military rule for the 12th time in 82 years. Thailand has experienced more coups than any other country in contemporary history, since the Siamese Revolution of 1932, when over six centuries of absolute monarchy was replaced by the first Thai constitution. В Москве разгоняют протесты сторонников Навального 2018-05-05 17:07 В городах России задержаны более 600 участников акции «Он нам не царь». В Москве задержали Алексея Навального Задержания в Санкт-Петербурге: как это было 2018-05-05 17:08 Полиция в Петербурге задержала десятки протестующих, которые собирались на Невском проспекте, улице Марата и возле Гостиного двора. Самые жесткие столкновения с полицией и Росгвардией были около площади Воссстания. Силовики действовали достаточно жестко, людей несли в автозаки на руках. Germany: Protests held in Karl Marx's hometown Trier on 200th birthday anniversary 2018-05-05 17:21 capitalism has consisted in the integration of the opposition into its system. The best example for this is the cultural and industrial exploitation of Marx's heritage that happens in Trier during this anniversary year.» German communists, far-right groups and other activists held simultaneous protests against the unveiling of a Karl Marx statue in the philosopher's home town of Trier, on Saturday. Among the protesters, there were supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), who claimed to be commemorating the «victims of communism.» Members of the German Communist Party (DKP) also voiced their opposition to the statue, critisising the exploitation of the philosopher's anniversary for money and political objectives. At the same time, the anti-Chinese Falun Gong movement also protested nearby. The two-tonne Karl Marx statue was created by Chinese artist Wu Weishan and was donated to his home-town of Trier by the Chinese government. It was erected on a platform right in front of the former Marx family home on Friday, but the unveiling ceremony took place a day after, on the 200th anniversary of the philosopher's birth. Marx was born in Trier in on 5 May, 1818, and lived there before leaving for university. Frequently exiled for his political views, he lived throughout Europe for decades before settling in London, where he lived until his death in 1883. USA: NASA launches InSight spacecraft to Mars 2018-05-05 17:30 NASA's InSight spacecraft set off for Mars after its successful launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California early on Saturday morning. Footage shows the spacecraft from multiple angles as it lifts off from the ground and careens through the sky on its way towards Mars. InSight's name is short for 'Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport'. The spacecraft is set to land on Mars on November 26. It will measure seismic activity and has the ability to dig beneath the surface of Mars, allowing scientists to learn more about the red planet. 'To Berlin!' — Watch tank salvagers restore WWII war machines 2018-05-05 17:53 The Yakushev family from Belarus is in the business of restoring decade-old Soviet and German tanks, footage filmed in Minsk on Saturday shows. Vladimir Yakushev and his two sons are the most famous 'tank-hunters' in Belarus. According to him, 20 years ago Vladimir Yakushev was working as a collective farm engineer and was asked to find and lift up a tank that had been stuck in the swamp since 1942. Today, Vladimir works as the chief mechanic and renovator in a historic and cultural complex called the 'Stalin Line' near the country's capital, Minsk. He and his sons have taken dozens of armoured vehicles since then and restored almost every single one of them to running condition. Alexander Mikalutski, specialist in renovation in the Yakushevs team, mentioned that the Soviet BT-7 tank restored by them is the only machine of its kind «in running condition» left in the world. He went on to say that the tank took part in the parade «dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the tank building industry in Russia.» Alexei Yakushev, specialist in renovation and son of Vladimir, said that their dream is «to find original military equipment of the Great Patriotic war times» and «restore it, so that it would be something to show to the future generations.» Russia: Police detains Aleksei Navalny at mass protest in Moscow 2018-05-05 18:05 Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny was detained for holding an unsanctioned rally ahead of Russia's presidential inauguration, according to the Main Administration of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Moscow on Saturday. According to the Interior Ministry, up to 1,500 people took part in the demonstration. Moscow’s authorities gave permission for holding a protest on Sakharova Avenue, however, Navalny and his supporters decided to organise an unauthorised rally at Pushkinskaya Square. Mandatory Credit: @kirill_ermakov France: At least one police officer injured during anti-Macron rallies in Paris 2018-05-05 18:56 At least one police officer was injured as trade unions and other protesters gathered in Paris, for mass demonstrations near the one-year anniversary of French President Emmanuel Macron's election on Saturday. The policeman was reportedly injured when he was hit in the face by an empty water bottle. Protesters congregated over a variety of issues surrounding Macron's labour reforms, including the Air France employees' payment dispute and the ongoing railway workers' strikes. Latvia: 245 Soviet Army soldiers laid to rest in Ropazi, Latvia 2018-05-05 19:26 According to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Latvia, Evgeny Lukyanov, «today, 240 soldiers of the Soviet army found rest,» in Ropazi on Saturday. «There was an annual reburial of the remains of fighters of the Soviet Red Army, who had been found in the city of Latvia over the past year,» a member of the search group of the Red Army, Alexei Mishin added. Previously, it has been reported that the remains of over 145 Soviet soldiers have been found in the Saldus Region during the repair of the road. The remains of the militants killed in February 1945, during the fighting in the Kurland Kettle, have been raised over the course of one day. The remains were accidentally found by road builders during the reconstruction. «245 soldiers were buried, eight of which were identified,» Mishin stated. Previously, 101 soldiers of the Russian Imperial Army were reburied with military honours during the 101st anniversary of the famous Christmas battles on Machine Gun Hill in January. Their remains were raised by the participants of Latvian search groups Legenda, Ordenis and Venta. Syria: Evacuation of militants to Jarabulus from Beit Sahm continues 2018-05-05 20:18 Footage captured from the Beit Sahm corridor at the entrance to the city of Yalda on Saturday, shows buses carrying the third batch of militants and their family members to Jarabulus in the Aleppo Governorate of northern Syria. The militants and their families are expected to leave the towns of Babila, Beit Sahm, and Yalda, according to Syrian State News Agency SANA. The evacuation comes as part of a deal struck between the Syrian government and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) group Ababil, which granted passage for the militants' relocation. UK: Tens of thousands march for Scottish independence in Glasgow 2018-05-05 21:22 Thousands flooded the streets of Glasgow, demanding Scottish independence from the United Kingdom, on Saturday. Carrying flags and banners, an estimated 32,000 people initially assembled at Kelvingrove Park and marched on to Glasgow Green. The march was organised by All Under One Banner, a pro-independence organisation, which describes its mission as «marching at regular intervals until Scotland is Free.» Russia: Dozens detained at unauthorised rally in Krasnoyarsk 2018-05-05 21:29 Dozens of supporters of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny were reportedly detained during an unauthorised rally ahead of Russia's presidential inauguration, in Krasnoyarsk on Saturday. The rally that united, as media reports, hundreds of people started at the Red Square and about one hour later the crowd moved towards the Revolution Square. Prior to the detentions, the police informed people that the rally they were participating in was not authorised and urged the protesters not to violate the law. Netherlands: Police detain man after stabbing in The Hague injures three 2018-05-05 21:49 Police have detained a man after shooting him in the foot, following a stabbing incident that left three injured at a cafe in The Hague, Saturday. Emergency services rushed to the scene, where they attended the three injured victims. Police cordoned off the area. The man allegedly entered the cafe with a knife and injured three people before the police entered and shot the man in the foot before detaining him. Russia: 2,000 gather for mass unsanctioned protest led by Navalny in St. Petersburg 2018-05-05 21:57 Crowds of people participated in a mass unsanctioned rally organised by Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny ahead of the Russian presidential inauguration, in St. Petersburg on Saturday. According to the Main Administration of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, up to 2,000 people took to the streets and about 200 participants were detained. Navalny was also detained for holding an authorised protest by police in Moscow. Italy: Protesters in Milan denounce Italian oil conglomerate Eni 2018-05-05 22:57 Milan witnessed a heavy police presence on Saturday, as a reported 200 protesters took to the streets of the Italian city to rally against the alleged international exploitation of Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni. Protesters carried banners denouncing the Rome-based company, with one in particular depicting a headless Eni logo dog with an inscription saying, «attack the masters and their wars.» Many protesters carried Palestinian flags to protest against Eni's role in exploiting Israeli natural gas reserves in what protesters say is occupied Palestinian land and coast. USA: Immigration 'catch-and-release' policy a 'disgrace' — Trump 2018-05-05 23:36 United States President Donald Trump said that the US immigration «catch-and-release» policy is a «disgrace», speaking at a business roundtable in Cleveland on Saturday. «Our immigration laws are a disgrace,» he said and added «our laws are so weak that once they get up there it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. You've seen catch and release.» «We're going to do their job and we may have to close up our country to get this right because we either have a country or we don't,» Trump said in reference to the wall building process. He went on to talk about US trade relations with China saying that we «have to rework trade with China because that's been a one way street for decades and we just can't have it happen.» Speaking with regard to the upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Trump said that it’s going to be very «special.» Pakistan: Eighteen killed, several trapped after coal mine collapse 2018-05-06 00:29 At least 18 miners were killed and several trapped for hours inside a coal mine after two collapsed in different locations in the Balochistan province of western Pakistan on Saturday. Emergency services and ambulances rushed to the scene where a big crowd anxious for loved-ones had gathered. The mines in Pir Ismail and in Marwar are located near the city of Quetta and have reportedly collapsed due to explosions. A miner said: «After the blast seven died here, while seven on the other one, due to this blast, poison gas is not the reason, you must ask the top managers here, the big guns, they must answer, you ask them.» According to a government official from Quetta, the biggest city of the Balochistan province, the roof caved following an explosion. Rescue operations are still ongoing since the authorities fear a rise of the death toll. Germany: Catalan separatists vow to elect exiled Puigdemont as president 2018-05-06 02:56 Catalan’s ruling coalition Junts per Catalunya reaffirmed its intention in Berlin on Saturday to re-elect Carles Puigdemont as president of the region despite his pending court case. Coalition spokesman Eduard Pujol says they will try to elect Puigdemont by May 14, after they voted a law that allows a presidential candidate to not be present in parliament to be elected, explicitly to elect Puigdemont, who is currently in Germany waiting for a court decision on a Spanish extradition request. If a new Catalan government is not formed by May 22, the law calls for new elections. USA: Armed gun rights activists march on NRA convention 2018-05-06 03:08 Gun rights activists, many with weapons, gathered in on Saturday carrying banners and as the National Rifle Association held its annual meeting across the street. Anti-gun rights supporters were kept separate throughout the day by Dallas police and for the most part participants were respectful of one another’s' views. The debate on gun control was sparkled once again after the latest in a long series of mass shootings put it back in the spotlight, with students and parents of Parkland School reigniting the debate and calling for stricter gun control measures. Pro-gun supporters marched outside of the convention to show their support for the NRA and their commitment to keep intact the Second Amendment, which forms the legal basis of gun ownership in the US. Argentina: Thousands march for ‘home-grown’ marijuana 2018-05-06 05:20 Thousands of people marched through Buenos Aires on Saturday to demand the decriminalisation of marijuana cultivation. Despite it being legal to use cannabis for medicinal purposes, cultivation is punishable by law. Marches took places in cities across the country demanding people be allowed to grown their own plants for personal or medical use. A law authorizing cannabis cultivation was approved last year, but lawmakers have not regulated spaces for production. Among the protesters, many were mothers who cultivate marijuana for medical treatment for their sons. Yanina Soto, an activist of Mama Cultiva, said, «We cultivate for our children, and for other patients, relatives, that gave a better quality of life, the truth that since we know the plant we have discovered that although it is not a cure, it is an accompaniment.” Peru: Thousands attend annual 'March for Life' against abortion 2018-05-06 06:34 Thousands of Peruvians took to the streets of Lima on Saturday to say no to abortion. The march was led by representatives of Catholic and Evangelist churches, congressmen and other activists who do not agree with the legalization of abortion. This is the fifth consecutive year that this march takes place in Peru under the motto 'I love life.' In 2015, lawmakers in Peru rejected a bill which allowed abortions for pregnant rape victims. The Latin American nation kept in place a law which permits abortion only if the mother’s life or health is at risk. |
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