Чак Шумер осудил решение о выходе США из <<ядерного соглашения>> с Ираном
Чак Шумер осудил решение о выходе США из «ядерного соглашения» с Ираном 2018-05-09 02:35 Лидер демократического сенатского меньшинства в Конгрессе США Чак Шумер заявил, что решение президента США Дональда Трампа о выходе Соединенных Штатов из «ядерного соглашения» с Ираном может усложнить возможность договора с Северной Кореей Syria: Militant evacuation via Al-Rastan corridor continues 2018-05-09 09:55 The evacuation of militants and their families through the Al-Rastan corridor in Homs province continued on Tuesday morning. The evacuation convoy is part of a deal struck with the Syrian government that will grant the militants and their families' safe passage headed to north-western Idlib province. Syria: SAA and IS militants in brutal battle for Yarmouk 2018-05-09 10:06 The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reportedly gained ground at the militant-held Yarmouk refugee camp south of Damascus on Tuesday. Footage shows ongoing fighting after ground forces and tanks had been deployed against self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS) militants. Evacuation deals between the Syrian government and other opposition groups have cleared the path for this latest operation. The area around the Yarmouk refugee camp has been under control of IS since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2012. Птицы помогут ученым в исследовании речевых расстройств 2018-05-09 10:07 Ученые из Рокфеллерского университета утверждают, что обнаружили сходство некоторых мозговых процессов у птиц подотряда «певчие воробьиные» с людьми. China: Immortal Regiment march marks V-Day in Beijing 2018-05-09 10:19 Hundreds of descendants and commemorators of the Soviet soldiers that participated in an Immortal Regiment march in Beijing's Chaoyang Park on Wednesday, marking the 73rd anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The mourners held banners and placards in Russian and Chinese, as well as portraits of relatives who fought or died in the war. «We're celebrating this victory, but at the same time we remember how many people died, how much pain and suffering the families living in those time had to go through,» Tamara Kondratenko, a Russian participant, said. Immortal Regiment marches are scheduled in dozens of cities throughout Russia and across the globe to mark the 73rd anniversary of what is known in the former Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War. Campaign participants march with a portrait of a relative or an unknown veteran of the war through the central streets of their cities. China holds its own Victory Day celebrations on September 9 in celebration of the end of World War II and China's victory in the War of Resistance against Japan. Russia: Victory Day parade kicks off on Moscow's Red Square 2018-05-09 10:48 . The Moscow Victory Day Parade kicked off at the Red Square on Wednesday, marking the 73rd anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. More than 13,000 servicemen, 159 pieces of military equipment and 75 aircraft are taking part in the Victory Day military parade. This year the parade introduces some of Russia's newest military equipment, including the Uranus 6 and Uranus 9 combat robots, Sukhoi Su-57 fighter jets, Terminator BMPT armoured fighting vehicles and Corsair and Katran drones. Several international leaders have confirmed they will attend the Moscow parade, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Moldovan President Igor Dodon and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II will take place in 28 Russian cities. На Малой сцене театра Наций готовятся к «Игре» 2018-05-09 11:11 На Малой сцене театра Наций готовятся к «Игре». Так называется спектакль, который ставит болгарский режиссер Явор Гырдев. В основе постановки — пьеса Энтони Шеффера «Сыщик». Премьера назначена на 10 мая. У нас в гостях регент хора Сретенского монастыря Никон Жила 2018-05-09 11:22 В Московском доме музыки прошел концерт «Помните…». Он был посвящен героям Великой Отечественной войны. В программе – выступление Хора Сретенского монастыря и Президентского оркестра Российской Федерации. Russia: 'Our gratitude to you is boundless' — Putin thanks veterans during V-Day address 2018-05-09 11:31 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation ahead of the 2018 Victory Day Parade at Moscow's Red Square to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War on Tuesday. More than 13,000 servicemen, 159 pieces of military equipment and 75 aircraft are taking part in the Victory Day military parade in Moscow, marking the 73rd anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. This year the parade again introduces some of Russia's newest military equipment, including the Uranus 6 and Uranus 9 combat robots, Sukhoi Su-57 fighter jets, Terminator BMPT armoured fighting vehicles and Corsair and Katran drones. Several international leaders have confirmed they will attend the Moscow parade, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Moldovan President Igor Dodon and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73nd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II will take place in 28 Russian cities. Премьер-министром Армении стал лидер оппозиции Пашинян 2018-05-09 11:37 Тысячи ликующих армян собрались на улицах Еревана. Люди приветствуют новоизбранного премьер-министра Армении Никола Пашиняна. 8 мая в парламенте прошло голосование. Лидера оппозиции и протестного движения поддержало необходимое большинство депутатов. «За» проголосовали 59, «против» — 42. Президент Армен Саркисян уже подписал указ о назначении Никола Пашиняна главой правительства. Предыдущее голосование проходило 1 мая. Тогда правящая Республиканская партия не поддержала кандидатуру лидера оппозиции. За него проголосовали только 45 депутатов. Если премьера не выбрали бы и в этот раз, пришлось бы распускать парламент и проводить досрочные выборы. Миллион человек спели «Катюшу» в социальных сетях 2018-05-09 12:00 В рамках флешмоба «Споем вместе», объявленного телеканалом «Россия» и социальной сетью «Одноклассники» ко Дню Победы, более миллиона человек исполнили народную песню «Катюша». Свои видеозаписи участники акции из разных регионов России и других стран — от побережья Черного моря до Хабаровска, из гор Тывы и улиц Москвы, Ялты, Хабаровска — делали с помощью мобильного приложения OK Live и функции «караоке». Целые классы музыкальных школ и полки, ветераны и школьники, дети и взрослые. Путин поднял тост за мир, за поколение победителей, за Россию 2018-05-09 12:14 На торжественном приеме в Кремле президент России Владимир Путин поздравил всех собравшихся с Днем Победы. «Это истинно народный праздник», «он дорог каждой семье, пережившей войну», сказал Путин. Iran: US 'breaks promises like always' — Tehran residents condemn US exit from Iran deal 2018-05-09 12:15 Tehran residents commented on US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the JCPOA, more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, on Wednesday. «Whatever they [Americans] have now said is a bunch of lies,» one Iranian resident said. Another respondent stated that if Europe doesn't cooperate with America, it would help Iran. «It's very important to the world that Iran proves that it has been compliant to the deal and, unfortunately, America has been lying and breaking promises like always.» Newspapers published on Wednesday showed headlines reading a variety of messages from the uplifting, «There is no worrying regarding running the country», to somewhat more critical, «Pesky exit from the deal» by the Etemad newspaper and «Trump has torn the deal. Time to set things on fire», by Kayhan newspaper. After the announcement on Tuesday, Trump proceeded to sign a Presidential Memorandum re-instating US sanctions against Iran that had been waived when the deal was signed in July 2015. Under the deal, Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and handed over the majority of its stockpile in return for international sanctions being lifted. The deal was struck in 2015 between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and Germany. Germany: Berlin remembers V-Day at Soviet War Memorial 2018-05-09 12:43 People gathered at the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin's Treptower Park on Wednesday to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of Victory Day. Visitors laid flowers in the upper part of the memorial to commemorate the fallen soldiers and victims of World War II. Victory Day marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union at the end of Second World War in 1945, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War. Roughly 80,000 Red Army soldiers died in the Battle of Berlin. Israel: Netanyahu heads to Russia for 'important meeting' with Putin 2018-05-09 12:55 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set off for Russia from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport on Wednesday to hold a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Before boarding his plane, Netanyahu stopped to explain the purpose of the trip: «I am now leaving for an important meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meetings between us are always important and this one is especially so. In light of what is currently happening in Syria, it is necessary to ensure the continued coordination between the Russian military and the IDF,» he said. The trip comes a day after US President Donald Trump announced the American withdrawal of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, and following Tuesday's Israeli reports of irregular Iranian activity in Syria, which put Israeli forces on high alert. Netanyahu is also attending the 2018 Victory Day Parade at Moscow's Red Square, commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War. Russia: Putin, Netanyahu and Vucic pay tribute at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 2018-05-09 13:06 Russian President Vladimir Putin, alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, laid wreaths at Moscow's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Wednesday as part of Victory Day celebrations. The ceremony took place at Alexander Garden next to the Kremlin, with soldiers from the honour guard placing wreaths on the tomb, followed by a minute of silence. Marking the 73d anniversary of the end of WWII, Moscow celebrated the defeat over the Nazis with a military parade and other commemorative events. More than 13,000 servicemen, 159 pieces of military equipment and 75 aircraft took part in the military parade. Путин поздравил ветеранов с Днем Победы 2018-05-09 13:34 Владимир Путин обратился к ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны и поздравил их с Днем Победы. Iran: 'Amateur in politics' — Larijani on Trump after scratching JCPOA 2018-05-09 13:42 Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani claimed that US President Donald Trump doesn't have the «mental capacity to solve issues,» speaking in Tehran on Wednesday, one day Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal Larijani pointed out that America «has been saddled with narcissist and amateur politics.» «All his efforts are to destroy whatever the previous US president has done,» he added. Stressing that «language of force is more suitable « in deadline with Trump, Larijani said «Iran has no obligations to stay in its previous place regarding the nuclear issue.» Under the deal, known formally as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and handed over the majority of its stockpile in return for international sanctions being lifted. The deal was struck in 2015 between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and Germany. Trump also signed a Presidential Memorandum re-instating US sanctions against Iran that had been waived when the deal was signed in July 2015. Russia: BMPT Terminator and Uranus-6 debut at Moscow V-Day Parade 2018-05-09 13:53 More than 159 pieces of military equipment rolled through Moscow's Red Square on Wednesday, as the annual Victory Day Parade kicked off, marking the 73nd anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. This year the parade again introduced some of Russia's newest weapon systems, including the Uranus 6 and Uranus 9 combat robots, Sukhoi Su-57 fighter jets, Terminator BMPT armoured fighting vehicles and Corsair and Katran drones. A number of commemorative events celebrating the Victory Day will take place in 28 Russian cities. ЕС и Россия продолжат выполнять СВПД, несмотря на решение США 2018-05-09 14:02 Федерика Могерини с сожалением восприняла новость о выходе США из иранской ядерной сделки. Она подчеркнул, что Европейский союз останется привержен Совместному всеобъемлющему плану действий, несмотря на этот шаг Вашингтона и продолжит работать над тем, чтобы Тегеран не развивал ядерное оружие. Настоящие казаки открестились от ряженых 2018-05-09 14:13 Провокация людей одетых в казачью форму во время митинга «Он нам не царь». Russia: Not on my watch! Putin scolds security for pushing veteran during V-Day parade 2018-05-09 14:16 Russian President Vladimir Putin invited one of the veterans who was stopped by the Russian leader’s personal guards to join him and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on the Red Square on Wednesday. The veteran tried to come up to Putin at the end of the Victory Day parade, but the Russian leader's guards stopped the war hero. The scene attracted the attention of Putin, and he promptly stopped to talk with the man. Later both the president and the veteran took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. More than 13,000 servicemen, 159 pieces of military equipment and 75 aircraft took part in the Moscow Victory Day military parade. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II will take place in 28 Russian cities. Iran: US flag up in flames inside Iranian parliament after Trump nixes nuclear deal 2018-05-09 14:18 A number of Iranian lawmakers set fire to a US flag at parliament in Tehran on Wednesday, one day after US President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Footage shows the Iranian lawmakers as they gathered together to burn images of the American flag with fists raised in the air. Under the deal, known formally as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and handed over the majority of its stockpile in return for international sanctions being lifted. The deal was struck in 2015 between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and Germany. Trump also signed a Presidential Memorandum re-instating US sanctions against Iran that had been waived when the deal was signed in July 2015. Russia: MiG-31k jets with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles roar through sky at V-Day parade 2018-05-09 14:27 MiG-31k fighter jets carrying the new long range hypersonic Kinzhal missiles cut through the Moscow sky during the Victory Day parade on Wed at Wednesday at the Red Square. Kinzhal is at the moment undergoing combat testing, being developed to destroy aircraft carriers, frigates and destroyers. Apart from the Kinzhal, the fifth generation Sukhoi Su-57 fighter jets were among other new military equipment introduced at the parade. Aircraft which also took part in the flyover were Su-35 and Mig-29 jets, Tu-160, Tu-22M3 and Tu-95 bombers, as well as helicopters MI-25N, Ka-52 and Mi-26 as well as Strizhi and Russian Knights pilot groups. More than 13,000 servicemen, 159 pieces of military equipment and 75 aircraft in all took part in the Victory Day military parade in Moscow. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73nd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II will take place in 28 Russian cities. Afghanistan: At least 6 wounded in suicide bombing in Kabul 2018-05-09 14:33 At least six people were injured, after three suicide bombers attacked two police stations in Kabul on Wednesday. According to Interior Ministry spokesperson Najib Danish, the first suicide bomber struck a police station in the western part of the city. «Two of the attackers were running through the building onto the street but there was not any command from the Afghan Police to shoot them by gun,» one eyewitness said, displaying the gun allegedly used by one of the attackers. The injured were transferred to a local hospital. A rescue operation is underway. Путин не позволил охране оттеснить ветерана 2018-05-09 14:34 Во время перехода президента с Красной площади в Александровский сад один из ветеранов попытался подойти к главе государства, однако сотрудники президентской охраны не позволили ему это сделать. Путин, заметив это, сам подошел к ветерану и пригласил его пройти с ним на церемонию. Syria: Two killed, 14 wounded after attack in Damascus — reports 2018-05-09 14:45 Two civilians have been killed and 14 others were wounded after a militant attack reportedly targeted residential areas of Damascus on Wednesday, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency SANA. Footage shows the completely destroyed remains of a car and a firefighter still spraying a burned bus at Al-Maysat square, as well as a damaged car and street covered in debris at Al-Marjeh square. Запрет на селфи на красной дорожке в Каннах: гости в замешательстве 2018-05-09 14:59 Организаторы фестиваля пошли на беспрецедентный шаг. Они не просто запретили фото и селфи, а решили этот запрет соблюсти. Все ради того, чтобы на дорожке не создавалось «заторов» и «пробок». Но гости явно сконфужены. Russia: 'We bow down to you' — Putin to veterans during V-Day reception 2018-05-09 15:00 Russian President Vladimir Putin held a reception celebrating WWII veterans at the Kremlin on Wednesday, as part of celebrations dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War. In his speech the president underlined that everyone who gave their lives for the homeland is remembered «in every new day which is paid off by their courage and self-sacrifice». He also said that all Russian citizens are proud of the veterans and «we bow down our heads to their feet.» The event was also attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73nd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II will take place in 28 Russian cities. Картины о страсти к путешествиям на выставке в Берлине 2018-05-09 15:04 В XIX веке, когда начала стремительно процветать индустриализация, любовь к прогулкам на природе обрела новый смысл. Людям захотелось тишины и уединения. Все вышли на прогулки, чтобы обрести свободу. Это был такой творческий порыв. И Руссо тоже это поддерживал. Germany: Berlin determined to keep Iran nuclear deal alive — FM Maas 2018-05-09 15:05 German FM Heiko Maas denounced US president Donald Trump's recent decision to pull out of the Iranian nuclear agreement (JCPOA) in Berlin, Wednesday, stating that the US has nothing to offer to replace the agreement. Speaking to the press, Maas also reaffirmed Germany's commitment to keep the agreement, pointing out that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Iran is sticking to the nuclear deal. «The international Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that Iran has been sticking to the agreement. That's why we want to keep the control and transparency mechanisms of the agreement,» stated Maas. «We are for securing the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear programme. This applies even more as it is not clear what the US suggests that could replace the agreement to prevent Iran verifiably from developing nuclear weapons and that's what this is all about,» he added. US President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the JCPOA, more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, on Tuesday. After the announcement he signed a Presidential Memorandum re-instating US sanctions against Iran that had been waived when the deal was signed in July 2015. Владимир Путин принимает участие в шествии «Бессмертного полка» 2018-05-09 15:24 В 15:00 по московскому времени в столице России началась акция «Бессмертный полк». В память о погибших в Великой Отечественной войне россияне идут по городу с портретами своих родных и близких. Шествие начинается на Ленинградском проспекте и заканчивается на Красной площади. Syria: Khmeimim Air Base holds Victory Day parade 2018-05-09 15:41 Russian and Syrian troops based in Latakia's Khmeimim Air Base in held their own Victory Day parade on Wednesday, celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. Officers, pilots of the mixed air force regiment, servicemen of the anti-aircraft missile regiment, a medical special forces, a formation of female military personnel, military police units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as servicemen of the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic participated in the parade. Military equipment taking part in the parade included the mine-resistant Kamaz Typhoon and armoured infantry fighting vehicle BTR-82AM. В школах Шилова преподали урок мужества 2018-05-09 15:42 В стенах музея боевой славы родной Шиловской школы, председатель Рязанской областной Думы Аркадий Фомин вновь погружается в воспоминания о доблестных историях своих земляков. Почти 26 тысяч шиловцев ушли на фронт. Остальные жители поселка и день, и ночь, не покладая рук, трудились в тылу. С гордостью Аркадий Васильевич делится со школьниками и собственной семейной историей. Его бабушка Евдокия Макаровна Фомина - труженица тыла. В годы войны она возглавила тракторную бригаду. Более 100 человек подали заявки для участия в праймериз «Единой России» в Рязани 2018-05-09 15:52 На выборы в Рязанскую городскую Думу, которые пройдут в сентябре, идут и люди моложе 30. У «Единой России» отбор кандидатов двухсутпенчатый. Сейчас идет регистрация на внутрипартийное голосование. Музыканты рязанского ансамбля «Парнас» рассказали фронтовые истории своих семей 2018-05-09 15:57 Песня «Катюша» - одна из любимых у рязанцев и ее музыканты ансамбля «Парнас» обязательно исполнят. Но сначала они вспоминают истории своих родных фронтовиков. Дедушка руководителя «Парнаса» Алексея Батонова - Василий Васильевич Новиков в начале войны попал в окружение и находился в немецком плену почти 4 года. Пятка вместо колена: хирурги повернули ногу девочки на 180 градусов 2018-05-09 16:20 Хирурги повернули ногу девочки пяткой вперед, чтобы прикрепить протез. Ukraine: Thousands in Kiev march in Immortal Regiment to mark V-Day 2018-05-09 16:23 SOT, Journalist (Ukrainian): «What is it?» SOT, Valentina, Visitor (Ukrainian): «Well, what? Well, you do not understand what? Nazis.» Thousands participated in the Immortal Regiment march in Kiev on Wednesday, to mark the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. Participants carried portraits of those killed in the Second World War. The procession went from Arsenalna to Glory Square, where people laid flowers. «Today this is a great holiday for us, veterans. It's the biggest holiday in the year and in the world and we are celebrating it here,» said one war veteran. Bessmertny Polk (Immortal Regiment) marches are scheduled in dozens of cities across the globe to mark the anniversary of what is known in the former Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War. Campaign participants march through the central streets of their cities carrying portraits of their relatives or unknown veterans of the war. Germany: New family reunion rules restricted to 1,000 migrants per month 2018-05-09 16:37 Up to one thousand close relatives each month will be allowed to join their family members granted subsidiary protection status in Germany, announced Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on the new family reunion rules by the Cabinet in Berlin on Wednesday. Seehofer stated that members of the «nuclear» family will be «granted the family reunion starting on August 1st.» They are spouses, children under 18 or parents of underage children. The Interior Minister also expressed his satisfaction over the decision, saying it is exactly what they had previously agreed on during the Grand Coalition Agreement. «We have proved our capacity to act within the challenging area in the framework of the coalition and we kept the basic direction, namely, to regulate and control migration,» Seehofer added. Russia: Putin and Netanyahu join Immortal Regiment march in Moscow 2018-05-09 16:40 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined the Immortal Regiment march in Moscow on Wednesday, to mark the 73rd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. Hundreds of thousands of commemorators marched through the city holding pictures of relatives who fought in the war and portraits of unknown veterans. Dozens of cities throughout Russia and around the world are holding marches celebrating the 73rd anniversary of Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Собянин присоединился к колонне «Бессмертного полка» 2018-05-09 16:50 Мэр отметил, что с каждым годом количество москвичей, которые вливаются в ряды «Бессмертного полка», становится все больше. Germany: Night Wolves biker gang visit Soviet memorials on Victory Day 2018-05-09 16:54 The Russian biker gang, the Night Wolves, visited the Second World War Soviet war memorials, in Berlin's Tiergarten and Treptower Park, on Wednesday. They arrived alongside many Russians, who had descended on the German capital to celebrate the anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Red Army. A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, takes place in 28 Russian cities and across the world. Germany: Berliners mark V-Day with Immortal Regiment march 2018-05-09 16:58 Several hundred Berliners, Russians and other visitors participated in an Immortal Regiment march in the German capital on Wednesday to commemorate their relatives who fought Nazism and lost their lives in World War II. The participants of the commemorative event first gathered at the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of the city, and then proceeded in columns to the Soviet War Memorial at Tiergarten, marching with placards and photos of their family members while singing famous Soviet war songs. At the Memorial they observed a minute's silence and laid wreaths at the statue of the Soviet warrior. «The Immortal Regiment is with us and our relatives are with us. We remember them and that means we truly love them and we will be always be hoping for peace,» said Ludmila Baturina from Kaliningrad. The Immortal Regiment march is an annual event held throughout Russia and in other countries between May 7-9 and comes as part of commemorative events to mark the anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. In the recent years the Immortal Regiment campaign has been spreading outside Russia and the former Soviet Bloc, involving such countries as the US, Australia, China and Japan. China: Beijing ‘regrets’ US decision to pull plug on JCPOA — MoFA 2018-05-09 17:09 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said that China ‘regrets’ the decision made by US President Donald Trump to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal, at a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday. «The Chinese side regrets the decision made by the United States,» Shuang said, adding that 'all parties should implement and maintain the integrity and seriousness of the comprehensive agreement.» He went on to say: «China will continue to maintain its role in a comprehensive agreement with the parties in a manner that is objective, fair and responsible.» On Tuesday, Trump announced his decision to pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran. The EU, China and Russia have all expressed their commitment to the agreement. Russia: 'It was such joy and happiness' — Veterans remember triumph over Nazis 2018-05-09 17:12 Russian WWII veterans shared the memories of the victory over the Nazis as the Russian capital marked the 73d anniversary of Victory Day, in Moscow on Wednesday. One of the veterans recalled that «when the war ended, [the victory] caught me on the Transcaucasian front. At that moment I was on duty. It was such joy and happiness. I hugged all my girls.» Another veteran said that he had lost his three brothers in the war. «I was 9-10 years old when the war ended. We celebrated. We cried. Everything happened. But the main thing is that we have waited for the victory.» A number of commemorative events celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the official capitulation of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II are taking place in 28 Russian cities on Wednesday. «Бессмертный полк» в разных странах мира 2018-05-09 17:20 В различных городах России и мира проходят шествия «Бессмертного полка». В Москве Владимир Путин также принял участие в акции. Iran: Iranian Supreme Leader slams Trump over JCPOA withdrawal 2018-05-09 17:20 *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responded to US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), during a speech given in Tehran on Wednesday. «The President of the United States has made cheap and impudent remarks. There were maybe more than 10 lies in what he said. He both mentioned the JCPOA withdrawal and also threatened both the establishment and the Iranian nation that he will do this and that, and I will tell him on behalf of the Iranian people: Mr. Trump! Like hell, you will!» Khamenei said, to a chorus of cheers from the audience. Khamenei continued: «Since the first day, I said time and again to not trust America» and when speaking about continuing the nuclear deal with European JCPOA members, namely Britain, France, and Germany, he added «I don't trust these three countries either.» Under the deal, known formally as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and handed over the majority of its stockpile in return for international sanctions being lifted. Trump announced on May 8 that the United States is pulling out of the deal, put in place in 2015 between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and Germany. Trump also signed a Presidential Memorandum re-instating US sanctions against Iran that had been waived when the deal was signed in July 2015. Собянин прошагал в «Бессмертном полку» с портретом деда 2018-05-09 17:45 Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин в День Победы принял участие в акции «Бессмертный полк» — он прошел по Красной площади с портретом деда и именами его сыновей. В беседе с журналистами столичный градоначальник отметил, что с каждым годом все больше москвичей стремятся влиться в ряды «Бессмертного полка». Трамп вышел из «ядерной сделки» с Ираном: что теперь произойдет? 2018-05-09 18:07 Президент США считает, что соглашение, заключенное администрацией Барака Обамы, лишь позволило расширить Ирану ядерную программу, но не принесло мира. В ответ на действия США в парламенте сожгли американский флаг, а глава Ирана пообещал, что США «пожалеют» о выходе из соглашения. Indonesia: Farmers cement feet in protest over German mining plan 2018-05-09 18:09 Farmers from the Kendeng mountains and academics held a demonstration in front of the German Embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday, cementing their feet in protest against a plan between Heidelberg Cement AG and PT. Sahabat Mulia Sakit. PT. Sahabat Mulia Sakit is the sister company of PT. Indocement and, along with Heidelberg Cement AG, plans on producing cement in the Kendeng mountains. The proposed mining will reportedly damage the natural ecosystem and also eat into arable land, cutting farmers' income. The fight has been years in the making with little in the way of reaction from the Indonesian government. The protest is set to continue until the two companies cancel their plans. Охрана Путина оттолкнула ветерана 2018-05-09 18:25 По окончании парада несколько камер запечатлели, как охрана Владимира Путина отталкивает от президента ветерана Великой Отечественной войны. После этого сам президент подошел к нему и пожал руку. Совсем скоро начнется праздничный концерт телеканала «Москва 24» 2018-05-09 18:30 Праздничный концерт телеканала "Москва 24" состоится на Театральной площади. Ukraine: Nationalists blockade TV channel offices over V-Day concert 2018-05-09 18:34 Members of the Ukrainian nationalist party 'National Corps' conducted a blockade at the Kiev ‘Inter TV’ offices on Wednesday in protest over the channel’s plans to broadcast a Victory Day concert. Protesters claimed that the V-Day gig was propaganda and filled with anti-Ukrainian content. National Corps called on its supporters to stop the channel from broadcasting the concert on Wednesday evening. Members of the party plastered the walls with yellow stickers reading: 'Inter will be ours' and 'Let’s make Inter Ukrainian.' The party claimed that the «pro-Russian» channel was planning «a shameful provocation» and demanded the state revoke the channel’s license and stop the concert from airing. The anchors of the V-Day concert slammed the rise of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine and reminded their audience how their country has suffered the Nazi rule. The channel was criticised by the national media watchdog for «sowing discord» within Ukrainian society. Israel: 'Iran is the only threat' — Civilians back IDF’s Golan Heights alert 2018-05-09 18:47 Journalist: «Do you think its good timing with moving the embassy and Nakba and all that?» Israeli citizen: «I think that a good timing was a couple of years ago.» Israeli citizens backed the Israeli Defence Force's move to put its military on high alert in the occupied Golan Heights as a response to 'irregular Iranian activity in Syria,' as shown in footage filmed on Wednesday. Civilian populations in the area, which has been the scene of a decades-long territorial dispute between Syria and Israel, are being prepped for a potential attack with bomb shelters being readied. «Iran is the only real threat,» said Israeli citizen Egal Rafaeli, although he added that he 'doesn't worry.' «The IDF is ready along the borders, and if anything happens they will attack right back and destroy whatever attacks us,» claimed Rafaeli. Another Israeli citizen Tamalis Asral said that he and his family spent the night in a bomb shelter due to the high alert, adding that he trusts the government in this respect. «If we are on high alert we have to be on high alert,» he said. IDF spokesperson Jonathan Cornicus claimed on Twitter on Tuesday that 'any aggression against Israel will be met with a severe response.' The news came as US President Donald Trump said America would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Russia: Iran still seeking to destroy Israel, Netanyahu tells Putin 2018-05-09 18:55 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the situation in the Middle East during their meeting in Moscow's Kremlin on Wednesday. The Russian leader expressed hope that Moscow and Jerusalem could 'look for solutions that would lead to a shift in the situation which would help us find ways to resolve acute conflicts.' Netanyahu, on his part, said it is unbelievable how '73 years after the Holocaust, we in the Middle East have a country called Iran that openly calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.' Prior to the meeting both leaders attended the Victory Day military parade in the Russian capital, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet Victory over the Nazis. Russia: One million join Immortal Regiment march in Moscow 2018-05-09 19:13 According to organisers, up to a million people took part in Moscow's Immortal Regiment march on Wednesday, honouring those Russians that fought in World War II, on the 73rd anniversary of Victory Day. People marched along Tverskaya Street to the Red Square, holding portraits of their relatives and the unknown veterans of the war. “My great-grandfather went through the whole war, I don’t remember him, but I love him very much and am very proud of him,” a participant, Anastasiya, said. “My grandfather was captured in 1943 and was in the German concentration camp till 1945. He was very kind, I remember him,” another participant, Anna, said holding the portrait of her relative. Bessmertny Polk (Immortal Regiment) marches are scheduled in dozens of cities throughout Russia and across the globe in honour of those who fought Nazis. Afghanistan: Five dead as suicide bombers and gunmen attack Kabul 2018-05-09 19:44 At least five people were killed and 15 were others wounded in a series of blasts throughout Kabul on Wednesday, according to authorities. Suicide bombers attacked two police stations in the Afghan capital, and then occupied two buildings the city. “They entered the police station. We have killed two of them. Us and other security personnel are surrounding the area,” said one security official. “Four militants are still fighting with security forces,” he added. “When I was on the way to Shar-e-Now, I saw a person who looked like a suicide attacker running over through the side of the police station; when he was running he blew himself,” explained one witness. According to local media, eight suicide bombers took part in the attacks, three of which were killed. One attack was claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS, ISIL) and another one by the Taliban, Interior Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak said. USA: Protesters denounce CIA nominee Haspel over torture allegations 2018-05-09 20:08 Scores of protesters gathered outside the Hart Senate office in Washington DC on Wednesday to protest against US President Donald Trump's CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel, during her confirmation hearing by the Senate Intelligence Committee. Protesters held signs and banners reading: 'Prosecution not Promotion' and chanted slogans such as: 'Gina should be doing time, waterboarding is a crime.' «To confirm her is to say that we are not a nation of laws or our stated values that even in the United States you can get away with torture with no consequence,» a protester said. Gina Haspel, acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), had to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee before being sworn in as director. Before receiving the green light by the committee, Haspel has to answer to questions regarding her 'classified' role in the CIA and her alleged ties with enhanced interrogation techniques and torture in the past. Haspel is accused of condoning the use of waterboarding on detainees in Thailand back in 2002. Russia: Thank you for everything Russia! — UK MEP joins Moscow's Immortal Regiment march 2018-05-09 20:28 SOT, Reporter: “Have you seen this kind of event ever before?” Janice Atkinson, Member of European Parliament for South East England: “No, it is quite amazing actually. I always respect Remembrance Day in November on 11th day in London, but this is quite amazing. It is supposed to be a million people here, and I think we are three kilometers away from the Red Square so we are going to march. It is quite something.” According to organisers, up to a million people took part in Moscow's Immortal Regiment march on Wednesday, on the 73rd anniversary of Victory Day to honour those Russians that fought in World War II. People marched along Tverskaya Street to Moscow's Red Square, holding portraits of their relatives and unknown veterans of the war. Among the participating in the march were foreigners, including Member of European Parliament for South East England Janice Atkinson, who said that she attended the march to honour her family member who participated in the war and to «say 'thank you' for everything Russia did in getting us rid of the Nazis and ridding Europe of the Nazis, and just to pay homage to my father.” “That is very important, that is why we came here. We knew there would be not many Polish people here, so we had to come and participate in such an event, in order to let not only the Russian people know that Polish were fighting during the Second World War, but also to let the Polish people know that Russians are our friends,” stated an attendee from Poland. Thousands take part in Immortal Regiment marches around ex-Soviet republics 2018-05-09 20:38 Thousands of people partook in the Immortal Regiment marches in the capitals of Belarus, Armenia, Moldova and Georgia to mark the 73rd anniversary of Victory Day on Wednesday. One of the participants in the Minsk march said that it is important to remember the veterans and the war. «Those who forget the war expect a new one, that's why we have to, we are obliged to honour and remember our veterans.» In the Armenian capital hundreds of people marched along the half-blocked streets carrying photos of their relatives and loved ones who died during the war. Participant Galina Kolpina emphasised that memory of her grandfather is 'sacred' to her and that she will try to make her children remember the fallen. In the Moldovan capital of Chisinau, the country's President Igor Dodon was seen participating in the march alongside thousands of countrymen. In Tbilisi, Soviet flags and pictures of Joseph Stalin were carried along the city of capital despite the government banning the public display of Soviet symbols. This was the second time the Immortal Regiment march was held in Georgia. The Immortal Regiment march is an annual event held throughout Russia and in other countries between May 7 to 9 and is part of worldwide commemorative events to mark the anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. USA: CIA chief nominee Haspel vows not to restart interrogation prog. 2018-05-09 21:11 Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gina Haspel faced questioning about her past work for the CIA and her moral stance on interrogation during her confirmation hearing in Washington DC on Wednesday. To explain her views on the CIA's detention and interrogation programme, Haspel stated: «I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservation, that under my leadership, the CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation programme.» Haspel was also questioned about her role in the destruction of video tapes which depicted brutal interrogations, to which she replied: «Mr. Rodriguez who was the DDO at the time, the Deputy Director of Operations, has been very upfront and has made it clear on a number of occasions publicly that he and he alone made the decision to destroy the tapes. I would also make it clear that I did not appear on the tapes as has been mischaracterised in the press.» Haspel was pressed by US Senator Mark Warner on whether she would permit the CIA to conduct activity that was legal, but which she found personally immoral, to which she responded: «My moral compass is strong, I would not allow CIA to undertake activity that I thought was immoral, even if I thought it was technically legal, I would absolutely not permit it.» Gina Haspel became the Acting Director of the CIA after Mike Pompeo left the position to become the United States Secretary of State. Haspel received US President Donald Trump's nomination but must first be confirmed by the Senate. If confirmed, she would become the first female director of the CIA. A protester was removed by security during the hearing while a demo over Haspel's alleged supervision of torture was underway on outside the building. Serbia: 'Tears in our eyes' — Thousands form Belgrade's Immortal Regiment 2018-05-09 21:38 Around 5,000 people flooded the streets of Belgrade on Wednesday, uniting in an Immortal Regiment march marking the 73rd anniversary of Victory Day. Gordon Cetkovic, whose parents fought in the WWII together with the Red Army for the liberation of Belgrade, said that she came to march 'for all the patriots, for my children, my grandchildren and all the next generation.' Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin also participated in the event saying: «This day we celebrate with tears in our eyes. It is a bright celebration which cost Serbia and Russia enormous death tolls.» Serbian politician and minister Nenad Popovic, Serbian Minister for Labour and Social policy Zoran Djordjevic and Belgrade City Manager Goran Vesic were also among the attendees. The Immortal Regiment march is an annual event held throughout Russia and in other countries between May 7 to 9 and is part of worldwide commemorative events to mark the anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. USA: Trump announces release of three US citizens held in N.Korea 2018-05-09 21:56 United States President Donald Trump announced the release of three US citizens held in North Korea from Washington DC, Wednesday, after the three men were released to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a visit to Pyongyang. «Right now flying back are three, what they were calling hostages, we call them fine people, really fine people. Seem to be healthy. They will be landing at 2:00 o'clock in the morning at Andrews Air Force Base and I'll be there to greet them,» said Trump. «Nobody thought this was going to happen. And if it did, it would be years or decades, frankly. Nobody thought this was going to happen. And I appreciate Kim Jong-un doing this and allowing them to go,» added the US President. Trump continued, «I want to thank President Xi who's very helpful to us two days ago on something very specific, President Xi of China. China has been very helpful.» Trump went on to comment on the upcoming peace summit with North and South Korea, stating that «we very much look forward to having the meeting between the United States and North Korea and that will be announced over the next couple of days, as to timing.» Iran: Tehran students burn stars-and-stripes after US JCPOA withdrawal 2018-05-09 21:59 Iranian students burned the US flag during a protest in Tehran on Wednesday, a day after the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Protesters gathered in front of the former US Embassy to protest US President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. The students burned the US flag and placards with 'JCPOA' written on them, while chanting 'Down with the USA' and 'Down with Israel.' The students said that they acted in accordance with what their Supreme Leaders said about the deal: «If they want to tear the JCPOA apart, we will burn it.» Earlier on Wednesday, Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei slammed Trump's decision to withdraw from the agreement struck back in 2015 between Iran and the United States, Russia, China, the UK, France and Germany. USA: Russian firm lawyers plead 'not guilty' in Mueller probe 2018-05-09 22:57 Lawyers Kate Seikaly and Eric Dubelier of the Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of the suspected ‘Russian troll farm’ companies, indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, were seen leaving federal court in Washington DC on Wednesday. The lawyers pleaded ‘not guilty’ before the court on allegations of funding and operating a 'propaganda’ troll farm operation that reportedly meddled with the integrity of the 2016 US Presidential elections. Mueller indicted three Russian companies and 13 Russian individuals for allegedly interfering with the 2016 US elections. Mueller’s probe also focuses on whether US President Donald Trump’s election campaign colluded with Russia. Germany: Russo-German friendship on display at Soviet War Memorial 2018-05-09 23:16 Dozens of Berliners and visitors joined in the Victory Day memorial ceremony in Treptow Park and formed a human chain at the Soviet War Memorial in the German capital on Wednesday. The human chain was organised to protest against the West and Russia’s political standoff, during a day of remembrance for Russians that fought in World War II. Tobias Bischoff, one of the activist, said: «I think we should keep Russia as a friend or even deepen that friendship. Russians are friendly people just like us but we are pushed by America where we don’t want to head to.» USA: Trump warns Iran against restarting nuclear programme 2018-05-10 00:46 US President Donald Trump promised ‘severe consequences’ if Iran restarted its nuclear programme at a press conference from the White House on Wednesday, the day after the US pulled out of the nuclear deal designed to prevent Iran from developing atomic weapons capability. “I would advise Iran not to start their nuclear program, I would advise them very strongly, if they do they will be a very severe consequence,” Trump warned. The US president also confirmed that sanctions would be reinstated against Iran in the hope to bring them back to the negotiating table. Under the deal, known formally as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and handed over the majority of its stockpile in return for international sanctions being lifted. On May 8, Trump announced that the US would pull out of the deal, put in place in 2015 between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and Germany. Chile: Utter chaos as police battle students in Santiago 2018-05-10 01:32 Water cannons, tear gas and police truncheons were used to break up a student demonstration in Santiago on Wednesday. Several protesters were detained by police, who were under orders to prevent the protest from using the Alameda, which runs through the heart of the capital. The protesters, mostly secondary school students, were calling for an end of sexual abuse in educational facilities and non-sexist sex education. Some marchers also expressed anger over new guidelines issued by the Chilean Health Ministry limiting access to abortion in the country. Current President Sebastian Pinera's first government in 2010-2014 was put under severe political pressure by a student movement demanding educational reform. Germany: Macron set to collect Charlemagne Prize in Aachen 2018-05-10 01:49 Germany: Macron arrives in Aachen ahead of Charlemagne Prize ceremony French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Aachen on Wednesday, where he will receive the prestigious Charlemagne Prize on Thursday. The award ceremony will be attended by numerous heads of state and dignitaries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and King Felipe of Spain. Macron will become only the second sitting French president to receive the prize. Judges hailed his «vision of a new Europe». The Charlemagne Prize has been awarded on an annual basis since 1950 in the city of Aachen, the heart of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire. The prize recognises works done in the service of European unification. Germany: Refugees march against media 'smear' campaign 2018-05-10 02:16 Germany: Refugees march against media 'smear' campaign Around 200 protesters demonstrated against deportation and criminalisation of refugees in the town Ellwangen, southern Germany on Wednesday. The march started in the city, with protesters holding numerous banners, before ending with a press conference outside the refugee reception centre. The town's refugee population believe they are victims of a smear campaign orchestrated by the media. Recently, local news outlets reported that police were prevented from deporting a Congolese man by hundreds of migrants. The officers un-cuffed the individual after finding themselves outnumbered and being threatened by violence. USA: WH Press Sec. lashes out against claims of press censorship 2018-05-10 03:45 SOT, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary (English): «I'm standing up in front of you right now taking your questions. I think a number of you have mentioned both off air — or on air or in private, in a number of other occasions, that this is one of the most accessible White Houses. We're very committed to a free press. And I think that we demonstrate that every single day, not only by me being up here and taking your questions as I'm doing right now. The president did it just a couple of hours ago and has made multiple sets of remarks, and will be in front of the press later tonight as well.» SOT, journalist (English): «How is the suggestion of taking American journalists' press credentials away advocating for a free press in this country? Those two do not go together.» SOT, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary (English): «The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the President took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility and to providing information to the American public. At the same time, the press has a responsibility to put out accurate information. Just yesterday, the New York Times accused the secretary of state for being AWOL — AWOL — when he was flying across the globe to bring three Americans home. That is an outrageous claim. Just earlier this week, The Washington Post accused the First Lady of not living in the White House. That outrageous claim was then repeated again in this room. We are here. We are taking questions. We are doing everything we can to provide regular and constant information to the American people. And there is a responsibility by you guys to provide accurate information. And we're going to continue to try to work with you, as I'm doing right here, right now, and as the president did just a couple of hours ago.» SOT, journalist (English): «You know we wouldn't be able to ask those questions without those credentials in this room.» SOT, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary (English): «I'm sorry?» SOT, journalist (English): «We wouldn't be able to ask these questions that you're here to answer without these credentials.» SOT, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary (English): «And you are. So you're clearly sitting right here asking them right now.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* SOT, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary (English): «As the President said yesterday, he would like to see something happen, but we are 100 percent committed to making sure that Iran does not have nuclear weapons. And that's — until we see that happen, we're going to continue to put maximum pressure, enormous sanctions on them. All of the sanctions that were in place before the deal are back in place, and we are preparing to add additional sanctions that may come as early as next week.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders lashed out at a journalist at her daily press briefing in the White House on Wednesday, after repeated questioning about a tweet posted by US President Donald Trump's in which he threatened to take away journalists' credentials for publishing so-called fake news. «I'm standing up in front of you right now taking your questions. I think a number of you have mentioned both off air — or on air or in private, in a number of occasions, that this is one of the most accessible White Houses. We're very committed to a free press,» she said, in a raised tone. «We are here. We are taking questions. We are doing everything we can to provide regular and constant information to the American people. And there is a responsibility by you guys to provide accurate information,» Sanders added. Commenting on the pullout from the Iran nuclea Syria: Israel-Syria cross-border strikes in occupied Golan Heights 2018-05-10 04:21 Syrian missile defence systems were filmed shooting down what are thought to be Israeli rockets in Damascus early on Thursday. Israel's military said that Iranian forces inside Syria had fired missiles at its positions in the occupied Golan Heights. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released a statement claiming a total of 20 rockets were fired, some of these were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system, causing no casualties. The latest confrontation follows a strike on a Syrian military base to the south of Damascus yesterday, which killed 15 people, including eight members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Syria: Israeli missile fire reportedly intercepted by Syrian air defence 2018-05-10 05:55 Syrian missile defence systems were filmed shooting down what are thought to be Israeli rockets in Damascus early on Thursday. A bright light flashes in the distance, while music can be heard coming from a nearby mosque. The Syrian state news agency SANA has confirmed that “Syrian Air Defenses confronted an Israeli missile aggression”. The Syrian military claimed ‘dozens of missiles’ were launched by Israel. The reported target was the City of Baath in the Quneitra Governorate, close to the ceasefire lines with Israel. Israel's military said it was responding to rockets fired at its positions in the occupied Golan Heights, including one border post, by Iranian forces inside Syria. An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement stated a total of 20 rockets had been fired, some of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system, causing no casualties. USA: CIA chief nominee's Senate hearing interrupted by protesters 2018-05-10 07:15 Two hecklers interrupted the questioning of acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gina Haspel, accusing her of being a «torturer», in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. In two separate incidents, protesters could be heard shouting «bloody Gina» and «waterboarding», before being forcibly removed from the chamber by Capitol police. Haspel has been under fire for her role at a US intelligence «black site» in Thailand in late 2002, where interrogators used techniques widely regarded as torture. Gina Haspel became the Acting Director of the CIA after Mike Pompeo left the position to become the US Secretary of State. Haspel has already received US President Donald Trump's nomination, but she must first be confirmed by the Senate. If confirmed, she would become the first female director of the CIA. |
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