стволовые клетки для Anti-Aging терапии

Immortal Stem Cells for Anti-Aging Therapies
An Interview with Michael D. West, PhD
By Gregory M. Fahy, PhD and Saul Kent
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs), colored scanning electron
micrograph. ESCs are pluripotent, that is they are able to differentiate
into any cell type. The type of cell they mature into depends upon the
biochemical signals received by the immature cells. This ability makes ESCs
a potential source of cells to repair damaged tissue in diseases such as
Parkinson's and insulin-dependent diabetes. Magnification: x3000.
On Feb. 20, 2010, Gregory M. Fahy, PhD and Saul Kent interviewed
Michael West, PhD, CEO of BioTime, Inc., about a new breakthrough published
in the journal Regenerative Medicine.
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