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First Number Theory Meeting in Venezuela

http://www.ma.usb.ve/~mago/IETN/main.htm   (this page will be periodically updated).

This is the initial announcement for the First Number Theory Meeting in Venezuela, which will take place in the hotel Portofino, in Margarita Island, from the 15th to the 20th of June, 2008.

The meeting is being organized jointly by the Red Iberoamericana de Teoría de Números and by the Universidad Simón Bolívar. It is  co-sponsored by the Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela and by the Asociación Venezolana de Matemáticas.

There will be five two hour courses in Spanish aimed at graduate students. There will also be four one hour plenary conferences and a number of twenty minute contributed talks. Talks may be given in Spanish or English (preferably English).

Luis Baez-Duarte, (Inaugural Conference), (Venezuela).  
Peter Elliott, University of Colorado at Boulder (USA).
Yayha Hamidoune, Universite de Paris VI (France).
Siguna Muller, University of Wyoming (USA).
Fernando Chamizo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).
Javier Cilleruelo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).
Antonio Córdoba, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).
Florian Luca, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM Unidad Morelia (México).
Garaev Moubariz, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM Unidad Morelia (México).

Pedro Berrizbeitia, Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) (pedrob at usb dot ve)
Javier Cilleruelo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Florian Luca, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM Unidad Morelia (México).
Aurora Olivieri, Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) (olivieri at usb dot ve)

José Gregorio Fernandes, Ph. D. Student, Universidad Simón Bolívar.
Marcos González, Ph. D. Student, Universidad Simón Bolívar (mago at usb dot ve)

If interested in participating with a contributed talk in some area of Number Theory, please send an abstract of your talk to mago at usb dot ve before May 9th, together with a more detailed description of your work that will facilitate the refereeing committee’s job. Once accepted your abstract will be included in the program of the event.

Participants will stay at the hotel Portofino, in which the event will take place. The tariff offered by the hotel includes all meals. In the web page of the event you will find detailed information and additional information or links for those who may want to explore other options.

Margarita has an international airport (Aeropuerto Internacional del Caribe General Santiago Mariño, better known as Porlamar Airport). Conviasa (http://www.conviasa.aero),  offers connections from Trinidad, Grenada and St. Vincent direct to  Porlamar, and  Condor (http://www.condor.com) has flights from Frankfurt.  However, the vast majority of international flights arrive at the international airport of Caracas (Aeropuerto Internacional Simón Bolívar).  To make the connection to Porlamar after arriving on an international flight you need to go to the national airport, which is a short walk.  Immediately after clearing customs, before exiting the sliding doors (which you do not go through) there is a passage to your left that leads to the national terminal . There you can check in for your flight to Porlamar. We have heard that from some places outside Venezuela you will find better fares by buying the round trip Caracas-Porlamar-Caracas locally. We suggest you check with yo
ur travel agent. At Porlamar Airport you should change a few dollars to bolívares (at the official currency exchange operators), essentially enough to cover the taxi fare from the airport to the hotel and the registration fee. (The taxi should cost you around 60 Bs F). Verify the price with the driver before getting in). The official exchange rate, which you will get at the airport, is Bs. 2,15  for a dollar. It should take about 40 minutes to get from the airport to the hotel,

215 Bs F, equivalent to $100. You may pay on registration day, on June 15th.
We cannot accept credit cards or foreign checks.

We may have limited funds for financial aid for a few graduate students. If interested please write to mago at usb dot ve

We hope to see you soon,
the organizing committee.

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