Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - XX Escola de Algebra, IMPA, August 11-15, 2008
Dear all:
The XX Escola de Algebra, the 20th edition of the biannual Brazilian meeting of algebraists, will take place at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, from August 11 to 15, 2008.
There is already a page set up on the web with information about the event; please see
The page is still evolving,
so please bookmark it and check it every other week from now on.
On that page you will find a preliminary list of speakers, the timetable, the organizing committee, information on past editions of the Escola de Algebra and on other meetings, the list of minicourses, and a link for local information. There are other two links I would like to call your attention to:
1) There is a link for you to register. If you plan to attend the meeting, please register as soon as possible. You don't need
to give us much information at this point -- you can always add more information later -- and the registration fee won't be charged at the moment. Beware that in the future only those registered will receive more announcements like this by email. Also, you need to be registered to be considered for financial help. (As in the first announcement, let me emphasize that it is far from certain that we will be able to help everyone attending the meeting.)
2) Besides minicourses, plenary talks, and talks
and communications at sessions, there will be poster presentations. So, we are now open to proposals of poster presentations; see more information on how to apply through a special link on the home page of the event. The information asked there should be sent to alginrio at impa dot br.
We hope to give you information about accomodations soon.
Best regards, Eduardo.
Eduardo Esteves IMPA Estrada Dona Castorina 110 Rio de Janeiro RJ 22460-320 Brazil