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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Applications for Computer Algebra (ACA 2008)

        Special Session on Compact Computer Algebra
        Applications for Computer Algebra (ACA 2008)
           July 27-30, 2008. RISC, Linz, Austria

          First Call for papers and Software Demos

A few decades ago, minimizing resource use was a crucial factor in
the development of any computer algebra software. Many successful
systems were born under these conditions, including CAMAL, Maple,
Derive and Macaulay as examples. Since then, hardware improvements
have pushed the concern of base resource requirements into the
background: the user interfaces to modern systems typically require
more resources to launch than the algebra engine, and algorithm
implementation often focuses on the complexity to solve very large

The art of compact computer algebra is becoming again increasingly
important. New directions for symbolic computing include the
migration from workstations to handheld devices and the changing
role from standalone applications to lightweight services within
integrated systems. Whether running on a graphing calculator or as
support of a client-side web application, certain applications of
computer algebra require compact data representation,
space-efficient algorithms and effective memory management.

Session Scope
The purpose of this session is to communicate efforts in
research, design, development and application of compact computer
algebra. We invite contributions in all aspects of this area,
including, but not limited to

* math education tools (eg. Derive, TI-Nspire, Class-Pad, HP 50g),
* portable and Internet-accessible symbolic calculators (eg. Mate),
* CAS for personal digital assistants (eg. AsirPad, MobileCAS).
* "spell checkers" for math content in document processing software
* validators for online and offline mathematical recognizers
* backend engines to pen-computing interfaces
* math editing components for 2D expression

Invited Speakers
** David R. Stoutemyer
   Department of Information and Computer Science, U. of Hawaii
   "Some Ways to Implement Computer Algebra Compactly"

** Mitsushi Fujimoto
   Department of Mathematics, Fukuoka U. of Education
   "On the User Interface of AsirPad -- a Pen-based CAS for PDA"


1) Contributed Papers:
  Authors are invited to send a one- or two-page abstract by e-mail to
  e-smirnova at ti dot com by June 20, 2008. Submissions will be reviewed
  based on relevance to the session, originality and scientific
  interest. Authors will be notified by E-mail around June 27, 2008.

2) System Demonstrations:
  Participants with CCA-related software they wish to demonstrate,
  should submit a one page abstract describing their system and what
  they wish to present by June 20, 2008. Demonstrators are expected to
  run their software on their own computers/devices. Local-area
  network access and additional displays may be provided, up on
  request. Please indicate any specific requirements in the abstract

How to submit
All abstracts are to be submitted by E-mail to  by June 20. The
subject line must contain the string "CCA abstract". Please ensure
your abstract is clearly marked as being for a contributed paper or
software demonstration.

Publication of the Proceedings
The full-length papers and the abstracts will be published
electronically at the Compact Computer Algebra session web site
maintained by the Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra.
Selected papers will be considered for publishing in a journal
special issue.

Important Dates
* June 20    -  Deadline for submitting paper and demo abstracts.
* June 27    -  Notification of acceptance
* July 25    -  Full-length papers due
* July 27-30 -  ACA conference -- see you at RISC!

Session organizers
* Elena Smirnova
  Texas Instruments,
  Education Technology, Canada
  e-mail: e-smirnova at ti dot com

* Stephen M. Watt
  Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra,
  University of Western Ontario, Canada
  e-mail: watt at orcca dot on dot ca

Web resources
* ACA 2008 home page

* Special Session on Compact Computer Algebra web site

* Call for Papers and Software demos for Compact Computer Algebra
session page


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