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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Issue 163 of ACM Communications in Computer Algebra

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С уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.

ACM Communications in Computer Algebra,
Vol. 42, No. 1, March 2008


Reasoning in Symbolic Computation, Michael P. Barnett, pp. 1-17


AMS Special Session on Applications of Computer Algebra in Enumerative and
Algebraic Combinatorics, Communicated by Akalu Tefera
pp. 18-20

Abstracts of Recent Doctoral Dissertations in Computer Algebra
Communicated by Mark Giesbrecht
pp. 21-22


In Memoriam, Professor Eugeny Pankratiev
pp. 23-26


The Mathermatical Interests of Peter Borwein, ApCoA 2008, EACA 2008,
ICNAG 2008 (In honor of Andrew Sommese), ECCAD 2008, Fifth Intl.
Workshop on Taylor Models, Call For Posters ISSAC 2008, Master's Pgm. in
Applied Math. (Nat'l U. Ireland), Call For Software Presentations ISSAC 2008,
Call for Nominations (ACM Jenks Prize)
pp. 27-36

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