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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - International School on Mathematical Cryptology 2008


"International School on Mathematical Cryptology 2008"
Mathematical Foundations of Cryptology

Barcelona, Spain, September 22 - 26, 2008

Four tutorials, specially addressed to PhD students and post-docs:
Quantum Information Theory, by Serge Fehr (CWI)
Public Key Cryptography, by Dennis Hofheinz (CWI)
Computational Number Theory, by Alp Bassa (EPFL)
Combinatorics and Cryptography, by Enav Weinreb (CWI)

and a one-day Research Seminar on Mathematical Cryptology with two invited talks:

Nigel Smart (Univ. of Bristol)
Venkatesan Guruswami (Univ. of Washington),

and some short talks.

Scientific Coordinator: Ronald Cramer

Organizing Committee: Maribel González-Vasco, Josep M. Miret, Carles Padró, Ángel del Río

For details, please see http://www-ma4.upc.edu/mak/ismc2008

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