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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - ICRA XIII


Second Announcement

As already informed, this year edition of the Conference, ICRA XIII, is planned to happen in Sao Paulo, Brazil:

WORKSHOP: in Sao Paulo, USP Campus, 30 July -2 August

CONFERENCE: at Salvetti Beach Hotel, Boraceia: 4-8 August

All major informations are currently shown in the site:

It is advised to visit periodically this web-site either to look for some additional informations or to check for some minor updates.

∙ For registration, please click in the apropriate link. For earlier registrations there is a reduced fee. See deadlines at link “dates”.

∙ To submit an abstract, please click in the link “login” and follow the instructions (registration is required, see deadline at the link “dates”). This link also leads to another that allows to update the registration form.

∙ Hotel reservations must be done by the participant.

– For the WORKSHOP there are several hotels suggested.

Buses will depart to the beach from Hotel Howard Johnson’s on the morning of Sunday, August 3. If there are more than 25 participants preferring to take the following option, a bus will leave instead from WORKSHOP place, at USP Campus, on the afternoon of Saturday, August 2.

– During the period of the conference, Salvetti Beach Hotel will be open only for the meeting. Reservations are easily done by clicking in "conference hotels”. The corresponding payment is only due at check-out time.

Any correspondence should be sent to: repalg at ime dot usp dot br or, by ordinary mail, to:

Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Caixa Postal 66281
CEP 05311-970
Sao Paulo, SP Brasil

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