From: I want to know the catalogue of sins Date: 10 Feb 2005 Time: 15:06:18 -0500
There are some lists in the Bible : 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation.21:8
But it would hardly include everything. By using different Hebrew and Greek words, translated as "sin", there are concepts of " missing the mark", "evil", "lawlessness", and "transgression". And these categories would include wide variety of different behavior.
Also it's hard to know in some cases if particular action or thought would be considered as sin — for some it would, and for other not. Only God knows the heart of the man and his\her circumstances. That’s' why we have commandment " Judge not, that you will not be judged", and " there is only One Lawgiver and Judge, He Who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?"
Ultimately, our sin is separation from God and the result\results of such separation. The main reason for that – our egocentrism. That’s' where it all starts.
Thus, any deed, which motivated by our ego, would be considered as a sin.
The only logical conclusion from everything stated above — you can start to write catalogue for yourself.
Fortunately, you don't have to. There is a good news — God has became flesh around two thousand years ago, leaved sinless life, was crucified and rose on the third day from the dead. And now we can receive forgiveness for all of our sins and through away all the "catalogue of sin". Unfortunately, it's not the end. We are still far from perfect . But that’s' would be another question.
If you struggle over some particular deed, I would advise you to come to your pastor\minister\priest, or find one in your city. If for some circumstances you can not do so, contact me via e-mail ( ), and I would do what I can , although such counseling will have considerable limits.
Under professional code of ethic, we are all (clergy) legally\morally obligated to keep it all between us and God( except if local law, like in our state of Oklahoma requires us to report cases of present abuse) .
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