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Вопрос Пастору Contraception

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Вопрос пастору


From: slava
Date: 10 Feb 2005
Time: 20:42:33 -0500


What do you think about contaception? Does it contradict the Bible?


For some reason, Bible does not say anything about contraceptives, although they were available and been used widely in the ancient world. On this topic Scriptures teaches us more implicitly than explicitly, by stating the principle of the sanctity of the human life and the fact that life begins with conception.

Most Protestants in the Western World accepted contraceptives in the middle of the last century, although Catholic Church still prohibits the practice except for natural methods under certain circumstances.

As you know, the first commend ever which was given to Adam and Eve was :"Be fruitful and multiply".  That’s does not mean "bear as much children as you can (physically)" , nor " have as many as you want".

What do we imply when we say: "We are living for ourselves" ? The answer is simple — that we are egocentric, egoistic, and selfish beings. Although God crated sex for our pleasure and in order to keep man and women together ( otherwise they would stay as much far away from on each other as possible), it's not the only purpose. We are placed on the earth not to get, but to give. And , strangely enough, when we give, we get. That's in everything — including sex and children.

 On the other hand, some Christians believe that all applications of birth control, including natural methods, are wrong because they are an implicit rejection of children. But wanting two, three, or even five children as opposed to twenty simply means we want to allocate our time, money and energy productively. Having as many children as humanly possible is not usually realistic or even healthy ( there is a many examples in fundamentalist churches) And although  many would preach that "we have to have as much as God gives", it's actually "as much as we make".  Plus how can we know the limits? Five? Ten? Twenty? Or until the women will die?

There are also Christians, who blame the birth control for increased promiscuity. Although there is possibly a correlation, extensive misuse of birth control does not mean it is essentially vice. Man has distorted and misused many good things—TV, internet, kitchen knife, telephones, and even the Bible, and will definitely continue to do so.

But what is the good method to use contraceptives ? No methods are perfect, and some should not be used by Christians. If we maintain that life begins at conception, than many of the chemicals that used to prevent pregnancy are also known to interrupt life in its earliest stages. Combined oral contraceptives (the pill), estrogen-free pills (the mini-pill), Depo-Provera (the shot), Norplant, and the IUD all prevent the implantation of an embryo after fertilization as one of several major mechanisms of action. Expulsion of a developing human being is quite different from simply keeping sperm and egg apart (by inhibiting ovulation, for example).

To say it simply—if conception already happened, we are dealing with life. That stage of life, where we all one day had been. But if there is a way to prevent the egg to meet spermatozoid( or actually via versa), under right circumstances and for a good reason, it would not be a sin nor amorality.



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